Руководство:Прерывания (хуки)

This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Hooks and the translation is 26% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Для хуки в JS-библиотеке MediaWiki, см.: mw.hook.
MediaWiki extensions

Обработчики прерываний (т.н. хуки, hooks) позволяют выполнять собственный код, при возникновении определенного события (например, сохранение страницы или вход пользователя). Например, следующий фрагмент кода будет запускать вызов функции MyExtensionHooks::onPageContentSaveComplete всякий раз, когда выполняется перехват PageContentSaveComplete, передавая ему аргументы функции, специфичные для PageContentSaveComplete .

Хуки могут быть зарегистрированы путем сопоставления имени хука с обратным вызовом в файле расширения extension.json:

"Hooks": {
    "PageContentSaveComplete": "MyExtensionHooks::onPageContentSaveComplete",
    "MyCustomHook": "MyExtensionHooks::myCustomHook"

MediaWiki предоставляет множество хуков как это расширение функциональности программного обеспечения MediaWiki. Назначение функции (известной как обработчик хука) хуку приведет к тому, что эта функция будет вызвана в соответствующей точке основного кода MediaWiki для выполнения любых дополнительных задач, которые разработчик сочтет полезными в этот момент. Каждому хуку может быть назначено несколько обработчиков, и в этом случае он будет вызывать функции в том порядке, в котором они назначены, при этом любые изменения, внесенные одной функцией, передаются последующим функциям в цепочке.

Назначьте функции хукам в конце LocalSettings.php или в вашем собственном файле расширения в области действия файла (не в функции $wgExtensionFunctions или хуке ParserFirstCallInit ). Для расширений, если поведение функции перехвата обусловлено параметром в LocalSettings.php, перехват должен быть назначен, и функция должна завершиться досрочно, если условие не было выполнено.

Вы также можете создавать новые хуки в своем собственном расширении. Он регистрируется в extension.json так же, как если бы вы регистрировали встроенный хук MediaWiki для использования в вашем расширении. Затем вы можете запустить свой хук в своем расширении, вызвав HookContainer::run( 'HookName', [ $param1, $param2 ] );. Наконец, не забудьте добавить их к Category:Extension hooks .


Перехват запускается вызовом HookContainer::run, обычно с помощью метода в HookRunner. HookContainer найдет обработчики хуков для запуска и вызовет их с параметрами, заданными для HookContainer::run. Обработчики крючков регистрируются через extension.json .

См. также Hooks.md.

В этом примере из функции doPurge в WikiPage.php, doPurge вызывает HookRunner::onArticlePurge для запуска хука ArticlePurge , передавая $this в качестве аргумента:

$this->getHookRunner()->onArticlePurge( $this )

Ядро вызывает много хуков, но Расширения также может вызывать хуки.

Запись обработчика хуков

Обработчик хука — это функция, которую вы регистрируете, который будет вызываться всякий раз, когда запускается рассматриваемый хук.

Для расширений, зарегистрируйте свои обработчики хука в extension.json :

	"Hooks": {
		"EventName": [

Обработчики хуков также могут быть зарегистрированы через глобальный массив $wgHooks . Это чаще всего используется для конкретных настроек сайта в LocalSettings.php или в устаревших расширениях, которые предшествуют extension.json. Все нижеприведенные допустимые способы определения обработчика перехвата для хука EventName, которому передаются два параметра:

Формат Синтаксис Результат вызова функции.
Статическая функция $wgHooks['EventName'][] = 'MyExtensionHooks::onEventName'; MyExtensionHooks::onEventName( $param1, $param2 );
Функция без данных $wgHooks['EventName'][] = 'efSomeFunction'; efSomeFunction( $param1, $param2 );
Функция с данными $wgHooks['EventName'][] = [ 'efSomeFunction', $someData ]; efSomeFunction( $someData, $param1, $param2 );
встроенная анонимная функция
$wgHooks['EventName'][] = function ( $param1, $param2 ) {
// ...function body
Только объект $wgHooks['EventName'][] = $object; $object->onEventName( $param1, $param2 );
Объект с методом $wgHooks['EventName'][] = [ $object, 'someMethod' ]; $object->someMethod( $param1, $param2 );
Объект с методом и данными $wgHooks['EventName'][] = [ $object, 'someMethod', $someData ]; $object->someMethod( $someData, $param1, $param2 );

Обратите внимание, что когда объект назначается, и вы не указываете метод, вызываемый метод - "onEventName". Например, "onArticleSave", "onUserLogin" и т.д.

Дополнительные данные полезны, если вы хотите использовать одну и ту же функцию или объект для разных целей. Например:

$wgHooks['PageContentSaveComplete'][] = [ 'efIrcNotify', 'TimStarling' ];
$wgHooks['PageContentSaveComplete'][] = [ 'efIrcNotify', 'brion' ];

Этот код приведет к тому, что efIrcNotify() будет выполняться дважды при сохранении страницы: один раз для 'TimStarling' и один раз для 'brion'.

Возвращаемые значения обработчика хука

Обработчики хука могут возвращать одно из трех возможных значений:

Версия MediaWiki:

Void hooks

A void hook does not return anything. Void hook should be the most common kind in new code (T245364).

  • Documentation: @return void
  • Usage: $hookRunner->onExample();

The interface for void hooks must include a native return type hint like : void, so that extensions that choose to implement the interface (as opposed to handling it without interface validation), benefit from static analysis and thus avoid accidentally returning something. This prevents severe bugs that are hard to catch otherwise (T173615). These hooks ignore the return value and so in isolation, a return value is simply unused, harmless, with no visible effect. In production, it would cancel listeners from other extensions for the same hook. Effectively undeploying only part of an extension this way can have major consequences.

Abortable hooks

Abortable hooks may return boolean false. When a non-void return value is given to an abortable hook, it skips any and all other listeners for the same hook (i.e. in other extensions), and returns false to the hook caller. This is similar to Event.stopImmediatePropagation() and Event.preventDefault() in JavaScript.

If as the author of a feature, you want to allow an extension to disallow or cancel the user action, you can provide an abortable hook for this.

  • Documentation: @return bool|void
  • Usage: if ( $hookRunner->onExample() ) { … }

It is important that abortable hooks allow a void return. The majority of hook consumers do not make use of the abortable feature, and thus should be able to type their implementation to @return void and safely avoid the need to return something, and with it benefit from having no room for mistakingly returning false.

Return values:

  • void (нет возвращаемого значения или null) — обработчик хука успешно сработал. (До MediaWiki 1.23 требовалось возвращать значение true.)
  • false - обработчик хуков выполнил всю необходимую работу или заменил обычную обработку. Это предотвратит запуск дальнейших обработчиков и в некоторых случаях укажет вызывающей функции пропустить обычную обработку.
Во многих случаях, когда расширениям разрешено отменять действие, хук предоставляет объект Status, в который можно добавить локализованную ошибку.
Версия MediaWiki:

Prior to MediaWiki 1.41, abortable hooks could return an error message as string. This was a shortcut for producing an Internal Server Error (HTTP 500) response with the returned string displayed as the fatal error. This was deprecated in MW 1.35 (Gerrit change 571297), and removed in MW 1.41 (Gerrit change 571297).

Обработка хуков в MediaWiki 1.35 и более поздних версиях

Версия MediaWiki:

MediaWiki 1.35 introduces the HookHandlers extension attribute. Это включает в себя интерфейсы для каждого хука для улучшенной статической проверки и обнаружения документации по параметрам. It also enables dependency injection by introducing an intermediary class instance that accepts a number of specified services (instead of static callbacks that explicitly access services from global state).

The approach from MediaWiki 1.34 and earlier, of registering hook handlers directly as static methods, remains supported and is not deprecated. Extension authors may opt-in to the new system are welcome to do so. To learn more, see the MediaWiki core: Hook specification and the announcement on wikitech-l.

Изменения в названиях хуков

Prior to MediaWiki 1.35, hooks sometimes included characters that could not be used in a class or method name, such as colons and dashes. With the introduction of per-hook interfaces, the canonical names of these hooks have been changed to use underscores instead. For example, the interface for ApiFeedContributions::feedItem is ApiFeedContributions__feedItemHook. Hook handlers that are registered with the old names remain supported.

Registering hooks using HookHandlers

To adopt the new system, change your Hooks class to have regular methods instead of static methods and to be constructible. This class is then registered once, via the HookHandlers attribute in extension.json , using the class option as part of an ObjectFactory description where you can use the services option.

Например, чтобы зарегистрировать хук BeforePageDisplay :

    "HookHandlers": {
        "main": {
            "class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\Example\\Hooks",
            "services": [ "UserNameUtils" ]
    "Hooks": {
        "BeforePageDisplay": "main"

Обработка хуков с использованием интерфейсов

To use hook interfaces, extensions should define a Hooks class in their namespace and implement one or more hook interfaces. Hook interfaces are named with the hook name followed by the word "Hook".

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\MyExtension;

use MediaWiki\Hook\BeforePageDisplayHook;
use OutputPage;
use Skin;

class Hooks implements BeforePageDisplayHook {
    public function onBeforePageDisplay( $out, $skin ): void { ... }

Convert an extension to the new hook system

Follow these steps for each hook handling method:

  • identify the hook handler interface, and make the Hooks class implement this interface.
  • update the method name and signature to be exactly the same as in the interface.
  • change the Hooks section of extension.json to refer to the handler you specified in the HookHandlers section.

Процесс был продемонстрирован на Хакатон Викимедиа 2021 :


В настоящее время хуки в ядре MediaWiki должны быть задокументированы как в [интерфейс хука https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/group__Hooks.html] (в репозитории исходного кода), так и в здесь на MediaWiki.org . В некоторых случаях один из этих шагов, возможно, еще не завершен, поэтому, если крючок кажется недокументированным, проверьте оба.

Каждый хук, предоставляемый ядром MediaWiki, определяется в интерфейсе хук. Как правило, интерфейсы хук расположены в подпространстве имен "Hook" внутри пространства имен вызывающего абонента. Например, Storage/Hook/PageContentSaveCompleteHook.php. Вы можете найти список интерфейсов хуков в документации MediaWiki PHP [сгенерированной https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/group__Hooks.html].

