Help:Magic words/da
Bemærk: Når du redigerer denne side, accepterer du at udgive dine bidrag under CC0. Se Public Domain Help Pages for mere info. |
Magiske ord er tekststrenge, som MediaWiki forbinder med en returværdi eller funktion, såsom tid, hjemmeside-detaljer, eller side-navne. Denne side forklarer kun de almindelige magiske ord; for en teknisk reference, se Manual:Magic words .
Der er tre almindelige typer af magiske ord:
- Adfærds-omskiftere: disse ord skrives med store bostaver omgivet med dobbelt understregning, for eks.
- Variabler: disse ord skrives med store bostaver og omgives af dobbelte tuborg-klammer, for eks.
. De ligner meget skabeloner. - Parser funktioner: disse systemanalyse-funktioner fungerer med parameter og er enten med formen
. Se også Help:Extension:ParserFunctions and Udvidelse:Scribunto .
Variabler og parserfunktioner kan bruge subst:, ligesom skabeloner. Sideafhængige magiske ord vil påvirke eller returnere data om den aktuelle side (som standard), selvom ordet tilføjes via en udelukket skabelon eller inkluderet systemmeddelelse.
En adfærdskontakt styrer sidens layout eller opførsel (hvis det understøttes af huden) og kan ofte bruges til at specificere ønskede udeladelser og indeslutninger i indholdet. Især nogle af disse understøttes ikke af Minerva huden.
Ord | Beskrivelse | Versioner | ||
Indholdsfortegnelse | ||||
Skjuler indholdsfortegnelsen (TOC). | |||
Tvinger indholdsfortegnelsen til at blive vist på sin normale position (over den første overskrft). This will not work in skins that present table of contents outside the article content e.g. Vector 2022 skin. | |||
Placerer en indholdsfortegnelse på ordets aktuelle position (overskriver __NOTOC__ ). Hvis den bruges flere gange, vil indholdsfortegnelsen vises på det første ord position. If this is used multiple times, the table of contents will appear at the first word's position. This will not work in skins that present table of contents outside the article content e.g. Vector 2022 skin.
Redigering | ||||
Skjuler redigér ved siden af afsnits-overskrifter. Dette er særlig nyttigt, når en overskrift skabes ved hjælp af en skabelon: den normale wiki-sektionsredigering ville i dette tilfælde redigere skabelonkoden, hvilket normalt ikke er, hvad brugeren har til hensigt. Use of this in a template will extend the effect to that template, the pages it's included on, and any other templates included on the same page. A workaround is possible. | |||
Tilføjer et link ved siden af "Redigér"-fanen for at tilføje et nyt afsnit på en ikke-diskussionsside (se Adding a section to the end). |
| ||
Fjerner linket ved siden af "Redigér"-fanen på sider i diskussions-navnerum. |
| ||
Kategorier | ||||
Bruges på en kategori-side og erstatter miniature-billeder i kategorien med normale links. |
| ||
Bruges på en kategori-side og skjuler kategorien fra listen over kategorier i dets medlems- og forældre-kategorier (der er mulighed for ved hjælp af brugerindstillinger at vise dem). |
| ||
Brugt på en kategori-side, fjerner kategorien fra Special:UnusedCategories . |
| ||
Konvertering af sprog | ||||
På wikier med sprogvarianter, udfør ikke nogen indholdssprog-konvertering (bogstaver og bøjningsform) i artikel-visning. For eksempel vis kun kinesisk (zh), i stedet for varianter som zh_cn, zh_tw, zh_sg, eller zh_hk. | |||
På wikier med sprogvarianter, udfør ikke nogen sprog-konvertering af titlen (al andet indhold konverteres). | |||
Andet | ||||
Ingen effekt. Was used to point where database message starts after comment that should not be transcluded. Removed in r1695 and completely removed in r24784. |
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Markerer udtrykkeligt artiklens slutning, for at forhindre MediaWiki i at fjerne afsluttende blanke linjer. Removed in 19213. |
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Bed søgemaskiner om at indeksere siden (tilsidesætter $wgArticleRobotPolicies , men ikke robots.txt). Den adlyder $wgExemptFromUserRobotsControl -variablen. |
| ||
Bed søgemaskiner om ikke at indeksere siden (vis ikke i søgemaskine-resultater). Den adlyder $wgExemptFromUserRobotsControl -variabel. |
| ||
På omdirigerings-sider, tillad ikke, at MediaWiki automatisk opdaterer linket, når nogen flytter en side og kontrollerer "Opdater henvisninger til det oprindelige navn" (hvilket kræver $wgFixDoubleRedirects ). |
| ||
Used on a template page, removes the page from Special:UnusedTemplates.
