Trợ giúpːMở rộngːví dụ dịch Dịch/Trang

This page is a translated version of the page Help:Extension:Translate/Page translation example and the translation is 13% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Video of a workshop about how to use Mở rộng:Dịch .

Chào mừng các bạn! Sau khi đọc xong hướng dẫn này bạn sẽ biết làm thế nào để tạo và quản lý các trang dịch sử dụng Mở rộng dịch. Chủ đích của chúng tôi là viết bài hướng dẫn này càng ngắn, càng súc tích càng tốt, khi giới thiệu các khái niệm và tác vụ cơ bản. Sau khi đọc xong hướng dẫn này các bạn có thể sử dụng tài liệu chuyên sâu về tính năng dịch trang.

There is also a set of video tutorials that parallel part of this tutorial that you can use to help learn how to use the Translate extension:

Please note:
  • Consequently, we will consider that you are a Translation administrator on your wiki (...if you can, you should declare yourself now !), otherwise you may not have access to some of the links/pages described here.
  • Remember also, that this is only a simple tutorial. You can see an Example of marked code prepared by best practices.
Let's go!

Bước 1: Trước khi bắt đầu

Trang thiết đặt

Hướng dẫn này giả định mở rộng Dịch đã được cài và cấu hình. Có thể bạn đã có một trang ở trong đầu cầu được dịch, hoặc bạn có thể sử dụng trang ví dụ được cho dưới dây để thử các bước trong hướng dẫn này "trong chính wiki của bạn" Maybe you already have a page in mind that needs translation, or you can use the example page provided below to try out the steps in this tutorial in your own wiki.

Đây là trang miêu tả đô thị tưởng tượng của Fréttinga.

Here is the wikicode associated to it:

Fréttinga is a small municipality in MungoLand, located on the BaMungo island.
It hosts a population of about 400 people. It has some agriculture and fishing.
Tourists like to visit it in the summertime.

== Services ==

It doesn't have many services. There is a shop, and a car ferry visits the island
from the mainland once a day.
  • 1. Go to the page [[Fréttinga]] in your wiki (or a draft page) and click create.
  • 2. Paste the above content and save it.

Bước 2: Chuẩn bị

Chuẩn bịː Đánh dấu trang này để dịch

Bây giờ chúng ta có một trang có văn bản. Nếu trang này vẫn đang trong quá trình có nhiều thay đổi, tốt hơn hết là chờ cho đến khi việc biên tập chậm xuống đến mức độ bình thường trước khi thêm trang này vào hệ thống dịch. Điều này để tránh quá nhiều việc cho người dịch khi họ cần duy trì theo dõi với tất cả các thay đổi.

Note that source page can be written in any language. If its language is different from default wiki language, you — as a translation admin — have to set properly the page language using Special:PageLanguage sooner rather later, before Step 3 anyway.

If the page is still going to be subject to lots of changes, it may be better to wait until the edits slow down to a normal level before adding the page into the translation system. This is to avoid too much work for translators as they need to keep up with all the changes.

The page is ready for translation? So let's see how to request translation:

  • 3. Edit [[Fréttinga]]
  • 4. Wrap the whole content inside ‎<translate>...‎</translate> tags as shown below
  • 5. Save the page
Fréttinga is a small municipality in MungoLand, located on the BaMungo island.
It hosts a population of about 400 people. It has some agriculture and fishing.
Tourists like to visit it in the summertime.

== Services ==

It doesn't have many services. There is a shop, and a car ferry visits the island
from the mainland once a day.

You don't need to add ‎<translate> tags to all elements.

You should never add markers like <!--T:1--> yourself; the extension does it for you in the next step.

