Wikimedia Technology/Goals/2019-20 Q4

Q3 Wikimedia Technology Goals, FY2019–20, Q4 (April - June 2020) Q1

Technology Department Team Goals and Status for Q4 FY19/20 in support of the Medium Term Plan (MTP) Priorities and Annual Plan for FY19/20

Team Manager: Nuria Ruiz

MTP-Y1: Platform Evolution Build a reliable, scalable, and comprehensive platform for creating services, tools and user facing features that produce and consume event data
Yes Done 100% of production and 5% analytics events have been migrated to the new event platform.
To do To do By June 2020 all production and consumption of new event data originated in our websites is flowing through this new platform
Yes Done Client Error Logging is deployed to 1 wiki and error stats are displayed on our operation dashboards.
Modern Event Platform Build a reliable, scalable, and comprehensive platform for creating services, tools and user facing features that produce and consume event data
To do To do Deploy a new event stream for analytics using the new Event Platform infrastructure: Session length task T241241
In progress In progress Vertical MEP from web to backend: Migrate SearchSatisfaction EventLogging event stream to Event Platform task T249261
Smart Tools for Better Data Make easier to understand the history of all Wikimedia projects
Yes Done Wikistats UI is localized for languages and number formatting
To do To do Wikistats UI is more flexible when it comes to explore metrics. Allow spliting and filtering simultaneously task T249758
To do To do Design (together with core platform team) an alternative architecture for historic data endpoints used by iOS application task T241184
Template:Postponed Implement foundations for newpyter (hadoop hosted distributed jupyter notebook setup)
Smart Tools for Better Data Increase Data Quality, Privacy and Security
Yes Done Bots: Label high volume bot spikes in pageview data as automated traffic task T238357
Yes Done Deploy first iteration of bot spikes detection model on the pageview pipeline by June 2020
Core Operational Excellence. Increase Resilience of Systems
To do To do Create a MySQL replica for backups for all MySQL instances we use MySQL on, like Oozie or Superset task T234826
Yes Done Airflow as an easier job scheduling alternative, PoC for refine workflow task T241246
Yes Done Unify stats and notebook cluster. Decomision notebook hosts task T249752 and make puppet role of stat1007 just like the other stats boxes

task T249754

Team Manager: Erika Bjune

Core Work
In progress In progress Support Advancement in testing and planned Q4 campaigns
In progress In progress Finish employer field work on matching gifts V2
In progress In progress Scalability: decouple front end and back end of payments by splitting out functionality of contribution tracking table