If this switch is not intended to be transcluded with the template's contents, it should be used inside If the switch is intended to remove from the report all pages that transclude a given template (for example, a notice that is transcluded on testcases or sandbox subpages), put the switch inside |
| ||
From Extensions | ||||
Udvidelse | Ord | Beskrivelse | Versioner | |
GlobalUserPage | __NOGLOBAL__
Disables the global user page. If present on the central user page, will prevent it from being displayed on remote wikis, and it also determines whether a link to a user page on remote wiki should be red or blue. |
| |
Disambiguator | __DISAMBIG__
Identifies a disambiguation page. |
| |
Wikibase (client) | __EXPECTED_UNCONNECTED_PAGE__
Some wiki pages do not fit the scope of Wikidata items, such as discussion archives, template subpages, etc. To prevent a wiki page from being listed in Special:UnconnectedPages, use this magic word anywhere on the page. Pages that don't meet Wikidata's notability criteria should not receive a Wikidata item. |
| |
DiscussionTools | __ARCHIVEDTALK__
Hides "svar" links from discussions on archived pages. |
| |
Makes a page in a talk namespace not be treated like a talk page. |
| ||
Some wikisource content pages consist of lists (such as a list of editions or translations of the same work) and therefore did not have scans. To prevent these pages from being listed in Special:PagesWithoutScans, insert this magic word into the page. |
| |
Wikibase (client) | {{NOEXTERNALLANGLINKS}}
A magic word and a parser function which when invoked, will disable the Wikibase extension for a specific page, or used with parameters can suppress specific interlanguage links produced by the extension. When active, only interlanguage links present in the wikitext are used. |
Variabler returnerer information om den aktuelle side, wiki eller dato. Deres syntaks ligner skabeloner. Variabler markeret som "[expensive]" spores af softwaren, og antallet, der kan medtages på en side, er begrænset.
Hvis en skabelon navnekonflikter med en variabel, vil variablen blive brugt (så for at indsætte skabelonen Template:PAGENAME er det nødvendigt at skrive {{Template:PAGENAME}}
). I nogle tilfælde vil tilføjelse af parametre tvinge parseren, til at aktivere en skabelon, for eksempel så {{CURRENTDAYNAME|x}}
indsætter Template:CURRENTDAYNAME, og ikke variablen.
In some cases, adding parameters will force the parser to invoke a template; for example, {{CURRENTDAYNAME|x}}
transcludes Template:CURRENTDAYNAME, not the variable.
Dato og tid
Følgende variabler returnerer den aktuelle dato og tid i UTC.
På grund af MediaWiki og browser mellemlagring, viser disse variabler oftest hvornår siden var lagret, snarere end det aktuelle klokkeslæt.
The use of those variables cause pages to be cached for a more limited number of seconds. This is configured in MagicWordFactory.
Dato og klokkeslæt magiske ord er formateret i wiki indholds-sproget. Siden 1.19 afhænger de af sidens indholdssprog.
Variabel | Resultat | Beskrivelse | Versioner | |
År | ||||
2024 | År | ||
Måned | ||||
12 | Måned (dobbelttal) | ||
12 | Month (unpadded number) | ||
december | Måned (navn) | ||
december | Måned (genitiv form) | ||
dec. | Måned (forkortelse) |
| |
Dag | ||||
22 | Dag i måneden (nummer) | ||
22 | Dag i måneden (dobbelttal) |
| |
0 | Ugedag (tal), 0 (for søndag) til 6 (for lørdag) | ||
søndag | Ugedag (navn) | ||
Tid | ||||
10:35 | Klokkeslæt (24-timer HH:mm format) | ||
10 | Klokkeslæt (24-timer dobbelttal) | ||
Andet | ||||
51 | Uge (nummer) | ||
20241222103549 | YYYYMMDDHHmmss tidsstempel |
De følgende variabler gør det samme som ovenstående, men benytter webstedets serverkonfiguration eller $wgLocaltimezone .
For mere grundig tidsformatering eller for at output det aktuelle år og uge med bedre overensstemmelse med ISO-8601, kan du installere Extension:ParserFunctions for at bruge #time parser-funktionen.
