TitleMove | |
Available from version 1.22.0 Occurs immediately before a file or other page is moved | |
Define function: | public static function onTitleMove( Title &$title, Title &$newtitle, User &$user ) { ... }
Attach hook: | In extension.json:
"Hooks": {
"TitleMove": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\MyExtension\\Hooks::onTitleMove"
Called from: | File(s): Title.php Function(s): Title::moveTo() |
Interface: | TitleMoveHook.php |
For more information about attaching hooks, see Manual:Hooks .
For examples of extensions using this hook, see Category:TitleMove extensions.
This hook is in Title::moveTo(), which is called from SpecialMovepage.php and ApiMove.php .
editMediaWiki version: | ≥ 1.33 |
- $old: old title
- $new: new title
- $user: user who does the move
- $reason: string of the reason provided by the user
- &$status: Status object. To abort the move, add a fatal error to this object (i.e. call $status->fatal()).
MediaWiki version: | ≤ 1.32 |
- $title: old Title
- $newtitle: new Title
- $user: User who is doing the move