Team Manager: Greg Grossmeier

MTP-Y1: Platform Evolution Maintain and evolve developer tooling, testing infrastructure, validation environments, deployment infrastructure, and supporting processes
In progress In progress Release Engineering and SRE jointly create a plan of action to implement a Deployment Pipeline compliant...
In progress In progress Developers have a consistent and dependable deployment service.
In progress In progress Improve developer productivity by automating manual steps out of the model development and deployment pipeline
In progress In progress Build and support a fully automated and continuous Code Health and Deployment Infrastructure
In progress In progress Maintain and improve the Continuous Integration and Testing services
In progress In progress Reduce infrastructure gaps in the areas of backups & disaster preparedness, observability, infrastructure...
In progress In progress Service owners, deployers and other stakeholders are able to develop, test, deploy, observe and maintain services...
To do To do The organization is able to make data-driven decisions about tests, testing infrastructure, and deployments.
Yes Done Ensure WDQS Performance stability over time
MTP-Y1: Platform Evolution We will improve developer efficiency for all developers, new and experienced, internal and external
In progress In progress Create a cohesive documentation portal to onboard new developers to our API
In progress In progress Services are able to intercommunicate in a reliable, secure and standardised way in our infrastructure
In progress In progress Improve all baseline developer efficiency metrics by 10% by the end of the year.
In progress In progress Production-like containers
In progress In progress Create an easy to use REST API with the basic functionality needed to interact with our platform
Yes Done Determine a baseline set of metrics to assess internal developer efficiency, including time to first merge (new...
In progress In progress We will improve Cycle Time for Internal Experienced Developers by 10% year over year.
In progress In progress Local development container system
Yes Done We will plan and execute this year’s Technical Conference and produce a prioritized list of future work outcomes as...
In progress In progress Successfully run Wikimedia’s technical internship and outreach programs
Yes Done Find committed owners for all prioritized outcomes of the 2019 Technical Conference in time for annual planning.
In progress In progress Increase visibility & knowledge of technical contributions, services and consumers across the Wikimedia ecosystem
In progress In progress Develop, test and evaluate different formats to build technical capacity in smaller wikis
Align developer services with SRE best practices
In progress In progress Improve Resilience of Wikimedia's Gerrit Install
Yes Done Deploy developer services with Scap3
Yes Done Improve availability and redundancy of Wikimedia's Phabricator
Build and support a fully automated and continuous Code Health and Deployment Infrastructure
Yes Done Work across teams to ensure that 5% of projects are moving through the continuous delivery pipeline
In progress In progress Automate MediaWiki Train
In progress In progress Provide a new CI/CD platform to Wikimedia Technology and Product teams by the end of FY19-20
To do To do Continuously deploy at least one project by the end of fiscal year 2020
In progress In progress Static variant configuration for production
To do To do Improve ability for developers to share changes
Improve all baseline developer efficiency metrics by 10% by the end of the year
In progress In progress Develop the 2020 Developer Satisfaction Survey, gather, and summarize results, giving us another yearly data point...
In progress In progress Extend and improve Phabricator to enhance engineering productivity.
The organization is able to make data-driven decisions about tests, testing infrastructure, and deployments
To do To do Provide infrastructure to store data and metrics in support of decision making with regards to tests, testing...

Team Manager: Gilles Dubuc

MTP-Y1: Platform Evolution Create a culture of performance across all Wikimedia engineering teams by the end of the fiscal year, to reduce the frequency of performance regressions
Yes Done By early November, smoothly and successfully give managerial duties of the Performance team to Gilles
In progress In progress Foster a culture of performance
In progress In progress Expand the coverage of performance monitoring
In progress In progress Improve performance
Collaborate with other teams via performance reviews
To do To do Performance review of the client-side-only version of the Graph extension
In progress In progress Performance review of the DiscussionTools extension
In progress In progress Performance review of Wikidata Bridge
To do To do Performance review of Improved Commons search
Yes Done Performance review of the KaiOS app
In progress In progress Performance review of the GrowthExperiments extension
In progress In progress Performance review of Push Notifications infrastructure
Expand the coverage of performance monitoring
In progress In progress ArcLamp flame graphs stored in Swift, retained at least 2 years
In progress In progress Expand the coverage of synthetic performance monitoring
Yes Done Collect and graph First Input Delay
To do To do Implement alerts for synthetic search
In progress In progress Add operational monitoring for 100% of the performance-team services
Yes Done Expand the coverage of backend performance testing
In progress In progress Organise and oversee implementation of First Paint on Safari
To do To do Test out small variance (2%) in latency for our test
In progress In progress Remove XHGui dependency on MongoDB
In progress In progress Be able to run WPT & WPR on our own Kubernetes cluster.
In progress In progress Simulate slow connections on real devices.
Foster a culture of performance
Yes Done Provide performance expertise to FAWG outcome (Sept '19-June '20)
Yes Done Make it easier for engineers to find performance issues during development (Fresnel)
Yes Done Organise and run the Web Performance devroom at FOSDEM 2020
In progress In progress Publish 8 blog posts about performance
Yes Done Publish blog post about Wikipedia JS init improvement
In progress In progress Publish blog post about ResourceLoader feature test
Yes Done Publish blog post about organising and running a FOSDEM devroom
Yes Done Publish blog post on web performance calendar about Long tasks and FID
Yes Done Publish blog post about WikimediaDebug v2
To do To do Blog post (with video?) about the WebPageTest and WebPageReplay setup
Yes Done Publish blog post on web performance calendar about RUM insights
In progress In progress Publish blog post about CPU microbenchmark
Yes Done Document and evangelize synthetic testing, User Timing and Element Timing
In progress In progress Collaborate with other teams via performance reviews
In progress In progress Organise and oversee org-wide frontend web performance training
Improve performance
In progress In progress Improve software consistency (speed/success) in handling contributor actions
Yes Done Improve Wikipedia save-edit performance
In progress In progress Improve MediaWiki PHP startup time and recover from PHP7 regression
In progress In progress Audit default JS payload and lead efforts to reduce its cost
In progress In progress Make logged-in MediaWiki end-user use the closest datacenter
In progress In progress Migrate prod localisation cache to faster static-array distribution
In progress In progress Parallel MediaWiki phpunit test prototype