Teknisk metadata
Variabel | Resultat | Beskrivelse | Versioner | ||
Website | |||||
MediaWiki | Wikiens sitenavn ($wgSitename ). | |||
// | Domæne-URL ($wgServer ). | |||
| | Domænenavn (ikke længere afhængig af $wgServerName fra version 1.17). | |||
Resulterer i et unicode-visning mærke, der matcher wikiens standard sprogretning (‎ på venstre-til-højre wikier, ‏ på højre-til-venstre wikier), nyttigt i tekst med multi-retningsbestemt tekst. Siden version 1.19 afhænger det af sidens indholdssprog.
| ||
/wiki/$1 | Relative article path ($wgArticlePath ). | |||
/w | Relativ script sti ($wgScriptPath ). | |||
/w/skins | Relativ style sti ($wgStylePath ). |
| ||
1.44.0-wmf.8 (f08e6b3) | Wikiens MediaWiki-version |
| ||
en en |
Wikiens standard interfacesprog ($wgLanguageCode ). |
| ||
Side | |||||
114750 | Returnerer sidens ID-nummer. |
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da dansk |
Returns the language of the current page. The language code that this variable returns can be converted to a language name using {{#language:...}} .
| ||
Help:Magic words | Returns the title of the translation page (the page other languages are translated from) if a page is translatable (including translated pages), and nothing if the page is not translatable. |
| ||
Translated unit. Language: en. Not translated unit. Language: en. |
Must be used in a translated page, inside <translate> tags. Returns the language code of the current translation unit. In a translation page, if the unit has been translated, then it returns translation language. Else, it returns source language. The language code that this variable returns can be converted to a language name using {{#language:...}} . Should only be used by translation admins.
| ||
Udsender beskyttelsesniveauet (fx "autoconfirmed", "sysop") for en given handling (f.eks "redigér", "flyt") på den aktuelle side eller en tom streng, hvis den ikke er beskyttet. |
| |||
Outputs the protection expiry (e.g. "20160418155030", "infinity") for a given action (e.g. "edit", "move") on the current page. Returns "infinity" if not protected. |
| |||
[Expensive] Returns the sources of any cascading protection acting on the current page. Pages will not return their own title unless they transclude themselves. |
| |||
Seneste ændring af den aktuelle side | |||||
- | Unik ændrings ID. It is always empty in preview, thus one can show an error message only in preview. May be disabled in miser mode (all WMF wikis) returning - instead when not in preview.
| ||
18 | Dagen, hvor redigeringen blev foretaget (nummer). |
| ||
18 | Dagen, hvor redigeringen blev foretaget (dobbeltnummer). |
| ||
12 | Måned, hvor redigeringen blev foretaget (dobbeltnummer fra 1.17+, almindeligt nummer i tidligere versioner). |
| ||
12 | Måned, hvor redigeringen blev foretaget (nummer). |
| ||
2024 | År, hvor redigeringen blev foretaget. |
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20241218112932 | Tidssstempel for redigeringstidspunkt. |
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FuzzyBot | Brugernavnet på den bruger, der har lavet den seneste redigering af siden, eller den aktuelle bruger ved forhåndsvisning af en redigering. |
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107799 | The size (bytes of wikitext) of the viewed revision of the page or preview |
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Påvirker sideindhold | |||||
{{DISPLAYTITLE:title}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:title|noerror}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:title|noreplace}}
Formater den aktuelle sides titeloverskrift. Værdien skal svare til standard titlen: kun ændring af stort/lille forbogstav og erstatning af mellemrum med understregning er tilladt (dette kan ændres med $1). Det kan deaktiveres eller aktiveres af $2; deaktiveret som standard før 1.10+, aktiveret som standard derefter. Unless $wgRestrictDisplayTitle is set to false , the value must be equivalent to the default title: only capitalization changes to certain parts of the title (not all) and replacing spaces with underscores are allowed. It can be disabled or enabled by $wgAllowDisplayTitle .
It can take a second argument of noerror or noreplace to suppress error messages when multiple displaytitles are used on one page or to make this |
(for noerror and noreplace) | |||
{{DEFAULTSORT:sortkey}} {{DEFAULTSORTKEY:sortkey}} {{DEFAULTCATEGORYSORT:sortkey}} {{DEFAULTSORT:sortkey|noerror}} {{DEFAULTSORT:sortkey|noreplace}}
Bruges til at kategorisere sider, sætter en standard kategori sorteringsnøgle. For example if you put {{DEFAULTSORT:Smith, John}} at the end of John Smith, the page would be sorted under "S" by default in categories. It can take a second argument of noerror or noreplace to suppress error messages when multiple defaultsortkeys are used on one page or to make this defaultsort do nothing if a defaultsort was already specified earlier in the page.
