Google Summer of Code/2017

Wikimedia has been accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2017. The program runs from May 4, 2017 to August 29, 2017 (see full timeline).

Google Summer of Code 2017

Accepted Projects

No Name Location Project Mentor(s) Updates
1 Alexander Jones Texas, United States Implement Thanks support in Pywikibot John Mark Vandenberg

  Done Join Zulip

  Done Blog

  Done First post (quite late)

  Done Introduce yourself on Wikitech-l (even later)

  Done First Evaluation (Blog post)

  Done Second Evaluation

  Done Final update

2 Amrit Sreekumar Kerela, India Improvements to ProofreadPage Extension and Wikisource Yann Forget, Tpt   Done Join Zulip

  Done Introduce yourself on Wikitech-l

  Done Project Reporting : Phabricator and User Page

  Done Blog

  Done Blog post - Week 1

  Done Blog post - Week 2

  Done Blog post - Week 3

  Done Blog post - Week 4

  Done Blog post - Week 5

  Done Blog post - Week 6

  Done Blog post - Week 7

  Done Blog post - Week 8,9

  Done Blog post - Week 10,11

  Done Blog post - Week 12,13,14 and project overview

  Done First Evaluation

  Done Second Evaluation


Feroz Ahmad

New Delhi, India Add a "hierarchy" type to the Cargo extension Yaron Koren, Nischayn22, Oetterer   Done Introduce yourself on Wikitech-l

  Done Join Zulip

  Done Blog setup

  Done Project Reporting : Phabricator task and MediaWiki page.

  Done Blog post - Week 1,2

  Done Blog post - Week 3

  Done Blog post - Week 4

  Done Blog post - Week 5

  Done Blog post - Week 6

  Done Blog post - Week 7

  Done Blog post - Week 8

  Done Blog post - Week 9

  Done Blog post - Week 10

  Done Blog post - Week 11

  Done Blog post - Week 12

  Done Blog post - Week 13

  Done Blog post - Week 14

  Done Blog post - Week 15

  Done Link to all concise weekly report

  Done First Evaluation

  Done Second Evaluation

Final Evaluation


Harjot Singh Bhatia

New Delhi, India Adding Custom features while upgrading and updating Quiz extension Marielle Volz, Sam Reed   Done Introduce yourself on Wikitech-l

  Done Join Zulip

  Done Blogpost - Week 1

  Done Blogpost - Week 2

  Done Blogpost - Week 3

  Done Blogpost - Week 4

  Done Blogpost - Week 5

  Done Blogpost - Week 6

  Done Blogpost - Week 7

  Done Blogpost - Week 8

  Done Blogpost - Week 9

  Done Blogpost - Week 10

  Done Blogpost - Week 11

  Done Blogpost - Week 12

  Done Blogpost - Week 13

  Done Blogpost - Week 14

  Done Blogpost - Week 15

  Done First Evaluation

  Done Second Evaluation

  Done Final Evaluation


Harsh Shah

India Build a similar to @NYPLEmoji bot for Commons images Dereckson, Arie   Done Introduce yourself on Wikitech-l

  Done Join Zulip

  Done Blog setup

  Done - Blog Post Week 1

  Done Blog post - Week 2

  Done Blog post - Week 4

  Done Blog post - Week 5

  Done BLog post - week 6

  Done First Evaluation

6 Keerthana S India Automatic editing suggestions and feedbacks for articles in Wiki Ed Dashboard Sage Ross, Jonathan Morgan   Done Join Zulip

  Done Introduce yourself on Wikitech-l

  Done Updated user page with project details

  Done [1]First Blog post

  Done Week 2 - Blog Post

  Done Week 3 - Blog post

  Done Week 4

  Done Week 5

  Done Week 6

  Done Week 7

  Done Week 8

  Done Week 9

  Done Week 10 & 11

  Done Final Post

  Done First Evaluation

  Done Second Evaluation

  Done Final Evaluation


Sejal Khatri

India Provide enhanced usability for Wikimedia Programs & Events Dashboard managed by Wiki Education foundation. Sage Ross, Jonathan Morgan   Done Introduce yourself on Wikitech-l

  Done Join Zulip

  Done First blog

  Done Updated user page with project details

  Done Coding Week2 - Blog Post

  Done Coding Week3 - Blog Post

  Done Coding Week4 - Blog Post

  Done Coding Week5 - Blog Post

  Done Coding Week6 - Blog Post

  Done Coding Week7 - Blog Post

  Done Coding Week8 - Blog Post

  Done Coding Week9, 10, 11, 12 - Blog Post

  Done GSoC 2017 Project Overview

  Done First Evaluation

  Done Second Evaluation

  Done Final Evaluation


Siddhartha Sarkar

India Glam2Commons (previously Single Image Batch Upload) Basvb   Done Introduce yourself on Wikitech-l

  Done Join Zulip

  Done Project Reporting : Phabricator and User Page

  Done Blog setup

  Done First Blog post

  Done Blog Post - Week 2

  Done Blog Post - Week 3

  Done Blog Post - Week 4

  Done Blog Post - Week 5

  Done Blog Post - Week 6

  Done Blog Post - Week 7

  Done Blog Post - Week 8 and 9

  Done First Evaluation

  Done Second Evaluation

  Done Final Evaluation

  Done Final Report


Coding Period (May 31st - August 29th)

  • Continue working on your projects under the guidance of mentors.
  • Make sure to submit evaluations on time. The first evaluation is due June 30th.
  • Continue writing weekly reports and linking them from Updates section above and here. We will be sharing your work with the community in a newsletter format once a month as we did in May.
  • Join a bi-weekly IRC meeting on #wikimedia-devrel to meet and greet with fellow GSOC & Outreachy participants and share with them about your work. The first meeting is on June 19th at 9 am PST. Learn more about the purpose of this meeting here.

Community Bonding Period (May 4th-30th)


By May 11th

  • Verify your information listed on the under Accepted Projects section above.
  • If you haven't yet subscribed to our mailing list, please do so. Introduce yourself on this thread, share where you are from, a brief summary of project you will be contributing to this summer.
  • Start communicating with your mentors on refining your project proposal, finalizing deadlines and setting milestones.
  • You will receive an invitation to join a group chat on Zulip with other students and mentors of the program in a bit! All throughout the program for communication purposes, we will encourage candidates to be active on Zulip.
  • If you haven’t yet setup a blog, please do so. We'll encourage you to submit weekly reports and link them from the Updates section in the table above. We'll also be sharing your work with our broader community through our social media channels.
  • Please make sure you are aware of your responsibilities as a student.

By May 18th

  • Add a Twitter DP size photo to the Name column in Accepted Projects above. Also, replace your Zulip avatar with this picture and add a small bio to your profile
  • Use the group chat on Zulip to engage in conversations with other interns and mentors
  • Interested in learning about other Wikimedia technical topics? Watch the videos here.
  • As, and when you finish any of the above, report by adding on the Updates section in Accepted Projects above.