Team Manager: JR Branaa

MTP-Y1: Platform Evolution Enable engineering-wide quality and testing strategy, tooling, education, and personnel.
In progress In progress An explicit set of unit, integration, and system testing tools is available for all supported engineering languages
In progress In progress Quality and Testing Engineering - Team formation and migration
Yes Done Introduce TDD as a way of getting a better quality code throughout the Foundation
Yes Done Evaluate alternative system level testing tooling options and provide a single recommendation by the end of Q2.
In progress In progress Work closely with Product teams to build and establish working relationships for the Quality and Test Engineering...
To do To do Organise regular TDD workshops

Team Manager: Tyler Cipriani

Improve Resilience of Wikimedia's Gerrit Install
In progress In progress Gerrit is migrated to 2.16
In progress In progress Gerrit's backup restore is proven to work correctly

Team Manager: Aaron Halfaker

MTP-Y1: Platform Evolution Expand quality control AIs and tooling to underserved communities in order to make fundamental services available for consumption by tools
Yes Done We will deploy 8 new quality control AIs to Wikimedia Projects to increase the availability of AIs for tooling
Yes Done We will improve 3 AIs in a statistically significant way based on community feedback to ensure the utility of AIs for...
Yes Done We will recruit 4 new campaign coordinators to advertise the availability of AIs to increase the rate of consumption in...
Support interest-based routing in Wikipedia
Yes Done Improve the topic taxonomy used in current topic models
Yes Done Deploy 5 new topic models to production targeting Growth's homepage experiments
Yes Done Document the topic modeling pipeline
Yes Done Implement a language independent topic modeling pipeline.
Yes Done Extend and improve ORES topic models to support new languages.
Support model auditing behavior and coordination between patrollers
In progress In progress Deploy Jade to production on at least one wiki by the end of FY
To do To do Submit a paper about Jade for publication by the end of Q4
To do To do Increase the rate of community-based false-positive reporting in damage detection models by 100X
To do To do Write a report about user behavior in Jade in Q4
In progress In progress Implement front-end for Jade
Support newcomer engagement efforts by deploying models for flagging goodfaith newcomers
In progress In progress Deploy the first newcomer quality model to production by the end of Q4
To do To do Socialize the use of newcomer quality models in at least two tools by the end of Q4



Team Manager: Corey Floyd

Create a cohesive documentation portal to onboard new developers to our API
In progress In progress Create infrastructure for developing better structured documentation to make it easier to build easy to read
In progress In progress Developers can easily understand the contents of the portal and find the information they need
In progress In progress Allow developers to quickly get started building knowledge based applications using our APIs.
Yes Done Build a prototype for the documentation portal
To do To do The portal is a hub for a thriving community of developers.
Develop a technical direction for the Wikimedia Platform to support Wikimedia Medium Term Plan
To do To do Enable the development of full featured Javascript web clients
In progress In progress Communicate the vision and plan for the Core Platform Team's work through the end of the FY resulting from PE
In progress In progress Develop a strategy to integrate Javascript frameworks into the MediaWiki platform to enable easy development
Improve the sustainability of MediaWiki and the ease of building on top of it
To do To do Quantify and reduce coupling in MediaWiki Core
In progress In progress Initiatives that the Core Platform Team begins are driven to completion
In progress In progress Allow for more confident refactoring of core code
To do To do Close out MCR work
To do To do MW Core Code is better logically decomposed into libraries, introduction of new cross dependencies is...
Yes Done Product requirements for upcoming Core Platform Team initiatives are documented
In progress In progress Further decoupling efforts
To do To do Close out actor and comment migration
Limit vandalism requests by bad actors and guarantee levels of service through securing the API
To do To do Reduce the risk of vandalism by bad actors by limiting throughput of anonymous API calls
In progress In progress Completion and shipping of the OAuth 2.0 initiative Epic 1 and 2
To do To do Reduce the risk of vandalism by bad actors by enabling the ability to disable access of known API users