(for noerror og noreplace) |
Variable | Output | Description | Versions | |
da | User's language. (If $wgParserEnableUserLanguage is enabled, it is disabled by default.) Note: Currently not supported by Parsoid Page View. If using Parsoid Page View or if $wgParserEnableUserLanguage is disabled, the magic word will return the same result as {{PAGELANGUAGE}} .
Numbers returned by these variables normally contain separators (commas, dots or spaces, depending on the local language) but can return raw numbers with the ":R" flag (for example, {{NUMBEROFPAGES}}
→ 1.772.692 and {{NUMBEROFPAGES:R}}
→ 1772692).
Use "|R" for magic words that require a parameter like PAGESINCATEGORY (for example {{PAGESINCATEGORY:Help}}
, or {{PAGESINCATEGORY:Help|subcats}}
and {{PAGESINCATEGORY:Help|subcats|R}}
Also applicable to {{PAGESIZE:page name}}
The number magic words are formatted in the wiki content language. Since 1.19, it depends on the page content language.
Variabel | Output | Beskrivelse | Versioner | |
1.772.692 | Antal wikisider. |
| |
63.822 | Number of pages in content namespaces that qualify as articles. See Manual:$wgArticleCountMethod for details. | ||
2.761 | Number of uploaded files. |
| |
6.827.451 | Antal wiki redigeringer. |
| |
Number of page views. Usually useless on a wiki using caching. Removed in Gerrit change 150699. |
| ||
18.035.054 | Number of registered users. |
| |
139 | Number of users in the sysop group . |
| |
925 | Number of active users, based on the criteria used in Special:Statistics. |
| |
{{PAGESINCATEGORY:categoryname}} {{PAGESINCAT:categoryname}}
159 159 |
[Expensive] Number of pages (including subcategories and files) in the given category. (Kategori:Hjælp used for demonstration) |
| |
{{PAGESINCATEGORY:categoryname|all}} {{PAGESINCATEGORY:categoryname|pages}} {{PAGESINCATEGORY:categoryname|subcats}} {{PAGESINCATEGORY:categoryname|files}}
159 156 3 0 |
[Expensive] Respectively, the number of
in the given category. (Kategori:Hjælp used for demonstration) |
| |
{{NUMBERINGROUP:groupname}} {{NUMINGROUP:groupname}}
23 23 |
Number of users in a specific group . (bureaucrat used for demonstration) |
| |
Not enabled | [Expensive] Number of pages in the given namespace (replace index with the relevant namespace index). For instance, {{PAGESINNAMESPACE:14}} will output the number of category pages. {{PAGESINNS:0}} differs from {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} in that the former includes redirects and disambiguation pages. Disabled by default, enable with $wgAllowSlowParserFunctions .
Variabel | For current page | Beskrivelse | Versioner | |
Help:Magic words/da | Namespace and full page title (including all subpage levels). |
| |
Magic words/da | Full page title (including all subpage levels) without the namespace. | ||
Magic words | Page title of the page in the immediately superior subpage level without the namespace. Would return Title/Foo on page Help:Title/Foo/Bar .
| |
Magic words | Name of the root of the current page. Would return Title on page Help:Title/Foo/Bar .
| |
da | The subpage title. Would return Bar on page Help:Title/Foo/Bar .
If no subpage exists the value of For more complex splitting, use |
| |
Help:Magic words/da Help:Magic words/da |
Full page name of the associated subject (e.g. article or file). Useful on talk pages. |
| |
Help talk:Magic words/da | Full page name of the associated talk page. |
None of these are affected by changes to the display title using {{DISPLAYTITLE:xxxx}}
; the values returned are the original page title.
magic words only work in namespaces that have subpages enabled. See $wgNamespacesWithSubpages for information on enabling subpages.
As of 1.15+, these can all take a parameter, allowing specification of the page to be operated on, instead of just the current page:
{{PAGENAME:Template:Main Page}}
→ Main Page
URL encoded page names
The following are equivalents encoded for use in MediaWiki URLs (i.e. spaces replaced with underscores and some characters HTML escaped using numeric character encoding):
Note that {{PAGENAME:...}}
, {{PAGENAMEE:...}}
and {{urlencode:...}}
have distinct implementations.
See Manual:PAGENAMEE encoding for details.
