Trust and Safety Product/Conturi temporare

This page is a translated version of the page Trust and Safety Product/Temporary Accounts and the translation is 98% complete.

Conturile temporare pentru editorii neînregistrați vor fi un nou tip de cont de utilizator. Adresele IP ale editorilor neînregistrați nu vor mai fi vizibile public. Doar cei care combat spamul, vandalismul, hărțuirile și dezinformările vor avea acces la adresele IP.

Actualmente, oricine poat edita wikiurile Wikimedia fără un cont Wikimedia și fără a se autentifica. MediaWiki, software-ul din spatele proiectelor Wikimedia, înregistrează și expune adresa IP în jurnalul lui public dacă cineva editează fără a se autentifica. Oricine caută adresa dumneavoastră IP o găsește.

Proiectele Wikimedia stochează și publică adresele IP cu un motiv bun: ele joacă un rol critic în a proteja wikiurile noastre de vandalism și hărțuiri.

Adresa dumneavoastră IP poate însă să dea informații despre locul de unde editați și poate fi folosită pentru a vă identifica pe dumneavoastră sau dispozitivul dumneavoastră. Aceasta poate fi o chestiune problematică dacă editați dintr-un teritoriu unde wikiurile noastre sunt considerate controversate. Publicarea adresei dumneavoastră IP poate permite altora să vă localizeze.

După modificările din legile și standardele pe tema protejării vieții provate (cum ar fi General Data Protection Regulation și dezbaterile globale pe care le-a declanșat despre viața privată), Echipa legală a Fundației Wikimedia a hotărât să protejeze viața privată a utilizatorilor prin ascunderea IP-urilor față de publicul general. Vom continua însă să acordăm acces la acestea utilizatorilor care au nevoie să le vadă pentru a proteja wikiurile.

Știm că această schimbare va avea impact asupra actualelor workflow-uri anti-abuz. Ne angajăm să dezvoltăm instrumente sau să menținem accesul la instrumente care pot identifica și bloca vandalii, clonele, editorii în conflict de interese și alți actori rău intenționați și după ce IP-urile vor fi mascate.

Hello! We have published a new policy page: Access to temporary account IP addresses. It explains how users can gain access to IP addresses. Later, we will update the section on using IP addresses. In it, we will add information on how and where to access the IP addresses, and what is logged when IP addresses are accessed. There is also a new page with frequently asked questions. Both pages use the term "temporary user accounts". This name comes from the first version of the software (MVP). Soon, we will share more information about it. We welcome your comments on the talk page.


: Deployments on the first pilots

Deployment schedule

We have a finalized list of small-to-medium sized projects where we will be deploying temporary accounts over the next couple of weeks. The goal is to ensure all critical functionality (patroller workflows, tools etc.) for temporary accounts works as expected. We decided to split this phase into two batches. This way, we will have more control over the key functionality and more confidence before temporary accounts are introduced on the largest of the first pilots.

Progress on key features

  • We are developing a public dashboard for monitoring metrics for our pilot projects. We will have a documentation page in place shortly to explain which metrics we are focusing on and why.
  • Special:GlobalContributions is now ready for looking up cross-wiki contributions from an IP address. This page will only be accessible to users who qualify to see IP addresses associated with a temporary account. We are still ironing out permissions for this page access. We will have a documentation page up about it over the next week.
  • We have updated IP Info to support information for multiple IP addresses that may be associated with a temporary account. Special:IPInfo should be available on all projects where temporary accounts will be deployed.
  • We have completed building the required workflows for gaining access to IP Reveal as outlined in the Wikimedia Access to Temporary Account IP Addresses Policy.
  • We are updating IP Info access policy to be at par with the IP Reveal policy. You can follow along with this task for further information.
  • Temporary accounts can now be globally blocked. Global autoblocks work is in progress and should be implemented over the next couple of weeks.
  • Temporary accounts are now available on all beta cluster projects except for en-rtl for testing.

We are looking forward to your comments on the talk page.

: Deployment plan is ready!

We are happy to announce our timeline and strategy for the temporary accounts deployments across all wikis. The plan was co-created by the Product and Technology, Legal, and Communications departments at the Foundation. We also consulted stewards and informed CheckUsers. All the date below are subject to change based on the extent of pending work. We will be informing you if anything changes.

  • In late October 2024, we will roll out on approximately 10 small and medium-sized wikis. This phase is called the minor pilot deployment. We have pre-selected potential good pilots based on different factors. These include: the numbers of active admins and IP edits per month, lack of blockers related to the configuration of a given wiki, availability of potential ambassadors and technical members of the respective communities, and more. After we deploy there, we will be monitoring the impact of this project on collaboration on wikis. We will also be contacting community members of these wikis. Some time later, we will monitor what will happen when the initial IP addresses of temporary accounts are not available to patrollers.
  • If the first deployments are successful and we don't have a ton of unexpected work, then in February 2025, we will roll out on larger wikis. We call this major pilot deployment. It may include some top10 wikis, but not English Wikipedia.
  • Next, in May 2025, we will deploy on all remaining wikis in one carefully coordinated step. After that, we will be providing support, monitoring metrics, and solving issues as they arise.
  • We will do our best to inform everyone impacted ahead of time. Information about temporary accounts will be available on Tech News, Diff, other blogs, different wikipages, banners, and other forms. At conferences, for example regional and national ones, we or our colleagues on our behalf will be inviting talk about this project with attendees. We will also try to have presentations there. In addition, we will be contacting affiliates running programs of support for editors with advanced permissions. Subscribe to our new newsletter to stay close in touch.

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