Чтобы задокументировать хук в вики, используйте {{MediaWikiHook }}.

По состоянию на июнь 2020 года, docs/hooks.txt устарел в качестве источника документации для отдельных хуков. Для получения дополнительной информации о внедрении хуков на основе контейнера Hook, см. [$2 спецификацию хуков в MediaWiki Core].

Шаблон документа интерфейса хука

В интерфейсах хуков комментарии doc определяют статус, назначение, параметры и поведение хука.

 * @stable for implementation
 * @ingroup Hooks
interface MyExampleHook {
	 * This hook is called after/when...
	 * Use this hook to...
	 * @since x.xx
	 * @param string $name Description
	 * @return void This hook must not abort, it must return no value
	public function onMyExample( $name ): void;
 * @stable for implementation
 * @ingroup Hooks
interface AbortableExampleHook {
	 * This hook is called before...
	 * Use this hook to...
	 * @since x.xx
	 * @param string $name Description
	 * @@return bool|void True or no return value to continue or false to abort
	public function onAbortableExample( $name );

Доступные хуки

Хуки сгруппированные по функциям

Некоторые из этих хуков могут быть сгруппированы в несколько функций.

Разделы: Управление статьями - Редактировать страницу - Рендеринг страницы - Пользовательский интерфейс - Управление файлами - Специальные страницы - Управление пользователями - Регистрация - Шаблоны для скинов - API - Импорт/Экспорт - Различия - Разное
  Внимание: Новые хуки добавляются в MediaWiki довольно часто, поэтому этот список не всегда полностью актуален. Как и в случае с большинством документации на этом сайте, если вам нужна полная актуальная информация, вам рекомендуется обратиться к сгенерированному списку интерфейсов подключения. Как всегда, вам рекомендуется обновить этот список, чтобы исправить любые ошибки или упущения.
Функция Версия Хук Описание
Управление статьями 1.23.0 Article::MissingArticleConditions вызывается при отображении страницы.
1.21 ArticleAfterFetchContentObject (устарело в 1.32) После извлечения содержимого статьи из базы данных.
1.16 ArticleConfirmDelete Происходит перед написанием формы подтверждения удаления статьи.
1.21 ArticleContentViewCustom (удалено в 1.35) позволяет выводить текст статьи в формате, отличном от формата викитекста
1.25 ArticleDeleteAfterSuccess Вывод после удаления статьи
1.4.0 ArticleDeleteComplete (устарело в 1.37) Происходит после обработки запроса на удаление статьи
1.4.0 ArticleDelete (устарело в 1.37) Происходит всякий раз, когда программное обеспечение получает запрос на удаление статьи
1.5.7 ArticleEditUpdateNewTalk Позволяет расширению предотвращать уведомление пользователя при добавлении нового сообщения на его страницу обсуждения.
1.6.0 ArticleEditUpdatesDeleteFromRecentchanges Происходит перед сохранением в базе данных. Если возвращается значение false, старые записи не удаляются из списка недавних изменений.
1.14.0 ArticleEditUpdates (устарело в 1.35) Вызывается, когда обновления редактирования (в основном отслеживание ссылок) выполняются после изменения статьи.
1.8.0 ArticleFromTitle Вызывается для определения класса для обработки рендеринга статьи на основе заголовка
1.12.0 ArticleMergeComplete после слияния со статьей с помощью Special:Mergehistory
1.36 ArticleParserOptions Этот хук вызывается перед анализом викитекста для статьи,
1.18 ArticlePrepareTextForEdit Вызывается при подготовке текста к сохранению.
1.4.0 ArticleProtectComplete Происходит после обработки запроса на защиту статьи
1.4.0 ArticleProtect Происходит всякий раз, когда программное обеспечение получает запрос на защиту статьи
1.6.0 ArticlePurge Позволяет расширению отменить очистку.
1.12.0 ArticleRevisionUndeleted (устарело в 1.35) Происходит после восстановления редакции статьи
1.32 ArticleRevisionViewCustom позволяет выводить текст редакции статьи в формате, отличном от формата викитекста
1.13.0 ArticleRevisionVisibilitySet вызывается при изменении видимости одной или нескольких проверок статьи
1.12.0 ArticleRollbackComplete (устарело в 1.35) Происходит после завершения отката статьи
1.21 ArticleUndeleteLogEntry Возникает, когда запись журнала сгенерирована, но еще не сохранена
1.9.1 ArticleUndelete При восстановлении одной или нескольких правок статьи
1.11.0 ArticleUpdateBeforeRedirect Происходит после обновления страницы (обычно при сохранении), прежде чем пользователь будет перенаправлен обратно на страницу
1.18 ArticleViewFooter После отображения раздела нижнего колонтитула обычного просмотра страницы.
1.17 CanonicalNamespaces Для расширений, добавляющих свои собственные пространства имен или изменяющих значения по умолчанию.
1.25 ChangeTagAfterDelete Вызывается после удаления тега изменения (то есть удаления из всех ревизий и записей журнала, к которым он был применен).
1.25 ChangeTagCanCreate Укажите, должен ли пользователь иметь возможность создавать тег изменения.
1.25 ChangeTagCanDelete Tell whether a change tag should be able to be deleted by users.
1.28 ChangeTagsAfterUpdateTags Может использоваться расширениями для выполнения действий после добавления или обновления тегов изменений.
1.30 ChangeTagsAllowedAdd Called when checking if a user can add tags to a change.
1.25 ChangeTagsListActive Can be used by extensions to register active change tags.
1.21.0 ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor вызывается при выборе модели содержимого по умолчанию для данного заголовка.
1.21.0 ContentHandlerForModelID вызывается, когда для заданного имени модели содержимого запрашивается обработчик содержимого, но в $wgContentHandlers не существует записи для этой модели.
1.23 ContentModelCanBeUsedOn args = $modelId, Title $title, &$ok
1.21.0 ConvertContent Вызывается, когда запрашивается преобразование в другую модель контента.
1.29 GetContentModels Позволяет добавлять пользовательские обработчики контента в список моделей контента, зарегистрированных в системе.
1.39 JsonValidateSave Use this hook to add additional validations for JSON content pages.
1.19 LanguageGetNamespaces Укажите пользовательский порядок для пространств имен или удалите пространства имен.
1.25.0 MovePageIsValidMove Укажите, может ли страница быть перемещена по техническим причинам.
1.35.0 MultiContentSave Происходит всякий раз, когда программное обеспечение получает запрос на сохранение статьи
1.25 MovePageCheckPermissions Укажите, разрешено ли пользователю перемещать страницу.
1.20 NamespaceIsMovable Called when determining if it is possible to move pages, for a particular namespace. This controls moves both to and from the given namespace.
1.13 NewRevisionFromEditComplete (устарело в 1.35) Вызывается, когда ревизия была вставлена из-за редактирования.
1.21 PageContentInsertComplete (устарело в 1.35) Происходит после создания новой статьи
1.18 PageContentLanguage Allows changing the page content language and consequently all features depending on that (writing direction, LanguageConverter, ...).
1.21.0 PageContentSaveComplete (устарело в 1.35) Происходит после обработки запроса на сохранение статьи
1.21.0 PageContentSave (устарело в 1.35) (используйте MultiContentSave) Происходит всякий раз, когда программное обеспечение получает запрос на сохранение статьи
1.37.0 PageDelete Occurs whenever the software receives a request to delete a page.
1.37.0 PageDeleteComplete Occurs after the delete page request has been processed.
1.32 PageDeletionDataUpdates Called when constructing a list of DeferrableUpdate to be executed when a page is deleted.
1.35 PageMoveComplete После того, как статья была перемещена, опубликуйте коммит
1.35 PageMoveCompleting После перемещения статьи выполните предварительную коммит
1.35 PageSaveComplete После того, как статья была обновлена.
1.37 PageUndelete Выполнить перед восстановлением страницы.
1.40 PageUndeleteComplete Выполнить после восстановления страницы.
1.25 PageViewUpdates Вызывается после просмотра страницы MediaWiki. Note this does not capture views made via external caches such as Squid .
1.16 ProtectionForm::buildForm (устарело в 1.36) Вызывается после того, как в форме будут созданы все наборы полей типа безопасности.
1.16 ProtectionForm::save Вызывается при отправке формы защиты.
1.16 ProtectionForm::showLogExtract Вызывается после отображения фрагмента журнала защиты.
1.36 ProtectionFormAddFormFields Этот хук вызывается после добавления всех полей формы типа безопасности.
1.8.0 RecentChange_save Вызывается после того, как "Недавнее изменение" зафиксировано в базе данных.
1.32 RevisionDataUpdates Called when constructing a list of DeferrableUpdate to be executed to record secondary data about a revision.
1.35 RevisionFromEditComplete Вызывается, когда исправление было вставлено из-за редактирования, загрузки файла, импорта или перемещения страницы.
1.11.0 RevisionInsertComplete (устарело в 1.31) (use RevisionRecordInserted) Вызывается после вставки редакции в базу данных
1.31 RevisionRecordInserted Вызывается после вставки изменения в базу данных.
1.35 RevisionUndeleted Вызывается после восстановления редакции статьи
1.35 RollbackComplete (устарело в 1.36) Происходит после завершения отката статьи
1.15 ListDefinedTags Может использоваться расширениями для регистрации изменения тегов.
1.6.0 SpecialMovepageAfterMove Вызывается после перемещения страницы.
1.14 TitleArrayFromResult Called when creating an TitleArray object from a database result.
1.24 TitleExists Вызывается при определении того, существует ли страница с заданным заголовком.
1.22 TitleGetEditNotices Called when the edit notices for a page are being retrieved.
1.16 TitleGetRestrictionTypes Позволяет изменять типы защиты, которые могут быть применены.
1.20.0 TitleIsAlwaysKnown Позволяет переопределять поведение по умолчанию для определения того, существует ли страница.
1.19 TitleIsMovable Вызывается при определении возможности перемещения страницы.
1.4.0 TitleMoveComplete (устарело в 1.35) Возникает всякий раз, когда выполняется запрос на перемещение статьи
1.27 TitleMoveCompleting (устарело в 1.35) Occurs whenever a request to move an article is completed, before the database transaction commits.
1.27 TitleMoveStarting Перед перемещением статьи (заголовка), но сразу после начала раздела atomiеc DB.
1.22.0 TitleMove Происходит до выполнения запрошенного перемещения страницы
1.22 TitleQuickPermissions Called from Title::checkQuickPermissions to allow skipping checking quick Title permissions (e.g., the 'delete' permission).
1.19 TitleReadWhitelist Вызывается в конце проверки разрешений на чтение, непосредственно перед добавлением сообщения об ошибке по умолчанию, если ничто не позволяет пользователю прочитать страницу.
1.18 UndeleteForm::undelete (удалено в 1.38) Called in UndeleteForm::undelete, after checking that the site is not in read-only mode, that the Title object is not null and after a PageArchive object has been constructed but before performing any further processing.
