Wikimedia Community Technical Community/Icon Project

This page is a translated version of the page Africa Wikimedia Technical Community/Project Scope and the translation is 100% complete.

AWMT Community Banner


Muna fatan gina wata tawaga ta masu aikin sa kai na Wikimedia daga Afirka saboda matsalolin da ake fuskanta a nahiyarmu:

  • Akwai kaɗan kaɗan daga masu haɓakawa daga Afirka a cikin gidauniyar Wikimedia (motsi). Muna fatan ƙara lambobi don cika hangen nesa na ƙungiyoyi.
  • Masu haɓaka aikin sa kai don ƙara ƙarin fasali akan ayyukan MediaWiki da haɓakawa gami da APIs da sauransu daga Afirka kuma ƙari, haɓaka kayan aiki / ayyukan da ke magance matsalolin gama gari a cikin yanayin Afirka don haɓaka ayyukan motsi a cikin hanyar fasaha. Misali wani aiki kamar Wiki yana son Afirka ko Wiki tana son Mata inda za a iya samar da kayan aiki don bayar da daraja da kuma samar da sakamakon wadanda suka yi nasara a waccan da dai sauransu.
  • Guji jira a kan ƙaramin gungun masu haɓakawa don warware matsalolin fasaha da yawa a cikin harkar musamman matsalolin musamman da suka shafi masu sa kai daga yankinmu.
  • Rashin shiga daga masu sa kai na Afirka a cikin abubuwan da suka shafi fasaha na duniya a cikin motsi kamar Google Summer of Code, Google Code-In, Shirin Wayar da Kai ga mata da sauransu.

Magani Da Aka Gabatar

A halin yanzu mun kasance ƙungiya ta biyu a shirye don yin aiki tare da ƙwararrun tunani a ciki da wajen motsi don sanya wannan ra'ayin ya zama tabbatacce. Mun yi niyyar ɗaukar masu haɓaka aikin sa kai tare da yin amfani da damar don cin nasarar manufar wannan motsi.

Tsarin ya zuwa yanzu yana samun wadannan;

  • Jerin aikawasiku na masu haɓaka aikin sa kai a Afirka don raba ra'ayoyi da batutuwan tattaunawa tare da wasu don samun sha'awar su.
  • Matsa cikin alaƙar WMF da ƙungiyoyin masu amfani na ƙungiyoyi daban-daban (GDG, rukunin Python, rukunin Linux da sauransu) a kowace ƙasa don ganin ko za mu iya samun wasu mutane suna sha'awar ba da gudummawa ga MediaWiki. Mun yi imanin yana da ma'ana ta wannan ma'ana saboda sau da yawa yana da sauƙi ga masu haɓakawa sun riga sun ba da gudummawa a cikin buɗaɗɗen rafi don matsawa zuwa sabbin ayyuka iri ɗaya.
  • Yi amfani da kalmar baki a cibiyoyin jami'a (ga daliban kimiyya / daliban shirye-shirye / kimiyyar kwamfuta) don ganin ko za mu iya sanya su sha'awar ayyukan kungiyar da bayar da gudummawa (za a yi haka a kowace kasa kuma za a raba kididdiga).
  • Horar da ƙungiyoyin masu haɓakawa a cikin zaɓaɓɓun ƙasashen da zaburar da ci gaba da ƙoƙarinsu ta jerin aikawasiku.
  • Shirya taro / hackathon sau ɗaya a shekara don haɓakawa da nuna ayyukansu.
  • Kowace kasa, za mu ci gaba da samar da makamashi ta hanyar zabar wasu masu aikin sa kai don gina al'ummomin ci gaba a cikin al'ummominsu daban-daban da kuma hada dukkan wadannan al'ummomin tare, za mu sami babbar al'umma a Afirka wadanda ke da tushe.


Samun al'umma na masu haɓakawa daga Afirka.

  • Cimma jimlar masu haɓaka 20 masu aiki a duk faɗin nahiyar.
  • Halartar aƙalla mutane 10 a cikin bazara na Code (GSoC) don 2018 daga Afirka.
  • Ƙirƙiri mafita ga aƙalla ɗaya daga cikin manyan damuwar fasaha daga Afirka.
  • Shiga cikin warware damuwa daga lissafin fatan al'umma.
  • Tsara aƙalla hackathon na nahiyar guda ɗaya.

Muhimmancin Aikin

Wannan zai amfanar da al'ummar Afirka ta yadda za su iya yin wasa tare da MediaWiki da haɓakawa (suna koyon yadda MediaWiki da ci gaba a cikin Gidauniyar/motsi) ke aiki.

