
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Links and the translation is 34% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
PD Nota: Cuando editas esta página, aceptas liberar tu contribución bajo la licencia CC0. Para más información mira las páginas de ayuda de dominio público. PD

Los enlaces se utilizan para hacer referencia a otras páginas de MediaWiki, a otras wikis, o a sitios web externos.

Hay cinco tipos de enlaces en MediaWiki:

  1. Enlaces internos a otras páginas en el wiki (comúnmente llamados "wikienlaces")
  2. Enlaces externos a otros sitios web
  3. Enlaces externos a páginas internas en el mismo wiki
  4. Enlaces interwikis a otros sitios webs registrados en el wiki por adelantado
  5. Enlaces interidiomas a otros wiki registrados como versiones del mismo wiki en otros idiomas

Nótese que ésta lista no incluye links de categoría ni Enlaces de archivo que son usados para categorizar paginas y mostrar imágenes u otro contenido multimedia, respectivamente.

Enlaces internos

Para crear un llamado enlace interno a una página del mismo wiki (un "wikienlace"), utiliza el marcado wiki de doble corchete, [[así]]. Al previsualizar o guardar los cambios, verá un enlace que puede seguirse hasta la página de destino. Si la página existe, el enlace se muestra en azul (como la palabra "crear" en la primera frase de este párrafo); si la página no existe, el enlace aparece en rojo (por lo que el enlace [[así]] se muestra realmente así). Tenga en cuenta que los colores podrían ser diferentes si el esquema de colores de la wiki ha sido cambiado del predeterminado. Note that the colors could be different if the color scheme of the wiki has been changed from the default. Siguiendo un "redlink" de este tipo a una página que falta (esté o no realmente en rojo), normalmente el usuario podrá crear la página.

Para marcar cualquier cadena de texto arbitraria (no necesariamente un título de página) como un enlace, utilice una "barra vertical" o un carácter "pipa", así: [[Ayuda:Categorías|enlaces de categorías]] da como resultado el enlace enlaces de categorías.

La primera letra del objetivo del enlace no suele distinguir entre mayúsculas y minúsculas (a menos que el wiki esté configurado de otra manera), lo que significa que los enlaces pueden ir en mayúsculas o no (por lo que Cómo contribuir y Cómo contribuir son equivalentes). Sin embargo, las mayúsculas y minúsculas de cada letra subsiguiente deben coincidir exactamente con las de la página de destino (por lo que Cómo contribuir y Cómo contribuir son no equivalentes). Los espacios en el título de la página pueden representarse como guiones bajos (por lo que Cómo contribuir y Cómo_contribuir vuelven a ser equivalentes), pero el uso de guiones bajos en los enlaces los hará visibles en el texto de la página (pero esto puede evitarse utilizando una "tubería").

Si el título de la página a la que enlaza es el de la página que está editando, el resultado no es un hipervínculo en absoluto, sino simplemente un texto en negrita (por ejemplo, en esta página el marcado [[Help:Links/es]] da el resultado Help:Links/es). Si intentas crear un wikilink a la página actual, probablemente quieras enlazar a una sección específica o a un ancla dentro de la página; consulta los ejemplos siguientes.

MediaWiki utiliza la tabla de pagelinks para realizar un seguimiento de los enlaces wiki internos.

Unlike external links, internal links do not support the use of URL query parameters. The addition of HTML attributes is not supported by either internal or external links.

Nombre/Descripción Sintaxis Resultado
Enlace interno
[[Main Page]]


[[Extension:DynamicPageList (Wikimedia)]]

Main Page


Extension:DynamicPageList (Wikimedia)

Enlace canalizado
[[Help:Editing pages|editing help]]

Enlaza con una sección/anclaje dentro de la página de destino.

[[Help:Editing pages#Preview|previewing]]

Enlace a un ancla en la misma página

[[#See also|different text]]

Véase también meta:Help:Piped link.

editing help


different text

Pipe trick

[[User:John Doe|]]

[[Extension:DynamicPageList (Wikimedia)|]]

[[Extension:DynamicPageList (disambiguation)|]]

El truco de la tubería puede resultar en el mismo texto para enlaces a páginas diferentes, como se puede ver en los ejemplos de DynamicPageList.