1.21 WikiPageDeletionUpdates (удалено в 1.36) Manipulate the list of DeferrableUpdate s to be applied when a page is deleted. Вызывается в WikiPage::getDeletionUpdates(). Note that updates specific to a content model should be provided by the respective Content's getDeletionUpdates() method.
1.28 WikiPageFactory Override WikiPage class used for a title
Редактирование страницы 1.21.0 AlternateEditPreview Позволяет заменить предварительный просмотр редактирования
1.6.0 AlternateEdit Используется для полной замены всей страницы изменения.
1.9.1 CustomEditor When invoking the page editor. Return true to allow the normal editor to be used, or false if implementing a custom editor, e.g. for a special namespace, etc.
1.21.0 EditFilterMergedContent Фильтр редактирования после раздела-слияние
1.6.0 EditFilter Выполнение проверок при редактировании
1.16 EditFormInitialText Allows modifying the edit form when editing existing pages
1.7.0 EditFormPreloadText Вызывается, когда отображается страница редактирования для новой статьи. Это позволяет вам заполнить текстовое поле новой страницы начальным викитекстом. This lets you fill the text-box of a new page with initial wikitext.
1.25 EditPage::attemptSave:after Called after an article save attempt
1.8.3 EditPage::attemptSave Called before an article is saved, that is before insertNewArticle() is called
1.16 EditPage::importFormData Called when reading the data from the editform, after post
1.6.0 EditPage::showEditForm:fields Allows injection of form field into edit form.
1.6.0 EditPage::showEditForm:initial Allows injection of HTML into edit form
1.24 EditPage::showReadOnlyForm:initial Called just before the read only edit form is rendered
1.21.0 EditPage::showStandardInputs:options Allows injection of form fields into the editOptions area
1.13.0 EditPageBeforeConflictDiff Allows modifying the EditPage object and output when there's an edit conflict.
1.12.0 EditPageBeforeEditButtons Used to modify the edit buttons on the edit form
1.16 EditPageBeforeEditToolbar Allows modifying the edit toolbar above the textarea
1.16 EditPageCopyrightWarning Allow for site and per-namespace customisation of contribution/copyright notice.
1.29 EditPageGetCheckboxesDefinition Allows modifying the edit checkboxes in the edit form
1.21 EditPageGetDiffContent Allow modifying the wikitext that will be used in "Внесённые изменения". Note that it is preferable to implement diff handling for different data types using the ContentHandler facility.
1.21 EditPageGetPreviewContent Allow modifying the wikitext that will be previewed. Note that it is preferable to implement previews for different data types using the ContentHandler facility.
1.16 EditPageNoSuchSection When a section edit request is given for an non-existent section.
1.16 EditPageTosSummary Give a chance for site and per-namespace customisations of terms of service summary link that might exist separately from the copyright notice.
1.20 FormatAutocomments When an autocomment is formatted by the Linker.
1.19 PlaceNewSection Override placement of new sections.
1.35 ParserPreSaveTransformComplete Called from Parser::preSaveTransform() after processing is complete, giving the extension a chance to further modify the wikitext.
Рендеринг страницы 1.27.0 AfterBuildFeedLinks Executed after all feed links are created.
1.24 AfterParserFetchFileAndTitle Alter the HTML code of an image gallery. Called after an image gallery is formed by Parser , just before adding its HTML to parser output.
1.21 ArticleContentViewCustom (удалено в 1.35) Allows to output the text of the article in a different format than wikitext
1.6.0 ArticlePageDataAfter Executes after loading the data of an article from the database.
1.6.0 ArticlePageDataBefore Executes before data is loaded for the article requested.
1.36 ArticleParserOptions This hook is called before parsing wikitext for an article,
1.32 ArticleRevisionViewCustom Allows to output the text of an article revision in a different format than wikitext
1.18 ArticleViewFooter After showing the footer section of an ordinary page view.
1.6.0 ArticleViewHeader Called after an articleheader is shown.
1.5.1 ArticleViewRedirect Allows an extension to prevent the display of a "Redirected From" link on a redirect page.
1.7 BadImage Used to determine if an image exists on the 'bad image list'. Return false to when setting $bad value.
1.19 BeforeDisplayNoArticleText Before displaying noarticletext or noarticletext-nopermission messages.
1.24 BeforeHttpsRedirect (устарело в 1.35) Called prior to forcing HTTP->HTTPS redirect. Use this hook to override how the redirect is output.
1.19 BeforePageRedirect Called prior to sending an HTTP redirect
1.18.0 BeforeParserFetchFileAndTitle Allows an extension to select a different version of an image to link to.
1.10.1 BeforeParserFetchTemplateAndtitle (устарело в 1.36) Allows an extension to specify a version of a page to get for inclusion in a template.
1.36 BeforeParserFetchTemplateRevisionRecord This hook is called before a template is fetched by Parser.
1.10.1 BeforeParserrenderImageGallery (устарело в 1.35) Allows an extension to modify an image gallery before it is rendered.
1.22 CanIPUseHTTPS (устарело в 1.35) Called when checking if an IP address can use HTTPS
1.4.3 CategoryPageView Called before viewing a categorypage in CategoryPage::view
1.25 CategoryViewer::doCategoryQuery Occurs after querying for pages to be displayed in a Category page
1.25 CategoryViewer::generateLink Before generating an output link allow extensions opportunity to generate a more specific or relevant link.
1.25 ContentAlterParserOutput Customise parser output for a given content object, called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput.
1.24.0 ContentGetParserOutput Настройте вывод синтаксического анализатора для данного объекта содержимого, вызываемого AbstractContent::getParserOutput. Может использоваться для переопределения обычного рендеринга содержимого страницы, зависящего от конкретной модели. May be used to override the normal model-specific rendering of page content.
1.22.0 GalleryGetModes Позволяет расширениям добавлять классы, которые могут отображать различные режимы галереи.
1.12 GetLinkColours Modify the CSS class of an array of page links
1.28 HtmlPageLinkRendererBegin args = LinkRenderer $linkRenderer, LinkTarget $target, &$text, &$extraAttribs, &$query, &$ret
1.28 HtmlPageLinkRendererEnd args = LinkRenderer $linkRenderer, LinkTarget $target, $isKnown, &$text, &$attribs, &$ret
1.13 ImageBeforeProduceHTML Called before producing the HTML created by a wiki image insertion
1.11 ImageOpenShowImageInlineBefore Fired just before showing the image on an image page.
1.16 ImagePageAfterImageLinks Called after the image links section on an image page is built.
1.13 ImagePageFileHistoryLine Called when a file history line is constructed.
1.13 ImagePageFindFile Called when fetching the file associated with an image page.
1.16 ImagePageShowTOC Called when fetching the file associed with an image page.
1.10.0 InternalParseBeforeLinks Used to process the expanded wiki code after ‎<nowiki>, HTML-comments, and templates have been treated. Suitable for syntax extensions that want to customise the treatment of internal link syntax, i.e. [[....]].
1.20 InternalParseBeforeSanitize (устарело в 1.35) This hook is called during Parser's internalParse method just before the parser removes unwanted/dangerous HTML tags and after nowiki/noinclude/includeonly/onlyinclude and other processings.
1.13.0 LinkerMakeExternalImage Called before external image HTML is returned. Used for modifying external image HTML.
1.13.0 LinkerMakeExternalLink Called before the HTML for external links is returned. Used for modifying external link HTML.
1.23.0 LinkerMakeMediaLinkFile Called before the HTML for media links is returned. Used for modifying media link HTML.
1.6.0 OutputPageBeforeHTML Called every time wikitext is added to the OutputPage, after it is parsed but before it is added. Called after the page has been rendered, but before the HTML is displayed.
1.8.0 OutputPageParserOutput Called after parse, before the HTML is added to the output.
1.6.0 PageRenderingHash Alter the parser cache option hash key.
1.20 ParserAfterParse Called from Parser::parse() just after the call to Parser::internalParse() returns.
1.5.0 ParserAfterStrip (удалено в 1.36) До версии 1.14.0 использовался для обработки необработанного вики-кода после защиты текста, окруженного тегами ‎<nowiki>, но до обработки любого другого вики-текста. В версии 1.14.0 и более поздних версиях запускается сразу после ParserBeforeStrip. In version 1.14.0 and later, runs immediately after ParserBeforeStrip.
1.5.0 ParserAfterTidy Used to add some final processing to the fully-rendered page output.
1.26 ParserAfterUnstrip Called after the first unstripGeneral() in Parser::internalParseHalfParsed()
1.6.0 ParserBeforeInternalParse Replaces the normal processing of stripped wiki text with custom processing. Used primarily to support alternatives (rather than additions) to the core MediaWiki markup syntax.
1.35 ParserBeforePreprocess Called at the beginning of Parser::preprocess()
1.5.0 ParserBeforeStrip (удалено в 1.36) Used to process the raw wiki code before any internal processing is applied.
1.5.0 ParserBeforeTidy (удалено в 1.36) Used to process the nearly-rendered html code for the page (but before any html tidying occurs).
1.26 ParserCacheSaveComplete Modify ParserOutput safely after it has been saved to cache.
1.6.0 ParserClearState Called at the end of Parser::clearState()
1.21.0 ParserCloned Called when the Parser object is cloned.
1.28 ParserFetchTemplate (устарело в 1.35) Called when the parser fetches a template
1.6.0 ParserGetVariableValueSwitch Assigns a value to a user defined variable.
1.6.0 ParserGetVariableValueTs Use this to change the value of the time for the {{LOCAL...}} magic word.
1.6.0 ParserGetVariableValueVarCache (устарело в 1.35) Use this to change the value of the variable cache or return false to not use it.
1.35 ParserFetchTemplateData Fetches template data for an array of template titles
1.22 ParserLimitReportFormat Called for each row in the parser limit report that needs formatting.
1.22 ParserLimitReportPrepare Called at the end of Parser:parse() when the parser will include comments about size of the text parsed.
1.39 ParserLogLinterData Report lints from Parsoid to the Linter extension
1.12 ParserMakeImageParams Alter the parameters used to generate an image before it is generated
1.38 ParserModifyImageHTML This hook is called for each image added to parser output, with its associated HTML as returned from Linker::makeImageLink().
