Toto rozšíření není v současné době aktivně udržováno! Ačkoli to může stále fungovat, jakákoli hlášení o chybách nebo požadavky na funkce budou pravděpodobně ignorovány. |
![]() Stav rozšíření: neudržované |
![]() |
Implementace | Funkce analyzátoru |
Popis | Přidává funkci analyzátoru s názvem #ev pro vkládání videoklipů z oblíbených služeb pro sdílení videa |
Autoři |
Nejnovější verze | 3.4.0 (2020-10-14) |
MediaWiki | 1.29+ |
PHP | 7.0+ |
Composer | starcitizenwiki/embedvideo |
Licence | Licence MIT |
Stáhnout | |
Příklad | Gamepedia Help Wiki |
Veřejné wiki používající rozšíření | 7,623 (Ranked 21st) |
Přeložte rozšíření EmbedVideo | |
Vagrant role | embedvideo |
The EmbedVideo extension adds a parser function called #ev
for embedding video clips from over 24 popular video sharing services in multiple languages and countries.
It also adds video and audio media handlers to support transforming standard [[File:Example.mp4]] file links into embedded HTML5 <video>
and <audio>
- Project Homepage
- Documentation at GitLab
- Source Code
- Source code at GitLab
- Bugs
- Issues at GitLab
- Licensing
- EmbedVideo is released under The MIT License.
Media handler
For locally uploaded content the process for displaying it on a page is the same as an image. See the image syntax documentation for complete reference on this feature.
This example would display a video in page using a HTML5 <video>
To specify the start and end timestamps in the media use the start and end parameters. The timestamp can be formatted as one of: ss, :ss, mm:ss, hh:mm:ss, or dd:hh:mm:ss.
The EmbedVideo parser function expects to be called in any of the following ways:
— Classic parser tag
However, if needed optional arguments may be left blank by not putting anything between the pipes:
— Parser tag for templates
The #evt
parser tag allows for key=value pairs which allows for easier templating and readability.
{{#evt: service=youtube |id= |alignment=right }}
— Parser tag for URLs
The #evu
parser tag is like the #evt
tag, but its first parameter is a URL that will be parsed to determine the service automatically.
{{#evu: |alignment=right }}
— Tag hook
Videos can easily be embedded with the <embedvideo>...</embedvideo>
tag hook.
The ID/URL goes as the input between the tags and parameters can be added as the tag arguments.
<embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>
Alternatively, you can also use the service id as the tag (assuming another extension isn't already using this tag).
Attributes for parser tags
Attribute | Description | Required? | Default |
service="(See Supported Services below.)"
The video service to call. | Požadované | |
The raw ID of the video or URL from the player page. | Požadované | |
Dimensions in pixels to size the embed container. The standard format is width x height where either can be omitted, but the x must proceed height to indicate it as the height.
Examples: Some services such as Gfycat do not have standard heights and should be specified for each embed.
Volitelné | 640
Align the placement of the video either to the left, centered, or to the right. Inline will allow multiple videos to display side by side without forced line breaks. | Volitelné | none |
Display a description under the embed container. For line breaks use (see
Volitelné | none |
Specifies the container type to use for the embed.
Volitelné | none |
Allows extra URL arguments to be appended to the generated embed URL. This is useful for obscure options only supported on one service. | Volitelné | none |
Automatically resize videos when their size will cause them to break outside of their container element. | Volitelné | true
Align the vertical placement of the video either to the top, middle, bottom, or baseline of the parent element. Using this parameter forces the alignment parameter to be inline. | Volitelné | none |

For example, a video from YouTube uses the youtube
service selector.
You can specify either the raw ID:
Or specify the full URL:
To display the same video as a right aligned large thumbnail with a description:
{{#ev:youtube||1000|right|Let eet GO|frame}}
For YouTube to have the video start at a specific time code utilize the urlargs
(URL arguments) parameter.
Take the rest of the URL arguments from the custom URL and place them into the urlargs
Please note that not all video services support extra URL arguments or may have different keys for their URL arguments.
URL arguments can be used to chop up a video and loop it:
Support for VideoLink tags
Support for the unmaintained VideoLink extension's tags has been added since version 2.5.
From the original extension documentation:
The VideoLink extension allows embedding of YouTube videos in articles; allowing for multiple linked videos to be played in a single embedded video player, first shown when a user clicks on a video link.