Variable | Output | Beskrivelse | Versioner | |
Help | Name of the page's namespace (except for main space) | ||
12 | ID of the page's namespace |
| |
Help Help |
Name of the associated content namespace |
| |
Help talk | Name of the associated talk namespace |
The following are equivalents encoded for use in MediaWiki URLs (spaces replaced with underscores and some characters percent-encoded):
As of 1.15+, these can take a full-page-name parameter and will return the requested namespace associated with that page, instead of with the current page:
→ 0{{NAMESPACE:MediaWiki}}
→ (Pages in main space will return empty){{NAMESPACE:Template:Main Page}}
→ Template{{SUBJECTSPACE:Template talk:Main Page}}
→ Template{{ARTICLESPACE:Template talk:Main Page}}
→ Template{{TALKSPACE:Template:Main Page}}
→ Template talk
Parameter must not be a namespace name:
{{SUBJECTSPACE:Help talk}}
→ ' (Empty)
Escaped characters
MediaWiki interprets certain characters as markup separators in certain contexts, notably:
- template invocations
- tables
- function calls.
To prevent an immediate interpretation (so that the character can be displayed literally or later interpreted as a separator), Template:Character
can be used as an escape sequence, but only the following characters (replacements) are supported.
This form can be clearer or at least shorter than using the equivalent <nowiki>character</nowiki>
Syntax | Output | Beskrivelse | Versioner | |
| |
Used to include a vertical bar (pipe). For historical and technical reasons, this function is not considered an actual escape sequence. Instead of using the vertical bar, the syntax employs an exclamation mark, which visually resembles a vertical bar. See Help:Extension:ParserFunctions#Escaping pipe characters in tables for additional details.
Before this capability was introduced as a magic word, many wikis achieved this effect by creating a template (Template:!) that simply returned |
| |
= |
Used to include an equal sign. See Help:Extension:ParserFunctions#Raw equal signs for further explanation. Before this was added as a magic word, many wikis implemented this by creating Template:= with |
Parser functions
Parser functions are very similar to variables but take one or more parameters (technically, any magic word that takes a parameter is a parser function), and the name is sometimes prefixed with a hash to distinguish them from templates.
This page only describes parser functions that are integral to the MediaWiki software. Other parser functions may be added by MediaWiki extensions such as the Extension:ParserFunctions . For those see Help:Extension:ParserFunctions .
Technical metadata of another page
Parser function | Output (for page MediaWiki) |
Beskrivelse | Versioner | |
{{PAGEID: sidens navn }}
1 | [Expensive] Returns the page identifier of the specified page*. |
| |
{{PAGESIZE:page name}} {{PAGESIZE: page name |R}}
109.430 109430 |
[Expensive] Returnerer byte størrelsen af den angivne side. Brug "|R " for at få (uformaterede) numre.
| |
{{PROTECTIONLEVEL:action | sidenavn}}
sysop | [Expensive] Outputs the protection level (e.g. "autoconfirmed", "sysop") for a given action (e.g. "edit", "move") on the specified page. Returns an empty string if not protected. |
| |
{{PROTECTIONEXPIRY: action | page name}}
infinity | [Expensive] Outputs the protection expiry (e.g. "20160418155030", "infinity") for a given action (e.g. "edit", "move") on the specified page. Returns "infinity" if not protected. |
| |
[Expensive] Returns the sources of any cascading protection acting on the specified page. Pages will not return their own title unless they transclude themselves. |
| ||
{{REVISIONID: sidens navn }}
6287429 | [Expensive] Unique revision ID of the last revision on the specified page*. |
| |
{{REVISIONDAY: sidens navn }}
29 | [Expensive] Day of edit from the last revision of the specified page* (unpadded number). |
| |
{{REVISIONDAY2: sidens navn }}
29 | [Expensive] Day of edit from the last revision of the specified page* (zero-padded number). |
| |
{{REVISIONMONTH: sidens navn }}
12 | [Expensive] Month of edit from the last revision of the specified page* (zero-padded number as of 1.17+, unpadded number in prior versions). |
| |
{{REVISIONMONTH1: sidens navn }}
12 | [Expensive] Month of edit from the last revision of the specified page* (unpadded number). |
| |
{{REVISIONYEAR: sidens navn }}
2023 | [Expensive] Year of edit from the last revision of the specified page*. |
| |
{{REVISIONTIMESTAMP: sidens navn }}
20231229181425 | [Expensive] Timestamp as of time of edit on the specified page*. |
| |
{{REVISIONUSER: sidens navn }}
Tropicalkitty | [Expensive] The username from the last revision on the specified page*. |
| |
URL data
Parser function | Input → Output | Beskrivelse | Versioner | ||||||||||||||
{{localurl:page name}} {{localurl:page name
{{localurl:MediaWiki}} → /wiki/MediaWiki {{localurl:MediaWiki|printable=yes}} → /w/index.php?title=MediaWiki&printable=yes |
The relative path to the title. | |||||||||||||||
{{fullurl:page name}} {{fullurl:page name {{fullurl:interwiki:remote page name
{{fullurl:Category:Top level}} → //
A protocol-relative path to the title, which depends on the $wgServer configuration setting for the local wiki (and so may or may not start with http(s):// ). This will also resolve interwiki prefixes. Note: Unbracketed (plain) protocol-relative links are not automagically linked.