John Doe



Enlaces que acaban palabra





Sigue las llamadas "reglas de linktrail" localizado por cada idioma.






Evitando enlaces que acaban palabra
[[Help]]<nowiki />ful advice

[[wikipedia:GNU General Public License|GPL]]<nowiki />v3

Helpful advice


Enlace a una sección en la misma página
[[#See also]]

Encabezado de Sección y el superior ([[#top]]) de la página son automáticamente anclados.

#See also
Ajuste de un ancla de enlace interno
<div id="Unique anchor name 1">optional text</div>

<span id="Unique anchor name 2">optional text</span>

Renderizado block-level e inline, respectivamente. Hacer esto permitiría [[#Nombre de anclaje único 1]] en la misma página o [[Help:Links/es#Nombre de anclaje único 1]] en una página diferente. Omitir el "texto opcional" para un ancla invisible.

Establecer un ancla en un encabezado de sección

==<span id="Alternate Section Title"></span>Section heading==

Tenga en cuenta la ubicación. Esta debe ser una etiqueta "span", no una "div". (Such anchors allow sections to be retitled without breaking incoming links.)

optional text

optional text

Section heading
Enlace a una ancla en otra página
[[Help:Images#Supported media types for images]]
Help:Images#Supported media types for images
Enlace a la página de charla de la página actual

Véase también Ayuda:Palabra mágicas#Page names

Enlace a una subpágina

Atajo para [[Help:Links/example|/example]]. Véase también Ayuda:Subpáginas .

Enlace a una subpágina sin la barra al inicio

Atajo para [[Help:Links/example|example]].

Link to a subpage of parent page for current page. Can only be used on subpages.

Shortcut for [[Help:Links/example2|example2]] if you post the link on [[Help:Links/example|example]] page.

Enlace interno a una página de categoría

Without the leading colon the link would not be visible and the page would instead be placed into the category; this is a very common mistake. Véase también Ayuda:Categorías .

Enlace interno a una imagen o a un archivo de medios sin mostrar los contenidos del archivo.


file label


file label

Enlace interno a la página de un usuario lector






Internal link to a specific revision

Revision numbers can be found in each page's edit history. (It is very common to see links to specific revisions implemented as external links because it's easy to cut-and-paste an entire URL to form an external link.)

Internal link to a "diff"


The default (in the first example above) is to show the changes from the previous revision. See also the comments in the previous item.



#REDIRECT [[Main Page]]

Should be the first line on the page. Véase Help:Redirecciones .

  Main Page

Enlaces externos

Para agregar un enlace externo, incluya la URL seguida por el espacio y el nombre de la página a la que desea enlazar con corchetes. Cuando guarde la página, verá el nuevo vínculo que apunta a su página, con un icono de flecha después de él para mostrar que se codificó con una sintaxis de enlace externo de soporte único y, por lo tanto, puede conducir a otro sitio.

Descripción Escribes Obtienes
Enlace externo con diferente etiqueta
[ MediaWiki]
Enlace externo numerado

This is what happens if you omit the link text. Multiple links of this type on the same page are numbered sequentially.

Enlace externo

URLs beginning with "http://" and "https://" are automatically linked, even when no brackets are used.
Avoiding auto-linked URLs
Protocolo-relativo enlace externo
[// Wikipedia]

[// //]

The link will be HTTP or HTTPS depending on the protocol of the page currently being viewed (which could be different for different users). This is only supported inside of square brackets [ ]. Using "//" by itself does not result in a link.



Enlace externo al servidor actual
Enlace externo a otro host pasando el nombre de página{{PAGENAMEE}}

See also: URL encoded page names, Manual:PAGENAMEE encoding
Mailto link
[ email me]
email me
Mailto named with subject line and body
[ info]
Custom URI
[skype:echo123 call me]

Any URI you wish to add needs to be first declared through $wgUrlProtocols . (This example is not enabled on

[skype:echo123 call me]

Email links use mailto: before the address. They're written like this: [ address name] (resulting in address name). If there's no name, the address is automatically numbered, like this: [] becomes [2]. Addresses without square brackets won't be linked, e.g., You can also add a CC using [ address name] (resulting in address name). To add a subject, use [] "

Enlaces externos a páginas internas

To add a link to a page on the same wiki using URL query parameters, you may need to use external link syntax.