<vplayer />
specifies where the player should appear within the page, and the {{#vlink}} parser function allows creation of links that load a specific video.
— Tag hook for video container
tag is also acceptable here for backwards compatibility.This <evlplayer>
tag is used to position the video player container within the page.
<evlplayer id="player id" w="width" h="height" class="class" style="style">default content</evlplayer>
A default video can be set to fill the container by default instead of default content as well.
<evlplayer id="player1" w="480" h="360" service="youtube" defaultid="eAORm-8b1Eg" />
Attributes | Required | Default | Description |
Volitelné | default | An optional unique identifier for this container. |
Volitelné | 800 | Width to send to the embedded player when its generated. |
Volitelné | achieve 16:9 from width | Height to send to the embedded player when it's generated. |
Volitelné | Additional CSS class to add to the container <div> .
| |
Volitelné | Additional in-line CSS to apply to the container <div> .
| |
Volitelné | Video ID of default video, if you want a default video. | |
Volitelné | Service of default video, if you want a default video. |
An important caveat to make note of, is that the w
and h
attributes only effect the video that is being included into the container <div>
, and not the actual container.
For styling of the container, please use the class
or style
— Parser function for video links
parser function is also acceptable here for backwards compatibility.{{#evl:<video id>|<link text>|<video to play>|service=youtube|player=<player id>}}
In addition to all of the attributes supported by the #evt
tag, these specific attributes apply to the #evl
(and #vlink
) tags.
To maintain backwards compatibility, if you do not define a service
then youtube
is assumed.
Attributes | Required | Default | Description |
video id | Požadované | none | The ID of the video you would like to play or a comma separated list of videos to play. Please note that the use of multiple video IDs separated by a semicolon is now deprecated. |
link text | Požadované | none | The text to display inside the link. |
video to play | Volitelné | none | The number that represents the video to play from video ID if it is a comma separated list of IDs. |
player id | Volitelné | default
Player container to load video in. Note that the ID default will only exist if you’ve defined a player with no ID.
initial video | deprecated | In the original VideoLink, this would define what video to play first if multiple videos were define. Please see notes about in video id and start. | |
start | deprecated | 0:00 | In the original VideoLink, this defined the start time of a video. Since we support multiple video services, this feature can now be replicated with the urlargs parameter. For backwards compatibility, this attribute will be respect on videos with the service youtube .
Video link examples
Creating a video list allows video links to create a playlist on the fly using the youtube and youtubevideolist service.
<evlplayer w="width" h="height" class="class" style="style" id="example-player">default content</evlplayer>
{{#evl:21X5lGlDOfg|NASA Live|1|player=example-player}}
{{#evl:lEyCq2KRZik|IIS Q&A|2|player=example-player}}
{{#evl:OLeWbRdW6rY|Space Station Tour|3|player=example-player}}
Supported services
As of version 2.x, EmbedVideo supports embedding video content from the following services:
Site | Service name(s) | ID example | URL example(s) | Notes |
---|---|---|---|---| Videos | archiveorg
electricsheep-flock-244-80000-6 | | |
Bambuser | bambuser
5262334 | | Broadcasts |
Channels | |||
Beam | beam
RocketBear | | Streams |
Bing | bing
31ncp9r7l | | | | blip
| | Blip requires the full URL to the video page and does not accept the raw ID. | |
C3TV | mediacccde
32c3-7305-quantum_cryptography | | |
CollegeHumor | collegehumor
6875289 | | |
Dailymotion | dailymotion
x1adiiw_archer-waking-up-as-h-jon-benjamin_shortfilms | | |
Daum TVPot | tvpot — Obtain the URL or ID from the share menu URL.