1.30 ParserOptionsRegister Allows registering additional parser options
1.31 ParserOutputPostCacheTransform Called from ParserOutput::getText() to do post-cache transforms.
1.27 ParserOutputStashForEdit Called when an edit stash parse finishes, before the output is cached.
1.35 ParserPreSaveTransformComplete Called from Parser::preSaveTransform() after processing is complete, giving the extension a chance to further modify the wikitext.
1.19 ParserSectionCreate (устарело в 1.35) Called each time the parser creates a document section from wikitext.
1.26 RejectParserCacheValue Return false to reject an otherwise usable cached value from the Parser cache.
1.26 ResourceLoaderForeignApiModules Called from ResourceLoaderForeignApiModule. Use this to add dependencies to mediawiki.ForeignApi module when you wish to override its behaviour. See the module docs for more information.
1.17 ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars Called right before ResourceLoaderStartUpModule::getConfig returns, to set static (not request-specific) configuration variables. Can not depend on current page, current user or current request; see below.
1.18 ResourceLoaderGetStartupModules Run once the startup module is being generated.
1.38 ResourceLoaderExcludeUserOptions Exclude a user option from the preloaded data for client-side mw.user.options.
1.29 ResourceLoaderJqueryMsgModuleMagicWords Called in ResourceLoaderJqueryMsgModule to allow adding magic words for jQueryMsg. The key is an all-caps magic word, and the value is a string; values depend only on the ResourceLoaderContext
1.43 ResourceLoaderModifyStartupSourceUrls Called in StartUpModule to allow modifying source URLs.
1.17.0 ResourceLoaderRegisterModules Allows registering modules with ResourceLoader
1.35 ResourceLoaderSiteModulePages Allows to change which wiki pages comprise the `site` module in given skin.
1.35 ResourceLoaderSiteStylesModulePages Allows to change which wiki pages comprise the 'site.styles' module in given skin.
1.19 ResourceLoaderTestModules (устарело в 1.33) Add new javascript test suites. This is called after the addition of MediaWiki core test suites.
1.24.0 SidebarBeforeOutput Directly before the sidebar is output
1.16 ShowMissingArticle Called when generating the output for a non-existent page.
Пользовательский интерфейс 1.18 ActionBeforeFormDisplay Before executing the HTMLForm object
1.18 ActionModifyFormFields Before creating an HTMLForm object for a page action; allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated.
1.20 AfterFinalPageOutput Nearly at the end of OutputPage::output().
1.9.1 AjaxAddScript Called in output page just before the initialisation
1.5.7 ArticleEditUpdateNewTalk Перед обновлением user_newtalk, когда была изменена страница обсуждения пользователя.
1.6.0 ArticlePurge Выполняется перед запуском "&action=purge"
1.32 ArticleShowPatrolFooter Can be used to hide the [mark as patrolled] link in certain circumstances
1.18.0 BeforeWelcomeCreation Позволяет расширению изменять сообщение, отображаемое при успешном входе в систему.
1.32 ContentSecurityPolicyDefaultSource Modify the allowed CSP load sources. This affects all directives except for the script directive.
1.32 ContentSecurityPolicyDirectives Modify the content security policy directives.
1.32 ContentSecurityPolicyScriptSource Modify the allowed CSP script sources.
1.4.0 EmailUserComplete Происходит после отправки электронного письма от одного пользователя другому
1.4.0 EmailUser Происходит всякий раз, когда программное обеспечение получает запрос на отправку электронной почты от одного пользователя другому
1.41 EmailUserAuthorizeSend Called when checking whether a user is allowed to send emails
1.41 EmailUserSendEmail Called before sending an email, when all other checks have succeeded.
1.21 GetHumanTimestamp Pre-emptively override the human-readable timestamp generated by MWTimestamp::getHumanTimestamp(). Return false in this hook to use the custom output.
1.31 GetLangPreferredVariant Allows fetching the language variant code from cookies or other such alternative storage.
1.22 GetNewMessagesAlert Disable or modify the new messages alert before it is shown
1.16 GetPreferences Modify user preferences.
1.22 GetRelativeTimestamp Pre-emptively override the relative timestamp generated by MWTimestamp::getRelativeTimestamp(). Return false in this hook to use the custom output.
1.32 HistoryPageToolLinks Allows adding links to the revision history page subtitle.
1.21 HistoryRevisionTools (устарело в 1.35) Override or extend the revision tools available from the page history view, i.e. undo, rollback, etc.
1.35 HistoryTools Use this hook to override or extend the revision tools available from the page history view, i.e. undo, rollback, etc.
1.24 LanguageSelector Hook to change the language selector available on a page.
1.6.0 MarkPatrolledComplete Called after an edit is marked patrolled
1.6.0 MarkPatrolled Called before an edit is marked patrolled
1.14 MakeGlobalVariablesScript Right before OutputPage->getJSVars returns the vars.
1.32 OutputPageAfterGetHeadLinksArray Allows extensions to modify the HTML metadata in the ‎<head> element
1.17 OutputPageBodyAttributes Called when OutputPage::headElement() is creating the body tag.
1.14 OutputPageCheckLastModified When checking if the page has been modified since the last visit
1.13 OutputPageMakeCategoryLinks Called when links are about to be generated for the page's categories.
1.10 PageHistoryBeforeList When a history page list is about to be constructed.
1.10 PageHistoryLineEnding Right before the end ‎<li> is added to a history line.
1.26 PageHistoryPager::doBatchLookups Allow performing batch lookups for prefetching information needed for display
1.13 PageHistoryPager::getQueryInfo When a history pager query parameter set is constructed.
1.10 RawPageViewBeforeOutput Called before displaying a page with action=raw. Returns true if display is allowed, false if display is not allowed.
1.16 ShowSearchHitTitle Customise display of search hit title/link.
1.21 ShowSearchHit Customise display of search hit.
1.7 SiteNoticeAfter Used to modify the site notice after it has been created from $wgSiteNotice or interface messages.
1.7 SiteNoticeBefore Used to modify the sitenotice before it has been created from $wgSiteNotice. Return false to suppress or modify default site notice.
1.6.0 SpecialMovepageAfterMove Called after a page is moved.
1.19.0 SpecialSearchCreateLink Called when making the message to create a page or go to an existing page
1.6.0 SpecialSearchNogomatch Called when the 'Go' feature is triggered and the target doesn't exist. Full text search results are generated after this hook is called
1.19.0 SpecialSearchPowerBox The equivalent of SpecialSearchProfileForm for the advanced form
1.34 UndeletePageToolLinks Add one or more links to edit page subtitle when a page has been previously deleted.
1.4.0 UnwatchArticleComplete Occurs after the unwatch article request has been processed
1.4.0 UnwatchArticle Occurs whenever the software receives a request to unwatch an article
1.5.7 UserClearNewTalkNotification Called when clearing the "You have new messages!" message, return false to not delete it
1.4.0 UserLoginComplete Occurs after a user has successfully logged in
1.4.0 UserLogoutComplete Occurs after a user has successfully logged out
1.4.0 UserLogout Occurs when the software receives a request to log out
1.5.7 UserRetrieveNewTalks (устарело в 1.35) Called when retrieving "You have new messages!" message(s)
1.19 UserToolLinksEdit Called when generating a list of user tool links, eg "Foobar (обсуждение | вклад | заблокировать)"
1.4.0 WatchArticleComplete Occurs after the watch article request has been processed
1.4.0 WatchArticle Occurs whenever the software receives a request to watch an article
Управление файлами 1.19 BitmapHandlerCheckImageArea Called by BitmapHandler::normaliseParams(), after all normalisations have been performed, except for the $wgMaxImageArea check.
1.18 BitmapHandlerTransform Before a file is transformed, gives extension the possibility to transform it themselves.
1.13 FileDeleteComplete When a file is deleted.
1.20 FileTransformed When a file is transformed and moved into storage.
1.13 FileUndeleteComplete When a file is undeleted.
1.11 FileUpload Fires when a local file upload occurs.
1.18 GetMetadataVersion Allows to modify the image metadata version currently in use.
1.23.0 GetExtendedMetadata Allows including additional file metadata information in the imageinfo API.
1.24 HTMLFileCache::useFileCache Override whether a page should be cached in file cache.
1.10.0 IsFileCacheable Allow an extension to disable file caching on pages.
1.22 IsUploadAllowedFromUrl Allows overriding the result of UploadFromUrl::isAllowedUrl().
1.16.0 ImgAuthBeforeStream Executed before file is streamed to user, but only when using img_auth
1.34 ImgAuthModifyHeaders Executed just before a file is streamed to a user, allowing headers to be modified beforehand.
1.13 LocalFile::getHistory Called before file history query performed.
1.19 LocalFilePurgeThumbnails Called before thumbnails for a local file are purged.
1.21 ThumbnailBeforeProduceHTML Called before an image HTML is about to be rendered (by ThumbnailImage:toHtml method).
1.16 UploadCreateFromRequest When UploadBase::createFromRequest has been called.
1.9.0 UploadForm:BeforeProcessing Called just before the file data (for example description) are processed, so extensions have a chance to manipulate them.
1.31 UploadForm:getInitialPageText After the initial page text for file uploads is generated, to allow it to be altered.
1.16 UploadFormInitDescriptor Occurs after the descriptor for the upload form has been assembled.
1.16 UploadFormSourceDescriptors Occurs after the standard source inputs have been added to the descriptor.
1.28 UploadStashFile Occurs before a file is stashed (uploaded to stash).
1.6.4 UploadComplete Called when a file upload has completed.
1.17 UploadVerifyFile Вызывается при загрузке файла, чтобы разрешить дополнительную проверку файла
1.28 UploadVerifyUpload (предпочтительно) Может использоваться для отклонения загрузки файла. В отличие от "UploadVerifyFile", он предоставляет информацию о комментарии к загрузке и странице описания файла, но не запускается для загрузки в stash. Unlike 'UploadVerifyFile' it provides information about upload comment and the file description page, but does not run for uploads to stash.
1.23 ValidateExtendedMetadataCache Called to validate the cached metadata in FormatMetadata::getExtendedMeta (return false means cache will be invalidated and the GetExtendedMetadata hook will called again).
