Agiûtto:VisualEditor/Goìdda uténte

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Arvî o VisualEditor

Pe modificâ 'na pàgina dêuviando VisualEditor, sciacâ in sciâ lengoétta Modìfica in âto inta pàgina.

L'avertûa da pàgina pe fâ de modìfiche a pœ avéi bezéugno de vàrri segóndi, ànche de ciù se a pàgina a l'è tànto lónga.

Sciacando in sciâ lengoétta "Modìfica wikitèsto" o conpariâ l'editor normâle de wikitèsto.

Se pœ ànche arvî VisualEditor sciacando in sciô link "modìfica" inte ògni seçión.

Introduçión: a bâra d'instruménti de VisualEditor

Screenshot da bâra d'instruménti de VisualEditor
A bâra d'instruménti de VisualEditor a conpare inta pàrte superiôre do schèrmo quànde ti t'iniçi a fâ de modìfiche con VisualEditor. A inclùdde de icónn-e comùn:

Anùlla e Ripeti i cangiaménti che ti t'hæ fæto.

Menù a tendìnn-a di tìtoli de seçioîn: o permétte de cangiâ a formataçión do paràgrafo. Pe cangiâ o stîle de 'n paràgrafo spostâ o póntató do mouse, seleçionando 'n eleménto da-o menù (a no l'è necesâio do tèsto). I tìtoli de seçioîn són coscì formatæ $format e e sóttaseçioîn $subheading2, $subheading3 e coscì vîa. To change the style of a paragraph, put your cursor in the paragraph and select an item in this menu (you don't have to highlight any text). Section titles are formatted "Intestassion", and subsections are "Sottintestassion 1", "Sottintestassion 2", and so on. O formâto normâle o l'è Paraggrafo.

Formataçión: sciacando in sciâ "A" o s'avre 'n menù.

  • Grascetto (G) o fa diventâ o tèsto seleçionòu in grascétto.
  • Corscivo (C) o fa diventâ o tèsto seleçionòu in corscîvo.
  • Appiçe (x2) o fa diventâ o tèsto seleçionòu ciù picìn e spostòu de 'n pö vèrso l'âto.
  • Peddiçe (x2) o fa diventâ o tèsto seleçionòu ciù picìn e spostòu de 'n pö vèrso o bàsso.
  • Barou (S) o azónze 'na bâra in sciô tèsto.
  • L'eleménto Coddiçe informattico ('na cóbia de paréntexi {}) o cangia o font do tèsto seleçionòu, ch'o diventa làrgo sôlo in spàçio, e o distìngoe da-o tèsto d’in gîo.
  • L'eleménto Sottolignou (U) o azónze 'na sotoliniatûa a-o tèsto seleçionòu.
  • L'eleménto Lengua (文A) o permétte d'indicâ a léngoa (prezénpio, Giaponéize) e a direçión de letûa (prezénpio da drîta vèrso mancìnn-a) do tèsto seleçionòu.
  • L'ùrtimo eleménto (), ciamòu Leva, o leva tùtta a formataçión do tèsto seleçionòu, inclûzi i link.

Se ti no t'hæ seleçionòu nisciùn tèsto quànde ti ti prémmi "A" pe arvî o menù e pöi ti ti çèrni 'n eleménto, quélla formataçión a saiâ aplicâ a-o tèsto che ti t'hæ comensòu a scrîve, a prescìnde da dónde se trêuva o póntatô do mouse.

Instruménto de colegaménto: l'icónn-a co-e cadénn-e a l'è l'instruménto pe fâ di colegaménti. Sciacando quésta icónn-a (solitaménte dòppo avéi seleçionòu do tèsto) s'arve o diàlogo do link.

Çita: o menù Çìtta o serve a inserî 'na çitaçión into pónto indicòu (dîta nòtta a pê de pàgina ò nòtta de tèsto ascì). Tùtti i progètti àn a poscibilitæ de acêde a-a formataçión de bâze de nòtte e a poscibilitæ de riutilizâ 'na nòtta, gràçie a quésto menù. Quésto menù o dâ a poscibilitæ de acêde a-i template de çitaçión ascì, se prezénti in sciâ tò wiki.

poméllo Çìtta: Se o servìçio Citoid o l'è abilitòu in sciâ tò wiki, ti ti véddiæ o poméllo Çìtta a-o pòsto do menù Çìtta.

(E instruçioîn pe azónze o menù Manoâ a 'na wiki in particolâ s'atrovàn a-a pàgina VisualEditor/Citation tool )

Instructions for enabling the Outomàtico tab are available at Enabling Citoid on your wiki

O servìçio Citoid o tenta de conpilâ 'n template de çitaçión outomaticaménte.

Elénchi e indentaçioîn: e prìmme dôe icónn-e perméttàn de formatâ o tèsto ségge cómme Lista co-i ponti ségge cómme Lista numerâ. E ùrtime dôe icónn-e perméttàn pe cóntra d'aomentâ ò amermâ o livèllo de indentaçión di eleménti da lìsta.