Team Manager: Kate Chapman

Define target architecture for structured content so pieces of content can be more easily used to engage users.
Yes Done Perform task analysis modeling with product managers help determine pain points and needed system capabilities
In progress In progress Engage stakeholders to present plan on system changes needed to better enabled structured data.
Yes Done Develop proposal for modern system to enable structured data.
To do To do Present proposal to CTO and CPO to gain support for no longer focusing on building page building software
Make architectural decision process clear so teams have clear direction as to what decisions have been made and how to proceed.
In progress In progress Create plan for decision making process
To do To do Develop template for technical design and decisions
To do To do Engage stakeholders in decision making process for feedback.

Platform Engineeering


Team Manager: Mat Nadrofsky

Drive the Delivery of Q4 Platform Engineering Initiatives
In progress In progress Limit the ability for bad actors and misinformed users to impact the availability of our services
In progress In progress Enable developers to make system changes while maintaining a consistent stable experience
In progress In progress Help a team migrate their service to Kubernetes

Team Manager: Leila Zia

MTP-Y1: Thriving Movement By the end of FY20, build the taxonomies of knowledge gaps to prepare the foundation for measuring and prioritizing knowledge gaps
In progress In progress Build three or more taxonomies of knowledge gaps
To do To do Present the taxonomies internally (through one or more presentations) and externally
In progress In progress Provide a comprehensive write-up of the taxonomies developed during the year.
MTP-Y1 Platform Evolution Secure and protect platform, and communities, in the free knowledge movement against the spread of disinformation and bad-actor risk
In progress In progress Develop and mature 2 security governance services as risk management and security awareness.
Yes Done Organize at least one brainstorming session with internal and external stakeholders to identify and prioritize
In progress In progress Build 2 sets of Formal Collaborations to expand our capacity for working on prioritized disinformation projects
In progress In progress Limit vandalism requests by bad actors and guarantee levels of service through securing the API
Yes Done Develop and mature 2 security engineering services as application security and privacy engineering.
In progress In progress Build a test model to address a specific type of disinformation
In progress In progress Develop a means to limit and disable the API access of bad actors without interrupting the access of other contributors
In progress In progress Wikimedia’s infrastructure and data is protected from common threats and vulnerabilities
In progress In progress Finalize the WMF Research portal/program page template for Meta
The Wikimedia movement has the tools, knowledge, and support to identify and respond to disinformation campaigns
To do To do Improve the sockpuppet detection model.
To do To do Build a test API (or other form of output) for the sockpuppet detection model in collaboration for Product.
In progress In progress Perform a large-scale analysis of citation quality in Wikipedia
The Wikimedia projects and communities have access to a global network of researchers who is deeply aware of Wikimedia's open questions and knows the data
In progress In progress Mentor 1-2 students as part of the first internship pilot in Research.
In progress In progress Mentor 1 student as part of Outreachy.
In progress In progress Organize the monthly Office hours
Wikimedia has increased presence and influence within the research communities to expand the network of Wikimedia researchers globally as well as to more broadly
To do To do Submit a paper about the model developed for detecting disinformation.
In progress In progress Submit a paper on reader demographics survey.
In progress In progress Co-organize the monthly Research Showcase
To do To do Submit a paper about research on aligning sections across Wikipedia languages.
Yes Done Co-organize the annual Wiki Workshop 2020
In progress In progress Prepare for co-organizing the monthly Research Showcase
Characterize Wikipedia reader behavior to learn how to engage readers across the globe.
In progress In progress Train and evaluate one deep-learning model on reader sessions in comparison to navigation vectors
In progress In progress Initiate the analysis of readers' engagement with images in Wikipedia
Yes Done For at least one wiki, create list of related article pages which co-occur in sessions involving articles on covid-19.
Build three or more taxonomies of knowledge gaps (the list of taxonomies: content, readership, contributorship, usage, and primary causes)
In progress In progress Build the first complete draft of the taxonomy of content gaps.
In progress In progress Build the first complete draft of the taxonomy of contributor gaps.
In progress In progress Build the first complete draft of the taxonomy of readership gaps.

