In Chinese-translated pages on this site, every conversion markup works fine except the -{T|}-
markup used for zh title conversions (same as {{DISPLAYTITLE:}}
(namely Translations:Help:Extension:Translate/Translation_example/Page_display_title/zh in Help:Extension:Translate/Translation_example/zh), but {{DISPLAYTITLE:}}
cannot make any conversions, so the -{zh:Chinese content;zh-hans:Simplified Chinese content;zh-hant:Traditional Chinese content;}-
markup doesn't work in the Page_display_title section), maybe the problem is the page “Translations:Help:Extension:Translate/Translation_example/Page_display_title/zh transcluded in Help:Extension:Translate/Translation_example/zh” by Extension:Translate will override the -{T|}-
markup, so neither the the -{T|}-
markup parameter “T” in Template:NoteTA works.
How can we fix it, or maybe it's a bug?