User talk:Rebulka/Flow

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Editing translatable pages

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

See Special:Diff/5887213. Please refrain from mixing these numerous changes with changes in translation units. It takes time to verify if the changes are useful.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

Make script names untranslatable.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

Make message IDs also untranslatable, e.g. enotifwatchlist.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

See Special:Diff/5931519. Do not add line breaks inside the <translate>...</translate> tags when each sentence is separated by a single line break character.

In other words, format it as follows:

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

See Special:Diff/5933575. Please make the parts that can be translated, such as Message-key and language-code in the format of MediaWiki:[Message-key]/[language-code], translatable by using {{tmpl}}. Since this template is complex, I think it would be beneficial to test its behavior.

Rebulka (talkcontribs)

Please, please, these adjustments are already too difficult for me. If I can count on your help, I will be glad. Thank you for your cooperation and I admire you.

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

Nevertheless, if you still want to add translate tags, you will need to understand {{tmpl}} for better markup...

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)
Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

See Special:Diff/6066383. When enclosing the second parameter of {{ll}} with the <translate>...</translate> tag, add 2= before it.

Reply to "Editing translatable pages"
Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

Could you understand that {{tmpl}} is used solely to simplify translation units and serves no other purpose?

Please make parameters other than 0= in tmpl translatable.


Rebulka (talkcontribs)

Please try to help me with this. I don't want to skip sentences in the prepared texts for translation. However, there are things I don't know how to do and I need your help. Thank you

Reply to "Template:tmpl"

Značení k překladu

Rebulka (talkcontribs)

Prosím, jednoduše, jaký v čem je rozdíl <tvar name=1> a <tvar|log>?

Want (talkcontribs)

Ta první syntaxe se používá až od MW verze 1.36(?) a ta druhá je původní. Použít se dají obě dvě, ale ta původní má nějaký problém s VisualEditorem (nejspíš ten, že zakončení elementu neodpovídá pravidlům pro XML), takže je doporučeno držet se syntaxe nové. Osobně doporučuji také důsledně používat uvozovky. Kód je pak lépe čitelný. Takže <tvar name="1"> Použití slovního pojmenování u své wiki využívám, ale tady se nepraktikuje. Podle mne především pro to, aby nemátlo ty co značkují kód. Slovní pojmenování elementu tvar usnadňuje orientaci v textu, ovšem jen těm, co jsou schopni porozumět danému jménu. Pro většinu překladatelů je důležitější pozice v textu. A ta je daná číslem. Snadněji se také odhalí chyba. Vyjmuté zprávy se dají (v rámci jedné TU) použít i opakovaně, ale to dává smysl jen ve specifických případech.

Reply to "Značení k překladu"

Adding translate tags

Shirayuki (talkcontribs)

Hi. Please do not add translate tags without understanding tvar tags.

Rebulka (talkcontribs)

Ahoj. A kde se to můžu dozvědět, případně, kdo mne problémem provede? Děkuji.

Rád bych se dozvěděl, kde konkrétně dělám chybu a jak to má být správně. Taky bych rád věděl co jsem připravil k překladu správně.

Chci se to naučit! Děkuji ti moc za pomoc, kterou mi poskytuješ.

Hello. And where can I find out, or who can guide me through the problem? Thank you.

I would like to know where exactly I am making a mistake and how it should be done correctly. I would also like to know what I have prepared for translation correctly.

I want to learn it! Thank you very much for the help you are giving me.

Please, how should this sentence be marked correctly in Upload dialog:

You need to install one of the editing interface extensions to use it: VisualEditor or WikiEditor. (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Adding translate tags"


Rebulka (talkcontribs)

Prosím, jak mám připravit konkrétně zbytek této stránky k překladu. Je vše co již bylo označeno k překladu v pořádku? Děkuji

Reply to "Manual:$wgPoolCountClientConf"

cs page without Translate

Eihel (talkcontribs)


MediaWiki is a project using the translate extension.

To make a clean translation, you have to transform the basic page to be translated. For this, I advise you to follow this page before doing a random translation. Your new page, Template:Git_file/doc/cs, is really not the right method. Cordially.

Rebulka (talkcontribs)

Hello, please advise how to do it. I would like to do the right thing. Thank you

Eihel (talkcontribs)

I advise you to follow this page before doing a random translation.

Rebulka (talkcontribs)

I know the site and even translated it into "cs". I need advice from you, please, on how to do it with the page with the old way of execution, viz. said page I want to prepare it for translation. According to the new way. Where can I find help?

Eihel (talkcontribs)

You must prepare the root page, that is to say the Template:Git_file/doc page. You must add translate tags and the closing languages closing tag at the beginning of the page, as well as translation variables. Once the page is prepared, a translation administrator can mark the page for translation. After preparing this root page, you can create the subpage in Czech. You have an example at Help:Extension:Translate/Page_translation_example/cs and all useful links are in the infobox of this page to help you. You can save your current translations to avoid losing them. Regards.

ps. I'd rather you do this on your own to understand that manually creating a translation subpage doesn't have a link in the page in the original language.

Reply to "cs page without Translate"
Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)
Rebulka (talkcontribs)

Thanks, I mistyped it somehow.

Reply to "Wrong translation"

Překladatelé do češtiny

Want (talkcontribs)


Především chci poděkovat za tvou práci na překladech Dále bych tě chtěl vybídnout k vytvoření alespoň základní uživatelské stránky. Přeci jenom to působí lépe když dělá editace uživatel, který není červený.

A i když je to možná jen nošení dříví do lesa, rád bych upozornil na existenci stránky Project:Translation/cs

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