User:MaxSem/GSoC analysis

Project completion

Year Total Completed & useable Used by WMF
2006 2 2 1.5*
2007 1 0 0
2008 2 0 0
2009 4 2 1
2010 6 4** 1.5**
2011 8 7 0
2012 9 3 2
2013 20 5+2*** 5
2014 16 6.5–9 4.5
2015 9+1 5–7 1+1+4 not-really
2016 8 6 passed, 5 usable 2


  • * Although LQT is used by several WMF wikis, it is still not ready for full-scale production use and it took a lot of effort to improve it even to this state.
  • ** Gave 0.5 points to interwiki transclusion in the completed column - still not merged into trunk. Gave 0.5 points to WS legal tool for both completion and use - although it was done, it's merely a bot and not a part of MW proper or extension; also its impact for WMF projects in general was pretty small. I understand that this might be highly subjective, but such is my opinion.
  • *** Gave 0.5 points to 4 projects which have published mobile apps or extensions, or have "ready" but unmerged code: they're in use by some users, but not considered completed yet. 2012 and 2013 projects in use are only those composed by a collection of bug fixes/refactorings to existing extensions.

Reasons of failures

  • 2007
    • Audio/video file recoding: not finished.
  • 2008
    • WebDAV: not finished(?), doubtful usefulness from the beginning.
    • Visual Diff: lack of mentor's time?
  • 2009
    • MwEmbed: not finished.
    • Image rendering daemon: not co-ordinated with WMF ops, lack of interest from mentor.
  • 2010
    • Extension management platform: not co-ordinated with WMF ops, too hard for GSoC.
  • 2011
    • Extension Release Management: too hard, student's personal problems.