Wikimedia Language engineering/Community meetings/ja

This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Language engineering/Community meetings and the translation is 44% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Language community meetings bring together editors and technical contributors involved in creating content or managing technical aspects across different language communities. This is a participant-driven meeting, where we collectively discuss language-specific technical updates and challenges and work together to find possible solutions. This could involve anything from fixing a broken template on the Kurdish wiki to brainstorming ideas for growing content on the Tulu Wiktionary, currently in the Wikimedia Incubator, or celebrating the creation of Fon Wikipedia, to using MinT for content translation.

その目的は、言語に関連する技術的なトピックに興味を持つ個人やコミュニティの間での協力を促進することです。 These quarterly gatherings are led by the Language team. If you need interpretation support from English to another language, please let us know by posting on the talk page.


  • 歓迎と紹介 - あいさつと議論の概要。
  • ハイライトと技術的な更新 - 参加者は会合の数日前に技術的な更新情報を提供するボランティアを募ります。
  • 課題解決 - 参加者は会合の数日前に技術的な課題を提出し、セッション中に他の参加者と共に可能な解決策を考え出します。
  • ネットワーキングと質疑応答 <abbr title="Questions and Answers">Q&A - 参加者は同じ興味を持つ他の人々と質問を交換し、おしゃべりできます。
  • 閉会 - 終了と次回会合の詳細。

Sign-up here to attend