Inseisci: o menù Inseisci o poriéiva êse despægio tra i vàrri progètti. Chi de sótta s'atrova 'na lìsta de tùtte e scèlte che poriéivan êse mostræ.
  • L'icónn Inmaggine e file murtimediæ ('n'inmàgine de montàgne) a l'arve o barcón de diàlogo di file.
  • L'icónn-a Modello (a tésera de 'n puzzle) a permétte de modificâ i templates.
  • L'icónn-a tòua a permétte d'inserî 'na tabélla.
  • L'icónn-a Comento ('n fumétto) a permétte d'inserî di coménti no vixìbili a-i letoî; quésti són defæti vixìbili sôlo quànde se modìfica 'na pàgina e dónde són segnalæ da 'n icónn-a co-in pónto esclamatîvo. Inta modalitæ de modìfica, sciacando in sce l'icónn-a co-o pónto esclamatîvo, o l'è poscìbile modificâ ò cancelâ o coménto.
  • L'icónn-a Geroglificicomment (o scìnbolo ankh ☥) a permétte d'inserî di geroglìfici (véddi chi de sótta).
  • L'eleménto blòcco de còdice o permétte d'inserî 'na strìnca de còdice.
  • L'eleménto notaçión muxicâle o permétte d'inserî 'n tòcco de spartîo.
  • L'icónn-a Galleria ('n set de föto) a permétte d'inserî 'na galerîa a-a pàgina.
  • L'icónn-a Formula matemattica (Σ) a l'arve l'editor pe-e fórmole matemàtiche.
  • L'eleménto gràfico o permétte d'inserî 'n gràfico.
  • L'eleménto A to firma o permétte d'inserî a tò fìrma inte quéllo progètto. O saiâ dizativòu (no seleçionàbile) quànde ti ti modìfichi 'n tîpo de pàgina inte 'n namespace, cómme 'na vôxe, dónde e fìrme no doviéivan êse inserîe.
  • L'icónn-a Lìsta de nòtteformula-title (tréi lìbbri) a l'arve 'n barcón de diàlogo into quæ se pœ specificâ dónde saiàn mostræ e nòtte a-o letô. Normalménte a lìsta de riferiménti a va inserîa 'na sôla vòtta pe pàgina.

Inseriménto caràteri speciâli: l'icónn-a Carattere speciale (Ω) a s'atrova vixìn a-o menù Inseisci. Quànde a vêgne seleçionâ, s'arve 'n barcón de diàlogo ch'o mostra vàrri caràteri speciâli. Sciacando in sce 'n caràtere specìfico quésto o saiâ inserîo into tèsto. I caràteri speciâli inclùddan di scìnboli stàndard, acénti vàrri e scìnboli matemàtici. (Quésta lìsta a pœ êse modificâ localménte. Véddi VisualEditor/Special characters pe-e instruçioîn.)

O poméllo Modifica avîsi o mostra ògni avîso da-a pàgina.

O menù $pagemenu o s'atrovâ a mancìnn-a de $save e do menù Cangia editor. Inte quésto menù o gh'è 'n poméllo pe arvî 'n barcón de diàlogo Scèlte co-e segoénti schêde (a mancìnn-a):
  • Categorie o permétte de azónze de categorîe a quésta pàgina e de scistemâ l'órdine co-o quæ a pàgina a l'è mostrâ, quànde a l'è inserîa inte 'na categorîa co 'n ìndice divèrso pe mostrâ a pàgina.
  • Impostassioin paggina o permétte de trasformâ a pàgina inte 'n redirect e de cangiâ e sò inpostaçioîn, cómme quélle pe mostrâ a tabélla di contegnûi, pe dizativâ i colegaménti de modìfica vixìn a ògni tìtolo e pe definî a pàgina cómme 'na de dizanbigoaçión.
  • Inpostaçioîn avansæ o permétte de modìficâ e inpostaçioîn pe fâ conparî a pàgina tra i rizultâti mostræ da-i motoî de riçèrca, mostrando 'na tabélla pe azónze 'na nêuva seçión e ò tìtolo mostròu.
  • Lengoe o mostra a lìsta de pàgine in âtre léngoe colegæ a unn-a.
  • Templates dêuviæ o mostra a lìsta di links a ògni template dêuviòu inta pàgina.

E tabélle do barcón de diàlogo "Scèlte" són mostræ ascì into menù $pagemenu e pœan êse avèrte sciacando sórva de quéste. De ciù o menù $pagemenu o contegne o poméllo Véddi cómme drîta-a-mancìnn-a e o poméllo Trovâ e rinpiasa, i quæ arvian o barcón de diàlogo dónde ti ti pœ inserî caràteri, tèrmini ò esprescioîn che ti ti stæ çercando ò quélle che ti ti vœ sostitoî, insémme a vàrri pomélli pe divèrse inpostaçioîn.

