2ヵ国語話者向けの Android キーボード
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このページではオープンソースの開発について、YuviPanda による2ヵ国語話者向けの Android 用キーボード説明します。使用する IME ポートはProject Milkshake (Extension:Narayam に基準) で自動修正/自動変換候補辞書が付属します。 プロジェクトは GPL ライセンスのもとに実施します。
- 母語入力に特化し管理が行き届いたキーボードでモバイル版で使用できるものが足りない (Swiftkey や Swype を思い浮かべてください)。
- 言語間の切り替えがとても面倒 (キーボードを切り替え、読み込みを待ち、キーの配列に頭を慣らすなど)。
This project aims to fix these things by extending the default Android keyboard with support for two languages at a time (quickly switched with a single tap), and by providing transliteration engines for all languages supported by Narayam, along with autocorrect/autosuggest facilities to enable faster, more accurate mobile input.
- Port of transliteration engine from Project Milkshake/Narayam to Java
- Tool to allow conversion of Project Milkshake/Narayam keymaps to a format suitable for use from Java
- Bindings to allow tests from Project Milkshake/Narayam to run unmodified
- Tool to run through a large corpus of text in a target language and extract potential dictionary entries - and convert them to a format suitable for autocorrect/autosuggest use.
- Android IME (derived from built in Android Jellybean keyboard) with support for fast switching between languages, and autocorrect/autosuggest support for languages with dictionaries present.
- Tool to build crowdsourced custom dictionaries for use in the keyboard.
- Will base entire project off of Android's LatinIME, which is the default stock Keyboard. Also has a word prediction / correction algorithm that could be adapted for our use.
- Project Milkshake / Narayam has the JS transliteration engine + language keymaps + tests that will be ported to Java to form the core of the keyboard.