1.18 XMPGetInfo Called when obtaining the list of XMP tags to extract.
1.18 XMPGetResults Called just before returning the results array of parsing xmp data.
Специальные страницы 1.32 AncientPagesQuery Allows modifying the query used by Special:AncientPages.
1.9.1 BookInformation Hook to allow extensions to insert additional HTML to a list of book sources e.g. for API-interacting plugins and so on.
1.23 ChangesListInitRows Batch process change list rows prior to rendering.
1.12 ChangesListInsertArticleLink Override or augment link to article in RC list.
1.23 ChangesListSpecialPageFilters Called after building form options on pages inheriting from ChangesListSpecialPage (in core: RecentChanges, RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist).
1.24 ChangesListSpecialPageQuery Called when building SQL query on pages inheriting from ChangesListSpecialPage (in core: RecentChanges, RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist).
1.29 ChangesListSpecialPageStructuredFilters Called to allow extensions to register filters for pages inheriting from ChangesListSpecialPage (in core: RecentChanges, RecentChangesLinked, and Watchlist).
1.13 ContribsPager::getQueryInfo Called before the contributions query is about to run.
1.20 ContribsPager::reallyDoQuery Called before really executing the query for Special:Contributions.
1.13 ContributionsLineEnding Called before an HTML line for Special:Contributions is finished.
1.11 ContributionsToolLinks Change tool links above Special:Contributions.
1.24 DeletedContribsPager::reallyDoQuery Called before really executing the query for Special:DeletedContributions.
1.24 DeletedContributionsLineEnding Called before an HTML line for Special:DeletedContributions is finished.
1.17 EmailUserCC Occurs before sending the copy of the email to the author.
1.17 EmailUserForm Occurs after building the email user form object.
1.16 EmailUserPermissionsErrors Retrieve permissions errors for emailing a user.
1.25 EnhancedChangesList::getLogText Allows altering, removing or adding to the links of a group of changes in EnhancedChangesList.
1.26 EnhancedChangesListModifyBlockLineData Modify data used to build a non-grouped entry in Special:RecentChanges.
1.26 EnhancedChangesListModifyLineData Modify data used to build a grouped recent change inner line in Special:RecentChanges.
1.7 FetchChangesList Allows extension to modify a recent changes list for a user.
1.20 GitViewers Called when generating the list of git viewers for Special:Version, use this to change the list.
1.30 NewPagesLineEnding Called before an HTML line for Special:NewPages is finished.
1.23 LonelyPagesQuery Allows modifying the query used by Special:LonelyPages.
1.14 OldChangesListRecentChangesLine Customise entire Recent Changes line.
1.23 PreferencesFormPreSave Allows last minute changes to a user's preferences (via User#setOption) before they're saved and gives a possibility to check which options were modified.
1.40 PreferencesGetIcon Add icons that will be displayed in the mobile layout of Special:Preferences.
1.40 PreferencesGetLayout Indicate whether the preferences will have a mobile or desktop layout.
1.19 PreferencesGetLegend Override the text used for the ‎<legend> of a preferences section.
1.26 RandomPageQuery Modify the query used by Special:Random.
1.20 RedirectSpecialArticleRedirectParams Lets you alter the set of parameter names such as "oldid" that are preserved when using redirecting special pages such as Special:MyPage and Special:MyTalk.
1.27 ShortPagesQuery Allow extensions to modify the query used by Special:ShortPages.
1.24.0 SpecialBlockModifyFormFields Добавление или изменение полей блока Special:Block
1.27 SpecialContributions::getForm::filters Called with a list of filters to render on Special:Contributions.
1.28.0 SpecialContributions::formatRow::flags Вызывается перед отображением Special:Contributions.
1.5.0 SpecialContributionsBeforeMainOutput Перед формой Special:Contributions
1.40 SpecialCreateAccountBenefits Replace the default signup page content about the benefits of registering an account ("Wikipedia is made by people like you...") on Special:CreateAccount.
1.38 SpecialExportGetExtraPages Add extra pages to the list of pages to export.
1.13.0 SpecialListusersDefaultQuery Вызывается непосредственно перед завершением UsersPager::getDefaultQuery()
1.13.0 SpecialListusersFormatRow Вызывается непосредственно перед завершением UsersPager::formatRow()
1.13.0 SpecialListusersHeaderForm Вызывается перед добавлением кнопки отправки в UsersPager::getPageHeader()
1.13.0 SpecialListusersHeader Вызывается перед закрытием ‎<fieldset> в UsersPager::getPageHeader()
1.13.0 SpecialListusersQueryInfo Вызывается непосредственно перед завершением UsersPager::getQueryInfo()
1.34 SpecialMuteModifyFormFields Allows modifying HTMLForm fields for Special:Mute
1.34 SpecialMuteSubmit (устарело в 1.34) Used only for instrumentation on SpecialMute
1.17 SpecialNewpagesConditions Called when building the SQL query for Special:NewPages.
1.18 SpecialNewPagesFilters Called after building form options at Special:NewPages.
1.7.0 SpecialPage_initList Вызывается после заполнения специального списка страниц
1.20 SpecialPageAfterExecute Called after SpecialPage::execute().
1.20 SpecialPageBeforeExecute Called before SpecialPage::execute().
1.24 SpecialPageBeforeFormDisplay Before executing the HTMLForm object
1.18 SpecialPasswordResetOnSubmit Called when executing a form submission on Special:PasswordReset.
1.16 SpecialRandomGetRandomTitle Modify the selection criteria for Special:Random
1.13 SpecialRecentChangesPanel Called when building form options in SpecialRecentChanges.
1.22 SpecialResetTokensTokens Called when building token list for SpecialResetTokens.
1.27 SpecialSearchGoResult Called before the 'go' feature of SpecialSearch redirects a user. May provide it's own url to redirect to.
1.18 SpecialSearchProfileForm Allows modification of search profile forms
1.16 SpecialSearchProfiles Allows modification of search profiles.
1.21 SpecialSearchResultsAppend Called after all search results HTML has been output. Note that in some cases, this hook will not be called (no results, too many results, SpecialSearchResultsPrepend returned false, etc).
1.21 SpecialSearchResultsPrepend SpecialSearchResultsPrepend: Called immediately before returning HTML on the search results page. Useful for including an external search provider. To disable the output of MediaWiki search output, return false.
1.13 SpecialSearchResults Called before search result display when there are matches
1.18 SpecialSearchSetupEngine Allows passing custom data to search engine
1.16 SpecialStatsAddExtra Can be used to add extra statistic at the end of Special:Statistics.
1.29 SpecialTrackingCategories::generateCatLink Called for each category link on Special:TrackingCategories
1.29 SpecialTrackingCategories::preprocess Called after LinkBatch on Special:TrackingCategories
1.16 SpecialUploadComplete Called after successfully uploading a file from Special:Upload
1.21 SpecialVersionVersionUrl Called when building the URL for Special:Version.
1.22 SpecialWatchlistGetNonRevisionTypes Allows extensions to register the value they have inserted to rc_type field of recentchanges for non-revision changes so they can be included in the watchlist.
1.26 SpecialWhatLinksHereLinks Called every time a list of links is built for a list item for Special:WhatLinksHere.
1.18 UndeleteForm::showHistory Called in UndeleteForm::showHistory, after a PageArchive object has been created but before any further processing is done.
1.18 UndeleteForm::showRevision Called in UndeleteForm::showRevision, after a PageArchive object has been created but before any further processing is done.
1.18 UndeleteForm::undelete Called in UndeleteForm::undelete, after checking that the site is not in read-only mode, that the Title object is not null and after a PageArchive object has been constructed but before performing any further processing.
1.9 UndeleteShowRevision (устарело в 1.35) Called when showing a revision in Special:Undelete.
1.9.0 UploadForm:initial Вызывается непосредственно перед созданием формы загрузки
1.28 UsersPagerDoBatchLookups Give extensions providing user group data from an alternate source a chance to add their data into the cache array so that things like global user groups are displayed correctly in Special:ListUsers.
1.18 WantedPages::getQueryInfo Called in WantedPagesPage::getQueryInfo(), can be used to alter the SQL query which gets the list of wanted pages.
1.24 WatchlistEditorBeforeFormRender Occurs before building the Special:EditWatchlist form, used to manipulate the list of pages or preload data based on that list.
1.17 WatchlistEditorBuildRemoveLine Occurs when building remove lines in Special:Watchlist/edit.
1.24.0 WhatLinksHereProps Позволяет расширениям комментировать записи WhatLinksHere.
1.40 ContributeCards Fired on Special:Contribute page to allow extensions to add "card" entry points.
Управление пользователями 1.13 AbortAutoblock Allow extension to cancel an autoblock.
1.20 AbortEmailNotification Can be used to cancel email notifications for an edit.
1.22 AbortTalkPageEmailNotification Disable email notifications of edits to users' talk pages.
1.5.0 AddNewAccount (устарело в 1.27) Вызывается после создания учетной записи пользователя
1.27 AuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit A login attempt either succeeded or failed for a reason other than misconfiguration or session loss. No return data is accepted; this hook is for auditing only.
1.13 AuthPluginAutoCreate (устарело в 1.27) Called when creating a local account for an user logged in from an external authentication method.
1.9.1 AuthPluginSetup (устарело в 1.27) Update or replace authentication plugin object ($wgAuth).
1.43 AuthPreserveQueryParams Used when an authentication page generates an URL which is in some sense part of the authentication process
1.12 AutopromoteCondition проверьте условие автоответчика для пользователя.
1.32 BeforeResetNotificationTimestamp Allows prevention of clearing of notification timestamp when a user views a page in their watchlist.
1.4.0 BlockIpComplete Происходит после обработки запроса на блокировку (или изменение настроек блокировки) IP-адреса или пользователя
1.4.0 BlockIp Происходит всякий раз, когда программное обеспечение получает запрос на блокировку (или изменение настроек блокировки) IP-адреса или пользователя
1.27 ChangeAuthenticationDataAudit Called when user changes authentication data.
1.29.0 ChangeUserGroups Вызывается до изменения членского состава группы пользователя
1.16 ConfirmEmailComplete Called after a user's email has been confirmed successfully.