O poméllo pasa a l'editor vizoâle o s'atrovâ vixìn a-o poméllo $save. O permétte de pasâ a l'editor de wikitésto.

Publicâ de modìfiche

Quànde a modìfica a l'è stæta efetoâ, sciacâ o poméllo vèrde Pùbrica e modìfiche inta bâra d'instruménti. Se ti no t'hæ fæto de modìfiche o poméllo o l'è dezabilitòu (mostròu in grîxo). Pe cancelâ tùtti i tò cangiaménti, sera a tò pàgina web, òpû sciaca a lengoétta Lêzi sórva a bâra d'instruménti pe-e modìfiche.

Sciacando o poméllo bleu Pùbrica e modìfiche… o s'arve 'n barcón de diàlogo. Dónca ti ti pœ inserî chi 'n brêve somâio di cangiaménti che ti t'hæ fæto, segnâ l'edit cómme minô e/ò azónze a pàgina a-a tò $watchlist. O barcón pe-o somâio o l'è pægio a-o cànpo Ògètto: into editor de wikitèsto.

Ti ti pœ védde ascì e tò modìfiche sciacando o poméllo Rilezi e modiffiche pe êse segûo che séggian corètte prìmma de sarvâ a pàgina. O l'è scìmile a-o poméllo Móstra modìfiche da modìfica vivàgna.

O poméllo Repiggia a modificâ te riporta a-a pàgina che ti ti stâvi modìficando. Ti ti pœ sarvâ tùtte e modìfiche in ségoito.

Modificâ i colegaménti

Se pœan azónze di colegaménti atravèrso l'icónn-a Ingancio (a quæ a rafigua 'na cadénn-a) inta bâra d'instruménti, òpû dêuviando i tàsti ràpidi Ctrl+K⌘ Command+K in sce 'n Mac).

Se ti ti seleçioni (evidençi) 'n tèsto e dòppo ti ti prémmi o poméllo Ingancio, quéllo tèsto o saiâ dêuviòu pe creâ o colegaménto. Pe 'n colegaménto ch'o inclùdde 'na sôla paròlla ti ti pœ seleçionâ ò quélla paròlla òpû métte o pontatô do mouse in sciâ paròlla.

Ségge se ti t'adêuvi o poméllo ò i tàsti ràpiddi, o s'arviâ 'n barcón de diàlogo dónde poéi scrîve o colegaménto.

L'instruménto pe-i colegaménti o daiâ 'na màn co-i colegaménti intèrni, çercando e cóbie probàbili. Quànde ti t'hæ scrîto ò seleçionòu o colegaménto ti ti conpleti o procèsso de colegaménto sciacando ↵ Enter òpû o poméllo Fæto. O tò colegaménto o conpariâ sùbito inta pàgina ma, coscì cómme i âtri cangiaménti, o no saiâ publicòu scìn a-a publicaçión de tùtta a pàgina.

Pe fâ 'n colegaménto a 'na pàgina web inte 'n âtro scîto d’Internétte, o procèsso o l'è scìmile: ti ti çèrni a schêda Scito esterno e ti t'inserisci 'n URL inta cazélla.

I colegaménti estèrni saiàn mostræ coscì: [1]. Quésti pœan êse azónti spostando o póntatô do mouse lónxi da de paròlle (prezénpio dòppo in spàçio). Arvî l'instruménto pe-i colegaménti sciacando in sciô poméllo ò dêuviando a scorsaieu da tastêa. Scrîve l'URL inta cazélla e sciacâ o poméllo Fæto pe inserî o link.

To change or remove an existing link, press within the text for that link, then press the "Ingancio" icon that appears near it. The dialog will appear, for editing. You can also get to the dialog with the Ctrl+K keyboard shortcut. Quànde 'n colegaménto o l'è seleçionóu, o apare colorîo de bleu.

Into procèsso de colegaménto ti ti pœ cangiâ dónde o va o colegaménto. Ti ti pœ ascì levâ do tùtto o colegaménto sciacando o poméllo Leva, in âto a drîta into barcón de diàlogo. Ti ti pœ ascì arvî l'òbietîvo do colegaménto inte 'n âtra pàgina sciacando in sciô colegaménto into barcón de diàlogo, scistêma ch'o serve ascì pe verificâ a validitæ de 'n colegaménto estèrno.

Se ti ti vœ sciortî da-a modìfica do tèsto mostróu cómme 'n colegaménto, continoando a scrîve sùbito dòppo, ti ti pœ prémme :

  • Sciacando quésto tàsto 'na sôla vòtta ti ti sciortiæ da-a modìfica do colegaménto e o corsô o se mesciâ a-a fìn de l'eleménto co-in colegaménto (co-o bòrdo bleu).
  • Sciacâ quésto tàsto dôe vòtte o mesciâ o corsô dòppo a-o colegaménto, prónto a scrîve do tèsto.