Descripción Escribes Obtienes
Enlace externo a la edición de la página actual
[ Edit this page]

[{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} Edit this page]

See also Help:Magic_words#URL_data and External links above.

Edit this page

Edit this page

External link to the current page's edit page, and styled to look like an internal link
<span class="plainlinks">[ Edit this page]</span>

The plainlinks class can be used in cases where you want an external link to look like an internal one, by suppressing the icon that normally appears after it.

Edit this page

The arrow icon

Some skins add an arrow icon after each external link by default. However, this can be avoided by using class="plainlinks". For instance:

  • [http://a a] gives a
  • <span class="plainlinks">[http://a a]</span> gives a

Using Linksearch

Special:Linksearch is a built-in tool that helps find pages linked to a specific URL. By using the externallinks table, it generates a comprehensive list of page names where the link originates, along with the complete target link for each source page. You can search in all namespaces or just one. It supports wildcard (*) use, so you can search by top-level domain (e.g. [3]), second-level domain (e.g. [4]), etc. or refine your search by specifying parts of the URL e.g. [5].


  • Avoid including "http://".
  • The program might not return any results if there is a colon in the URL.
  • MediaWiki page names in URLs should have underscores instead of spaces. The Linksearch function also requires underscores in URLs.
  • Linksearch is sensitive to capitalization, multiple underscores, and the use of "index.php". It may not find alternative URLs even if they lead to the same target. Therefore, when creating an external link, it's best to use the canonical form of the URL. If the address bar displays a modified URL after following a link, update the URL in the link accordingly for optimal use of Linksearch.
  • The list is sorted by URL, using standard page name order. Note that an underscore, unlike a blank space, is alphabetically positioned between "Z" and "a".

Normally, internal links within a project are easy to spot and useful for finding related pages. But when there's a mix of internal and external links, it can be tricky to track backlinks, it necessitates the use of both "Help:What links here" and "Linksearch". However, for links to specific sections or anchors, it's possible to include both an internal link and, with CSS styling using "display=none" an external link to provide backlink.

External links are better than interwiki links. With Linksearch, you can even find backlinks to specific sections or anchors. So, combining both internal and external links while hiding the external ones "<span style="display:none">http://...</span>", gives us the best of both worlds.


  1. External links doesn't support Word-ending links.
  2. External links doesn't count toward Special:WhatLinksHere (What links here).

Enlaces interwikis

Interwiki links are internal-style links to other websites (which do not have to be wikis, despite the name). For example, you can link to the article by typing [[wikipedia:Sunflower]] or, on this wiki, the shorter [[w:Sunflower]]. Both will result in a link wikipedia:Sunflower. This works because by default MediaWiki configures wikipedia: as an "interwiki prefix" that turns into when used inside [[ ]]. (It may not work if the admin of your wiki has changed the setting.) Unlike internal links, interwiki links do not use page existence detection, so an interwiki link will appear blue even if the page does not exist on the remote wiki.

Similar to internal page links, you can create piped links , with alternate link label, e.g. [[wikipedia:Sunflower|big yellow flower]] is the link big yellow flower and [[wikipedia:Sunflower|]] is the link Sunflower.

Basically, interwiki links are abbreviations for commonly-used longer external links. A very similar link could be created as [ big yellow flower].

More details are at Manual:Interwiki/es . Your wiki may have a Special:Interwiki page listing the interwiki prefixes it supports; here is the default interwiki list. You can edit the interwiki table on your site.

Enlaces interidiomas

If your wiki has other language versions, you may find interlanguage links in the sidebar, just below toolbox in a section titled “en otros idiomas.”

In wiki markup an interlanguage link looks very much like an interwiki link, but behaves similarly to a category link in that it is rendered in a special way. While category links appear in a special list at the bottom of the page (usually), interlanguage links appear in a special list in the sidebar of the page (or elsewhere, depending on the wiki's configuration and the skin used).

The purpose of interlanguage links is to link pages on the same topics in different languages. To create an interlanguage link, type [[language prefix:page name]] anywhere in the page (preferably at the bottom, like category links); the language prefix is the prefix specified at your wiki for the other language version (typically the ISO 639-1 language code). The interlanguage link is unilateral, it does not point back from that page in the other language. For that purpose, an equivalent back-link needs to be placed there as well. It does not work like the "Edit links" in the languages section of Wikipedia-language versions. But it can be used across all name spaces, including 'User:' to point to ones other profiles in other languages.