Samun mai haɓaka ayyukan Wikimedia kuma ƙila fara tunanin wani aiki don taimakawa al'ummar Afirka da ƙungiyoyi gaba ɗaya. Da farko za mu yi aiki a kan ayyuka a cikin al'ada da/ko kan ayyukan da ake da su, gyara kurakurai da taimakawa wajen gina yanayin yanayin girma. Duk da haka muna sa ran fara wasu ayyuka a nan gaba da kuma magance ainihin batutuwan da suka shafi nahiyar.

Tare da ƙungiyar masu haɓaka Afirka, za mu iya fito da ayyukan da za su iya magance matsalolin gama gari a cikin nahiyar. Wadannan ayyuka za su taimaka sosai wajen magance matsalolinmu na gama gari. Hakan zai kara wayar da kan jama'a game da ayyukan kungiyar a Afirka da kuma samun karin jama'a a cikin ayyukan sa kai a ayyukan al'umma daga Afirka wanda zai haifar da karuwar adadin ba kawai masu gyara ba har ma masu haɓakawa daga Afirka.

Samun mutanen Afirka su shiga cikin shirye-shiryen duniya waɗanda za su amfane su da Gidauniyar yayin da za su gina kayan aiki don magance matsaloli da ayyukan duniya na gaske (inganta hanyar aikinsu) a matsayin masu haɓakawa. Shirye-shirye irin su Wayar da Kai ga mata (babu ɗan takara daga Afirka), GCI (babu ɗan takara daga Afirka) da GSoC (mai takara 1 kawai daga Afirka a cikin 2016). Bugu da ƙari, zai ango masu haɓakawa tare da ƙwarewa na gaske a cikin buɗaɗɗen motsi da taimakawa koyon amfani da sabon dandamali.

A taƙaice, babban burinmu ko na farko shine samun masu haɓaka aikin sa kai a cikin harkar daga Afirka (masu himma don yin aiki kan ayyukan Wikimedia da ayyukan da suka shafi Afirka waɗanda suka dace da manufofin ƙungiyar).


Jadawalin Horo

Muna da niyyar farawa da ƙare horo a cikin tsawon Maris - Yuni (watanni 4). Wannan zai hada da horar da kasa don akalla kasashe 3 amma zai fi dacewa kasashe 4. Shirin A, sau biyu a wata amma ana yin kowane wata. Wannan yana barin wata guda na tsarawa da adana kayan aiki tsakanin kowane rukuni na abubuwan da za a gudanar a kowane wuri. Shirin B, Biki ɗaya a kowace ƙasa kowane wata. Ƙasashen da aka ba da shawara a ƙasa:

Mataki na 1

  • Ghana - Mun zauna a Ghana saboda akwai Ƙungiya mai amfani da OFWA don tallafawa wannan aiki a cikin ƙasar. Kasa ce mai karfi idan aka zo batun shigar Wikimedia a cikin nahiyar Afirka kuma muna iya yin amfani da damar da muka riga muka yi tare da cibiyoyin haɗin gwiwa don haɓaka wannan lamarin.
  • Cote D'ivoire - Cote D'ivoire kasa ce mai karfi a harkar da ke da sha'awar kimiyyar kwamfuta ko shirye-shirye. Muna da masaniya sosai game da sha'awar shirye-shiryen masu haɓakawa tare da Google da sauran manyan kamfanoni a ƙasar. Muna so mu yi amfani da ƙarfinsu da abubuwan da suke so yayin yin amfani da su a cikin rukunin masu amfani don amfani da damar don ƙarfafa dangantakarsu da sanar da kasancewarsu.
  • Najeriya - Al'umma mai matukar fa'ida a yankin yammacin Afirka da ayyukan can za su jawo taron jama'a da kuma wayar da kan jama'a game da Wikipedia da damar haɓakawa ga masu sa kai.
  • Kamaru -

Mataki na 2

  • Tanzaniya - Mun fara haɓaka al'umma a cikin ƙasar kuma yawancin membobin ɗaliban kimiyyar kwamfuta ne, kuma mun riga mun sami haɗin gwiwa tare da wata cibiyar da ke shirye ta ba mu sarari, masu sauraro da goyan bayan aikin. Cibiyar tana da alaƙa da gwamnati kuma tana samar da alaƙa mai ƙarfi don yaƙin wannan harka.
  • Afirka ta Kudu - Yana da babi daya tilo a nahiyar kuma yin aiki tare da su zai kawo irin mutanen da muke zato a matsayin masu ci gaba ga nahiyar. A halin yanzu akwai ma'aurata da muka sani waɗanda suke yin ban mamaki a kan MediaWiki kuma za su yi kyau a saka su cikin.
  • Botswana*
  • Kenya* -


Rana ta 1

Zama na 1: Gabatarwa ga Git, GitHub, Gerrit da shigarwa na MediaWiki.

