Help:Structured Discussions/FlowDeluxe/ca

This page is a translated version of the page Help:Structured Discussions/FlowDeluxe and the translation is 53% complete.

FlowDeluxe is a user script to customize the display of discussion pages running with Structured Discussions (Flow).

Com obtenir-lo?

Heu d'afegir el següent codi al fitxer common.js:


The inclusion of the script alone will not change anything. You have to choose the options you want from the list below and add them in your common.js.

The code to include all current options:

flowDeluxeSujetsOuverts = "#A9F5F2"; //Color open topics
flowDeluxeSujetsClos = "rgba(60, 207, 90, 0.13)"; //Color closed topics
flowDeluxeDiscuterContributions = true; //Display (talk | contribs) links
flowDeluxeDateComplete = true; //Mostra les dates
flowDeluxeBoutonsResumes = true; //Insereix plantilles al resum
flowDeluxeIndentationColors = true; //Sagnat amb colors
flowDeluxeNeverHide = true; //Mai amaguis els temes
flowDeluxeButtonsInline = true; //Botons d'accions en línia

Llista d'opcions

Sagnat amb colors

Exemple d'un sagnat ben colorit amb ginys.

Messages are colored as in the old discussion system:

flowDeluxeIndentationColors = true;

Color open topics

Colors the title/summary for all opened topics with the color code you choose (hexadecimal or rgb). Example:

flowDeluxeSujetsOuverts = "#A9F5F2";

Color closed topics

Colors the title/summary for all closed topics with the color code you choose (hexadecimal or rgb). Example:

flowDeluxeSujetsClos = "rgba(60, 207, 90, 0.13)";

Permanent links for discussió and contribucions

Always display (discussió | contribucions) next to usernames. For admins, the "bloca" link also appears.

flowDeluxeDiscuterContributions = true;

Mostra sempre les dates

Mostra la data i hora dels missatges en lloc només mostrar «fa un dia»:

flowDeluxeDateComplete = true;

Inserir plantilles al resum

(Només a

flowDeluxeBoutonsResumes = true;

Mai amaguis els temes tancats

Mai amaguis els temes tancats:

flowDeluxeNeverHide = true;

Mostra els botons d'acció en una línia

An example with a yellow background for an open topic and action buttons inline

Display buttons inline, instead of using the dropdown list with "..."

flowDeluxeButtonsInline = true;

Desenvolupaments futurs

  • Block the description on the top or on the right
  • Summary permanently deployed right

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