This page is a translated version of the page Download and the translation is 45% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

==Cea mai nouă versiune==،

Download MediaWiki 1.42.1 (.zip)

Download .tar.gz instead

Help with downloading

Most computers can extract a zip file without additional software.

Users of 7-Zip: Note that prior to 2021, 7-Zip was unable to extract .tar.gz files correctly (T257102). It is recommended to update to the latest version first.

Users of macOS: Note that The Unarchiver is unable to extract .tar.gz files correctly (T258716). Archive Utility can be used instead.

All versions

To users of MediaWiki versions 1.40 and 1.38 and earlier: These versions are no longer supported. Please update to a newer version of MediaWiki.


MediaWiki is free software licensed under version 2 (or later version) of the GNU General Public License. Because MediaWiki is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Read the full text of the GNU GPL version 2 for details.

System Requirements

MediaWiki requires PHP 8.1.0+, a webserver software, and either MariaDB 10.3.0+, MySQL 5.7.0+, SQLite 3.8.0+ or PostgreSQL 10.0+. Using MariaDB or MySQL is recommended as Wikipedia uses MariaDB. Any other database servers are less tested and you may likely run into some bugs.

For more information, please read the pages on system requirements and compatibility.

If using PHP 8, it is recommended to use MediaWiki 1.38.4 or higher. PHP 8 is not in use by Wikimedia wikis, and thus gets less testing, but other groups do use MediaWiki with PHP 8 without issue. If you encounter any bugs when using MediaWiki with PHP 8, please report them. See task T248925 for more information.

Download via command line

To download MediaWiki 1.42.1 in a terminal on a Linux machine using wget, use one of the following commands:


Alternatively, using cURL:

curl -O

Descărcați de la Git în loc

Dezvoltatorii activi ai MediaWiki ar trebui să folosească descărcare de la Git pentru a obține cea mai recentă versiune a software-ului MediaWiki. Git repository are versiuni anterioare ale software-ului, deci este posibil să comutați la ("check out") o anumită versiune. Developers downloading from Git will also need to manually install dependencies via Composer .

Keep in mind that you are downloading the latest alpha version of MediaWiki, which is not recommended for production use! Although this can be used in production, it is more likely to contain bugs.

Developers wanting to install MediaWiki locally to have an environment for development of MediaWiki core or extensions should also read Cum să deveniți un hacker MediaWiki for further instructions.

Descărcări de semnături

Alternative la instalarea manuală

Unii utilizatori pot alege să ignore instalarea manuală si să utilizeze un MediaWiki preinstalat software sau servicii hosting; (de exemplu, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo) oferă și pachete pentru MediaWiki, cu diferite grade de acoperire a versiunilor și a extensiilor (de exemplu, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo). Repositories of some Linux distributions also increasingly offer packages for MediaWiki, with different degrees of frequency and extensions coverage e.g. Debian (including derivatives like Ubuntu), Fedora, Gentoo.

Mai departe?

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Versiuni istorice

Dacă instalarea dvs. MediaWiki este puternic modificată, poate fi dificil să includeți ultimele modificări / actualizări oficiale pe MediaWiki. Pentru a susține astfel de utilizatori, păstrăm ramificații vechi ale codului nostru de până la un an pentru versiunea moștenită și până la trei ani pentru versiunea ulterioară de suport pe termen lung.

Lansări în dezvoltare

If you want to run on the latest development (i.e. alpha) version, you can either download it as mediawiki-master.tar.gz, or download from Git.

From Git you can either download the complete repository (about 528 MiB)

git clone

or the latest revision only (about 85 MiB; this is often called a shallow clone: less time and smaller downloads).


git clone --depth 1

You can also view the latest source code in your browser.

Old releases

You can find tarballs (with extension *.tar.gz) of old versions of MediaWiki in the MediaWiki download archives.


  1. This could cause reference problems when you later use "git pull" to upgrade your shallow clone and the newer revision refers to older revisions which are not yet downloaded to your system. In such a case you can simply download more - increase the depth value - or all revisions later, or make a fresh shallow clone.