This page is a translated version of the page Extension:Graph and the translation is 46% complete.
发行状态: 不再維護
实现 标签 , ContentHandler
描述 数据驱动的图表
  • Yuri Astrakhan (Yurik 留言),
  • Dan Andreescu,
  • Frédéric Bolduc
MediaWiki >= 1.43
许可协议 MIT授權條款
  • $wgGraphDefaultVegaVer
  • $wgGraphAllowHttp
  • $wgGraphAllowedDomains
季度下載量 25 (Ranked 108th)
正在使用的公开wiki数 884 (Ranked 281st)
問題 开启的任务 · 报告错误



圖表擴展允許将基於Vega的圖表加入至Wiki頁面中。 圖表可以是互動式的。

插入圖表最簡單的方法就是使用預先製作的模板,如利用{{Graph:Chart}}製作長條圖。 這些模板隱藏了所有Vega複雜的部份。 高级用户可藉由圖表沙盒開發圖表。 除了JSON格式,圖表沙盒也支援維基語法。 该扩展集成VisualEditor ,提供了一个简单的工具/向导,可直接在编辑器中输入数值,生成基本的图表。



  • 需要JsonConfig 擴展
  • 下载文件,并将解压后的Graph文件夹移动到extensions/目录中。
    开发者和代码贡献人员应从Git安装扩展,输入:cd extensions/
    git clone
  • 将下列代码放置在您的LocalSettings.php 的底部:
    wfLoadExtension( 'Graph' );
  •   完成 – 在您的wiki上导航至Special:Version,以验证已成功安装扩展。


  • 如果使用Vagrant ,请通过vagrant roles enable graph --provision安装

Additional config setup

If you are looking to replicate a production environment like you will need to complete the following steps:

Debugging graphs and porting graphs from Vega 2 to Vega 5

A sandbox is provided at Special:GraphSandbox that works similar to the Vega graph editor. The MediaWiki tool includes compatibility code that maps older Vega schemas to the currently enabled version. Inserting an old schema in the main text area will print a modified and modernized schema underneath the graph where possible.

Similar to, the Vega object can be inspected via the VEGA_DEBUG JavaScript global. See Vega's debugging guide on how to use it.

Migrating schemas from older Vega versions

Previously Graph supported Vega 2. You can paste the JSON of graphs in to see how they previously rendered for comparison with Vega 5.

Special:GraphSandbox (for latest code see the beta cluster version of the sandbox) can be used to map older schemas to new schemas. Copy the old schema into the main textarea and the updated schema will appear in the text area below the graph. Copy the new schema into your code.


參考範例頁面 獲得更多範例及使用技巧。

User defined fallback

When using client side rendering, it is possible to use Wikimedia Commons to provide a static fallback image to noscript users. This is a temporary solution until a new service is put in place to provide server side rendering.

The user must first upload the static graph to Wikimedia Commons.

Fallback images have two variables: fallback and fallbackWidth.

fallback relates to a Wikimedia Commons filename.

fallbackWidth is the fallback images width in pixels.

These variables are pass through the graph in the following way:

<graph fallback="Graph test seddon.png" fallbackWidth=450>

Where lua modules are used such as Module:Graph then these variables can be provided via the tag function. If Template:Graph:Chart were adapted, it would look like this:

{{safesubst:#tag:graph|{{safesubst:#invoke:Graph|chartWrapper}} | fallback = {{{fallback|''}}} |  fallbackWidth= {{{fallbackWidth|''}}} }}

It would then be utilised in a template in the following manner:

 |type=rect|x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8|y=10,12,6,14,2,10,7,9|fallback=Graph test seddon.png|fallbackWidth=450}}

If a fallbackWidth isn't provided but an image is defined then the extension will derive the width from the provided graph width. The reason for this is there is frequently a difference in the rendered image width and the actual image width.

 |type=rect|x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8|y=10,12,6,14,2,10,7,9|fallback=Graph test seddon.png}}


HTTPS無法為圖表取得數據。 但是可使用自定義的維基傳輸安全協議wikiraw:wikiapi:

圖表擴展利用GraphAllowedDomains設定解析這些協議。 Note that because queries rely on the structure of wikibase items, they may suddenly stop working if the underlying data is edited and changes, as it may yield incomplete, empty or invalid data that can't be used to create a graph. In these cases the graph will end up empty (see phab:T168601).

$wgGraphAllowedDomains = [
    # 下方列出所有允許外部數據訪問的網域:(http和https開頭)
    # 允許訪問的網域,子網域也允許訪問。
    # 自定義的協議如'wikiraw'利用$gad來確認使用哪種協議。
    # 這樣一來wikiraw:// 將會對 請求API。
    'https' => [ '', '', ... ],
    'http' => [ '', ... ],
    # 下方列出所有wikirawupload:協議允許訪問的網域:
    # wikirawupload:協議要求完全吻合,不允許子網域的訪問。
    'wikirawupload' => [ '' ],
    # Wikidata Sparql 可供查詢的網域:
    'wikidatasparql' => [ '' ],


When parsing, the Graph extension expands all template parameters/expressions, and stores the complete graph definitions in the ParserOutput, using graph hashes for IDs.

The graph extension adds HTML to the page where graphs should go, a ‎<div> with a graph-id as the attribute. 例子:

<div class="mw-graph" data-graph-id="72edc224f0a10b343c1e84f63dbfc97cac9bc957">

The Graph extension adds an ext.graph ResourceLoader JavaScript module to the page that includes the Vega library, and puts the JSON of graph definitions into a JavaScript mediawiki.config variable named wgGraphSpecs. Once the client has loaded this module, the Vega JavaScript library populates each ‎<div> with an HTML canvas and draws the graph in it, replacing the static image.


‎<graph> can be configured to disallow referencing untrusted data sources (e.g. Wikimedia only allows data from the Wikimedia sites).


Vega library is distributed under a modified BSD license acceptable under for us to use.

This appears to be a copy of the BSD license, with some minor (acceptable) modifications. It's not a problem for us to use it, although ideally they would not make changes like this to the license. It's better if people do not make these changes to their license, to avoid confusion (like this) about whether the license is safe for open-source use.

—Stephen LaPorte



See the section on external data.

VisualEditor module

Since summer 2015, the Graph extension also comes with a module (ext.graph.VisualEditor) which enables graph editing within VisualEditor.

This module was a result of a Google Summer of Code 2015 project. 有关更多详细信息,请参见phab:T89287


This module allows users to see graphs within VisualEditor, as opposed to alien extension nodes. Furthermore, users can open up a dialog to edit a graph's type, data and padding. The UI also offers a way to edit a graph's raw JSON specification within VE without having to switch to the classic wikitext editor, in case more advanced users want to tweak settings not supported by the UI.

This first step serves as a stepping stone for many possibilities with graph editing within VisualEditor, and there are a lot of ways in which the module can be improved and expanded.

Troubleshooting broken graphs

Errors with graphs will be logged in the developer console.

Error: Bad constructor arguments (phab:T277906)

To fix: Replace filepath:Earthmap1000x500compac.jpg with filepath:Earthmap1000x500.jpg


TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'datum.firstYear.value')

To fix: Make sure you have not set default as null