Team Manager: Guillaume Lederrey

MTP-Y1: Thriving Movement Develop means for addressing knowledge gaps in Wikimedia projects
To do To do Apply existing Machine Learning and NLP techniques to four new underrepresented languages by the end of Q3.
In progress In progress Learning to Rank (LTR) applied to additional languages and projects to improve ranking (needs experimentation,...
Enhance search suggestions to allow for easier access to results
Yes Done Glent method 0 (session reformulation) A/B tested and deployed by end of Q2
In progress In progress Provide better "did you mean" search suggestions to users
Yes Done Glent method 1 (comparison to other users' queries) offline tested, tuned, A/B tested and possibly deployed end of Q2
Increase understanding of our work outside our team, and outside the Foundation
In progress In progress Increase non-technical understanding of our work outside our team, and outside the Foundation
In progress In progress Increase WD and WDQS in community
Improve search quality, especially for non-English wikis by prioritizing community requests
Yes Done Positive feedback from speakers/community on changes made
In progress In progress Improve search quality, especially for non-English wikis
In progress In progress Complete homoglyph plugin that will help improve search results
Investigate query completion to guide users to better queries
Yes Done Have a plan around using query completion for search
To do To do Build and deploy a testable prototype of query completion for commonswiki
Updates to WDQS are streaming in an event sourcing fashion so that WDQS isn't the bottleneck in the Wikidata edits.
In progress In progress Run streaming updater pipeline continuously
Support the SDAW project
In progress In progress Review of Commons query logs

Team Manager: John Bennett

MTP-Y1: Platform Evolution Secure and protect platform, and communities, in the free knowledge movement against the spread of disinformation and bad-actor risk
In progress In progress Develop and mature 2 security governance services as risk management and security awareness.
Yes Done Organize at least one brainstorming session with internal and external stakeholders to identify and prioritize the...
In progress In progress Build 2 sets of Formal Collaborations to expand our capacity for working on prioritized disinformation projects;...
In progress In progress Limit vandalism requests by bad actors and guarantee levels of service through securing the API
Yes Done Develop and mature 2 security engineering services as application security and privacy engineering. New...
In progress In progress Build a test model to address a specific type of disinformation (to be determined in the previous step) by...
In progress In progress Develop a means to limit and disable the API access of bad actors without interrupting the access of other contributors,...
In progress In progress Wikimedia’s infrastructure and data is protected from common threats and vulnerabilities