1.31 DeleteUnknownPreferences Called by the cleanupPreferences.php maintenance script to build a WHERE clause with which to delete preferences that are not known about.
1.7 EmailConfirmed Replace default way to check whether user's email is confirmed.
1.19 ExemptFromAccountCreationThrottle To add an exemption from the account creation throttle.
1.37 GetAllBlockActions Add an action that can be blocked via a partial block.
1.40 GetBlockErrorMessageKey Allows extensions to override the message that will be displayed to the user.
1.6.0 GetBlockedStatus (удалено в 1.35) Срабатывает после установки getBlockStatus пользователем
1.34 GetUserBlock Modify the block found by the block manager.
1.12 getUserPermissionsErrors Добавьте ошибку разрешений при проверке ошибок разрешений.
1.12 getUserPermissionsErrorsExpensive Same as getUserPermissionsErrors as but called only if expensive checks are enabled.
1.13 GetAutoPromoteGroups When determining which autopromote groups a user is entitled to be in.
1.16 InvalidateEmailComplete Called after a user's email has been invalidated successfully.
1.9 IsTrustedProxy Allows an extension to set an IP as trusted or not.
1.12 isValidEmailAddr Override the result of Sanitizer::validateEmail().
1.11 isValidPassword Override the result of User::isValidPassword().
1.26.0 LocalUserCreated Вызывается сразу после создания и сохранения локального пользователя в базе данных.
1.37 LoadUserOptions This hook is called when user options/preferences are being loaded from the database.
1.26 PasswordPoliciesForUser Alter the effective password policy for a user.
1.18 PerformRetroactiveAutoblock Called before a retroactive autoblock is applied to a user.
1.39 PermissionErrorAudit Called after permission checks to allow logging.
1.9 PingLimiter Allows extensions to override the results of User::pingLimiter().
1.11 PrefsEmailAudit Called when user changes his email address.
1.23 ResetPasswordExpiration Allow extensions to set a default password expiration.
1.40 RenameUserAbort Allow other extensions to abort a user rename
1.40 RenameUserComplete After a sucessful user rename
1.40 RenameUserPreRename Before renaming an user
1.40 RenameUserWarning Get warnings when renaming an user
1.37 SaveUserOptions Called just before saving user preferences. This hook replaces UserSaveOptions . Hook handlers can either add or manipulate options, or reset one back to its default to block changing it. Hook handlers are also allowed to abort the process by returning false, e.g. to save to a global profile instead. Compare to the UserSaveSettings hook, which is called after the preferences have been saved.
1.27.0 SecuritySensitiveOperationStatus Влияет на возвращаемое значение из AuthManager::securitySensitiveOperationStatus()
1.27.0 SessionCheckInfo Проверка информации о сеансе по мере ее загрузки из хранилища
1.27.0 SessionMetadata Add metadata to a session being saved
1.39 TempUserCreatedRedirect This hook is called after an action causes a temporary user to be created. The handler may modify the redirect URL.
1.21 UpdateUserMailerFormattedPageStatus Occurs before a notification email gets sent.
1.29.0 UnblockUserComplete Occurs after the request to unblock an IP or user has been processed
1.29.0 UnblockUser Occurs whenever the software receives a request to unblock an IP address or user
1.14 User::mailPasswordInternal Before creation and mailing of a user's new temporary password.
1.18 UserAddGroup Called when adding a group to an user.
1.13 UserArrayFromResult Called when creating an UserArray object from a database result.
1.6.0 userCan To interrupt/advise the "user can do X to Y article" check
1.12 UserCanSendEmail Allows overriding the permission check in User::canSendEmail().
1.38 UserEditCountUpdate This is called from a deferred update on edit or move and provides collected user edit count information.
1.11 UserEffectiveGroups Dynamically add or remove to the default user groups provided by the database table user_groups .
1.13 UserGetAllRights After calculating a list of all available rights.
1.18 UserGetDefaultOptions Called after fetching the core default user options.
1.13 UserGetEmailAuthenticationTimestamp Called when getting the timestamp of email authentification.
1.13 UserGetEmail Called when getting an user email address.
1.18 UserGetLanguageObject Called when getting user's interface language object.
1.14 UserGetReservedNames Allows to modify $wgReservedUsernames at run time.
1.32.0 UserGetRightsRemove Called in User::getRights() to dynamically remove rights
1.11.0 UserGetRights Called in User::getRights() to dynamically add rights
1.26 UserGroupsChanged Called after user groups are changed.
1.16 UserIsBlockedFrom Check if a user is blocked from a specific page (for specific block exemptions).
1.14 UserIsBlockedGlobally (устарело в 1.40) Runs before User::mBlockedGlobally is set; can be used to change the blocked status of an IP address or a user
1.28 UserIsBot Occurs when determining whether a user is a bot account.
1.26.0 UserIsLocked Fired to check if a user account is locked
1.22 UserIsEveryoneAllowed Check if all users are allowed some user right; return false if a UserGetRights hook might remove the named right.
1.26 UserIsHidden (удалено в 1.35) Check if the user's name should be hidden. See User::isHidden().
1.14 UserLoadAfterLoadFromSession Called to authenticate users on external/environmental means; occurs after session is loaded.
1.13 UserLoadDefaults Called when loading a default user.
1.15 UserLoadFromDatabase Called when loading a user from the database.
1.16 UserLoadOptions When user options/preferences are being loaded from the database.
1.27.0 UserLoggedIn Вызывается после входа пользователя в систему
1.27 UserMailerSplitTo Called in UserMailer::send() to give extensions a chance to split up an email with multiple of the To: field into separate emails.
1.27 UserMailerTransformContent Allow transformation of content, such as encrypting/signing.
1.27 UserMailerTransformMessage Called in UserMailer::send() to change email after it has gone through the MIME transform. Extensions can block sending the email by returning false and setting $error.
1.41 UserPrivilegedGroups Use this hook to extend what MediaWiki considers to be a "privileged group" beyond the values set in $wgPrivilegedGroups
1.18 UserRemoveGroup Called when removing a group from an user.
1.22 UserRequiresHTTPS (устарело в 1.35) Allows extensions to override whether users need to be redirected to HTTPS.
1.24 UserResetAllOptions Позволяет изменять поведение при сбросе настроек пользователя. Например, определенные предпочтения могут быть сохранены. For instance, certain preferences can be preserved.
1.16 UserSaveOptions Called just before saving user preferences. Hook handlers can either add or manipulate options, or reset one back to its default to block changing it. Hook handlers are also allowed to abort the process by returning false, e.g. to save to a global profile instead. Compare to the UserSaveSettings hook, which is called after the preferences have been saved.
1.13 UserSaveSettings Called directly after user preferences (user_properties in the database) have been saved. Compare to the UserSaveOptions hook, which is called before.
1.33 UserSendConfirmationMail Called just before a confirmation email is sent to a user. Hook handlers can modify the email that will be sent.
1.13 UserSetCookies (устарело в 1.27) Called when setting user cookies.
1.13 UserSetEmailAuthenticationTimestamp Called when setting the timestamp of email authentication.
1.13 UserSetEmail Called when changing user email address.
Ведение журнала 1.23 GetLogTypesOnUser Add log types where the target is a userpage.
1.26.0 LogException Вызывается до регистрации исключения (или ошибки PHP).
1.25 LogEventsListGetExtraInputs When getting extra inputs to display on Special:Log for a specific log type.
1.30 LogEventsListLineEnding Called before an HTML line for Special:Log is finished.
1.19 LogEventsListShowLogExtract Called before the result of LogEventsList::showLogExtract() is added to OutputPage.
1.12 LogLine Processes a single log entry on Special:Log.
1.33 ManualLogEntryBeforePublish Lets extensions tag log entries when actions are performed.
1.29 OtherAutoblockLogLink Get links to the autoblock log from extensions which autoblocks users and/or IP addresses too..
1.16 OtherBlockLogLink Get links to the block log from extensions which blocks users and/or IP addresses too.
1.24 SpecialLogAddLogSearchRelations Add log relations to the current log.
Оформление(скины) / Шаблоны 1.27.0 AuthChangeFormFields Позволяет изменять формы на основе AuthManager
1.23.0 BaseTemplateAfterPortlet (устарело в 1.35) (SkinTemplate.php) After rendering of portlets.
1.18 BaseTemplateToolbox (устарело в 1.35) Called by BaseTemplate when building the toolbox array and returning it for the skin to output.
1.7.0 BeforePageDisplay Allows last minute changes to the output page, e.g. adding of CSS or JavaScript by extensions.
1.25.0 LoginFormValidErrorMessages Allows to add additional error messages (SpecialUserLogin.php).
1.7.0 PersonalUrls (SkinTemplate.php) Called after the list of personal URLs (links at the top in Monobook) has been populated.
1.24.0 PostLoginRedirect (SpecialUserlogin.php) Modify the post login redirect behaviour.
1.19 RequestContextCreateSkin Called when creating a skin instance.
1.35 SkinAddFooterLinks Add items to the footer for skins using SkinAddFooterLinks.
1.11.0 SkinAfterBottomScripts (Skin.php) At the end of Skin::bottomScripts()
1.14 SkinAfterContent Allows extensions to add text after the page content and article metadata.
1.35 SkinAfterPortlet Occurs whenever a page is rendered and allows to add HTML after portlets have been put out.
1.14 SkinBuildSidebar At the end of Skin::buildSidebar().
1.16 SkinCopyrightFooter Allow for site and per-namespace customisation of copyright notice.
1.25 SkinEditSectionLinks Modify the section edit links. Called when section headers are created.
1.17 SkinGetPoweredBy (устарело в 1.37) Called when generating the code used to display the "Powered by MediaWiki" icon.
1.36 SkinPageReadyConfig Allows skins to change the `mediawiki.page.ready` module configuration.
1.24 SkinPreloadExistence Modify the CSS class of an array of page links.
1.12.0 SkinSubPageSubtitle (Skin.php) Called before the list of subpage links on top of a subpage is generated
1.6.0 SkinTemplateBuildNavUrlsNav_urlsAfterPermalink (устарело в 1.35) Called after the permalink has been entered in navigation URL array.
1.23.0 SkinTemplateGetLanguageLink Called after building the data for a language link from which the actual html is constructed.
1.18.0 SkinTemplateNavigation::SpecialPage (usage discouraged)

