
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Interwiki and the translation is 27% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Gli interwiki sono collegamenti ipertestuali a pagine di altri progetti che utilizzano uno stile di link con un prefisso interno.

Gli interwiki rendono possibile fare collegamenti a pagine di (per esempio) Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikinews etc. o al tuo wiki-progetto in altre lingue. (Vedi Manual:Wiki family .)

Un collegamento come [[Wikipedia:Main Page]] apparirà come questo: Wikipedia:Main Page e reindirizzerà alla Pagina principale di Wikipedia.

Interwiki ad altri progetti

Table and query API

Gli interwiki sono gestiti nella tabella interwiki del database MediaWiki. Puoi recuperare l'elenco interwiki dalla proprietà interwikimap della meta query API siteinfo , in altre parole effettuando una richiesta API come

Impostazione predefinita

Diversi progetti Wikimedia (e altri) sono pronti per i collegamenti interwiki per impostazione predefinita, quindi per usarli non c'è bisogno di modificare il tuo database.

I seguenti sono esempi di prefissi interwiki che sono disponibili per impostazione predefinita (è disponibile anche Wikipedia dalla versione 1.10 in poi):

prefisso URL di destinazione esempio d'uso
commons [[commons:MediaWiki]]
mediazilla [[mediazilla:1209]]
metawikimedia (before version 1.23: metawikipedia) [[metawikimedia:Main Page]]

L'elenco completo delle prefissi degli interwiki di default è disponibile a maintenance/interwiki.list

Vedere m:Help:Interwiki linking/it per informazioni più complete sul collegamento da/verso progetti Wikimedia.

In alcune installazioni nessuno di questi è pre-installato.

Aggiungere un nuovo sito web per il collegamento interwiki

  • I collegamenti interwiki sono definiti nella tabella interwiki del database.
  • These can be modified at Special:Interwiki. In MediaWiki 1.44 and later, this feature is built into MediaWiki core. Older versions can use the Interwiki extension.

To test

To test configuration:

  • Go to your site,
  • create an article, with the following content:
  • [[w:Wikipedia:Village pump|]]
  • This should display a link to the 'Village pump' page on (the url

Field documentation

  Suggerimento per gli amministratori del wiki: Several help pages link to's Manual namespace. To make these links work on your local wiki, add an interwiki link with iw_prefix=manual and iw_url=$1

  Suggerimento per gli amministratori del wiki: $wgTranscludeCacheExpiry in your LocalSettings.php should be set if changes in the transcluded wiki are done. Alternatively, you can flush the table transcache on your local wiki.

Collegamenti interwiki ad altre lingue

Interwiki links to other languages

If you have installed a Wiki family , you can link from an article in English to an article in German (if you have a German project, too). You can set up MediaWiki to show those links in the sidebar, just below the toolbox.

In your filesystem, there is a subfolder of your MediaWiki installation, called "languages". Go there and have a look at Names.php as it contains a list of known languages and their prefixes. E.g. you want to add your German project, search Names.php for "Deutsch" and note the prefix "de".

If you know the "right" prefix, edit your database by adding a new line to table interwiki:

iw_prefix language-prefix (e.g. "de" for German), which is listed in Names.php
iw_url URL to your wiki-project (e.g.$1)
iw_local same as above at #Adding a new website for interwiki linking
iw_trans same as above at Adding a new website for interwiki linking

Now, you can link an article to the same in other languages. Adding [[de:Hauptseite]] on your English Main_Page will create a link "Deutsch" below the toolbox, which leads to the Main_Page of the German wiki (Hauptseite).

Note, that this link is shown in Sidebar's section, only, and not inside of the article. If you want to create a link inside of the text, you have to add a colon previous to the prefix: [[:de:Hauptseite]] or set $wgInterwikiMagic to false.

Exporting the interwiki table from a wiki

The following JavaScript code performs the API query to retrieve the interwiki map of an existing wiki, then displays the SQL INSERT statements to fill the interwiki table on a new wiki. You run it for example by injecting the code through your browser's developer tools, or by placing it inside Special:MyPage/skinname.js and previewing.

function ExtractInterwikiMapTable() {
	$.getJSON(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=interwikimap&format=json', function(data) {
		var iw_prefix, iw_url, iw_local, iw_api, re_escape = /(')/g, result = '';
		for (var i = 0, iwm = data.query.interwikimap; i < iwm.length; i++) {
			iw_prefix = "'" + iwm[i].prefix.replace(re_escape, '\\$1') + "'";
			iw_url = "'" + iwm[i].url.replace(re_escape, '\\$1') + "'";
			iw_local = (typeof iwm[i].local == 'string') ? '1' : '0';
			iw_api = "'" + (iwm[i].iw_api || '').replace(re_escape, '\\$1') + "'";
			result += 'INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix, iw_url, iw_local, iw_trans, iw_api) VALUES ('+iw_prefix+', '+iw_url+', '+iw_local+', 0, '+iw_api+');\n'
		$('<textarea style="width:800px;height:400px;"/>').val(result).appendTo(document.body);

[[imdbtitle:0389790|Bee Movie]]Bee Movie
[ Bee Movie]Bee Movie

Linksearch works for the latter only.

Wikitext using interwiki links isn't always easily transferable between different wikis because they don't consistently use the same interwiki prefixes, or they might not have them at all. Additionally, interwiki links can sometimes mislead users since they don't know when they're being sent to another site.

You can choose between "extiw" and "external text" CSS classes for links, depending on whether you want them to look the same or different. Using just the interwiki link is easier to type, but copying the URL from the webpage is handy. Templates like w:Template:imdb title can be set up to use either an interwiki link with a parameter like "tt0389790" or "0389790", or an external link with a parameter like one of those or the full URL, making it easier to include IMDb references.

As an alternative to interwiki linking, a template can be created to wrap a plaintext page title into an URL-encoded external link to a known wiki, which can then be called with syntax equivalent to interwiki links. This preserves the appearance of external links while providing the same convenience as interwiki linking.

<!-- Template:IW --> [{{urlencode:{{{1}}}|WIKI}} {{{2|{{{1}}}}}}]

Then, instead of [[iw:External Page Title]], call the template:

{{IW|External Page Title}}External Page Title
{{IW|External Page Title|Alternate text}}Alternate text

Interwiki links can be configured to point to the same wiki they are being rendered from. For example, mw:Manual:Interwiki/it points to this page. These links are treated identically to internal links and do show up on Special:WhatLinksHere, appear bold if they are a selflink like the above, appear red if the page doesn't exist, etc.

See also