Join the Wikimedia development community in Berlin.
Wikimedia community developers and sysadmins were invited to Berlin Hackathon 2012 to collaborate and share ideas. Videos of the Lua tutorial, secure coding tutorial, Wikidata intro, and step-by-step Git-Gerrit installation are now online, and the Gadgets/ResourceLoader video is on Vimeo. Check out the survey results and retrospective!
Hacking in Berlin 2011Berlin Hackathon
MediaWiki & extensions developers
MediaWiki systems administrators
Toolserver users
Gadgets makers
Bots maintainers
Template writers
Users of Wikimedia bigdata
You'll work on whatever project excites you. And you'll have opportunities to learn about and hack on:
Give a 2-minute summary of what you've done this weekend - MAIN ROOM
1700 - 1705
Closing session
Sumana sums up
Goals and topics for the Hackathon.
This is the premier event for the MediaWiki and Wikimedia technical community. We'll be hacking, designing, and socialising.
Our goals for the event are to bring 100-150 people together, with lots of people who have not attended such events before. User scripts, gadgets, API use, Toolserver, Wikimedia Labs, mobile, structured data, templates -- if you are into any of these things, we want you to come!
More outreach to variety of people - aim for 120-130 participants (judging that ~100 came last year)
Get Lua training for anyone who wants it
Inform people about ResourceLoader 2 & new Gadgets support, train JS authors
Get Labs or Toolserver accounts for anyone who wants them
Get at least 5 gadgets/tools/templates/bots developers/authors to get into larger Wikimedia community, stay in it 3 months after event
Facilitate chapter tech community
Keep last year's quality of experience while upping attendance
Better social events that help build relationships, facilitate mingling.
LA2 (talk) - learning about Wikidata; perhaps discussing external link statistics (like this)
Mfenner - build automated trackback links from Public Library of Science (PLoS) journal articles.
Robert Vogel - Wants to learn about ResourceLoader, Git and Lua. Wants to share and discuss ideas about custom MW distros and MW extensibility in general.
Berlin 2012 » June 1:
Introductions and Hacking
» June 2:
Hacking and Tutorials
» June 3:
Hacking and Presentations
Registration is full
If you've already registered, please watch your email & this page for updates! If you haven't, sorry, but please come to one of our other events in the future.
Putting your name in the list on this wiki page does NOT register you for the event! But if you want to signal to other people that you're coming, go ahead. You might also enjoy using the unofficial Lanyrd service to connect with other attendees.