If you want to make the interlanguage link appear at a specific place in the content of the page rather than in the sidebar, add a colon before the language prefix:


When a link is both interwiki and interlanguage, the order is wikipedia:en:Sunflower.

For more information, see Enlaces interidiomas .

A piped link is an internal link or interwiki link where the 'target page name' of the link and its 'label' are both specified.

This is useful in cases where the user wants to values of 'target page name' and 'label' to be different. This also enables linking a contextually relevant word or phrase within the text of a page rather than using the generic value "see also". The wording does not need to match the name of the target page. Depending on the preferences set for the current user and a supported browser, you can still see the link target: when you hover your cursor over the link, the name shows up in a pop-up window and is also shown in the status bar.

For example:

[[coffeehouse setup|Get Piping Hot Coffee Here!]]

will show: Get Piping Hot Coffee Here!

Let's take another example: [[help:Piped link|piped link]] will be displayed as piped link. This can be done when context makes it clear that the page being linked to is in the help namespace. The piped link is a better way of doing this, rather than mistakenly linking to piped link which might be a disambiguation page or not exist.

Fun Fact: The term piped refers to the use of the pipe character "|", which in this context is used to separate the more descriptive description from the actual name of the linked page.

The Pipe character was named after an alternative use of it; see Pipe (computing).

Using a redirect as an alternative

An alternative way is to use redirect pages.

To create Get Piping Hot Coffee Here!, use [[Get Piping Hot Coffee Here!]] and make it redirect to coffeehouse setup (please note: unlike above, what pops up when you point at the link, depending on your browser's support, is the text that is already shown).

It is convenient if the redirect is already there or will also be of use elsewhere. However, there are a few drawbacks.

  • the popup does not show the destination page
  • "Related changes" shows the changes in the redirect page not the redirect target
  • the redirect message that is shown on the target page slightly clutters it

Using a piped link and a redirect together, it is possible to provide information in the hover box that is not the name of the linked page, for example, the value of a unit in terms of other units. In that case, it is possible to make a page whose page name is the information that you'd like in the link title, and which redirects to the page with a more appropriate name.

For example, the page w:30.48 cm redirects to w:Foot (unit).

Pipe trick

If the part after the "|" in a piped link is left empty, it is converted to an abbreviated form of the page name on the left, based on the following rules:

  1. Any word that is before the first colon (:), as well as the colon character itself, is removed. This word may or may not be a 'namespace' prefix (such as "Help:") or an 'interwiki' prefix (such as "commons:"). If the name of the page is preceded by a colon (:), "first" refers to "first after this".
  2. If there is some text in the parentheses at the end, then it will be removed.
  3. If there are no parentheses, but there is a comma (,) character, the comma and everything after it is removed.
  4. Note that this does not work for sections/anchors as [[Help:Piped_link#Pipe_trick|]] outputs [[Help:Piped_link#Pipe_trick|]].

Similar to using the three or four tildes when signing on Talk pages, and using 'subst', in a preview, the result shows up in the preview itself, but the conversion in the edit box is not shown yet. Click on the "Show changes" option to see the change in the wikitext.

  • [[Help:Template|]] is converted to [[Help:Template|Template]], which is shown as Template
  • [[Music: My life|]] is converted to [[Music: My life| My life]], which is shown as My life - although "Music:" itself is not a namespace (therefore the space after the colon character is not automatically removed), however, the shortcut works anyway
  • [[w:en:Pipe (computing)|]] is converted to [[w:en:Pipe (computing)|en:Pipe]], which is shown as en:Pipe.
  • [[commons:Boston, Massachusetts|]] is converted to [[commons:Boston, Massachusetts|Boston]], which is shown as Boston.
  • [[w:{{{1}}}|]] does not give [[w:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]], and calling the template with a value of parameter 1 gives a working link, but in the case of substitution only.
  • [[w:en:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|]] does not give [[w:en:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|en:{{FULLPAGENAME}}]] and [[m:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|]] does not give [[m:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|{{FULLPAGENAME}}]]
  • [[Wikipedia:Village pump (technical)#Pipe trick|]] is not converted, so it does not give a working link.
This wikitext Produces
* [[project:a (b)|]]
* [[w:project:a (b)|]]
* [[:de:project:a (b)|]]
* [[wiktionary:project:a (b)|]]
* [[wiktionary:de:project:a (b)|]]
* [[wikibooks:project:a (b)|]]
* [[wikiquote:project:a (b)|]]
* [[wikisource:project:a (b)|]]
* [[wikisource:project:a (b)#c|]]
* [[w:en:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|]] [[w:en:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|en:{{FULLPAGENAME}}]]
* a
* project:a
* project:a
* project:a
* de:project:a
* project:a
* project:a
* project:a
* [[wikisource:project:a (b)#c|]]
* [[w:en:Help:Links/es|]] en:Help:Links/es
* [[m:Help:Links/es|]] Help:Links/es
Category tag