s9011HdLzYwpLwBodQzCHRB | | |
Div Share | divshare
Edutopia | Edutopia content moved to YouTube. Please use the YouTube service selector below. | |||
FunnyOrDie | funnyordie
c61fb67ac9 | | |
Gfycat | gfycat
BruisedSilentAntarcticfurseal | | |
Hitbox | hitbox
Washuu | | |
JW Player | jwplayer
cr5d8nbu-8ZpoNmmJ | | |
Kickstarter | kickstarter
elanlee/exploding-kittens | | |
Metacafe | metacafe
11404579 | | |
Nico Nico Video | nico
sm24394325 | | |
RuTube | rutube
b698163ccb67498db74d50cb0f22e556 | | |
SoundCloud | soundcloud
| | SoundCloud requires the full URL. | |
TeacherTube | teachertube
370511 | | |
TED Talks | ted
bruce_aylward_humanity_vs_ebola_the_winning_strategies_in_a_terrifying_war | | |
Tubi TV | tubitv
318409 | | |
Tudou | tudou
mfQXfumwiew | | |
Twitch | twitch
twitchplayspokemon | | Live Streams |
Archived Videos on Demand | |||
Videomaten | videomaten
Vimeo | vimeo
105035718 | | |
Vine | vine
h2B7WMtuX2t | | |
Yahoo Screen (Archived 2013-09-20 at the Wayback Machine) | yahoo
katy-perry-dances-sharks-2015-024409668 | | |
YouTube | youtube
pSsYTj9kCHE | | Single videos |
| | Playlists | ||
|,CW_PbErQ_c8 | Video list | ||
Youku | youku
XODc3NDgzMTY4 | |
- Download soubor/y a vložte je do adresáře pojmenovaného
ve vaší složceextensions/
. - Na konec vašeho souboru LocalSettings.php přidejte následující kód:
wfLoadExtension( 'EmbedVideo' );
- Configure as required
Dokončeno – Přejděte na stránku Special:Version vaší wiki a zkontrolujte, zda bylo rozšíření úspěšně nainstalováno.
Variable | Default value | Type | Description |
Boolean | Enable or disable adding video/audio file extensions to the list of allowable files to be uploaded. |
Boolean | Enable or disable the video media handlers for displaying embedded video in articles. |
Boolean | Enable or disable the audio media handlers for displaying embedded audio in articles. |
Integer | Globally override the default width of video players. When not set this uses the video service's default width which is typically 640 pixels. |
Integer | Minimum width of video players. Widths specified below this value will be automatically bounded to it. |
Integer | Maximum width of video players. Widths specified above this value will be automatically bounded to it. |
String | Set the location of the ffmpeg binary.
String | Set the location of the ffprobe binary.
Version history
- v2.9.0
- Fix stored XSS in AudioTransformOutput and VideoTransformOutput.
- Fix autoResize on mobile.
- Fix video caption escaping the container.
- Handle multiple video sizes per page in resize.
- Move beam service to mixer.
- Add a default link title for #evl/#vlink.
- Add spotify playlist embeds.
- Add facebook video embeds.
- Fix centering of videos.
- Add Microsoft Stream service.
- Add title to iframes.
- Add API help messages for 1.33 compatibility.
- Fix static analysis issues.
- Fix Twitch embeds.
- v2.8.0
- Renamed to
- Updated Nico Video embed code.
- Added support for Twitch clips.
- Fix issues with Twitch VODs.
- Removed unused $wgFFmpegLocation that was interferring with TimedMediaHandler.
- Added Polish translation.
- v2.7.4
- Added support for playlist to evlplayer
- Added support for youtube video list
- Updated Documentation for evlplayer
- Added missing dependency for evlplayer in extension.json
- v2.7.3
- Default Twitch VOD to autoplay=false by default
- Allow videos to be sized in 1:1 aspect ratios for special use cases.
- v2.7.2
- Added feature to evlplayer to allow default video content
- v2.7.1
- Fixed issue with youku videos not embedding properly on https enabled wikis.
- v2.7.0
- Added SoundCloud support
- Added ability to use service name as a parser tag (if not defined previously)
- v2.6.1
- Added new configuration options to disable adding media handlers and file extensions.
- Fixed an uninitialized array.
- Fixed undefined indexes in the AudioHandler class.
- Fixed class properties that were unintentionally declared as static.
- Fixed RTL language issues with CSS.
Developer notes
The major benefit of using a parser function as the injection mechanism for video clips (as opposed to an extension tag) is that parser functions can utilize template parameters (of the form {{{1}}}
For example, say you found yourself making a lot of YouTube videos in thumbnail size, right-aligned like an image. You might make a template called Template:Youtube_tn
, which could contain this:
<div class="thumb tright">
And then call it like this:
{{youtube tn|someYoutubeId}}
Reporting bugs
There is an issue tracker set up on the GitLab project page.
Bug reports, feature requests, and patches are always welcome. New contributors can be added to the GitLab project if there is sufficient interest.
See also
- Extension:EmbedVideo (fork): Fork of EmbedVideo — A more privacy centric version of this Extension. Note that only a subset of services are supported, but new services can be requested through GitHub.
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