Called on special pages after the special tab is added but before variants have been added

1.18.0 SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal (usage discouraged)

Called on both content and special pages after variants have been added

1.16.0 SkinTemplateNavigation Called on content pages only after tabs have been added, but before variants have been added. See the other two SkinTemplateNavigation hooks for other points tabs can be modified at.
1.10 SkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec (устарело в 1.35) Allows further setup of the template engine after all standard setup has been performed but before the skin has been rendered.
1.6.0 SkinTemplatePreventOtherActiveTabs (устарело в 1.35) Called to enable/disable the inclusion of additional tabs to the skin.
1.12 SkinTemplateTabAction (устарело в 1.35) Override SkinTemplate::tabAction().
1.13 SkinTemplateToolboxEnd (устарело в 1.35) Called by SkinTemplate skins after toolbox links have been rendered (useful for adding more).
API 1.14.0 APIAfterExecute Use this hook to extend core API modules
1.23.0 ApiBeforeMain Called before ApiMain is executed
1.20 ApiCheckCanExecute Called during ApiMain::checkCanExecute().
1.29 ApiDeprecationHelp Add messages to the 'deprecation-help' warning generated from ApiBase::addDeprecation().
1.25 ApiFormatHighlight Use to syntax-highlight API pretty-printed output. When highlighting, add output to $context->getOutput() and return false.
1.14.0 APIGetAllowedParams Use this hook to modify a module's parameters
1.25 APIGetDescriptionMessages Allows to modify a module's help message.
1.25 APIGetParamDescriptionMessages Allows to modify a module's parameter descriptions.
1.25 APIHelpModifyOutput Allows to modify an API module's help output.
1.25 ApiMain::moduleManager Can be used to conditionally register API modules.
1.20 ApiMain::onException Called by ApiMain::executeActionWithErrorHandling() when an exception is thrown during API action execution.
1.28 ApiMakeParserOptions Allows extensions to adjust the parser options before parsing.
1.32 ApiMaxLagInfo Called right before giving out information about max lag in API.
1.25.0 ApiOpenSearchSuggest Called when constructing the OpenSearch results. Hooks can alter or append to the array.
1.33 ApiOptions Called by action=options before applying changes to user preferences.
1.32 ApiParseMakeOutputPage Called when preparing the OutputPage object for ApiParse. This is mainly intended for calling OutputPage::addContentOverride() or OutputPage::addContentOverrideCallback().
1.25 ApiQuery::moduleManager Called when ApiQuery has finished initialising its module manager.
1.14.0 APIQueryAfterExecute Use this hook to extend core API query modules
1.28 ApiQueryBaseAfterQuery Called for (some) API query modules after the database query has returned.
1.28 ApiQueryBaseBeforeQuery Called for (some) API query modules before a database query is made.
1.28 ApiQueryBaseProcessRow Called for (some) API query modules as each row of the database result is processed.
1.14.0 APIQueryGeneratorAfterExecute Use this hook to extend core API query modules
1.13.0 APIQueryInfoTokens (удалено в 1.36) Use this hook to add custom tokens to prop=info
1.14.0 APIQueryRecentChangesTokens (удалено в 1.36) Use this hook to add custom tokens to list=recentchanges
1.13.0 APIQueryRevisionsTokens (удалено в 1.36) Use this hook to add custom tokens to prop=revisions
1.18 APIQuerySiteInfoGeneralInfo Used to add extra information to the SiteInfo general information output.
1.22 APIQuerySiteInfoStatisticsInfo Used to add extra information to the SiteInfo statistics information output.
1.24 ApiQueryTokensRegisterTypes Use this hook to add additional token types to action=query&meta=tokens. Note that most modules will probably be able to use the 'csrf' token instead of creating their own token types.
1.15 APIQueryUsersTokens (удалено в 1.36) Use this hook to add custom token to list=users.
1.29 ApiQueryWatchlistExtractOutputData Extract row data for ApiQueryWatchlist.
1.29 ApiQueryWatchlistPrepareWatchedItemQueryServiceOptions Populate the options to be passed from ApiQueryWatchlist to WatchedItemQueryService.
1.17 ApiRsdServiceApis Add or remove APIs from the RSD services list.
1.20 ApiTokensGetTokenTypes (удалено в 1.36) Use this hook to extend action=tokens with new token types.
1.29 ApiValidatePassword This will allow for checking passwords against the wiki's password.
1.23.0 AddNewAccountApiForm (устарело в 1.27) Allows modifying the internal login form when creating an account via the API.
1.23.0 AddNewAccountApiResult (устарело в 1.27) Modifies the API output when an account is created via the API.
Импорт/Экспорт 1.17.0 AfterImportPage When a page import is completed
1.17.0 ImportHandleLogItemXMLTag При разборе XML-тега в элементе журнала
1.17.0 ImportHandlePageXMLTag При разборе XML-тега на странице
1.17.0 ImportHandleRevisionXMLTag При разборе XML-тега в изменении страницы
1.17.0 ImportHandleToplevelXMLTag При разборе XML-тега верхнего уровня
1.31 ImportHandleUnknownUser When a user doesn't exist locally, this hook is called to give extensions an opportunity to auto-create it. If the auto-creation is successful, return false.
1.17.0 ImportHandleUploadXMLTag При разборе XML-тега при загрузке файла
1.27 ImportLogInterwikiLink Hook to change the interwiki link used in log entries and edit summaries for transwiki imports.
1.27 ImportSources Called when reading from the $wgImportSources configuration variable.
1.16.0 ModifyExportQuery Измените запрос, используемый экспортером.
1.15.0 WikiExporter::dumpStableQuery Get the SELECT query for "stable" revisions dumps
1.16.0 XmlDumpWriterOpenPage Called at the end of XmlDumpWriter::openPage, to allow extra metadata to be added.
1.16.0 XmlDumpWriterWriteRevision Called at the end of a revision in an XML dump, to add extra metadata.
Различия 1.14 AbortDiffCache Может использоваться для отмены кэширования различий
1.17 ArticleContentOnDiff Прежде чем показывать содержание статьи под различием.
1.29 DifferenceEngineAfterLoadNewText Called in DifferenceEngine::loadNewText() after the new revision's content has been loaded into the class member variable.
1.29 DifferenceEngineLoadTextAfterNewContentIsLoaded Called in DifferenceEngine::loadText() after the new revision's content has been loaded into the class member variable $differenceEngine->mNewContent but before checking if the variable's value is null.
1.29 DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledLink Allow extensions to change the markpatrolled link, which is shown both on the diff header as well as on the bottom of a page, usually wrapped in a ‎<span> element which has class="patrollink".
1.29 DifferenceEngineMarkPatrolledRCID Allows extensions to possibly change the rcid parameter.
1.29 DifferenceEngineNewHeader Allows extensions to change the $newHeader variable, which contains information about the new revision, such as the revision's author, whether.
1.29 DifferenceEngineOldHeaderNoOldRev Change the $oldHeader variable in cases when there is no old revision.
1.29 DifferenceEngineOldHeader Allows extensions to change the $oldHeader variable, which contains information about the old revision, such as the revision's author, whether the revision was marked as a minor edit or not, etc.
1.29 DifferenceEngineRenderRevisionAddParserOutput Allows extensions to change the parser output. Return false to not add parser output via OutputPage's addParserOutput method.
1.29 DifferenceEngineRenderRevisionShowFinalPatrolLink An extension can hook into this hook point and return false to not show the final "mark as patrolled" link on the bottom of a page.
1.29 DifferenceEngineShowDiffPageMaybeShowMissingRevision Called in DifferenceEngine::showDiffPage() when revision data cannot be loaded.
1.29 DifferenceEngineShowDiffPage Add additional output via the available OutputPage object into the diff view.
1.29 DifferenceEngineShowDiff Allows extensions to affect the diff text which eventually gets sent to the OutputPage object.
1.29 DifferenceEngineShowEmptyOldContent Allows extensions to change the diff table body (without header) in cases when there is no old revision or the old and new revisions are identical.
1.35 DifferenceEngineViewHeader Called before displaying a diff.
1.21 DiffRevisionTools (устарело в 1.35) Override or extend the revision tools available from the diff view, i.e. undo, etc.
1.35 DiffTools Use this hook to override or extend the revision tools available from the diff view, i.e. undo, etc.
1.7 DiffViewHeader (устарело в 1.35) Called before diff display.
1.25.0 GetDifferenceEngine Позволяет использовать пользовательские расширения difference engine, такие как Extension:WikEdDiff .
1.21 EditPageGetDiffContent Allow modifying the wikitext that will be used in "Show changes". Note that it is preferable to implement diff handling for different data types using the ContentHandler facility.
1.15 NewDifferenceEngine Вызывается при создании нового объекта DifferenceEngine.
1.32 GetSlotDiffRenderer Replace or wrap the standard SlotDiffRenderer for some content type.
1.41 TextSlotDiffRendererTablePrefix Allows to change the HTML that is included in a prefix container directly before the diff table
Разное 1.19.0 AlternateUserMailer Called before mail is sent so that mail could be logged (or something else) instead of using PEAR or PHP's mail().
1.6.0 ArticleEditUpdatesDeleteFromRecentchanges (устарело в 1.35) Occurs before saving to the database.
1.19 BacklinkCacheGetConditions Allows to set conditions for query when links to certain title.
1.19 BacklinkCacheGetPrefix Allows to set prefix for a spefific link table.
1.16 BeforeInitialize Occurs before anything is initialised in MediaWiki::performRequest().
1.36 BeforeRevertedTagUpdate This hook is called before scheduling a RevertedTagUpdateJob.