Since the sortkey syntax of the category is similar to a piped link, the pipe trick also works for category tags, even though technically, it is not useful there.


  • [[Help:L{{tc}}k|]] using template:tc is not converted, so the result is rendered as [[Help:Link|]] which is not as a working link. This is because like substitution, the pipe trick expansion occurs before ordinary expansion of the templates, etc. The pipe trick does not work if the linked page includes invalid characters. Therefore, while ordinarily the acceptability of the target page name is assessed after template expansion, the pipe trick expansion judges it before that. The braces are therefore considered invalid characters in the page name. Instead, a template can be used like template:pipe trick: {{pipe trick|Help:|L{{tc}}k}} which renders as Link.

Inverse pipe trick

On page "A (c)", [[|b]] is converted to [[b (c)|b]] automatically.

Similarly, on page "A, c", [[|b]] is converted to [[b, c|b]] automatically.


Linking to an anchor

Links in the format [[#anchor_name]] will direct to the first matching anchor on the page, typically corresponding to the first identical section heading.

You can add an [[#anchor_name]] to a link, directing it to the first matching section heading (or anchor) on the named page:

[[Help:Editing#Advanced editing]]

Using an automatic anchor

Section headings serve as anchors, using the heading text as the anchor name. If there are multiple sections with identical headings, each subsequent occurrence is appended with "_2", "_3", etc.

The anchor #toc links to the page's table of contents, except when there's a section titled "toc."

A manual anchor

Manually-set anchors are beneficial for linking to "unlinkable" elements such as tables (titles or cells) or sections of plain text. For instance, in the External links to internal pages section above, although the column text "Description" resembles a (minor) heading, it is not.

There are several methods to set an anchor at any position:

  • The "anchor" template, if it exists on your wiki, specified as {{Anchor }}, offers a standardized method to create anchor points. Place the template where you want, using the syntax {{Anchor|Name_of_Anchor}}. For instance, {{Anchor|Description}} is placed in the "Description" column of the table below the "External links to internal pages" section. Clicking on #Description links to that anchor point created on the table. The anchor is only visible via the source code.
  • Use the generic anchor tag <span id="anchor_name">some text</span> with optional text for visible anchors. For hidden anchors, omit the text. To point to the anchor use [[#anchor_name]].
  • Avoid using manual HTML headings like <h2>Editing Instructions</h2>. This text serves as an anchor_name.
  • In certain instances, adding an ID attribute similar to HTML within a Wiki-element is necessary. Take, for instance, the table mentioned earlier, titled External links to internal pages:
border="1" class="wikitable" id="You type"
  • A top of a page can be accessed using the reserved term [[#top]].

See also Help:Section#Linking sections using an arbitrary id.

Using Linksearch anchors

As mentioned above, if external link style is used, e.g. [6], we can use Special:Linksearch: [7].

When using Linksearch, it's helpful to add leading zeros to numerical anchor names to prevent unintended matches. For example, instead of searching for "1", use "01" to avoid including "10". This practice is seen in w:Portal:Current events/DateHeader2. Similarly, if there are anchors like "a" and "ab", using "_a" can distinguish them in search results.


The #anchorencode parser function encodes input to use as an anchor. For example, to external link to #Using linksearch anchors above, you would use{{anchorencode:Using Linksearch anchors}}, which resolves to

Subpage feature

MediaWiki has a subpage feature that may or may not be active depending on the project and namespace. If it's activated, the following rules apply; otherwise, "A/b" is simply a standalone page with that name.

