"Nikhalilile wakunjila mu akaunti" kwa chaka

This page is a translated version of the page "Keep me logged in" extended to one year and the translation is 40% complete.

Pa Chiŵili, 16 Ogasiti 2016 nyengo ya 15:00 UTC (8:00 a.m. PDT), manjililo ghapa Wikimedia ghakasintha kuti ghafike mpaka chaka chimoza. This will only affect users who select the option to "Nileke kufumaso" on the login screen. Currently, this option lasts only for 30 days.

Users who do not check "Nileke kufumaso" will not be affected by this change. You can log out sooner by clicking the "Fuma" button in the upper right corner of your screen, or by clearing cookies for the website.


Chifukwa ntchivichi chakusinthila?

Pala ŵagwiliski ŵasankha kukhala mu akaunti kwa nyengo itali, ntchakuvwila kuchita ntheula kwakutalika kwa masiku ghakujumpha 30. Kukhalilila mu akaunti kwa nyengo itali nkhuweni chifukwa kukupeweska masuzgo ghakufuma mu akaunti mwambula kunozgekela. The login length was previously much longer, and was shortened a few years ago to just 30 days as part of some other changes to how we handle cookies. Many users have requested a return to the longer length since then.

Yayi, vikuchitika yayi.

Ni wiki njini iyo ivi vakukhumba kuchitika?

This change applies to all WMF wikis in all languages, including Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Meta, MediaWiki.org, and more.

If my wiki shows the "Nileke kufumaso" time period, will that be accurate?

Most wikis are using the default message, which says only, "Nileke kufumaso", without specifying the maximum length of time. Pala ni nthena, uthenga ukhalililenge ntheula kwambula kusintha.

If your wiki is currently using the message parameter, then the message will show the new length automatically. Paŵevyenge icho mukhumbenge kusintha. Any wiki can choose to show the length by editing MediaWiki:Userlogin-remembermypassword to say, "Keep me logged in (for up to $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}})". The software will automatically insert the correct length of time where the "$1" is in this phrase. If you want, you can copy and translate the example from the English Wikipedia for your wiki.

If your wiki is using a custom local message that has the time hard-coded (e.g., "Keep me logged in for a month", without the "$1" parameter), then please change this immediately to use the parameter instead. Using the parameter means that your users will always get accurate information about this setting.

Will existing login sessions be affected immediately?

Ntchito izo zayambiko kale zikhwaskikenge yayi. Users will not be logged out early, and existing sessions will not be extended. This change will take effect the next time you login with "Nileke kufumaso" checked.

Does this comply with the Privacy Policy?

Yes, the Legal team has verified that this change complies with the Privacy policy.