| ||||||||||||||
{{canonicalurl:page name}} {{canonicalurl:page name {{canonicalurl:interwiki:remote page name
{{canonicalurl:Category:Top level}} →
The absolute path to the title, using the canonical URL. This will also resolve interwiki prefixes. |
| ||||||||||||||
{{filepath:file name}} {{filepath:file name|nowiki}} {{filepath:file name|thumbnail_size}}
{{filepath:Wiki.png}} → //
A protocol-relative path to the full size or thumbnail (1.18+) of a media file. |
| ||||||||||||||
{{urlencode:string}} or {{urlencode:string|QUERY}} {{urlencode:string|WIKI}} {{urlencode:string|PATH}}
{{urlencode:x:y/z á é}} or {{urlencode:x:y/z á é|QUERY}} → x%3Ay%2Fz+%C3%A1+%C3%A9 {{urlencode:x:y/z á é|WIKI}} → x:y/z_%C3%A1_%C3%A9 {{urlencode:x:y/z á é|PATH}} → x%3Ay%2Fz%20%C3%A1%20%C3%A9 Note that the default changed from |
The input encoded for use in URLs. Note that there is no urldecode function like there is in the obsolete Extension:StringFunctions
| ||||||||||||||
{{anchorencode:x y z á é}} → x_y_z_á_é |
The input encoded for use in URL section anchors (after the “#” symbol in a URL). |
The following are equivalents encoded for use in MediaWiki URLs (some characters percent-encoded):
{{localurle:page name}}
{{localurle:page name|query_string}}
{{fullurle:page name}}
{{fullurle:page name|query_string}}
{{fullurle:interwiki:remote page name|query_string}}
{{canonicalurle:page name}}
{{canonicalurle:page name|query_string}}
{{canonicalurle:interwiki:remote page name|query_string}}
returns the current localized name for the namespace with that index, canonical name, or local alias.
Thus {{ns:6}}
, {{ns:File}}
, and {{ns:Image}}
(an old name for the File namespace) all return "File".
On a wiki where the content language is French, {{ns:Fichier}}
is also valid, but {{ns:Datei}}
(the localisation of "File" in German) is not.
The main namespace has no name, i.e. {{ns:0}}
returns an empty string.
For explicitly referring to the main namespace, {{int:Blanknamespace}}
can be used, resulting in "(Hoved)".
is the equivalent encoded for MediaWiki URLs. It does the same, but it replaces spaces with underscores, making it usable in external links.
Content namespaces | Talk namespaces | |||
Usage | Output | Usage | Output | |
{{ns:-2}} / {{ns:Media}}
Media | {{ns:-1}} / {{ns:Special}}
Special (no talk page) | |
{{ns:0}} / {{ns:}}
{{ns:1}} / {{ns:Talk}}
Talk | ||
{{ns:2}} / {{ns:User}}
User | {{ns:3}} / {{ns:User talk}}
User talk | |
{{ns:4}} / {{ns:Project}}
Project Varies between wikis |
{{ns:5}} / {{ns:Project talk}}
Project talk | |
{{ns:6}} / {{ns:File}} or {{ns:Image}}
File | {{ns:7}} / {{ns:File talk}} or {{ns:Image talk}}
File talk | |
{{ns:8}} / {{ns:MediaWiki}}
MediaWiki | {{ns:9}} / {{ns:MediaWiki talk}}
MediaWiki talk | |
{{ns:10}} / {{ns:Template}}
Template | {{ns:11}} / {{ns:Template talk}}
Template talk | |
{{ns:12}} / {{ns:Help}}
Help | {{ns:13}} / {{ns:Help talk}}
Help talk | |
{{ns:14}} / {{ns:Category}}
Category | {{ns:15}} / {{ns:Category talk}}
Category talk |
Don't confuse localised namespaces with custom namespaces.