Directors: Mark Bergsma and Faidon Liambotis

Infrastructure operational issues are being identified, surfaced and escalated appropriately
Yes Done Develop new alert notification, escalation and paging capabilities to accommodate the increased needs
In progress In progress The reachability of our infrastructure over the Internet is observable and understood
Yes Done Errors from clients are surfaced to developers
Yes Done Operational issues are being identified, surfaced and escalated appropriately
Yes Done Deploy client error logging is to 1 wiki with error stats displayed on our operation dashboards
In progress In progress Operational issues are being identified, surfaced and escalated appropriately
Yes Done Operational issues are being identified, surfaced and escalated appropriately
Yes Done Errors from clients are surfaced to developers
Yes Done Operational issues are being identified, surfaced and escalated appropriately
Yes Done A standardized and more efficient logging format enabling easier interpretation of operational issues and mitigate...
Service owners, deployers and other stakeholders are able to develop, test, deploy, observe and maintain services without dependencies on other teams
Yes Done Assist with adoption of at least 2 additional services into the Deployment Pipeline by service owners by end of Q2
In progress In progress Service owners, deployers and other stakeholders are able to develop, test, deploy, observe and maintain services, etc
In progress In progress Maintain and evolve developer tooling, testing infrastructure, validation environments, deployment infrastructure, etc.
Wikimedia’s infrastructure and data is protected from common threats and vulnerabilities
Yes Done Ensure general backup service is migrated to new hardware infrastructure by end of Q2 and general backup...
In progress In progress Services are resilient to the failure of a single data center
In progress In progress Wikimedia’s data can be recovered reliably and quickly from accidental data loss
In progress In progress Improve the resiliency of the MediaWiki platform against outages and instability.
Wikimedia’s infrastructure and data is protected from common threats and vulnerabilities
Yes Done On-board at least two new services to the new Single Sign-On infrastructure
Yes Done Extend security vulnerability tracking for container images
Yes Done Extend vulnerability tracking to container images
Yes Done Improve the security of our web-based services by integrating into a common identity provider/SSO
Yes Done Enable opt-in 2FA for web services SSO
Yes Done Improve the security of our web-based services by integrating into a common identity provider/SSO
In progress In progress Our network routing and reachability is protected from malicious or accidental threats
In progress In progress Improve the security of our web-based services by integrating into a common identity provider/SSO
In progress In progress Typical (D)DoS attacks are detected, observable, and able to be responded to by any SRE
Wikimedia staff is able to perform common workflows faster and more efficiently, with fewer errors
Yes Done Reduce the number of manual steps involved in the provisioning and decommissioning of new services by 1
Yes Done Reduce the amount of manual work and complexity required to make configuration changes in network devices
In progress In progress Build automation that reduces manual toil and time required for MediaWiki database server maintenance
In progress In progress Reduce time required and avoidable errors during the generation of server's DNS records.
Yes Done Drive the configuration of the networking infrastructure via automated means & ensure multiple team members are...
In progress In progress Reduce time required and avoidable errors during the generation of server's DNS records.
In progress In progress Reduce the amount of manual work and complexity required to make configuration changes in network devices
In progress In progress -Support expansion of automation through tools, libraries and processes.-
Yes Done Have fewer services require root permissions for day-to-day automation tasks
Yes Done Have fewer services require root permissions for day-to-day automation tasks
Yes Done Network interface configuration for switches and routers is managed and driven by data
Yes Done Increase participation in the Incident Coordinator process
Yes Done Reduce time required and avoidable errors during the generation of server's DNS records.
In progress In progress Maintain and Improve Netbox through tools and processes
(Faidon) Wikimedia’s technical infrastructure is sustained at common industry standards and levels and maintained with low technical debt
Yes Done Modernize and increase capacity of database infrastructure by end of Q2
Yes Done Finish what we started: Cleanup remnants of HHVM from our infrastructure by end of Q2
In progress In progress Migrate core software components of the Deployment Pipeline to current major releases
In progress In progress Reduce the amount of unmaintained services and products running in production
Yes Done Main database infrastructure is running stable on modern hardware with sufficient capacity for the next few years,...
Yes Done Unused parts of the infrastructure are removed to reduce complexity and improve resource usage
In progress In progress SREs are able to perform maintenance on application object caching services without user impact
In progress In progress Wikimedia’s technical infrastructure is sustained at industry standard levels and adequately maintained
In progress In progress Improve resilience and modernize devtools services
In progress In progress Wikimedia’s traffic privacy and security implementations continue to track the leading edge of industry standards
Yes Done Configuration is tested as code
Yes Done Further the goal of making Parsoid the default wikitext engine for MediaWiki
In progress In progress Wikimedia’s technical infrastructure is sustained at common industry standards and levels and maintained
In progress In progress Wikimedia's caching infrastructure is robust, supports industry standard protocols, and maintained
In progress In progress Sunset Debian 8 and 9
(Mark) Wikimedia’s technical infrastructure is sustained at common industry standards and levels and maintained with low technical debt
Yes Done Upgrade the Elastic/Logstash version to >= 7.2
Yes Done Reduce the number of service clusters running a soon-to-be unsupported Debian release by 8
Yes Done Services are able to intercommunicate in a reliable, secure and standardised way in our infrastructure [TODO: shared...
Yes Done Ensure that the logging pipeline utilizes current software versions, and runs with minimal technical debt
Yes Done Replace/renew the internal Certificate Authority (expires Jun 2020)
Yes Done Rebuild the Amsterdam data center
Yes Done Have esams and knams network stack up to date and up to our standard in order to prevent downtime due to old...
Yes Done Ensure that the logging pipeline utilizes current software versions, and runs with minimal technical debt
Yes Done Adopt Prometheus as the new standard for operational metrics to reduce operational overhead and enhance our...
Yes Done A standardized and more efficient logging format enabling easier interpretation of operational issues and mitigate...
Yes Done Improve our PKI infrastructure by creating a centrally managed PKI infrastructure and address the immediate...
Yes Done Sunset Debian 8 and 9
Yes Done Ensure that the logging pipeline utilizes current software versions, and runs with minimal technical debt