Pe modìficâ a scrîta into colegaménto de un za existénte, sciacâ into tèsto do colegaménto e scrîve quéllo nêuvo. Ma se ti ti vœ rinpiasâ tùtta a scrîta, nòtta che:

  • Se ti t'hæ seleçionóu (evidençiòu) tùtta a scrîta do colegaménto, quésto o saiâ scancelòu sciacando 'n qualónque tàsto.
  • Pe mantegnî o colegaménto ti ti doviêsci sciacâ inta sò scrîta e dêuviâ o tàsto backspace pe cancelâ ezataménte i caràteri da scrîta, òperaçión ch'a mantegniâ 'n picìn spàçio evidençiòu de bleu. Òua ti ti pœ scrîve o nêuvo tèsto do colegaménto.
  • Ti ti pœ colegâ categorîe, files e âtro ascì.

Modificâ e nòtte

For further information, see Agiùtto a l'ûzo di templates de çitaçión ò Agiùtto a l'ûzo do poméllo citoid's Outomàtico

Determinâ quæ scistêma o l'è dêuvióu

A tó wiki a pœ dêuviâ 'n di tréi scistêmi de nòtte poscìbili. O prìmmo scistêma o l'è o ciù sénplice, dónde o menù Çìtta (mostròu a drîta) o no inclùdde nisciùn di templates de çitaçión. Se a tó wiki a l'adêuvia quésto scistêma, alôa tùtto quéllo che ti pœ servî da savéi in scê nòtte a s'atrêuva inte quésta pàgina.

In the second system, you again start by pressing the Çìtta button. Then a dialog box opens, which includes several popular citation templates set up for quick access in the "Manoâ" tab. Se a tó wiki a l'adêuvia quésto scistêma, alôa ti ti pœ trovâ ciù detàli a Help:VisualEditor/User guide/Citations-Templates .

Into tèrso scistêma, ti ti pœ iniçia sciacando o poméllo Çitta. Alôa o s'arve 'n barcón de diàlogo, o quæ o inclùdde 'n procèsso de çitaçión ch'o l'adêuvia o servìçio citoid. Se a tó wiki a l'adêuvia quésto scistêma, alôa ti ti pœ trovâ ciù detàli a Help:VisualEditor/User guide/Citations-Full .

Modificâ 'na nòtta existénte

Pe modificâ 'na nòtta existénte, sciacâ in sce quésta dónde a conpare into tèsto (de sòlito cómme 'n nùmero tra paréntexi). Ti ti véddiæ ò 'n'icónn-a $ref (segnalìbbro) ò 'n'icónn-a (e nómme) pe-o template ch'o l'è stæto dêuviòu pe creâ quésta nòtta. In ògni câxo, sciacando in sciô poméllo Edit o conpariâ o barcón de diàlogo da dónde ti ti pœ modificâ a nòtta.

Pe l'icónn-a $ref, sciacâ Edit o l'arve o barcón de diàlogo. Pe comensâ a cangiâ e informaçioîn inta nòtta, sciacâ in sce quésta.

Vàrie wikis dêuviàn di templates pe formatâ e nòtte. Se 'n template o l'è dêuviòu inte 'na nòtta, quànde ti ti mesci o póntatô do mouse sórva e informaçioîn da nòtta tùtte e informaçioîn chi contegnûe saiàn evidençiæ.

Se 'n template o l'êa stæto dêuviòu e ti ti prémmi in scê informaçioîn da nòtta, alôa l'icónn-a $template (o tòcco do puzzle) a conpariâ con de informaçioîn. Sciacâ in sciô poméllo edit pe modificâ o contegnûo do template atravèrso o sò barcón de diàlogo.

Se quéllo ch'o conpare quànde ti ti prémmi in sce 'na nòtta o l'è 'n'icónn-a pe 'n template stàndard pe-e çitaçioîn (ti ti pœ védde 'n ezénpio chi a drîta), alôa sciacando Edit se arvîa o sò barcón de diàlogo.

Into barcón de diàlogo do template ti ti pœ azónze ò levâ informaçioîn, ò cangiâ o contegnûo atoâle. Sôlo i cànpi (paràmetri do template) che l'àn 'n contegnûo doviéivan êse vixìbili a l'inìçio. Pe azónze di nêuvi cànpi, sciacâ in sciô poméllo Aggiungi in bàsso a-o barcón.

Prémmi in sce Apprica modiffiche quànde ti t'hæ finîo.

Riutilizâ 'na nòtta existénte

Se a pàgina a contegne za 'na çitaçión a-o tèsto che ti ti vœ çitâ, alôa ti ti pœ çèrne de riutilizâ a nòtta za existénte.

Pe riutilizâ 'na nòtta za existénte, mesciâ o póntatô do mouse into pónto do tèsto dónde ti ti vœ azónze a nêuva nòtta (nùmero) pe quélla çitaçión. Alôa prémme in sce l'eleménto "Riutilizâ nòtta", da-o menù "Çìtta".