Usage | Input → Output | Beskrivelse | Version | ||
Unsupported: Examples of wrong input (unreliable output), with or without |
Takes an unformatted number (Arabic, no group separators and . as decimal separator) and outputs it in the localized digit script and formatted with decimal and decimal group separators, according to the page language.The If you really need to format (according the wiki's locale) a number in unknown input format, you could try and use |
| ||
Note: In the examples above, "your pref" refers to your date preference on the current MediaWiki wiki only. |
Formats an unlinked date based on user "date format" preference, and adds metadata tagging it as a formatted date. For logged-out users and those who have not set a date format in their preferences, dates can be given a default: mdy , dmy , ymd , ISO 8601 (all case sensitive). If only the month and day are given, only mdy and dmy are valid. If a format is not specified or is invalid, the input format is used as a default. If the supplied date is not recognized as a valid date (specifically, if it contains any metadata such as from a nested use of these or similar templates), it is rendered unchanged, and no (additional) metadata is generated.
| ||
{{lc:DATA CENTER}} → data center
The lowercase input. |
| ||
{{lcfirst:DATA center}} → dATA center
The input with the very first character lowercase. |
| ||
{{uc:text transform}} → TEXT TRANSFORM
The uppercase input. |
| ||
{{ucfirst:text tRAnSFORM}} → Text tRAnSFORM
The input with the very first character uppercase. |
| ||
{{padleft:xyz|5}} → 00xyz
Inserts a string of padding characters (character chosen in third parameter; default "0") of a specified length (second parameter) next to a chosen base character or variable (first parameter). The final digits or characters in the base replace the final characters in the padding; i.e. {{padleft:44|3|0}} produces 044. The padding string may be truncated if its length does not evenly divide the required number of characters.
Only the first character of the third parameter is used in versions up to 1.12, but by version 1.15, all the characters are used. |
| ||
{{padright:xyz|5}} → xyz00
Identical to padleft but adds padding characters to the right side.
| ||
{{bidi:text transform}} → text transform
Wraps the text in a script-appropriate directionality marker (either left-to-right (U+202A) or right-to-left (U+202B)) and a pop directionality formatting character (U+202C), to ensure directionality safety when using a mix of scripts in running text. |
See also: Extension:StringFunctions .
Here are the magic words which are used as main localisation tools. Other magic words will often depend on the wiki's locale and configuration or on the chosen language: see in particular #Date and time, and #Formatting. More magic words are added by the Udvidelse:Oversæt .
The usage of these magic words can be very complex, and the documentation is currently incomplete; there's some more info on PLURAL, GRAMMAR, GENDER.
Usage | Input → Output | Beskrivelse | Version | |||
{{#language}} {{#language:language code}} {{#language:language code|target language code}}
{{#language:ar}} → العربية {{#language:ar|en}} → Arabic
The full name of the language for the given language code: native name (language autonym) by default, name translated in target language if a target language code is specified. Udvidelse:CLDR must be installed for the translation to work. If no argument is given, returns the name of the target language (for articles, the content language; for messages, the user language). |
| |||
{{#bcp47}} {{#bcp47:language code}}
{{#bcp47:sr-ec}} → sr-Cyrl{{#bcp47:zh-yue}} → yue
The IETF BCP-47 language tag for the given language code . If no argument is given, returns the tag of the target language (for articles, the content language; for messages, the user language). |
| |||
{{#dir}} {{#dir:language code}} {{#dir:language code|bcp47}}
{{#dir:en}} → ltr{{#dir:he}} → rtl{{#dir:sr-Cyrl|bcp47}} → ltr
The directionality for the given language code , either rtl or ltr . If the optional second argument is bcp47 , then the first argument is interpreted as a BCP-47 language tag. If no argument is given, returns the directionality of the target language (for articles, the content language; for messages, the user language).
