This page is a translated version of the page Wikitext and the translation is 40% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Wikitext és un llenguatge de marques wiki per a crear documents. La versió actual s'explica a Help:Modificació (vegeu també Ajuda:Format i Markup spec/DTD ). Wikitext features a mixture of content, markup, macros, and metadata. The content of current and previous revisions of a wiki page is in the database in the text table, generally in the form of wikitext, although some types of pages, such as Wikidata objects, are stored in other content formats.

Developer documentation

  • Specs/wikitext/1.0.0 – a data d'agost del 2016, l'URI utilitzat per Parsoid per identificar la versió de wikitext que presuposa


  • Analitzador de PHP – Documentació generada a partir dels comentaris del codi font. Resum de què és l'analitzador de PHP segons es descriu en aquesta pàgina: "Processa el codi wiki (que empra una sintaxi més amigable, com ara "$wikilink-example" per crear enllaços) i proporciona una transformació d'un sol sentit del codi wiki en llenguatge HTML o XHTML (entès i representat pel navegador)."

A summary of what the PHP parser is as described on that page: "Processes wiki markup (which uses a more user-friendly syntax, such as "[[Enllaç]]" for making links), and provides a one-way transformation of that wiki markup it into (X)HTML output / markup (which in turn the browser understands, and can display)."


We have provided important compatibility information, which helps describe expected behavior for converting wikitext to HTML.

  • Parser tests - Our tests in MediaWiki core contain the authoritative source for Wikitext markup compatibility testing.
  • Parsoid test cases (parserTests.txt on Diffusion)a forked version of the MediaWiki core tests, used by Parsoid. Besides the wt2html mode that the PHP parser supports, Parsoid's parser tests runner also enables several other testing modes not supported by the PHP parser (wt2wt, html2wt, html2html, randomized edits for testing selective serialization, manual edits for controlled testing of serialization). These tests are manually synchronized using scripts in the Parsoid codebase.

Discussions from 2015 and later

Discussions prior to 2015

See also