Aide:Nouveaux filtres pour la vérification des modifications/Présentation rapide
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Plus sur les modifications récentes ?
Cette page concerne les nouveaux filtres. Pour les informations générales à propos de l'outil, voir la documentation sur les modifications récentes.
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Cette page présente les éléments principaux du système de filtrage des modifications récentes et des listes de suivi.
La zone d'affichage du filtre actif est située au-dessus de la boîte de recherche.
Dans cette zone d'affichage du filtre actif, vous voyez des balises de filtrage. chauqe balise a une étiquette et à la fin une croix. Sous cette barre vous avez la barre de recherche des filtres.
When you click on the Active filter display area or the filters search bar, the dropdown filters panel is displayed. When you click outside of that filter list, the list disappears.
You can manage the different filters. Learn more about how to use the filters on the filtering help page. We have also added an highlighting function to differentiate the results provided by filters.
Il n'est pas nécessaire de recharger la page complète pour obtenir les dernières modifications : il suffit de cliquer sur « Afficher les nouvelles modifications depuis $1 » pour les charger.
Parties de l'interface de filtrage
Barre de recherche des filtres
Click in the filter search bar to open the Dropdown Filter Panel, which provides a menu of filter options. If you know the name of the filter you want to use, start typing the name; the dropdown panel will open and scroll directly to that filter.
Panneau déroulant des filtres
The filter panel displays a list of filtering options. When you check the box next to a filter, that filter becomes active. Unlike previous RC Page filters, which were designed to exclude edits with certain properties, the new filters include the property the filter names (e.g., the Registered filter searches for edits by registered users).
The filters are divided into groups. When no filters are selected in a group, all filters in that group are active; the effect is the same if all filters in a group are checked.
To exclude edits with a particular property, leave the filter for that property unchecked and check all the other filters in its group. You’ll notice that the unchecked filters turn gray, to indicate they are inactive.
At the top of the dropdown panel is the Highlight results button. Click this button to display the Highlight menus.
See the dedicated page for more information about the different filters.
Zone d'affichage des filtres actifs
The Active Filter Display Area is designed to give you a quick read of your current filter and highlighting settings. When a filter is active or when that edit property is highlighted, a tag with the name of that filter appears in the display area. Highlighted filters show a dot indicating the highlight color.
On page load, the Active Filter Display Area shows a set of (universal) default filters. To remove all the active filters, click the Trashcan icon at the right side of the filter display area; a “Rétablir les filtres par défaut” icon will take the Trashcan’s place. Click that link to restore the defaults along with your preferences.
You can deactivate an individual filter by clicking the x in its tag. If you click on the body of the tag, the dropdown filter panel opens and scrolls to where that filter is in the menu.
See the dedicated page to have more information about how to handle the different filters.
Highlighting is a very powerful tool to triage some type of edits. In the Dropdown filter panel, the "Mettre en valeur les résultats" button will allow you to choose a color for your most important filters. Changes triggering the filters will be colored accordingly to your choices.
See the dedicated page to have more information about that feature.
Fonctions interactives
You can also use the "Mises à jour en direct" function to automatically update the list as new results come.
If new edits are available for the filtered results (and if you don't use the Live Updates function), a link Afficher les nouvelles modifications depuis $1 will appear. Click on it to load the results.
Il est possible de filtrer selon la date et le nombre de modifications.
Pour plus d'informations concernant cette fonctionnalité, voir la page dédiée.
Interface compacte
A compact mode, hiding most of the commands, is available.
Location of the "Masquer" link, to switch to the compact interface
View of the compacted mode on Recent changes (also works on Watchlist).