فريق ويكيبيديا المجردة
فريق ويكيبيديا المجردة جزء من قسم المنتجات والتقنيات التابع لمؤسسة ويكيميديا. هدفنا هو مساعدة حركة ويكيميديا في عملها لتقديم مساندة وشمول أفضلين وتقديم إمكانية وصول للغات والمجتمعات والثقافات من كافة أنحاء العالم. لتحقيق ما سلف، نصمم منصة وأنظمة لإنشاء مقالات مولدة باستخدام أدوات يشغلها المجتمع من بيانات منظمة مشتركة سوف توزع سبل إنشاء محتوى أفضل كفاءة وتشاركية وترجماتها في كافة لغات ويكيبيديا.
ملخص ويكيبيديا
Our first goal is to provide the multi-lingual, scalable, reliable platform on which all our other work will depend: Wikifunctions. Wikifunctions will be the core mechanism that lets the Wikimedia communities share a new form of knowledge, functions. These will empower each community to use tools like those previously mostly available to more resourced languages. ومن خلال بناء تركيز شامل ومرحب ومستدام للعمل الفني للحركة، سوف تستفيد مجتمعات أكثر الآن وعلى المدى الطويل. Wikifunctions is powered by the WikiLambda extension.
Our longer-term goal is Abstract Wikipedia, a project to use Wikifunctions combined with a common flexible, language-independent framework for representing the structured data and abstract concepts that are present in Wikipedia articles, which would enable easier cross-lingual collaboration and reduce the duplication of effort currently required to create and maintain separate language versions of Wikipedia. وسيسمح هذا بإنشاء أنواع جديدة من المحتوى، مثل المقالات المولدة آليًا، وتمكين التكامل بشكل أسهل مع المنصات والأدوات الأخرى.
الهدف النهائي لجهود ويكيبيديا المجردة هو جعل المعرفة أكثر سهولة في الوصول إليها واستخدامها للجميع، بغض النظر عن لغتهم أو خلفيتهم.
Most content about the team's work is covered in the Abstract Wikipedia pages on meta.
Themes for FY 2024-2025
Our planned deliverables for the year support the following strategic goals:
Technical Foundation | Build Community | Prepare for Scale |
Wikifunctions powers a library of functions that will enable Abstract Wikipedia to generate language-independent articles into any language. | Enable a new community to create, curate, and maintain functions that are widely useful, to unlock new capabilities critical to the development of Abstract Wikipedia. | Integration with Wikipedia and Wikidata is key to achieving broad, real-life applications for filling knowledge gaps. |
Communication Principles
Main page: Abstract Wikipedia team/Communication principles
We are a team, distributed around the world, who mostly interact through online meetings, asynchronous communication channels, working alone or in pairs, reviewing each other’s work, and communicating externally with other teams, communities, and the media.
We share principles to guide our communication, such as avoiding assumptions, building a culture that encourages good behavior, and leading with empathy.
Our team values honesty, transparency, respect, and fairness in our communication, and will work to provide context, avoid making assumptions, and communicate clearly and empathetically while reviewing each other’s ideas, concerns, suggestions, and other work.
We also seek to recognise and respect our colleagues’ communication preferences and acknowledge their differences, such as culture and language.
- Asynchronous content fragments
- Chores
- Definition of Done
- Git workflow
- Meetings plan
- OKR scoring
- Observability
- Observability/Alerting
- Observability/Logging
- Observability/Metrics
- Observability/Tracing
- Phabricator style guide
- Product Development Process
- Retrospectives
- Runbooks
- Skill Matrix
- Skill Matrix (Team Consolidated)
- Team culture
- Versioning
- Ways you can help
- Work-estimation
- ar
- ceb
- de
- en
- fa
- fr
- ha
- it
- pl
- ru
- sk
- tl
- tr
- zh