This page is a translated version of the page Wikipedia Preview and the translation is 100% complete.

通过维基百科预览功能,您可以从维基百科中获取有关任何网站上单词或短语的上下文脈絡。 当读者将鼠标悬停在一个链接上时,它就会弹出一个维基百科简短摘要的卡片。它可作为独立的JavaScript组件用于任何网站,也可作为WordPress插件R软件包用于R Markdown文档和网站。


当读者通过与多个超链接交互来浏览网页时,他们很容易失去最初阅读的來龍去脈。 内容网站希望它读者能阅读然後参与其内容,并且无需从其他地方获取上下文信息就能了解其内容。 维基百科预览就可以解决内容提供商的这一问题,让读者在内容提供商的移动属性(网站或网络App)中获得维基百科简明直观的上下文信息。

维基百科上的页面预览 功能是为了解决桌面阅读器的上下文切换问题而创建的。 该功能可将该功能扩大到了外部的第三方网站。 第一阶段的重点是与主要读者在新兴市场的合作伙伴共同打造以移动为主导的体验。

维基百科预览将允许维基媒体项目内容在第三方网站上作为上下文信息提供。 该功能将不仅限于显示维基百科條目的第一句话,还将显示来自姊妹项目的各种信息,包括图片、定义,甚至可以直接在内容提供商的网站上阅读該條目的更多内容。

此功能并不是新的。 在2018年推出页面预览时曾讨论过这个问题。 内部员工和志愿者以志愿者的个人身份创建了类似功能的Chrome扩展、slack集成和wordpress插件。

Inuka team 正在承担这项工作,作为向新兴市场读者展示我们项目内容的方式之一。 我们认为该产品是摆脱传统的单一文章概念,转向更模块學習和情境學習一种方式。 合作伙伴网站上的维基百科预览可以让读者在阅读其网页时获得上下文,然後:

  • 帮助人们从维基百科获取上下文知识,而无需点击进入维基百科
  • 在维基百科上了解更多信息,可选择要不要在维基百科上阅读更多信息


  • 扩大维基百科内容在新兴市场的覆盖面,实现成为自由知识重要基础设施的目标
  • 与新兴市场的网站合作,这些网站的读者将受益于维基百科的背景知识

Assumptions & Hypothesis

  • Displaying Wikipedia content on 3rd party sites would; grow the ecosystem of interacting with Wikipedia content on the internet and drive awareness and using Wikipedia for contextual information

Design Research

Wikipedia Preview Design Research Report

The Wikipedia preview plugin research was conducted in September to November of 2023 and in partnership with Hureo Research and the support of the Design Research team, Eli Asikin-Garmager and Bethany Gerdemann. The research investigates the user experience of Wikipedia Preview from the perspective of website owners and readers of websites with the plugin enabled.

Findings from the research uncovered key areas of improvement by observing users interact with the tool and asking them specific questions about their experience. Below is a tabulated summary of the main discoveries from this research. The Inuka team has prioritized the feedback for action starting January 2024. You can track the progress of the action items in this ticket.

User Type Research observation and participants' feedback Completed Tasks
New Site owners:
  • [Research observation] New site owners struggled to locate the preview option on the menu after installation of the plugin.
  • They wanted more styling choices to be made available such as the ability to change the font size, style of the link, pop up box size, dark mode to suit the site.
  • Wanted the ability to style the pop-up box.
Existing Site owners:
  • Existing site owners expressed that other language Wikipedia were not as rich as English Wikipedia.
  • They weren't unaware they could customize the UI, although it was included in the FAQ section.
  • They wondered if having the preview had any positive or negative SEO implications.
  • They wanted more styling choices, such as the ability to change the font size, style of the link, pop-up box size, and dark mode to suit the site.
  • They wanted the ability to style the pop-up box.
  • [Research observation] Readers couldn’t differentiate preview links from normal hyperlinks.
  • [Research observation] They found it hard to discover preview links on either mobile or desktop.
  • They also wanted the preview pop-up box increased.
  • “Continue Reading” CTA on the preview pop-up was believed to take them to Wikipedia, but instead, it expanded further.

Feature Highlights

Wikipedia Preview mockups

Current Status

Fiscal year Milestones
2019–20 Q1 2019/2020
2020–21 Q1 2020/2021
  • Created a demo site to demonstrate how Wikipedia Preview (WP) works. The site shows how Wikipedia Preview works in multiple languages, both LTR and RTL. This experience is best seen on a mobile phone.

Q2 – 2020/2021

  • Wikipedia Preview now has a debug mode so that those who have it on their site can better troubleshoot if the product is working as intended.
  • The team updated Wikipedia Preview so that it prints the version number to the javascript console. This information will be useful when the team needs to receive feedback on issues that arise.

Q3 – 2020/2021

  • Created a demo site that supports multiple languages to show how Wikipedia Preview works. Try it out here The experience is designed for use on smartphones.

Q4 – 2020/2021

  • Released the first version enabling websites to integrate Wikipedia Preview on their sites
  • Received feedback from potential Wikipedia Preview users that a way to integrate it on WordPress would be useful
  • Began research on what it would take to build a WordPress plugin
  • Built the first version of the Wikipedia Preview WordPress plugin
2021–22 Q1 2021/2022



  • Released version 1.5.0. Including fixes for popup positioning and double-encoded links, both of which were issues reported on live sites. It also includes a banner asking site admins to give the plugin a rating on
2022–23 Q1-2022/2023
  • The marketing team created a video for Wikipedia Preview that will be added to the Wordpress plugin page to display how the tool can be used.


2023–24 Q1-2023/2024
  • Research efforts aimed at improving the site owners & readers experience with the plugin.


We collaborated with the regional partnerships team to secure partnerships for Wikipedia Preview for almost 1 year. These partners included:


2020 2021 2022 2023 (Jan-Aug)
Wikipedia Preview total weekly previews 491 30,008 163,264 236,082
Wikipedia Preview-referred pageviews 30 724 2026 7,754
Wikipedia Preview clickthrough rate (average) 5.2% 2.5% 1.2% 3.4%


We've actioned direct feedback from partners and wordpress plugin site owners regarding certain features and functionalities; a lot of them have been documented and actioned below. On top of feedback, we have also used different metrics to guide which improvements to prioritise on the product.

1. Improve Onboarding & Feedback experience on the wordpress page

2. Improve Plugin Embedding & Reading Experiences

Lessons Learnt

1. Product Market Fit: the slow and steady increase in previews and page views over the last 2+ years indicate that the product remains useful and would benefit from further improvements on the readers & site-owner /partner experience. This work has now been prioritised for 2023/24.
