This page is a translated version of the page Download and the translation is 48% complete.
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Najnovije izdanje

Download MediaWiki 1.42.1 (.zip)

Download .tar.gz instead

Help with downloading

Most computers can extract a zip file without additional software.

Users of 7-Zip: Note that prior to 2021, 7-Zip was unable to extract .tar.gz files correctly (T257102). It is recommended to update to the latest version first.

Users of macOS: Note that The Unarchiver is unable to extract .tar.gz files correctly (T258716). Archive Utility can be used instead.

All versions

To users of MediaWiki versions 1.40 and 1.38 and earlier: These versions are no longer supported. Please update to a newer version of MediaWiki.


MediaWiki is free software licensed under version 2 (or later version) of the GNU General Public License. Because MediaWiki is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Read the full text of the GNU GPL version 2 for details.

System Requirements

MediaWiki requires PHP 7.4.3+, a webserver software, and either MariaDB 10.3.0+, MySQL 5.7.0+, SQLite 3.8.0+ or PostgreSQL 10.0+. Using MariaDB or MySQL is recommended as Wikipedia uses MariaDB. Any other database servers are less tested and you may likely run into some bugs.

For more information, please read the pages on system requirements and compatibility.

MediaWiki is not compatible with PHP 7.4.0 - 7.4.2 due to an upstream bug. Use PHP 7.4.3+ instead. See task T246594 for more information.
If using PHP 8, it is recommended to use MediaWiki 1.38.4 or higher. PHP 8 is not in use by Wikimedia wikis, and thus gets less testing, but other groups do use MediaWiki with PHP 8 without issue. If you encounter any bugs when using MediaWiki with PHP 8, please report them. See task T248925 for more information.

Download via command line

To download MediaWiki 1.42.1 in a terminal on a Linux machine using wget, use one of the following commands:


Alternatively, using cURL:

curl -O

Preuzimanje sa Git

Aktivni MediaWiki programeri trebaju koristiti preuzimanje preko Git da dobiju najnoviju verziju MediaWiki softvera. Git sadrži ranije verzije softvera , tako da je moguće koristiti ("check out")("odjavi se") izbor za parcijalno odustajanje. Developers downloading from Git will also need to manually install dependencies via Composer .

Keep in mind that you are downloading the latest alpha version of MediaWiki, which is not recommended for production use! Although this can be used in production, it is more likely to contain bugs.

Developers wanting to install MediaWiki locally to have an environment for development of MediaWiki core or extensions should also read How to become a MediaWiki hacker for further instructions.

Preuzimanja potpisa

Alternative ručnoj instalaciji

Neki korisnici mogu preferirati preskakanje ručne instalacije koristeći pre-integrisani MediaWiki softversku spravu ili hosting uslugu; spremišta nekih distribucija također povećano nude pakete za MediaWiki, sa različitim stepenom frekvencije i pokrivenosti proširenja (npr. Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo). Repositories of some Linux distributions also increasingly offer packages for MediaWiki, with different degrees of frequency and extensions coverage e.g. Debian (including derivatives like Ubuntu), Fedora, Gentoo.

Šta dalje?

Upište se na našu mailing listu razmjene obavjesti Budite u toku sa objavama, i držite svoj srver sigurnim!

Ranija važeća izdanja

Ako je vaša MediaWiki u velikoj mjeri izmjenjena, možda to može stvoriti poteškoće da inkorporirate najnoviju službenu verziju/nadgradnje (updates) ažuriranjem na MediaWiki. Za podršku takvim korisnicima mi zadržavamo stare verzije našeg koda do godinu dana , a na duži period slobodnog korištenja do tri godine ostavljamo za Ranije važeća izdanja (legacy long term release).

Razvojna izdanja

Ako želite pokrenuti na zadnjoj razvojnoj (alpha) verziji, birajte preuzimanje(download) sa it as mediawiki-master.tar.gz, ili sa preuzimanje(download) from Git.

Sa Git možete preuzeti(download) ili kompletan paket (complete repository) (oko 528 MiB)

git clone

ili samo posljednje pripremljeno izdanje(latest revision only) (oko 85 MiB; ovo se često naziva shallow clone: kraće vrijeme i manje preuzimanja).[1]

git clone --depth 1

Također možete pogledati latest source code u vašem pretraživaču.

Stara izdanja

Možete potražiti zapečaćene pakete (*.tar.gz) svih starih verzija MediaWiki povratkom na mart 2005 (the earliest being MediaWiki 1.3.11) in the MediaWiki download archives.


  1. To može prouzročiti probleme na linkovima kada kasnije koristite naredbu "git pull" da nadogradite(upgrade) vašeg površnog klona(shallow clone), a novije pripremljeno izdanje za staro pripremljeno izdanje, još niste preuzeli(downloaded) u vaš sistem. U takvom slučaju vi možete jednostavno preuzeti("download") više - povećanjem dubinske vrijednosti - ili sve naknadne izmjene(revisions later), ili napravite novi površni klon(shallow clone).