  • Maraba da Icebreaker - 9:00am - 9:20am
  • Gabatarwar Ayyukan Wikimedia - 9:20am - 9:40am
  • Gabatarwa zuwa Git/GitHub da Gerrit - 9:40am - 10:40am
  • '<Abin ciye-ciye/Hukumar Kofi> - 10:40am - 11:00am
  • Koyawa Gerrit don shigarwa na MediaWiki akan Env na gida: - 11:00am - 12:30pm

Gerrit Tutorials (Koyawan Gerrit don saita mediawiki: Saita Git, SSH Keys, zazzage MediaWiki, da sauransu)

  • '<Break Break> - 12:30pm - 1:10pm
  • Mai kuzari - 1:10pm - 1:15pm
  • Me yasa sa kai a matsayin mai haɓakawa 1? - 1:15pm - 1:40pm
  • Shigar da tsawo na MediaWiki akan MediaWiki da yadda ake amfani da waɗannan kari. (maki biyun da ke sama suna aiki hannu-da-hannu tunda a cikin koyarwar Gerrit, ana yin shigar da mediawiki) - 1:40pm - 2:40pm
  • '<Abin ciye-ciye/Hukumar Kofi> - 2:40 na yamma - 3:00 na yamma

Zama na 2: Yadda ake amfani da IRC don sadarwa tare da sauran masu haɓaka Wikimedia'

  • Gabatarwa cikin umarnin IRC da IRC - 3:20pm - 4:30pm
    Tutorial (Amfani da IRC - koyawa)

Rana ta 2

  • Barka da zuwa - 09:00 na safe - 09:10 na safe

Zama na 3: Hannu kan yadda ake gina kari akan MediaWiki & Hacking Misali ext

  • Koyawa / motsa jiki zuwa misalin haɓaka haɓaka MediaWiki - 09:10 na safe - 11:10 na safe
    Haɓaka kari (Haɓaka tsawo)
  • Abin ciye-ciye/Rashin Kofi> - 11:10 na safe - 11:30 na safe
  • Tsarin Rubutun Tsawo (Hacking the Extension Extension) - 11:30am - 12:30am
  • '<Break Break> - 12:30pm - 1:10pm

Zama na 4: Yadda ake amfani da Wikimedia Phabricator azaman mai haɓakawa

  • Yadda ake amfani da Phabricator (cututtukan fayil, warware batutuwa, da sauransu…) - 1:10pm - 2:30pm
    Phabricator (Masu bibiya)
  • '<Abin ciye-ciye/Hukumar Kofi> - 2:30pm - 3:00pm
  • Me yasa sa kai a matsayin mai haɓakawa 2? - 3:00pm - 3:40pm
  • Kunnawa & Rufewa - 3:40pm - 4:00pm

Harsashin da ke sama yakamata su rufe aƙalla 85% na abin da yakamata masu haɓakawa su sani kafin yin aiki akan ayyukan da suka danganci shirye-shirye a cikin Gidauniyar Wikimedia.

Ba za mu koya musu shirye-shirye ba tunda za su koyi hakan da kansu. Za mu gaya musu jerin harsunan shirye-shiryen da suke tsammanin sani don su iya amfani da shi don ba da gudummawa a ayyukan Wikimedia.

A ƙasa akwai jerin harsunan da aka fi amfani da su a cikin Gidauniyar Wikimedia:

  • PHP da Hack (PHP shine mafi shawarar)
  • JavaScript, JSON da jQuery
  • SQL don harshen tambaya
  • MariaDB/MySQL azaman tsarin sarrafa bayanai

Kungiyoyi masu manufa/Yanayin daukar ma'aikata

Muna da niyyar sadarwa ta ƙungiyoyin haɓakawa da al'ummomi, kamar:

  • Ƙungiyoyin Masu Haɓakawa na Google
  • Ƙungiyoyin Masu amfani da Linux
  • Kungiyoyin Mozilla
  • Jami'o'i/Cibiyoyin Ilimi Mai Girma
  • Masu haɓaka masu zaman kansu
  • Membobin jama'ar budewa

