Manual:Maintenance scripts/List of scripts
MediaWiki contains over 200 maintenance scripts, located in the maintenance/
This page lists these scripts, categorized by type.
There may be some scripts missing from this list; alternate listings can be found at:
- Contents of the
directory. - - MediaWiki generated documentation summary (Files > File List > maintenance in the tabs or left-hand navigation sidebar)
- Category:Maintenance scripts
Content maintenance scripts
- Grep.php
- GenerateSitemap.php
- MoveBatch.php
- RefreshLinks.php
- PurgeParserCache.php
- PurgeMessageBlobStore.php
- RecountCategories.php
- Rebuildtextindex.php
- Rebuildrecentchanges.php
- Rebuildall.php
- PurgePage.php
- PurgeOldText.php
- PageExists.php
- NukeNS.php
- CleanupCaps.php
- CleanupEmptyCategories.php
- CleanupSpam.php
- CleanupTitles.php
- FetchText.php
- GetText.php
- FixMergeHistoryCorruption.php
- DeleteOldRevisions.php
- DeleteEqualMessages.php
- DeleteArchivedRevisions.php
- DumpRev.php
- UpdateCollation.php
- AttachLatest.php
- DumpTextPass.php
- UpdateDoubleWidthSearch.php
- NukePage.php
- PopulateCategory.php
- DeleteBatch.php
- PopulateContentTables.php
- PopulateRevisionLength.php
- PopulateRecentChangesSource.php
- FixDefaultJsonContentPages.php
- UppercaseTitlesForUnicodeTransition.php
- FixTimestamps.php
- PurgeChangedPages.php
- ImportSiteScripts.php
- FixExtLinksProtocolRelative.php
- DumpLinks.php
- Rebuildmessages.php
- DeleteDefaultMessages.php
- DeleteOrphanedRevisions.php
- PopulateParentId.php
- PopulateArchiveRevId.php
- RefreshExternallinksIndex.php
- PopulatePPSortKey.php
- DeduplicateArchiveRevId.php
- PopulateRevisionSha1.php
- PopulateBacklinkNamespace.php
- CategoryChangesAsRdf.php
- PopulateInterwiki.php
- Orphans.php
- Protect.php
- View.php
- ResetPageRandom.php
- MakeTestEdits.php
Database maintenance script
- MigrateRevisionActorTemp.php
- MigrateLinksTable.php
- PruneUnusedLinkTargetRows.php
- RunBatchedQuery.php
- Sqlite.php
- SqliteMaintenance.php
- Sql.php
- Lag.php
- PopulateLogUsertext.php
- PopulateExternallinksIndex60.php
- PopulateImageSha1.php
- PopulateFilearchiveSha1.php
- MigrateImageCommentTemp.php
- UpdateRestrictions.php
- RenameDbPrefix.php
- PatchSql.php
- CleanupInvalidDbKeys.php
- GetReplicaServer.php
- DeleteSelfExternals.php
- DeduplicateArchiveRevId.php
- PopulateRevisionSha1.php
- PopulateBacklinkNamespace.php
- PopulateInterwiki.php
- Mysql.php
- GenerateSchemaSql.php
User maintenance scripts
- ResetUserEmail.php
- RemoveInvalidEmails.php
- ReassignEdits.php
- PurgeExpiredBlocks.php
- MigrateActors.php
- InvalidateBotPasswords.php
- CreateBotPassword.php
- ChangePassword.php
- BlockUsers.php
- CleanupPreferences.php
- CleanupUsersWithNoId.php
- FindMissingActors.php
- EmptyUserGroup.php
- DeleteUserEmail.php
- InitUserPreference.php
- CreateCommonPasswordCdb.php
- WrapOldPasswords.php
- FixUserRegistration.php
- PopulateLogUsertext.php
- CreateAndPromote.php
- InitEditCount.php
- ConvertUserOptions.php
- CheckUsernames.php
- PurgeExpiredUserrights.php
- PurgeExpiredWatchlistItems.php
- RemoveUnusedAccounts.php
- DeleteLocalPasswords.php
- CleanupWatchlist.php
- PopulateIpChanges.php
- CleanupBlocks.php
- InvalidateUserSessions.php
File maintenance scripts
- ImportImages.php
- DumpUploads.php
- CleanupUploadStash.php
- DeleteArchivedFiles.php
- RefreshImageMetadata.php
- EraseArchivedFile.php
- PurgeChangedFiles.php
- PruneFileCache.php
- FileOpPerfTest.php
- PopulateImageSha1.php
- MigrateImageCommentTemp.php
- RebuildImages.php
- CheckImages.php
- SyncFileBackend.php
- CopyFileBackend.php
- MigrateFileRepoLayout.php
- FindOrphanedFiles.php
- RefreshFileHeaders.php
- FindMissingFiles.php
Development maintenance scripts
- Mwdocgen.php
- GenerateAutoload.php
- GenerateLocalAutoload.php
- GenerateConfigSchemaYaml.php
- GenerateConfigSchemaArray.php
- GenerateConfigNames.php
- GenerateConfigDefaultSettings.php
- FindClasses.php
- ConvertExtensionToRegistration.php
- Mwdoc-filter.php
- GetSlaveServer.php
- FindHooks.php
- CompareParserCache.php
- GetConfiguration.php
- ImportSiteScripts.php
- GetReplicaServer.php
- CheckComposerLockUpToDate.php
- PreprocessorFuzzTest.php
- FormatInstallDoc.php
- UpdateExtensionJsonSchema.php
- CheckLess.php
- Minify.php
- CheckDependencies.php
- MergeMessageFileList.php
- CleanupRemovedModules.php
- UpdateCredits.php
- ManageForeignResources.php
- AddSite.php
- Mcc.php
- PurgeModuleDeps.php
- Mctest.php
- ValidateRegistrationFile.php
- Jsparse.php
- FindDeprecated.php
Stats maintenance scripts
- InitSiteStats.php
- PopulateChangeTagDef.php
- AddChangeTag.php
- ShowSiteStats.php
- UpdateArticleCount.php
Logs maintenance scripts
Interwiki maintenance scripts
Jobs maintenance scripts
Language maintenance scripts
Benchmark maintenance scripts