A page's tree structure is formed using forward slashes in page names: A/b is considered a subpage of A, making A the parent of A/b; additionally, A/b/c is a subpage of A/b; meanwhile, A/a, A/b, and A/c are categorized as sibling pages.

The subpage body automatically displays links to all parent pages without needing specific wikitext. These links appear even if the parent page doesn't exist. However, if any ancestor page in the sequence is missing, the chain of links will stop before that point. Additionally, the capitalization of letters after the forward slash in the page name matters, meaning "/subpage" and "/Subpage" refer to different pages.

The functions, What links here and [Help:Related changes|]] do not consider these automatically generated links."

When the subpage feature is enabled within a namespace, any forward slash in a page's name automatically creates a subpage structure, regardless of whether it was intended or not.

You can find a list of subpages using Special:PrefixIndex.

Using variables

When utilizing the subpage feature within namespace A on page A:B/c/d, {{BASEPAGENAME}} shows B/c while {{SUBPAGENAME}} shows d.

Within a subpage hierarchy, you can utilize the following relative links:

  • [[../]] links to the parent page of the current subpage. For example, on page A/b, it takes you to page A, and on page A/b/c, it directs you to page A/b.
  • [[../../]] links to the grandparent page of the current subpage. For example, on page A/b/c, it points to page A.
  • [[../s]] links to a sibling page of the current subpage. For example, on page A/b, it leads to page A/s.
  • [[../../s]] links to an "uncle" page of the current subpage. For example, on page A/b/c, it points to page A/s.
  • [[/s]] links direct to a subpage. On page A, it functions similarly to [[A/s]]. However, linking from a namespace with an enabled subpage feature to a main namespace page starting with "/" requires a workaround: adding a colon before the page name.

Relative links remain functional even when all pages within a hierarchy are renamed to reflect a change in the root's name, even if the root becomes a child of a new parent. Users with the appropriate permissions, such as administrators and those with the move-subpages right, have the option to move both the main page and its subpages during a renaming process.

Learn more about subpages at w:Wikipedia:Subpages. See examples at Help:Link/example and Help:Link/example/example2

Subpage activation

This feature is only enabled in namespaces specified in the $wgNamespacesWithSubpages configuration setting, either its default namespaces, or any additional namespaces set in LocalSettings.php

Character conversion

The guidelines outlined in Manual:Page naming state that in wiki and interwiki links, conversions are made to non-literal characters automatically. For example,"[[Manual:Page%20naming]]" will display as "Manual:Page naming". Conversely, external links operate oppositely; literal characters are transformed into non-literal characters. For example, browsers typically convert ".../wiki/!" to ".../wiki/%21".

Applying a code like %70 to a redirect deactivates it, even though the link remains accessible from the redirect page. To ensure a successful redirect, the redirect page displays the canonical form of the target, unlike the preview page which shows the link in its regular format.


  • Related changes
  • Backlinks, Linksearch
  • When you include a space after the pipe symbol ([[main Page| ]]), the outcome can vary depending on the browser. In some cases, it might only display a space (" "), without creating a clickable link. However, it's still recognized as a link by the "what links here" feature.

In certain web browsers, when you place the cursor over a link, a tooltip may appear, displaying the content of the link's HTML title attribute. MediaWiki assigns different values to this attribute depending on the type of link: for internal wikilinks, it displays the page name and (page does not exist), if the page does not exist; for interwiki links, it displays the page name with a prefix; and for external links, it displays the URL.

The browser might also display similar information in its status bar, possibly showing which section it belongs to.

Using a piped link , even if it isn't clicked, can help clarify acronyms (like displaying "neutral point of view" as NPOV) or adding annotations. Hover boxes can also be created without links, you can customize the hover box content using markup like [[Link title|<span title="hoverbox">Display text</span>]].

You cannot include a title attribute directly within the href element for external links. Nevertheless, you can achieve a similar outcome by using a span element instead, like this: [ <span title="hover text on external link"> web site</span>] : web site

The MediaWiki API allows users to retrieve all links from a page. For example, you can utilize the API query called API:Links to achieve this.

Linking to a page from an image

You can utilize images to direct users to other pages. For further details, refer to the guidance on utilizing an image to link to a specific page in the help section.


An internal wiki link is limited by maximum page title size.

Véase también