Al'amuran Nahiyar Nahiyar

  • Magance ainihin matsaloli a Afirka tare da albarkatun Wikimedia don motsi da fa'ida ga 'yan Afirka ko mahalarta kansu - taron yanki (ƙarshen shekara ta 2017)
  • Wayar da Kai ga Mata - Oktoba 2017
  • Shirin Google Code-In - Disamba - Fabrairu (2017/2018)
  • Hackathon kafin, bayan ko kusa da Wikimania a Capetown - 2018
  • Shiga cikin warware wasu matsalolin da aka bayyana akan jerin buƙatun 2018
  • Google Summer of Code - 2018

Programming Sessions on PHP and Python in 2022

Python Programming Track: Led by Ayobami Tewogbade( User: Roybylon)

The Python programming track was an intensive three-month course designed to provide participants with a thorough understanding of Python and its applications. Sessions were held every Friday from 3 PM to 4 PM, offering a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience where participants were taken through the Python Essentials course

Course Overview

Duration: 3 months

Schedule: Fridays, 15:00 UTC - 16:00 UTC

Week 1-4: Introduction to Python

  • Understanding Python syntax and basic constructs
  • Variables, data types, and basic operations
  • Control structures: loops and conditionals

Week 5-8: Intermediate Python

  • Functions and modularity
  • Error handling and exceptions
  • Working with files and directories

Week 9-12: Advanced Python

  • Introduction to libraries and modules
  • Using popular libraries: NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib
  • Working with APIs and data manipulation

Practical Projects

  • Real-world applications and projects
  • Hands-on coding sessions to apply the concepts learned
  • Collaborative project development

PHP Programming Track: Led by Caleb Nanigah (User:calebbubune)

The PHP programming track was a comprehensive six-month course aimed at equipping participants with the skills needed for dynamic web development using PHP. Sessions were held every Saturday from 3 PM to 5 PM, combining in-depth lessons with practical web development projects.

Course Overview

Duration: 6 months  

Schedule: Saturdays, 15:00 UTC - 17:00 UTC

Monthly Breakdown:

Month 1: Introduction to PHP - 0.1-Introduction to

Month 2: Web Development with PHP

Month 3: Advanced PHP Techniques

Month 4: Building a CRUD Application

  • Designing a database schema
  • Connecting to a database
  • Retrieving, inserting, updating and deleting data
  • Creating a user-friendly interface for the application

Month 5: Advanced Topics

  • Working with APIs
  • Creating and consuming web services
  • Security best practices
  • Deployment of PHP applications

Month 6: Project work

  • Students will work on a project that utilizes the concepts learned throughout the course
  • The facilitator will provide guidance and support as needed
  • Students will present their projects to the class and receive feedback

Both the Python and PHP tracks were designed to build a solid foundation in programming, helping participants become proficient in these languages and apply their skills to Wikimedia projects. We look forward to the innovative contributions these newly trained developers will bring to the community.

Onboarding Session at Goethe Institute: Empowering Wikimedia Contributors

In 2019, we held an onboarding session at the Goethe Institute in Ghana, where participants were trained on essential tools for contributing to Wikimedia developer projects. This session focused on equipping new contributors with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively use Git, GitHub, Gerrit, and Phabricator.

Training Highlights:
  • Git & GitHub: Participants learned the fundamentals of version control using Git and how to collaborate on projects through GitHub. They were guided through the process of forking repositories, making commits, and submitting pull requests.
  • Gerrit: We provided an in-depth introduction to Gerrit, a code review tool that is integral to Wikimedia's development workflow. Attendees gained hands-on experience in reviewing and merging changes, ensuring code quality and collaboration.
  • Phabricator: The session also covered Phabricator, a suite of open-source tools for peer code review, task management, and project planning. Participants learned how to create and manage tasks, track project progress, and collaborate effectively with other developers.

This training was designed to build a solid foundation for new contributors, helping them navigate the technical landscape of Wikimedia projects and become active participants in the Wikimedia developer community. We look forward to seeing the innovative contributions that these newly trained developers will bring to Wikimedia.



Wikimedia Tech Safari Program

Wikimedia Tech Safari Program

The Wikimedia Tech Safari was an immersion program organised to provide practical experience and guidance for participants in the Wikimedia technical community. It was aimed to promote creativity and teamwork through various technical projects, allowing participants to contribute significantly to the Wikimedia digital world. The program emphasized experiential learning, allowing participants to improve their technical proficiency and understand Wikimedia platforms. By participating, individuals contribute to strengthening Wikimedia's technological capabilities and ensuring free knowledge accessibility.

