
This page is a translated version of the page Trust and Safety Product/Temporary Accounts and the translation is 100% complete.


未注册编辑者的IP地址将不再公开可见。 只有那些打击散發廣告、破坏、骚扰和虚假信息的人才能访问IP地址。

目前,任何人都可以在没有维基媒体账户或不登陆账户的情况下编辑维基媒体的维基站点。 如果不登入账户而编辑页面,则维基媒体计划所使用的MediaWiki软件会公开记录这类编者的IP地址。 任何尋找您的IP地址的人都會找到它。


然而,通过您的IP地址,他人可以知道您在哪里作出编辑,并可以此识别您的身份或设备。 如果在您当地,我们的维基站点较有争议,那么这将会成为令人担忧的情况。 公开您的IP地址会令他人知晓您的位置。

随着隐私法律和标准的变化(例如通用数据保护条例及其引发的关于隐私的全球性讨论),维基媒体基金会的法律团队决定通过对大众隐藏IP地址来保护用户的隐私。 然而,我们仍然会向有需要的用户提供IP地址信息,以便保护维基站点。

我们知道这一变化会影响现有的反破坏工作流程。 对于能用来识别并封禁破坏者、傀儡账号、利益冲突编者及其他不良行为者的工具,我们会继续努力开发,让相关用户可以继续使用这些工具。


大家好!我们发佈了新的方針页面:访问临时账户的IP地址。 它解释了用户如何访问IP地址。 稍后,我们将更新关于使用IP地址的章节。 我们将在其中添加有关如何和在何处访问IP地址以及访问IP地址时记录内容的信息。 我们也发布了新的常见问题。 这两个页面都使用了“临时账户”(temporary user accounts)的名稱。 这个名稱来源于软件的第一个版本(MVP)。 很快,我们将分享更多相关的信息。 欢迎您在讨论页上发表评论。


: Global blocks are here. Temporary accounts on testwiki

  • Deployment on testwiki. We have rolled out temporary accounts to testwiki. Anyone who edits testwiki without an account will see their edits being attributed to a temporary account. We would like to emphasize that this is an early release, and things may break. This deployment makes it possible for some teams (like Data Platform Engineering or Apps) to start adjusting their code to temporary accounts. We aren't planning on introducing temporary accounts on any other wiki just yet. Instead, we will invite patrollers from different communities to testwiki and ask them to familiarize themselves with the new experience and share opinions with us. Currently, only testwiki admins can see the implemented patroller workflows (such as revealing IPs and view IP contributions) for temporary accounts. Over the next few weeks we will broaden the access to allow more users to test temporary accounts related workflows on testwiki.
    Global blocking. We are really glad to announce that we launched global account blocks on all wikis (T17294). A request for this feature was first documented in 2008. It was also the top6 feature in the stewards' wishlist from 2015. Now, stewards can globally block regular and temporary account users. Read our previous update to learn more about the expected impact of global blocks.
  • Wikimania. We will be hosting sessions "Temporary Accounts are coming" (add to your favorite sessions) and "Getting better at blocking bad activity on the wikis" (add to your favorite sessions). Register to Wikimania to add sessions to favorites. Please join us in-person or virtually, and don't hesitate to get in touch with our team members during the event!
  • AbuseFilter. Some existing edit/abuse filters set up by community members on different wikis will need to be updated to work with temporary accounts. (See our instructions for developers on how to do this.) After the deployment of temporary accounts on a given wiki, abuse filters using data about IP together with related logs will be hidden from general view. It will be possible for admins to view and edit these filters. Later, we may change the group of users with access to the impacted filters, to potentially include technical editors who don't have any other advanced permissions.