SpecialSearchPowerBox | |
Available from version 1.18.0 (r97175, CodeReview archive) The equivalent of SpecialSearchProfileForm for the advanced form, a.k.a. power search box | |
Define function: | public static function onSpecialSearchPowerBox( &$showSections, $term, $opts ) { ... }
Attach hook: | In extension.json:
"Hooks": {
"SpecialSearchPowerBox": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\MyExtension\\Hooks::onSpecialSearchPowerBox"
Called from: | File(s): specials/SpecialSearch.php |
Interface: | SpecialSearchPowerBoxHook.php |
For more information about attaching hooks, see Manual:Hooks .
For examples of extensions using this hook, see Category:SpecialSearchPowerBox extensions.
editThe equivalent of SpecialSearchProfileForm for the advanced form, a.k.a. power search box.
- The first parameter, $showSections, is an array of the following keys containing input forms:
- 'namespaceTables'
- 'redirects' (if supported by the search engine)
- $term is the search term
- $opts is an array of hidden options with keys 'redirs' and 'profile', of which only 'profile' is added as hidden input. Starting from MediaWiki 1.32, $opts passed by reference. This mean allowing extensions to modify or even unset it.