Vitajte na portále pre VisualEditor. VisualEditor (VE) je nový spôsob upravovania Wikipédie vyvíjaný nadáciou Wikimedia Foundation. Umožňuje ľuďom upravovať bez potreby naučiť sa wikijazyk. Dúfame, že pomôže podnieť ľuďom s prispievaním do Wikipédie.
Prečítajte si VisualEditor/Používateľská príručka . | Nahláste problém s VisualEditorom. |
Zistite ako vytvoriť odkazy, pridať alebo presunúť obrázky, vytvoriť citácie, vložiť šablóny, upravovať tabuľky a mnoho ďalších vecí. | Prosím, zahrňte aj informácie o prehliadači, operačnom systéme a vzhľade Wikipédie (vo väčšine prípadov je to Vector, niekedy Monobook). |
Čo je VisualEditor
VisualEditor je "vizuálny" spôsob úpravy Wikipédie. Upravovanie Wikipédie doteraz vyžadovalo, aby sa prispievateľ naučil wikijazyk, pomerne zložitý značkovací jazyk, aj kvôli malým zmenám v článku. V roku 2001 to bola prijateľná požiadavka. V roku 2015 to však odrádza prispievateľov. Dúfame, že VisualEditor bude pre existujúcich prispievateľov užitočný a pre nových používateľov prívetivý.
VisualEditor has been available as an opt-in "alpha" release at since mid-2012 and on the English-language Wikipedia since December 2012, in 14 more languages since April 2013, and almost all other languages since the beginning of June 2013. As of July 2015, it has been available by default to logged-in and logged-out editors at more than 75% of the Wikipedias. Očakávame že bude dostupný pre všetky zostávajúce jazyky do konca roka 2015. Since late November 2014, it is also available as an opt-in Beta Feature at all WMF wikis except Wiktionary and Wikisource.
We are releasing a multilingual newsletter, focused on WMF wikis.
Používanie VisualEditora
Pokiaľ chcete na úpravy využívať VisualEditor, máme pre vás príručku ako na to a takisto zoznam bežných klávesových skratiek.
VisualEditor má momentálne pár chýb a obmedzení. Pokiaľ sa stretnete s problémom, neváhajte ho nahlásiť na stránke spätnej väzby. Momentálne obmedzenia sú:
- Slow to load — It will take some time for long, complex pages to load into VisualEditor. In the future the software will be a lot faster, and will allow for the loading of larger pages.
- Incomplete editing — Some elements of complex formatting will display and let you edit their contents, but will not let users edit their structure or add new entries – such as definition lists. Adding features in this area is one of our priorities.
- Most content pages, not talk pages — VisualEditor is only enabled for some namespaces. At most Wikipedias, VisualEditor can be used on articles, User:, File:, Help: and Category: pages. VisualEditor is not currently available for Wikipedia: pages or any talk pages.
Odporúčame používateľom aby pred uložením zmien klikli na tlačidlo "Review your changes" a nahlásili každý problém s ktorým sa stretnú.
Ako môžem pomôcť?
For VisualEditor to be as good as it can be, there are a lot of things we need help with. Obviously, one big area is using the software, finding bugs and reporting them, but there are many other tasks as well. These include:
- Updating help pages — All of our projects have help pages to make it easier for new users to contribute. Unfortunately they are all built around the markup editor, and as VisualEditor evolves, the screenshots and tutorials will all become outdated. It would be very useful if people could update help pages, based on our tutorial to using VisualEditor.
- Adding TemplateData to templates — VisualEditor features a nice template editor, which is described in more detail on our help page. As you'll see if you use it on Wikipedia, some templates have named parameters and nice descriptions that make it easy to use. Others do not. This is because templates need "TemplateData" before this feature will work. If you're interested in adding TemplateData, we have a guide to doing so, along with a list of the most important templates to add it to.
- Help your community — See the list of useful ways to help your local community to optimize the editing experience with the visual editor.
- Help new users — If the VisualEditor launch is successful, we will have a lot more new users than we are used to, and even though editing may be easier, working out how to interact with the community will still be hard. Please spend some time on the help desk, or in the IRC help channel, to help these newcomers become acclimatized to Wikipedia.
Pozrite si taktiež
- Nápoveda:VisualEditor/VE ako hlavný editor - a checklist about optimizing the editing experience for your wiki and your fellow editors.
- Help:VisualEditor/Community Taskforce - get and offer help for visual editor-related work from and to other Wikimedians like you.
- Help:VisualEditor/The visual editor at Wikisources and Wiktionaries
- Help:VisualEditor/VE as Beta Feature - a former guide for communities totally new to the visual editor.