Team Manager: Birgit Müller

Developer Advocacy


Team Manager: Birgit Müller

Develop, test and evaluate different formats to build technical capacity in smaller wikis
In progress In progress Organize an online workshop series for Indic language small wikis
In progress In progress Create a hub for the Small Wiki Toolkits initiative
In progress In progress A starter kit for small wikis containing a recommended set of templates, Gadgets, bots, etc. is available by Q4
In progress In progress Write a report highlighting lessons learned from developing and testing different formats to build technical capacity in smaller wikis (tbc in July/Q1 FY 20/21)
Increase visibility & knowledge of technical contributions, services and consumers across the Wikimedia ecosystem
In progress In progress Share stories and insights from the technical community
In progress In progress Increase knowledge on scope and breadth of technical contributions and contributors
In progress In progress Train people how to use Phabricator to increase acceptance and foster collaboration
Successfully run Wikimedia’s technical internship and outreach programs
In progress In progress Successfully coordinate Outreachy and GSOC
In progress In progress Administrate + mentor second Google Season of the Docs
In progress In progress Mentor 1 intern on the WikiContrib project via Outreachy round 20

Wikimedia Cloud Services


Team Manager: Bryan Davis

All Debian Jessie instances are removed/replaced in Cloud VPS hosted projects
Yes Done Remove Debian Jessie from the Cloud VPS "toolsbeta" project
Yes Done Remove Debian Jessie from the Cloud VPS "tools" project
To do To do Remove Debian Jessie from the Cloud VPS "openstack" project
Increase application security by hosting tools using unique hostnames rather than path based routing
Yes Done Update front proxy to support host based routing
Yes Done Create redirect system to preserve function of legacy URLs following conversion from path base to host based routing of each tool
In progress In progress Migrate all tools to host based routing
Yes Done Update `webservice` to support host based routing
Yes Done Migrate 5+ early adopter/beta tester tools to host based routing
In progress In progress Interwiki links support for $
Upgrade Toolforge Kubernetes to 1.16
Yes Done Update `webservice` to support k8s 1.16 APIs
Yes Done Determine blockers for k8s 1.16 upgrade and assign as tasks/KRs to team
Yes Done Fix psp API group to work with k8s 1.16
Yes Done Deploy Kubernetes 1.16 in Toolforge
WMCS Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
In progress In progress Debian Jessie operating system deprecation
Yes Done OpenStack platform upgrades
In progress In progress Galera cluster
In progress In progress CEPH instance storage
In progress In progress Fix Cloud VPS and Toolforge mail servers to work with the modern internet
WMCS Platform as a Service (PaaS)
In progress In progress Increase quality of technical documentation for Toolforge and Cloud VPS users
In progress In progress PAWS Kubernetes rebuild