Bước 3: Cho phép dịch

Sau khi lưu trang này, bạn sẽ thấy một liên kết ở phía trên đầu của trang ý nói "Đánh dấu trang này để dịch" (hoặc "Trang này chứa các thay đổi không được đánh dấu cho việc dịch." nếu bạn không phải là một quản trị viên dịch thuật̠). Click vào liên kết đó. Trang này sẽ tự động chia làm 4 đơn vị dịch. Đơn vị đầu tiên là tiêu đè của trang, thứ hai là đoạn văn đầu tiên, thứ ba là phần đầu của đoạn văn thứ hai, thứ tư là nội dung của đoạn văn thứ hai. Đó là những mục cơ bản của các trang có thể dịch đượcː mỗi đơn vị là độc lập; nó có thể và phải được dịch toàn bộ; những thay đổi trong nội dung trang được đánh đấu vào mức của đơn vị. Các đơn vị có thể sắp xếp lại hoặc xóa bỏ. If you are a translation administrator, then click on the "Đánh dấu trang này là cần dịch" link. The page has been automatically split into four translation units. The first unit is the title of the page, the second is the first paragraph, the third is the header of the second paragraph, and the fourth is the text of the second paragraph. These are the basics items of translatable pages: each unit is independent; it can and must be translated as a whole; changes to the page content are tracked into the unit level. Units can be rearranged or deleted.

There is also a view of the page translation page template; this will be covered in later steps.

  • 6. Click the "Đánh dấu trang này là cần dịch" link
  • 7. Ensure that the page body is split into three units correctly
  • 8. Click the "Đánh dấu phiên bản này là cần dịch" button (reminder: you have to be a Translation administrator for this)
  • 9. Return to the page

Now you will see a new link at the top, "Dịch trang này", that lets translators translate the page. You might have a look at the translation tutorial which uses this page as an example and try out few translations now. Then return here for the next step.

Bước 4: Thực hiện thay đổi

Understanding how changes are impacting translations and translations units

Xử lý các thay đổi

Tracking changes is a very important feature, so let's make some changes and see how it works. When you open the page for editing you will see that it has been modified with markers like <!--T:1-->. These are added by the extension and help it identify which unit is which. This allows you to rearrange and edit those units. When editing the page, the markers should be left alone and their position in relation to the unit they belong to should not be changed. When moving a unit, move the unit marker, too.

When deleting a unit, delete the marker too. When adding new paragraphs, new markers will be added by the software. Do not try to do this manually, it may confuse the software. Markers you have deleted will also be automatically deleted by the bot in the existing translations.

If you do minor changes to an existing translation unit (adding a few words or a link to a paragraph), keep the marker. If you change a whole paragraph (delete and rebuilt it), delete the marker. This way, translators will have different tasks, between reviewing a fuzzy translation or create a new translation.

Let's modify something!

Here is what you will do:

<languages /> <translate> <!--T:1--> Fréttinga is a small municipality in MungoLand, located on the BaMungo island. It hosts a population of about 400 people. It has some agriculture and fishing. Tourists like to visit it in the summertime. It has marvelous beaches with a lot of seagulls. == Services == <!--T:2--> <!--T:3--> It doesn't have many services. There is a shop, and a car ferry visits the island from the mainland once a day. In 2009 January the roof of the church in the island fell down. It was rebuilt collaboratively the following summer. </translate>

  • 10. Make some additions as highlighted above
  • 11. Click the "marked for translation" link at the top
  • 12. Observe the changes
  • 13. Click the "đánh dấu cần dịch" button (reminder: you have to be a Translation administrator for this)
  • 14. Return to the original page

If you made translations as suggested in the previous step, you can now see those translations linked at the top of the page. You will also see that the translation is not 100 % up to date. If you go to the translation view, you see that the unit is marked as in need of updating.

Các bản dịch lỗi thời được thay thế bằng văn bản tiếng Anh; người dùng được nói rằng việc dịch chưa hoàn thành.

Việc xem mẫu dịch giúp bạn để xem những phần nào của trang là không đổi trong tất cả các phiên bản ngôn ngữ ("trang dịch mẫu", tức là các phần nằm bên ngoài thẻ dịch) và cũng cho bạn thấy nếu các đơn vị đã được di chuyển đi nơi khác hoặc bị xóa.

Có thể có một chút chậm trễ trước khi tất cả các phiên bản dịch được cập nhật, vì có thể có nhiều trang đang cập nhật.

Bây giờ bạn đã biết những điều cơ bản, nhưng hướng dẫn này sẽ tiếp tục với nhiều điều mà bạn có thể gặp phải.

Bước 5: Thêm các thành phần wiki khác

Kết quả cuối cùng

Adding an image, a category and a list with translation markers

You have a basic translatable page now, but it is very dull. Let's add an image and some other stuff to make it look more like a normal wiki page and see how those elements interact with translation.