| |||
{{PLURAL:0|is|are}} → are{{PLURAL:1*1|is|are}} → is{{PLURAL:21 mod 10|is|are}} → are{{PLURAL:{{#expr:21 mod 10}}|is|are}} → is{{PLURAL:1|is|are}} → is{{PLURAL:2|is|are}} → are{{PLURAL:-1|is|are}} → is{{PLURAL:-2|is|are}} → are{{PLURAL:0.5|is|are}} → are{{PLURAL:1.5|is|are}} → are{{PLURAL:-0.5|is|are}} → are{{PLURAL:-1.5|is|are}} → are(For Russian) {{PLURAL:5|1=Категория|Категории}} → Категории
Outputs a plural form appropriate for the given language. For English, the singular form (second parameter) is used if the absolute value of the first parameter is an expression equalling one; and the the plural form (third parameter) is used otherwise. See further documentation on
Some language codes (ab, av, ba, bxr, ce, crh_cyrl, cv, inh, koi, krc, kv, lbe, lez, mhr, mrj, myv, ru, sl, tt_cyrl, tyv, udm, xal) used 3 plural forms (updated 01.2014):
Outputs the correct inflected form of the given word described by the inflection code after the colon. Grammar transformations are used for inflected languages like Polish. See also $wgGrammarForms , and grammar documentation on |
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{{GENDER:username|text for every gender}}
(Depends on the named user's gender) | A switch for the gender set in Special:Preferences. |
| |||
{{int:message name}}
{{int:edit}} → Edit (Depends on user language; try: fr • ja) |
Internationalizes (translates) the given interface (MediaWiki namespace) message into the user language. For msgnw and other transclusion magic words, see the Transclusion modifiers section.
Note that this can damage / confuse cache consistency in MediaWiki 1.17 and earlier, see T16404. |
{{int:editsectionhint|MediaWiki}} → Edit section: MediaWiki
You may also use parameters with translations. Parameters are designated in messages with: $1, $2, $3, etc. For example, here is the message for editsectionhint: Edit section: $1 In this example, MediaWiki replaces $1. |
Transclusion modifiers
{{Page name|optional params}}
usually transcludes another page, by default from the Template:namespace.
These magic words modify that behavior.
Usage | Beskrivelse | Version | |
A bare colon is not a template modifier but the prefix for the main namespace. Since transclusion defaults to the Template namespace, you would use for example, {{:UTC}} (vs. {{UTC}}) to include the text of the main namespace article UTC rather than Template:UTC. | ||
Same as {{MediaWiki:xyz}}, except standard message translation is applied depending on subpages and content/user/uselang language. Another difference is: this doesn't appear under "Skabeloner der er brugt på denne side:". Rendered as ⧼xyz⧽ if MediaWiki:xyz doesn't exist. Se også Help:System message . | ||
{{msg:xyz}} {{raw:xyz}}
Even if there is a magic word named "xyz", use template:xyz unless the template doesn't exist (equivalent to {{template:xyz}}). Normally, magic words have priority when there is a conflict. | ||
If $wgEnableScaryTranscluding is enabled, and this is an interwiki transclusion, include the raw wikitext instead of the html from the foreign wiki. |
| |
The unexpanded wikitext is rendered (more or less, for details see Help:Templates#Usage ). | ||
In the wikitext, the tag is substituted by the content (single-level evaluation only), see Help:Templates#Usage . | ||
See Help:Templates#Usage . |
Usage | Input → Output | Beskrivelse | Version | |
{{#interwikilink:link prefix|page title|link text}}
{{#interwikilink:mos|Soraogo|Link text}} → Link text
Creates an interwiki link . When the interwiki prefix of the link conflicts with a namespace on the local wiki, the usual syntax [[prefix:title]] syntax can't be used, but this parser function can still be used to make an interwiki link.
| |
{{#interlanguagelink:link prefix|page title}}
{{#interlanguagelink:mos|Soraogo}} → An (invisible) interlanguage link from this page to [[mos:Soraogo]]
Creates an interlanguage link . When the language prefix of the link conflicts with a namespace on the local wiki, the usual syntax [[prefix:title]] can't be used, but this parser function can still be used to make an interlanguage link.
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{{#special:special page name}}
{{#special:userlogin}} → Special:UserLogin
The localized name for the given canonical Special: page. |
| |
{{#speciale:special page name}}
{{#speciale:userlogin}} → Special:UserLogin
The localized and URL-encoded name for the given canonical Special: page. |
| |
Example for the Cite extension's <ref> tags:
Alias for XML-style MediaWiki parser tags or extension tags. It allows a pre-save transform of wiki code and Extension:ParserFunctions within tags before the tag is processed. It also prevents parsing of tags in conditional paths that aren't executed (like in #if statements). Content between tags is passed as the first parameter, and any attributes for the tags can be passed as subsequent parameters. This example:
…can be rewritten like this:
See also
- For parser function
, see w:Wikipedia:Lua#Running a module.