(Nòtta: se a tò wiki a l'ha o tèrso scistêma de nòtte sórva descrîto, ti ti véddiæ 'na scrîta Riutilizâ into barcón de diàlogo, in càngio de 'n eleménto Riutilizâ into menù $cite.)

Into Nòtta diàlogo, amia a-a lìsta de nòtte e seleçionn-a quélla che ti ti vœ riutilizâ. Se gh'è ciù de ina nòtta, ti ti pœ dêuviâ o barcón de riçèrca (ciamòu Çèrca inte çitaçioìn prezénti) pe fâ a lìsta sôlo de nòtte che contegniàn 'n çèrto tèsto.

Azónze 'na nêuva nòtta

Pe azónze 'na çitaçión dêuviando o menù Çìtta, spostâ o póntatô do mouse dónde ti ti vœ azónze a nòtta into tèsto. Alôa seleçionâ o corètto tîpo de çitaçión into menù. Then click "De baze".

Dêuviâ a çitaçión bâze

Quéllo ch'o l'è mostróu chi o l'è quéllo che ti ti véddiæ se ti ti seleçioni l'eleménto pe-e nòtte de bâze. Inte l'editor de-e nòtte, ti ti pœ azónze a tò çitaçión, formataçión inclùza.

Ti ti pœ ascì inclùdde a nòtta inte 'n çèrto grùppo, âtriménti quésto cànpo o saiâ lasciòu vêuo (quésta scèlta a l'è dêuviâ pe mostrâ i grùppi de nòtte co l'instruménto Lìsta de nòtte).

Into barcón de diàlogo de nòtte, se ti ti vœ inclùdde 'n template de çitaçión ò 'n di âtri inte 'na nòtta, sciacâ l'icónn-a Modello ('n pésso de puzzle) inta menù d'instruménti Inseisci, inte l'editor de nòtte.

Dónca, çercâ o template ch'o se vœ dêuviâ, da azónze e modificâ cómme tùtti i âtri templates (véddi a seçión Modificâ i templates ciù de sótta se a gh'è bezéugno de ciù informaçioîn in scî templates).

Dòppo avéi azónto 'n nêuvo template, sciacâ in sce Apprica modiffiche pe ritornâ a l'editor de nòtte e de nêuvo in sce Apprica modiffiche pe tornâ a-a modìfica da vôxe.

Se inta pàgina o no l'è ancón prezénte 'n elénco de nòtte (prezénpio quànde se azónze a prìmma nòtta da pàgina), o va azónto pe fâ vizoalizâ o tèsto da nòtta.

Poxiçionâ o póntatô do mouse dónde se vœ che séggian vizoalizæ e nòtte (de sòlito a-a fìn da pàgina) e sciacâ o menù Inseisci, in sce l'icónn-a Lìsta de nòtte (tréi lìbbri).

Se ti ti dêuvi vàrri grùppi de nòtte, câxo de sòlito râro, ti ti pœ specificâ o grùppo inte quésto diàlogo. Sôlo e nòtte ch'apartegnian a quèllo grùppo saiàn mostræ inta pàgina inta poxiçión dónde o se trêuva o grùppo de nòtte.

L'ùrtimo pasàggio into barcón de diàlogo da lìsta de nòtte o l'è quéllo de sciacâ Inseisci.

Dêuviâ i templates de çitaçión

A tò wiki a poriéiva avéi di templates de çitaçión de ciù into menù Çìtta. Se o l'è coscì ti t'hæ 'n colegaménto ràpido co-i templates de çitaçión ciù dêuviæ inta tò wiki. (E instruçioîn pe azónze templates de çitaçión de ciù inta tò wiki s'atrovàn a-a pàgina VisualEditor/Citation tool )

Sciacâ in sce l'icónn-a do template Çita lìbbro o l'arve l'editor de quéllo template. Cànpi pe-e informaçioîn ciù inportànti saiàn evidençiæ co-în asterisco. Méntre i cànpi ciù comùn saiàn mostræ, no tùtti di quésti són domandæ.

Pe azónze ciù paràmetri, dâ ’na scòrsa a l'editor do template e sciacâ in sce a çèrnia Aggiungi.

Prémmi in sce Inseisci quànde ti t'hæ finîo.

Modificâ e inmàgine e âtri files multimediâli

Modificâ e inmàgine

To add a new image (or another type of media file) to the page, press the "Inmaggine e file murtimediæ" icon (a picture of mountains) in the "Inseisci" menu. The image will be added wherever your cursor is.

Pressing the "Inmaggine e file murtimediæ" icon opens a dialog that automatically searches Wikimedia Commons and your local wiki for media files related to the title of the page you are editing.

You can change the search by changing the text in the dialog's search box.

To choose a file, press on its thumbnail image.

This places the image onto the page you are editing.