We also removed a paragraph, including its unit marker, and replaced it with a list, so you can see what happens.

  • 15. Add an image, a category and a list to the page as shown below
  • 16. Save the page
  • 17. Click the link "marked for translation" at the top of the page
  • 18. Verify that the changes look as intended
  • 19. Click the "Đánh dấu phiên bản này là cần dịch" button
  • 20. Return to the translatable page

<languages /> [[File:Torsö.jpg|thumb|<translate>A typical view of Fréttinga</translate>]] <translate> <!--T:1--> Fréttinga is a small municipality in MungoLand, located on the BaMungo island. It hosts a population of about 400 people. It has some agriculture and fishing and tourists like to visit it in the summertime. It has marvelous beaches with a lot of [[Special:MyLanguage/Seagull|seagulls]]. == Services == <!--T:2--> <!--T:3--> It doesn't have many services. There is a shop, and a car ferry visits the island from the mainland once a day. Main events: * The roof of the church fell down in 2009 * New church was built in 1877 [[Category:Municipalities]] </translate>

Document a translation

Allowing to translate only the picture title:

[[File:Torsö.jpg|thumb|<translate>A typical view of Fréttinga</translate>]]

Or allowing to change the image file in the translated page (for localized version for example) and the title:

<translate>[[File:Torsö.jpg|thumb|A typical view of Fréttinga]]</translate>

Here you can see that we left most of the image markup outside of a translation unit and have it in the translation page template instead. (reminder: the translation page template doesn't change between the different translated pages) This is usually okay, but sometimes translators may want to change the image, especially if it contains linguistic content (text). In those cases it's usually easiest to include the whole markup in a unit (as we did for the category).

When the translation of a unit involves or interacts with markup it's a good idea to write a small tip to the translators about it. You can do this with the following steps.

The documentation you add is shown to the translator like this
  • 21. Click "Dịch trang này" link at the top
  • 22. Select "qqq - Tài liệu thông điệp" language
  • 23. Click the message name which contains the message "A typical view of Fréttinga"
  • 24. Write "Description of an image" and click "Save"

Now, the documentation "Description of an image" is shown next to the to-be-translated-title of the image.


Similarly, for links there are many ways to do it. We used [[Special:MyLanguage/Seagull]], which automatically redirects to the translated version of the page depending on the users' interface language (if that translation exists). This isn't an ultimate solution, because users will always be redirected to the interface language they are using, not to the language they are currently reading. Special:MyLanguage also interferes with Special:WhatLinksHere and makes it not work. The good thing about Special:MyLanguage is that you always get some version of the page, even if the requested translation doesn't exist.

About categories

In this example, the whole category assignment is a translation unit. This lets translators change it to [[Category:Municipalities/de]] or whatever naming convention you want to use for categories. If it were outside the translation template, you would have all the pages Foo, Foo/de, Foo/ru, Foo/ta and so on in the same category. Sometimes this is okay, but usually it distracts the users. Make sure your translators know what the local convention is.

About titles

To have titles considered as separated elements than text, don't forget to add a blank line (if there isn't one already) between the title and the paragraph following it.

The following example will only create one translation unit:

== Services ==
It doesn't have many services. There is a shop, and a car ferry visits the island from the mainland once a day.

The next one will create two translation units, including one for the title.

== Services ==

It doesn't have many services. There is a shop, and a car ferry visits the island from the mainland once a day.

Adding a blank line allows translators to know when they can take a break. Plus it prevents issues with wikitext.

Lời cuối

Operating on the whole page and its translations

It is also possible to move translatable pages including all their translations to a new name. Because many pages may need to be moved, this operation is not instant. You can delete either the whole page including all translations, or just one translated version of a page. You can access these functions from the same place they are on all other pages.

Managing all wiki's pages translations with Special pages

Special:PageTranslation lists all the pages in the system. Besides giving you an overview of all translatable pages, it is also possible to discourage pages from translation. This hides the page from most lists. It does not prevent further translations.

Now, you know!

You have now created a translatable page and tried all of the common actions that can be performed on translatable pages.

Going deeper?

For more information, or if you want to understand the feature more deeply, please continue reading on the in-depth documentation of page translation feature. It also contains discussion about different ways of handling links, categories and templates, or pros and cons of using larger or smaller translation units.

See also