Hilfe:Passwort zurücksetzen

This page is a translated version of the page Help:Reset password and the translation is 33% complete.
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Du musst vielleicht dein Wiki-Passwort zurücksetzen. Dafür stellen wir unten eine Basisanleitung zur Verfügung, die übliche Fragen beantwortet.

Es gibt verschiedene Gründe, weshalb du dein Passwort zurücksetzen solltest, darunter:

Du hast dein Passwort vergessen. Jemand anderes kennt vielleicht dein Passwort. Du möchtest ein stärkeres Passwort erzeugen.

How do I make sure that I can reset my password?

Um die Passwortrücksetzung zu ermöglichen, musst du eine E-Mail-Adresse in deinem Konto hinterlegen. Dies geht auf zwei Wegen:

Wenn du deinen Zugang anlegst, kannst du eine E-Mail-Adresse in Special:CreateAccount angeben. Nachdem du einen Zugang angelegt hast, kannst du unter Special:Preferences eine E-Mail-Adresse hinzufügen. Du kannst den Tab "Benutzerdaten" auswählen, wo du einen Abschnitt "E-Mail-Optionen" sehen kannst. In diesem Abschnitt kannst du deine E-Mail-Adresse eingeben.

Do I need to confirm my email address to enable password resets?

Nein, du musst deine E-Mail-Adresse nicht bestätigen, um Passwort-Rücksetzungsmails zu erzeugen. Nichtsdestotrotz wird dringend empfohlen, deine E-Mail-Adresse zu bestätigen. Dadurch kannst du sichergehen, dass Mails an die korrekte Adresse gesendet werden, und du kannst E-Mail-Einstellungen in deinem Account vornehmen.

How do I reset my password?

Gehe zu Special:PasswordReset in dem Wiki, in dem du dein Passwort zurücksetzen willst.

Gib deinen Benutzernamen oder deine E-Mail-Adresse (oder beides) ein.

Wenn du "Enhanced Password Reset" (verbesserte Passwortrücksetzung) aktiviert hast (siehe EPR information), musst du immer beides eingeben, Benutzernamen UND E-Mail-Adresse.

Schau in deinem Postfach nach, ob du eine Rücksetzungsmail erhalten hast. Folge den Anweisungen in der Mail, um den Rücksetzungsprozess abzuschließen.


How do I reset passwords for multiple usernames at once?

If you have multiple usernames associated with one email address, you can generate password reset requests for all usernames at once. To do this, simply enter the email address only in Special:PasswordReset. You will then receive separate emails for all usernames associated with the account. Note that this will not work with accounts that have EPR enabled, as they require both the username and email address to generate the password reset email.

How do I reset the password for one account, if I have multiple usernames attached to the associated email address?

If you want to reset one account password, but you have multiple usernames attached to the same email address, you should only enter the username in Special:PasswordReset. Note that this will not work with accounts that have EPR enabled, as they require both the username and email address to generate the password reset email.

Can people actually reset my password on Special:PasswordReset?

No, they can only trigger an email via Special:PasswordReset. Somebody would need to have access to your email account to complete the password reset process.

I’m getting password reset emails that I didn’t request. How do I prevent this from happening?

You can prevent unsolicited password reset emails by enabling Enhanced Password Reset (EPR). This is a feature that requires users to provide both a username and email address on Special:PasswordReset. If both are provided, a password reset email will be sent. If both are not provided, the password reset email will not be sent.

This feature was developed by the Community Tech team, in response to #3 wish in the 2019 Wishlist Survey. (EPR) enhances privacy because Wikimedia users may know your username (but not your email address). Meanwhile, some people may know your email address (but not your username). Consequently, spammers and trolls are less likely to generate unwanted password reset emails, if you enable this feature.

To enable the feature, go to the "E-Mail-Optionen" section in "Einstellungen". You can click on the checkbox that states, "E-Mail zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts nur senden, wenn sowohl die E-Mail-Adresse als auch der Benutzername angegeben wurden." Once you click the checkbox and save, the preference is enabled.

Once you enable this preference, users will not be informed that both the username and email addresses are required on Special:PasswordReset (for security reasons). For this reason, you must remember to enter both your username and email address on Special:PasswordReset.

Enhanced Password Reset is not a global preference by default. It is enabled per wiki. However, you can make it global in your global preferences.

I requested a password reset. Why didn’t I receive an email?

You may have not received a password reset email for many reasons, including:

  • You did not add an email address to your account.

If this is the case, see the instructions for how to associate an email address with an account.

  • You misspelled the username or email address associated with the account.

If this is the case, we recommend that you try requesting a password reset again via Special:PasswordReset.

  • You only entered a username or email address (i.e., not both), and the Enhanced Password Reset feature was enabled.

If this is the case, we recommend that you try requesting a password reset again, with both your username and email address.

  • The email was sent to Spam or another folder that you have not yet checked.
  • You requested too many password resets in a short period of time, which exceeded the password reset request limit.

If this is the case, we recommend that you wait for a bit and then try again later.