
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:MultimediaViewer and the translation is 39% complete.
This extension comes with MediaWiki 1.31 and above. Thus you do not have to download it again. However, you still need to follow the other instructions provided.
Manual de extensiones de MediaWiki
Estado de lanzamiento: estable
Implementación Interfaz de usuario, Ajax
Descripción Provee una mejor experiencia para los usuarios cuando hacen clic en miniaturas en una página
Política de compatibilidad Lanzamientos de screenshots junto con MediaWiki. Master no es compatible con versiones anteriores.
MediaWiki 1.25+
PHP 5.4+
Licencia GNU Licencia Pública general 2.0 o posterior
Ejemplo MediaWiki.org
  • $wgMediaViewerThumbnailBucketSizes
  • $wgMediaViewerInfoLink
  • $wgMediaViewerHelpLink
  • $wgMediaViewerImageQueryParameter
  • $wgMediaViewerUseThumbnailGuessing
  • $wgMediaViewerRecordVirtualViewBeaconURI
  • $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault
  • $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous
  • $wgMediaViewerExtensions
Descargas trimestrales 166 (Ranked 38th)
Wikis públicos que lo utilizan 1,926 (Ranked 195th)
Traduce la extensión MultimediaViewer si está disponible en translatewiki.net
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La extensión MultimediaViewer le da a un usuario de un wiki una interfaz diferente para ver imágenes a tamaño completo o cercano a completo en su navegador sin cargas de página extrañas o páginas intersticiales confusas.


You will also likely want to download Extension:CommonsMetadata . It is not a hard requirement, but without it, you will not get much information in the boxes showing details about the images.

On third-party wikis, even if you only use locally uploaded images, you need CommonsMetatada to populate the information in the boxes via a template holding information about the files.)

  • Descarga y extrae los archivos en un directorio denominado «MultimediaViewer» dentro de la carpeta extensions/.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/MultimediaViewer
  • Añade el siguiente código en la parte final de tu archivo LocalSettings.php :
    wfLoadExtension( 'MultimediaViewer' );
  • Configure as required
  •   Hecho – Navega a Special:Version en el wiki para verificar que la extensión se haya instalado correctamente.

Instalación Vagrant:

  • Si se utiliza Vagrant , instala con vagrant roles enable multimediaviewer --provision


  • $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault and $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous will determine whether MMV is enabled by default for everyone and anonymous users, respectively.

They both default to true.

  • $wgMediaViewerUseThumbnailGuessing will improve performance when enabled, but can be fragile depending on how the wiki is set up (it will probably work fine if you use a 404 handler).
Descarga forzada

To ensure files are offered for download and not viewed in the user's browser following a click on the Download … button, the server has to be configured, except when using vagrant:

If the requested URL to an image directory contains the download query parameter, the Content-Disposition-header must be set to attachment. This can be achieved in Apache and compatible servers using mod_rewrite and mod_headers in a .htaccess file. La configuración de Varnish puede verse así.

Usage testing

Next, go to a page that has a thumbnail on it. Try clicking on the image or on the "expand" icon near it. The lightbox should pop up and give you a bigger view of the image.

If you'd prefer, there's an exported test environment that you can use via "Special:Import" to set up a suitable testing environment quickly.


MultimediaViewer and UploadWizard need several templates to show data of photos. Just save this code in an XML file and import it in your wiki.

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