ウィキメディア アプリ

This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Apps and the translation is 78% complete.
一般的なウィキメディア関係のアプリはm:Wikimedia Appsをご覧ください。


The Wikipedia mobile apps are a fast and fun way to read Wikipedia. The Wikipedia apps for Android and iOS are ad-free and available in more than 300 languages. ウィキペディア アプリでは、コンテンツの検索・閲覧を最適かつ能率的に行うことができます。 専らこのアプリを使用することで、データ使用量を抑えた状態でさらに記事の読み込みを高速化できます。 また、お好きな Android アプリとの間で、より信頼性が高く安定した連携を行うこともできます。 ページを後で読むためにデバイスに保存したり、記事からコンテンツや画像をお好きなソーシャルメディアアプリに共有したりといった、ウィキメディアのウェブ版では利用できない(あるいは不可能な)機能を追加しています。

What is the difference between the apps and the mobile web version of Wikipedia?
  • Maximum responsiveness - Native apps allow Wikipedia content to be presented to the user at native speed, and allow user interface elements that respond to the user's gestures just like any other part of the mobile operating system. An example of this is swiping to close a menu; this feels natural to you, but it's actually only possible in the browser through JavaScript hacks, and even then only on phones and browsers that support JavaScript. With a native app, these kinds of gestures are not only possible, but expected. The user feels at home when using the app, and the app looks like it "belongs" with the ecosystem of the other apps on the user's device.
  • Maximum integration - Imagine a widget on the home screen of your device that automatically presents you with suggestions for Wikipedia articles to read, based on your past preferences. Or a widget that shows you trending news, and Wikipedia articles related to the subjects of the news. Imagine a push notification that automatically appears on your device that informs you that someone has edited an article that is on your watch list, or replied to your talk page message.

All of these things are made possible by a native app! Read more on why we make apps , and check out our initial blog post to see more of our reasoning for releasing apps.


Become a Beta Tester


  • iOS Beta の配布は Apple TestFlight システムを経由しています。ウィキペディアベータに参加!
  • 参加登録すると、次のベータテストの準備ができ次第、招待が届きます。iOS 機器でその招待を開き、画面の指示に従ってインストールしてください。


  • ウィキペディア ベータ アプリを Google Play ストアからダウンロード、開発中の機能のテストと、フィードバックの投稿をお願いします。
  • If you want to be on the bleeding edge, install the Wikipedia Alpha app to see what features we're experimenting with! The new version comes almost every day except weekends & holidays (vacations). Mostly 20:00 – 23:00 CEST.




For detailed information about the Wikimedia Apps Team's collaboration with various Wikimedia initiatives, user groups, and community feedback sessions, please visit our updated page: Community Collaboration and Meetings.

This page includes insights on our past meetings, tutorials, and discussions that highlight our commitment to improving the Wikimedia apps and fostering a more inclusive platform for all users.
