translatewiki:– itzulpen-komunitateak, hizkuntza-komunitateak eta software libreko proiektuak bilatzeko plataforma bat da. MediaWikirako lokalizazioarekin hasi zen. Ondoren, MediaWiki, FreeCol, OpenStreetMap, Etherpad Lite eta software libreko beste proiektu batzuen luzapenetarako euskarria gehitu zen.
MediaWikiren eta bere luzapenen 300 kokapenek baino gehiagok erabiltzen dute itzulpen-bide egoki gisa, baita koordinaziorako eta mantentze-lanetarako ere. Mantis, FreeCol eta Mwlib.rl ere itzuli daitezke. Proiektu gehiago ongietorriak dira.
Ezagutzen duzun hizkuntza batera itzultzeko ahaleginean parte har dezakezu. MediaWikiren interfazearen itzulpenak hizkuntza berrietara egiten dira Wikimedia Fundazioaren proiektuetarako.
This project is not part of the Wikimedia Foundation projects, but it is supported by the Wikimedia Language team and volunteers. irabazi-asmorik gabeko proiektu elkartua da, Interes Publikoko Softwarea izenekoa. Itzulpen-funtzionalitateak Special:MyLanguage/Extension:Translate’ MediaWiki luzapena du.
- Interwiki link format:
[[translatewiki:]] eta MediaWiki supports in-wiki translation of all the messages of core MediaWiki, extensions and skins. MediaWikiren erabiltzaile-interfazeko mezuen itzulpen guztiak pasatu behar du, eta ez du kodearekin zuzenean konprometitu behar. Only the English messages and their initial documentation must be done in the source code.
Core MediaWiki eta luzapenek sistemaren mezuak erabili behar dituzte erabiltzailearen interfazean agertzen den edozein testutarako. For an example of how to do this, please see Manual:Special pages. If the extension is well written, it will probably be included in in a few days, after its staff notices it on Gerrit. If it is not noticed, contact them. If it is too unstable to be translated, note so in the code or commit and contact them if necessary.
Handling support requests
Translators may have questions about some of the messages you create. provides a support request system that allows translators the ability to ask you, the project owner, questions regarding messages so that they can be better translated. This short tutorial guides you through the workflow of handling support requests.
Overview of the localisation system
Localisation update workflow
As mentioned above, translation happens on and other systems are discouraged. Here's a high level overview of the localisation update workflow:
- Developers add or change system messages.
- Users translate the new or changed system messages on
- Automated tools export these messages, build new versions of the message files, incorporating the added or updated messages, for both core and extensions, and commit them to git.
- The wikis then can pull in the updated system messages from the git repository.
Because changes on are pushed to the code daily as well, this means that each change to a message can potentially be applied to all existing MediaWiki installations in a couple days without any manual intervention or traumatic code update.
As you can see this is a multi-step process. Over time, we have found out that many things can go wrong. If you think the process is broken, please make sure to report it on our Support page, or create a new bug in Phabricator. Always be sure to describe a precise observation.
- translatewiki:Translating:Localisation for developers
- git:translatewiki/ - Public configuration repository
- git:mediawiki/extensions/TwnMainPage -'s main page
- On Phabricator
- Localisation landing page