1.21.0 CategoryAfterPageAdded Called after a page is added to a category
1.21.0 CategoryAfterPageRemoved Called after a page is removed from a category
1.19.0 Collation::factory Allows extensions to register new collation names, to be used with $wgCategoryCollation
1.8.0 DisplayOldSubtitle Allows extensions to modify the displaying of links to other revisions when browsing through revisions.
1.17 ExtensionTypes Called when generating the extensions credits, use this to change the tables headers.
1.37 GetActionName Use this hook to override the action name depending on request parameters.
1.13 GetCacheVaryCookies Get cookies that should vary cache options.
1.18 GetCanonicalURL Allows to modify fully-qualified URLs used for IRC and e-mail notifications.
1.18.0 GetDefaultSortkey Allows to override what the default sortkey is, which is used to order pages in a category.
1.21.0 GetDoubleUnderscoreIDs Hook for modifying the list of magic words
1.6.0 GetFullURL Used to modify fully-qualified URLs used in redirects/export/offsite data
1.6.0 GetInternalURL Used to modify fully-qualified URLs (useful for squid cache purging)
1.17 GetIP Modify the ip of the current user (called only once).
1.6.0 GetLocalURL Used to modify local URLs as output into page links
1.19 GetLocalURL::Article Allows to modify local URLs specifically pointing to article paths without any fancy queries or variants.
1.19 GetLocalURL::Internal Allows to modify local URLs to internal pages.
1.35 GetMagicVariableIDs Use this hook to modify the list of magic variables.
1.35 HtmlCacheUpdaterAppendUrls This hook is used to declare extra URLs to purge from HTTP caches.
1.35 HtmlCacheUpdaterVaryUrls This hook is used to add variants of URLs to purge from HTTP caches.
1.20 InfoAction When building information to display on the action=info page.
1.13 InitializeArticleMaybeRedirect Called when checking if title is a redirect.
1.18 InterwikiLoadPrefix (устарело в 1.36) This hook is called when resolving whether a given prefix is an interwiki or not.
1.18 IRCLineURL When constructing the URL to use in an IRC notification.
1.19 Language::getMessagesFileName Use to change the path of a localisation file.
1.18 LanguageGetTranslatedLanguageNames Provide translated language names.
1.22.0 LanguageLinks Manipulate a page's language links.
1.14.0 LinkBegin (удалено в 1.36) Used when generating internal and interwiki links in Linker::link()
1.14.0 LinkEnd (удалено в 1.36) Used when generating internal and interwiki links in Linker::link(), just before the function returns a value.
1.12 LinksUpdate At the beginning of LinksUpdate::doUpdate() just before the actual update.
1.21 LinksUpdateAfterInsert Occurs right after new links have been inserted into the links table.
1.12 LinksUpdateComplete At the end of LinksUpdate::doUpdate() when updating has completed.
1.11 LinksUpdateConstructed At the end of LinksUpdate() is construction.
1.10.1 LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates Fired when MediaWiki is updated to allow extensions to register updates for the database schema.
1.24 LocalisationCacheRecacheFallback Called for each language when merging fallback data into the cache.
1.16 LocalisationCacheRecache Called when loading the localisation data into cache.
1.23 LocalisationChecksBlacklist When fetching the blacklist of localisation checks.
1.24 LocalisationIgnoredOptionalMessages args = array &$ignoredMessageKeys, array &$optionalMessageKeys
1.6.0 MagicWordwgVariableIDs (устарело в 1.35) Сообщает MediaWiki, что один или несколько идентификаторов волшебных слов должны рассматриваться как переменные.
1.18 MaintenanceRefreshLinksInit Before executing the refreshLinks.php maintenance script.
1.33 MaintenanceUpdateAddParams Allow extensions to add params to the update.php maintenance script.
1.23 MathMLChanged Is called before the MathML property is changed can be used e.g. for compression, normalisation or introduction of custom hyperlinks etc.
1.12.0 MediaWikiPerformAction Переопределение MediaWiki::performAction()
1.32 MediaWikiPHPUnitTest::endTest Occurs when a MediaWiki PHPUnit test has ended.
1.32 MediaWikiPHPUnitTest::startTest Occurs when a MediaWiki PHPUnit test has started.
1.27.0 MediaWikiServices Вызывается при инициализации глобального экземпляра MediaWikiServices.
1.23 MessageCache::get Allows changing a message key, to customise it before the translation is accessed.
1.41 MessageCacheFetchOverrides Allows changing message keys, to customise it before the translation is accessed
1.15 MessageCacheReplace When a message page is changed. Useful for updating caches.
1.5.7 MessagesPreLoad Возникает при загрузке сообщения из базы данных
1.24 MimeMagicGuessFromContent Allows MW extensions guess the MIME by content.
1.24 MimeMagicImproveFromExtension Allows MW extensions to further improve the MIME type detected by considering the file extension.
1.24 MimeMagicInit Before processing the list mapping MIME types to media types and the list mapping MIME types to file extensions. As an extension author, you are encouraged to submit patches to MediaWiki's core to add new MIME types to mime.types.
1.13 OpenSearchUrls Called when constructing the OpenSearch description XML. Hooks can alter or append to the array of URLs for search & suggestion formats.
1.25 OpportunisticLinksUpdate Allows performing updates when a page is re-rendered.
1.20 ParserTestGlobals Allows to define globals for parser tests.
1.6.0 ParserTestParser вызывается при создании нового экземпляра Parser для тестов синтаксического анализа
1.10 ParserTestTables (устарело в 1.36) Alter the list of tables to duplicate when parser tests are run. Use when page save hooks require the presence of custom tables to ensure that tests continue to run properly.
1.12 PrefixSearchBackend (устарело в 1.27) Override the title prefix search used for OpenSearch and AJAX search suggestions.
1.25 PrefixSearchExtractNamespace Called if core was not able to extract a namespace from the search string so that extensions can attempt it.
1.10 RawPageViewBeforeOutput Called before displaying a page with action=raw. Returns true if display is allowed, false if display is not allowed.
1.30 RecentChangesPurgeRows Called when old recentchanges rows are purged, after deleting those rows but within the same transaction.
1.27 RequestHasSameOriginSecurity Called to determine if the request is somehow flagged to lack same-origin security.
1.8.0 RecentChange_save Вызывается после того, как "Недавнее изменение" зафиксировано в БД
1.16 SearchableNamespaces An option to modify which namespaces are searchable.
1.21 SearchAfterNoDirectMatch If there was no match for the exact result. This runs before lettercase variants are attempted, whereas SearchGetNearMatch runs after.
1.28 SearchDataForIndex Allows to provide custom content fields when indexing a document.
1.40 SearchDataForIndex2 Allows to provide custom content fields when indexing a document.
1.16 SearchGetNearMatchBefore Perform exact-title-matches in "go" searches before the normal operations.
1.16 SearchGetNearMatchComplete A chance to modify exact-title-matches in "go" searches.
1.12 SearchGetNearMatch An extra chance for exact-title-matches in "go" searches.
1.28 SearchIndexFields Add fields to search index mapping.
1.20 SearchResultInitFromTitle Set the revision used when displaying a page in search results.
1.35 SearchResultProvideDescription Called when generating search results in order to fill the "description" field in an extension.
1.35 SearchResultProvideThumbnail This hook is called when generating search results in order to fill the thumbnail field in an extension.
1.28 SearchResultsAugment Allows extension to add its code to the list of search result augmentors.
1.25 SecondaryDataUpdates (устарело в 1.32) Allows modification of the list of DataUpdates to perform when page content is modified.
1.24 SelfLinkBegin Called when rendering a self link on a page.
1.23 SendWatchlistEmailNotification Can be used to cancel watchlist email notifications (enotifwatchlist) for an edit.
1.14 SetupAfterCache Called in Setup.php, after cache objects are set.
1.15 SoftwareInfo Called by Special:Version for returning information about the software.
1.18 TestCanonicalRedirect Called when about to force a redirect to a canonical URL for a title when we have no other parameters on the URL.
1.22.0 TitleSquidURLs Чтобы изменить/предоставить альтернативные URL-адреса для отправки HTTP-запросов на ОЧИСТКУ(PURGE).
1.30.0 UnitTestsAfterDatabaseSetup Called right after MediaWiki's test infrastructure has finished creating/duplicating core tables for unit tests.
1.30.0 UnitTestsBeforeDatabaseTeardown Вызывается непосредственно перед тем, как тестовая инфраструктура MediaWiki начнет разбирать таблицы для модульных испытаний.
1.17.0 UnitTestsList Добавьте тесты, которые должны выполняться как часть набора модульных испытаний.
1.24.0 UserMailerChangeReturnPath Вызывается для генерации обратного адреса VERP, когда UserMailer отправляет электронное письмо с расширением для обработки отказов.
1.29 WatchedItemQueryServiceExtensions Add a WatchedItemQueryServiceExtension.
1.19 WebRequestPathInfoRouter While building the PathRouter to parse the REQUEST_URI.
1.22 WebResponseSetCookie Use to modify the cookie being set from WebResponse::setcookie().
1.20 wfShellWikiCmd Called when generating a shell-escaped command line string to run a cli script.
1.6.0 wgQueryPages Выполняется для каждой специальной страницы, которая расширяет класс QueryPage (запускается при включении файла QueryPage.php ). Это полезно только в maintenance/updateSpecialPages.php и в Api QueryPage. It is only useful in maintenance/updateSpecialPages.php and in QueryPage Api.

Алфавитный список крюков

Для получения полного списка хуков используйте category , который следует поддерживать в актуальном состоянии.

См. также