After the image you selected is inserted into the page, another dialog will open. This dialog allows you to add and edit the caption of the image. The caption can contain formatting and links.

The media dialog also allows you to add alternative text captions, to help users who use screen readers, or who have disabled image display.

You can also set various parameters for the image in the "Impostassioin avansæ" window. These include the alignment, the type, and size of the image.

When you are done, press "Apprica modiffiche" to close the dialog and return to editing the page.

For an existing image, you can add or edit a caption or other settings by pressing on the image, then pressing on the "Inmaggine e file murtimediæ" icon that appears below the picture.

You can resize an existing image by pressing on it, then moving the resize icon (the two-headed arrow on one or both bottom corners).

You can also drag and drop an image to a place higher or lower on the page.

Uploading images

You can upload images from a tab in the media dialog, or by dragging and dropping a file into the editor, or by pasting an image from your clipboard.

Press the "Carrega" tab and select an image from your computer. You can type the file name, or drag an image into the box. If you dragged and dropped an image directly into the editor, or pasted one from your clipboard, this tab will open automatically.

You need to describe the image and add categories to it so that other people can find it.

The image will be inserted into the page when you are done.

Editing media galleries

To add a new gallery, press the "Galleria" icon (a set of photos) on the "Inseisci" menu. (If you don't see this icon on that menu, then your local wiki has decided to delay implementing this functionality in the visual editor.)

To edit an existing gallery in the visual editor, press that gallery. Then, near the bottom of the gallery, press the gallery icon (a set of photos). This brings up the gallery editor, with the full list of images included in the gallery.
The gallery editor is currently a simple box that allows you to edit existing galleries using wikitext markup. To add a new image to an existing gallery, type the file name, followed by a bar (|) and the caption for that image. You must put each image in the gallery on its own line. You can also edit this list to remove or rearrange images or to change captions.

When you press the "Fæto" button, you will exit the gallery editor. You should then see your changes, with the gallery as it will now appear to readers.

Remember that exiting the gallery editor does not publish your changes. As with other changes made using the visual editor, you must publish the entire page in order to publish your work.

Editing templates

The powerful MediaWiki template system lets you insert dynamic content, text from other pages, and much more. For a detailed explanation and examples, see the Templates help page.

In the VisualEditor you can search for a relevant template, add an invocation or transclusion on the page you’re editing and, if needed, add custom content using parameters.

Insert new template

To add a template to a page, place your cursor at the position on the page where you want the template to be inserted. Then open the Inseisci menu and select " Modello". Alternatively, type two curly brackets {{ to open the same dialog.
Find the template you want to insert by typing either its name or a relevant keyword. Results containing the search term in either the name or description will display in a dropdown. This should help you find a relevant template, even if you don’t know its exact name.

If you’re having trouble finding the kind of template you want by using keywords, you can look on other wiki pages with similar content and view or edit the page source to see which templates are in use. When you find the desired template’s name, you can type it into this field to insert it here.

Screenshot of the template search field in the Visual Editor

You can also edit a template that’s already on a page. When you select the template you want to edit, it turns blue, and a box appears displaying " Modello". Then select the "Modìfica" link or double click on the template itself to open the template.
Screenshot of the VisualEditor interface with a template selected

Some templates are not visible to someone reading a page. In the visual editor, such hidden templates are still shown so that you can click and edit or delete them. The name of the template will be shown next to the puzzle icon and both will be grayed out.
Screenshot of hidden templates in the Visual Editor interface

Template parameters

You’ll see this dialog box when you’re adding a new template or editing one already in place. What you see in the box depends on whether the template in question contains TemplateData , helpful metadata added by other editors to make it easier to edit templates in the Visual Editor.

When a template contains TemplateData, the VisualEditor can use it to present annotated fields for you to fill in.

For templates that have some community-provided TemplateData, the VisualEditor displays a list of the named parameters and, often, descriptions and instructions explaining the meaning and required format for each parameter’s values.

Screenshot of template parameters in the Visual Editor interface
Template parameters in the Visual Editor interface

You can disable any optional parameter (which have blue checkboxes on the left side). If a parameter’s checkbox is grayed out and not clickable, the template requires that parameter, so it can’t be disabled.

When you insert a new template, you may find that some optional parameters are pre-selected. That means the author(s) of the template recommends the use of those parameters. It’s best to review all parameters that will be used in a template to ensure you understand their use.

Clicking an unchecked parameter adds it to the template. Clicking a parameter that’s already been added takes you to the parameter’s input field.

Some template parameters will show as “deprecated”. Don’t use deprecated parameters when inserting a template; they’re only visible to you because those parameters are in use on older pages where this template was included.

Screenshot of template parameters in the Visual Editor interface
Interface for adding more parameters to a template in the VisualEditor

Adding undocumented parameters

If you’re inserting or editing a template whose author hasn’t laid out its parameters in TemplateData, it has what we call “undocumented” or “unnamed parameters”. In these cases, you should consult the page for the template itself. There you can learn how to correctly employ and work with all of the template’s parameters. This includes learning the exact names of the parameters as written by the template author.

