
This page is a translated version of the page Skin:Vector/2022 and the translation is 3% complete.
Ця тема оформлення постачається з MediaWiki 1.38 і вище. Отже, вам не треба завантажувати його знову. Проте ви все одно повинні дотримуватися інших наданих інструкцій.
Довідка про розширення MediaWiki - категорія
Vector 2022
Дата випуску: стабільний
Політика сумісності Спіншот випускається разом з MediaWiki. Майстер не відповідає запереч.
Composer mediawiki/vector-skin
Ліцензія GNU General Public License 2.0 або пізніше
Quarterly downloads 776 (Ranked 1st)
Public wikis using 14,010 (Ranked 2nd)
Public wikis using as default skin 5,943
Translate the Vector/2022 skin if it is available at
Vagrant role vector
Issues : Open tasks · Report a bug

Vector 2022 is a MediaWiki skin that is the second evolution of the Vector skin. It was developed as part of the Desktop improvements project. It has been bundled in MediaWiki since MediaWiki 1.38 . It is the default skin for various Wikimedia projects.

Vector 2022 differs from most skins in that it does not have its own code base; rather, its code is part of the Vector skin's, and the two are downloaded together.

Version MediaWiki 1.38 of this skin marked official 3rd party support.

Note that sites running MediaWiki 1.36 or 1.37 that use Vector 2022 will hit challenges when upgrading to the 1.38 release. See T299104 and Extension:WikimediaMaintenance for more details.

  • Завантажте та помістіть файл(и) у каталог під назвою Vector у вашій папці skins/.
  • Додайте наступний код у нижній частині вашого файлу LocalSettings.php :
    wfLoadSkin( 'Vector' );
  • Configure as required.
  • Yes Готово - Перейдіть до Special:Version у вашій вікі, щоб переконатися, що скін успішно встановлено.

Optional dependencies

Vector 2022 can make use of the following extensions if they are installed, though none are required:

  • UniversalLanguageSelector - for the language switch button
  • PageImages - to include an image for each page (if available) in the search bar
  • ShortDescription - to include a description for each page in the search bar (Wikimedia projects have similar functionality, but not using this extension)


Making Vector 2022 the default skin

For MediaWiki 1.38 and higher, add the following to LocalSettings.php to make this the default skin:

$wgDefaultSkin = 'vector-2022';


Note that Vector 2022 has several unstable feature flags, which may disappear at any time. Most of these feature flags relate to incomplete features. It is not recommended to change any feature flag from its default value unless listed here.

  • $wgVectorMaxWidthOptions - Can be used to configure whether the max-width applies. Relatively stable at this point.
  • $wgVectorLanguageInMainPageHeader - Controls whether the language button is shown on the main page in the header.
  • $wgVectorWvuiSearchOptions - Associative array with keys showDescription and showThumbnail (both booleans).

See also