This page is a translated version of the page XTools and the translation is 98% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

XTools ist eine Sammlung von Statistikwerkzeugen für Wikimedia-Wikis, Benutzer, Seiten und mehr.

Anleitung über MediaWiki-Tools
Erscheinungsstatus: stabil
Durchführung API , Datenbank
Autor(en) MusikAnimal, Matthewrb, Samwilson
Letzte Version 3.20.1 (2024-08-15)
PHP 7.4
Lizenz GPL-3.0+
Release notes
Probleme : Offene Aufgaben · Einen Fehler melden


2020 Coolest Tool
Award Winner

in the category



help translate

Source: XTools/ArticleInfo.js, adapted from meta:User:Hedonil/XTools

The XTools PageInfo gadget can quickly show you statistics about a page in real-time. It works on all skins, wikis, and will be localized to the wiki's language. These statistics are shown just below the page header. Example:

The XTools PageInfo gadget, as seen when viewing the English Wikipedia article on Jimmy Wales.

The available statistics, from left to right:

  • Quality assessment icon, if possible. Only available in specific projects.
  • Number of revisions.
  • Date the page was created, linking to the initial revision.
  • Time since the last edit, linking to the diff.
  • Number of editors to the page.
  • Number of page watchers. If this is not shown, there are less than 30 watchers.
  • Number of pageviews in the past 30 days, linking to Pageviews Analysis.
  • Editor who created the page, and their edit count (linking to their contributions).
  • Link to view full page statistics in XTools.


On some wikis this tool may be available in your gadget preferences.

If it is not, you can install the gadget globally by browsing to meta:Special:MyPage/global.js and adding the following code to the end, on a new line:


Alternatively, you can install the script on a single wiki by browsing to Special:MyPage/common.js (on the desired wiki) and pasting in the same code above.

Bekannte Einschränkungen


Siehe XTools/API


Siehe XTools/Development


  • E-Mail: tools.xtools @
  • IRC: #wikimedia-xtools connect
  • MediaWiki-Diskussionsseite: Talk:XTools