If you find in the documentation that the template expects parameters without names, fill in numbers as placeholders for the parameter names using the undocumented parameter input, then add text to the values you want to provide as you normally would.


  • first unnamed parameter: “1”
  • first unnamed parameter’s value: “en_US”
  • second unnamed parameter: “2”
  • second unnamed parameter’s value: “yes”

If you accidentally include nonexistent, misspelled or erroneous parameters, the values you enter for those parameters won’t show up on the page you’re editing.

Screenshot of a template missing TemplateData
Template without TemplateData in the Visual Editor

Autogenerated parameters

In this example, the template in question lacks TemplateData but it was possible to autogenerate the parameters. This means that the undocumented parameters have already been added for you, but the names may not be easily understandable and the dialog cannot display any directions or descriptions. As a result the dialog box provides a link to the template’s documentation, which should help you deduce and fill in the template’s various parameters.

Editing multi-part template content

During editing, you may open template content consisting of multiple templates or a single template linked to some wikitext. This differs from the nested templates described below. In this case, the templates are better visualized as being stacked or connected.

This content often contains “unbalanced templates,” templates which are incomplete on their own and need to be paired with some wikitext or another template in order to function.

These related pieces of template content must be created in wikitext, but can be edited in the VisualEditor. In these cases you will see a notice at the top of the dialog to signal the situation and a specialized toolbar will be visible at the bottom of the sidebar. There you can use the icon buttons to add additional templates, additional wikitext, delete elements or change their order.

Screenshot of the interface to edit multi-part template content in the VisualEditor
Editing multi-part template content in the VisualEditor

Nested templates

Templates can include other templates as the value for parameters. You’ll recognize it when you see a parameter whose value contains the double curly braces ( {{ }} ) denoting a template.

The VisualEditor can’t present this template within a template (a nested template) using the editor’s easy-to-use interface, so if you want to nest a template yourself, you’ll need to understand how to add the template by hand in wikitext into the appropriate parameter field.

Screenshot of the VisualEditor template interface showing an embedded template
Embedded template in the VisualEditor

Completing your edit

When you have finished editing a template, you can click "Apprica modiffiche". Then you can preview your edit and make sure it looks the way you want and expect.

You may also see an error message, which (like the other TemplateData mentioned above) is community-provided content and may vary in usefulness. You may need to consult the template’s own documentation to get to the bottom of some errors. If you’re still having trouble, consider posting about your problem on the template’s talk page.

Removing a template

To remove a template in the VisualEditor, click the template box. Press the "Delete" or "Backspace" key on your keyboard. The template will disappear from the page.
Screenshot of the button to remove a template
Removing a template in the VisualEditor

Editing on mobile

When editing a template on a page using the VisualEditor on a mobile device, you’ll see that the sidebar starts out hidden. You can make it visible by pressing the “Show/hide options” button.
Screenshot of editing a template on a mobile device
Editing a template on mobile in the VisualEditor

Substituting templates

When you insert a template in a wiki page, its content and appearance are reevaluated every time the page loads, based on the template code and the values of its parameters. This means if someone updates the code of a template, then every page which uses that template will also get updated when they publish.

There’s another, much less common way to use templates, though, and that’s to substitute a template. Doing this permanently includes the template content just as it appears at the moment you insert it. It will not update if the template code is later changed.

Most users won’t ever need to resort to substitution. Substitution is typically only useful when you need to capture the exact appearance of one version of a template, such as when content is under development and needs evaluation.

To substitute a template in the VisualEditor, insert a template using the name syntax subst:<template name>. Then press the blue “Aggiungi” button.

When you’re finished, press “Inseisci”, which will insert the template content as you see it.

Screenshot of editor using SUBST to add a template
Adding a template using SUBST in the VisualEditor

Editing lists

You can use the visual editor to create lists, or to change the format of an existing list. There are two types of lists: unordered (bullet) and ordered (numbered).

To start a new list, just press on one of the two menu items shown here. Or, if you already have typed the list (on separate lines), select (highlight) the list you have typed, then press on one of the menu items.

Shown here are examples of the two types of lists: unordered (bullet) and ordered (numbered).

If you want to change the indentation level of part of an existing list, select the part of the list that you want to change.

Then use the menu, or press the Tab key. (The Tab key increases indentation; use the shift key plus the Tab key to decrease indentation)

Here is the result of increased indentation.

You can even mix ordered (numbered) and unordered (bullet) lists, if the list items have different indentations.

Editing tables

You can use the visual editor to insert and change tables.

You can even import a table by dragging a comma-separated value (.csv) file from your computer into the main editing window.

When you press on "Table", in the "Inseisci" menu, the visual editor inserts a blank four-by-four table.

Now the "Table" menu is available. From that menu, you can add a caption to the top of the table.

To select a cell, press it once.