Training Highlights:
  • Charting Your Course with Kiwix Development & Localization: Kiwix is free, open-source software that enables users to access offline content without an internet connection. It supports multiple languages, uses the ZIM file format for storage, and is portable across different operating systems. It also allows users to create an offline library and contributes to the global mission of making knowledge accessible. Users can contribute by searching for educational content on platforms in their local language, translating wiki content to their local language, and contributing to the platform's development. Developers can contribute by improving code, enhancing features, and providing scalability solutions. Graphic designers can also enhance Kiwix's visual content by creating user interfaces, brand elements, and responsive design principles.
  • Building Bridges with Code: Contribute to wikifunctions and Connect the World: wikifunctions is a collaboratively edited catalogue of computer functions to enable the creation, modification, and reuse of source code. It is closely related to Abstract Wikipedia, an extension of Wikidata to create a language-independent version of Wikipedia using its structured data.
  • Tool Forge Pass Deep Dive: What is it? how do you deploy your code on it?

Wikimedia Toolforge is a Wikimedia Foundation-provided hosting environment that enables developers to create and deploy tools and applications for Wikimedia projects. Key features include web hosting, shell access, database access, version control, integration with Wikimedia projects, community collaboration, open-source philosophy, and dynamic resource allocation. Tools developed on Toolforge can be integrated with various Wikimedia projects, promoting collaboration and improving the Wikimedia experience. The platform encourages developers to contribute to the improvement of Wikimedia projects worldwide, reflecting the Wikimedia Foundation's collaborative and open nature.

  • Cut, Craft, Captivate: Building the Future of Wiki Videos with VideoCutTool: VideoCutTool is a revolutionary tool that revolutionizes the way Wiki videos are crafted. It offers cutting-edge editing, allowing users to refine video content with precision. The tool focuses on crafting engaging narratives with creative features like smooth transitions and impactful overlays. It also provides customizable visuals, allowing users to infuse personality into their videos. The user-friendly design ensures accessibility for all, and it fosters collaboration by allowing users to share projects and receive feedback. VideoCutTool is a vision for the future of wiki videos, empowering creators to transcend traditional boundaries and create extraordinary narratives.
  • Akwaaba to Commons for Android: Code the App that Lets Your World Share on Wikimedia:
  • Type, Translate, Transform: Unlock Languages with Scribe's Code Magic: Scribe's Code Magic is a tool that uses the magic of code to unlock the mysteries of languages, transforming the way we interact with them. It allows users to effortlessly type in their native language, break language barriers, and create a linguistic tapestry that transcends borders. This enables users to communicate, create, and code in languages that resonate with their cultural identity, breaking down barriers and fostering a global community. As Scribe continues to weave its code magic, the future holds endless possibilities for digital linguistics, where languages converge, cultures intertwine, and the magic of expression knows no bounds.
  • Cloud Code Conquest: Build the Future of the Wikiverse with Wikimedia Cloud Services: Cloud services offer free hosting tools for users to deploy websites, applications, and projects without incurring costs. Popular options include GitHub Pages, Netlify, Vercel, Heroku, Firebase Hosting, Glitch, Amazon S3, and Microsoft Azure Static Web Apps. GitHub Pages allows users to host static websites directly from their repositories, while Netlify offers continuous deployment, automatic HTTPS, and serverless functions. Vercel is a front-end deployment platform with serverless functions and basic hosting services. Firebase Hosting offers fast, secure hosting with CDN delivery and automatic SSL. Glitch is a collaborative web app hosting platform suitable for projects built with Node.js. Amazon S3 is a scalable storage service for hosting static websites, while Microsoft Azure Static Web Apps integrates with GitHub for seamless deployment.
  • Building Wikifunctions with WikiLambda's Power: Wikifunctions is a collaborative platform within the Wikimedia ecosystem that redefines information curatedness and empowers users to create and share dynamic functions. It is driven by the power of WikiLambda, a powerful programming environment that transcends traditional boundaries. WikiLambda offers a function catalogue, collaborative editing, multilingual capabilities, embedding functions, and an educational impact. The catalogue serves as a repository for users to discover, contribute to, and enhance diverse algorithms. It also supports content creation and consumption in multiple languages, ensuring knowledge is accessible to a global audience. WikiLambda enables users to embed functions directly into Wikimedia projects, enhancing the interactive nature of content. Its user-friendly interface facilitates learning and understanding of programming concepts. Wikifunctions is a transformative force shaping the future of collaborative programming and knowledge sharing.

To read more about The Wikimedia Tech Safari Program, kindly visit the meta page; Wikimedia Tech Safari Program