To edit the contents of the cell (for example, to add content or to correct a spelling error), double press in the cell. Or you can select the cell and then press Return.

To end your editing of a cell, just press elsewhere.

You can add, move or delete a column or a row.

You can merge cells: Select them, then from the Table menu, press on "Merge cells".

If you merge cells, only the text in one cell is kept; any text in the other cells is deleted when you merge the cells. If you decide that you wanted some or all of the text that was deleted, use the Undo button, move or copy the text you want, then merge the cells again.

You can also split cells that were previously merged. All the content that was in the merged cell will remain in the first cell when you do the split. You can then cut and paste text to other cells, if you want.

Editing categories

To edit categories, on the "Opsioin paggina" menu, press the "Categorie" item.

Pressing on "Categorie" opens a dialog that lists existing categories and allows you to add new ones, and to delete existing categories.

You also have the option of setting or changing the general (default) sorting key, which determines where the page appears when listed with other pages in the same category.

For example, the default sorting key for the article "George Washington" is "Washington, George". In the category "Presidents of the United States", the article is listed under the letter "W", not the letter "G".

To add a category for a page, type the name of the category into the field "Azonzi 'na categoria". As you type, the visual editor will search for possible matching, existing categories. You can either select an existing category, or you can add a category that doesn't yet have its own category page. (Until that category page is created, your new category will show as a red link after you publish all your editing changes.)

To remove an existing category, press on it and press on the "Leva" icon (trash can) in the dialog that opens.

Pressing on a category also allows you to specify a sorting key for that specific category. Such a sorting key overrides the default sorting key.

Press "Apprica modiffiche" when you are done editing categories to return to the page editor.

Editing page settings

To edit a page's settings, press to open the "Opsioin paggina" menu, in the toolbar, and select the "Impostassioin paggina" button.

The "Impostassioin paggina" button opens a dialog that shows several options.

You can make a page a redirect to another page by checking the "Rendrissa sta paggina a" checkbox, and then typing the name of the page to which you want to send the reader who tries to go to the page that you are editing.

At the bottom is the option to prevent page renames from updating this redirect. This is very rarely used.

You can change whether the page shows a Table of Contents by selecting one of these three buttons. The default option is "Se necessaio", which shows a Table of Contents if there are three or more headings.

You can make a page not show edit links next to each section header by checking this checkbox.

Press "Apprica modiffiche" when you are done editing the Opsioin paggina to return to the page editor.

Editing maps

You can add and change maps. See Help:VisualEditor/Maps .

Editing mathematical formulae

To add a new mathematical formula to the page, place your cursor where you want it to be inserted, and press on the "Formula matemattica" icon ("Σ") in the "Inseisci" menu on the toolbar.

A window will open in which you can type the formula, using LaTeX syntax. the visual editor will update the formula as you type it, so you can see how it will look as you make changes. Once you are happy with the formula, press the "Inseisci" button.

To edit an existing mathematical formula on the page, press on it and then press on the "Σ" icon that appears. This will open up the formula window, where you make changes.

Mathematical formulae can be placed inline or centered as a block.

Editing musical scores

To add a new musical notation to a page, place your cursor where you want the musical notation to be inserted. Then, from the "Insert" menu on the toolbar, press the "Musical notation" option.

To edit an existing musical notation on the page, double press on it.

This will open the "Musical notation" dialog. Here the notation can be edited by scale, either in ABC or in Lilypond format. You can also link the notation to an audio or MIDI file. Once you are finished, press the "Done" button to close the dialog and publish your changes.

Editing poems and other special items

Some items, such as association lists and poems, are not yet fully supported by the visual editor.

In most cases, the existing items can be edited, but new ones cannot be inserted in the visual editor.

Until they are fully supported, you can copy an existing one from another page, or edit the source wikitext directly.

Switching between the visual and wikitext editors

To switch from the visual editor to the wikitext editor, press the [[ ]] button on the far right of the toolbar.

You'll see a diff. (If you pressed on "Ignora modifiche", you'll just see wikitext, ready to edit with the wikitext editor.)

Scroll down, and you'll see the wikitext editing area.

You can also switch from the wikitext editor to the visual editor. To do that, press the pencil icon on the far right of the toolbar.

Keyboard shortcuts

Many editors are used to entering wikitext directly, especially bold, italics and wikilinks. Keyboard shortcuts allow to quickly apply formatting without having to use toolbar items. Here are some of the most common shortcuts in the visual editor:

PC shortcut Action Mac shortcut

Ctrl+B Bold ⌘ Cmd+B

Ctrl+I Italics ⌘ Cmd+I

Ctrl+K Insert link ⌘ Cmd+K

Ctrl+X Cut ⌘ Cmd+X

Ctrl+C Copy ⌘ Cmd+C

Ctrl+V Paste ⌘ Cmd+V

Ctrl+Z Undo ⌘ Cmd+Z

Also see the full list of all keyboard shortcuts .