Wikimedia Technical Conference/2018/Schedule/Roles

Session Role Sign-ups


Please use this page to sign up for note-taking spots and facilitation spots for the Wikimedia Technical Conference 2018 in Portland Oregon.

Each session should have a minimum of:

  • 1 session leader,
  • 1 lead notetaker (Nick, Irene or Michael - taking detailed notes)
  • 1 secondary note-taker (ideally a topic-expert - you must fill in the Structured Notes sections)
  • 1 facilitator/time keeper.  
  • Any other role(s) required by the session leader

Daily schedules


Monday 22 October 2018

This is just a role-signup subpage. Please see the main schedule at Wikimedia Technical Conference/2018/Schedule.
Unassigned people available to help Room 1 (B101 - 103) Room 2 (Classroom A108) Room 3 (Channing Room) Atrium
10:00 - 10:15 Logistics/Announcements

Session Leader: Rachel

Facilitator: n/a

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: Michael

10:15 - 11:00 Keynote on Platform Principles - Victoria

Session Leader: Victoria

Facilitator: Deb *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: Michael / Irene

11:30 - 11:50 Product Vision Presentations WMF/WMDE

Session Leader: Toby/Lydia

Facilitator: Kate *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Michael

Back-up Note Taker: Irene

11:50 - 12:30 Process and Action - Corey

Session Leader: Corey

Facilitator: Deb *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: Michael

1:30 - 2:25 Product Vision Station Rotation

Session Leader: ???

Facilitator: Greg *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: Michael

2:30 - 3:30 Improving the translation process

Session Leader: Santhosh Thottingal

Facilitator: Leszek Manicki *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Irene

Back-up Note Taker: ???

Building MediaWiki to Support Collaboration

Session Leader: Cindy Cicalese

Facilitator: Kate *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Michael

Back-up Note Taker: Birgit

Making curation and contribution mechanisms equitable and consistent

Session Leader: TheDJ

Facilitator: Greg *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: Aaron Halfaker

4:00 - 5:00 Fireside Chat Victoria Coleman, Toby Negrin, Erik Moeller, Franziska Heine

Session Leader: Deb

Facilitator: Rachel

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: Michael / Irene

5:00 - 5:30 notes / documentation (Everyone is encouraged to help out with 'end of day' tasks and get a goat sticker!)

Tuesday 23 October 2018

This is just a role-signup subpage. Please see the main schedule at Wikimedia Technical Conference/2018/Schedule.
Unassigned people available to help Room 1 (B101 - 103) Room 2 (Classroom A108) Room 3 (Channing Room) Atrium
10:00 - 2:15 How do we work together?

Session Leader: Greg & Birgit

Facilitator: Deb *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker (There will be breakout groups, 3 lead note takers needed): Irene, Michael, Nick

2:15 - 3:30 Applying the Architecture Principles

Session Leader: Daniel, Timo, Brion, Marko

Facilitator: Zack (Zakaria Oudrhiri) *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker (There will be breakout groups, 4 lead note takers needed): Nick, Irene, Michael, Bryan Davis

4:00 - 5:00 Integrating data into our products

Session Leader: Ramsey Isler

Facilitator: Joaquin Hernandez *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Irene

Back-up Note Taker: ???

Integrating machine learning into our products

Session Leader: Aaron Halfaker

Facilitator: Kate *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Michael

Back-up Note Taker: ???

Choosing installation methods and environments for 3rd party users

Session Leader: Daren Welsh

Facilitator: Leszek Manicki *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: TheDJ

Back-up Note Taker: Nick

5:00 - 5:30 notes / documentation (Everyone is encouraged to help out with 'end of day' tasks and get a goat sticker!)

Wednesday 24 October 2018

This is just a role-signup subpage. Please see the main schedule at Wikimedia Technical Conference/2018/Schedule.
Unassigned people available to help Room 1 (B101 - 103) Room 2 (Classroom A108) Room 3 (Channing Room) Atrium
10:00 - 11:00 Mapping our data and content pipeline

Session Leader: Raz Shuty

Facilitator: John Bennett *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: Daniel

Identifying and extracting data trapped in our content

Session Leader: Michael Holloway

Facilitator: Kate *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Aaron Halfaker

Back-up Note Taker: TheDJ

11:30 - 12:30 Determining use cases and requirements for the APIs that we build

Session Leader: Sam Smith & Joaquin Hernandez

Facilitator: Greg *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Irene

Back-up Note Taker: Fisch

Identifying the requirements and goals for the parser

Session Leader: Subbu Sastry

Facilitator: Kate *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: Michael

1:30 - 2:30 Choosing the technologies to build our APIs

Session Leader: Gergő Tisza

Facilitator: TheDJ

Lead Note Taker: Irene

Back-up Note Taker: Michael

Identifying the requirements and goals for dependency tracking and events

Session Leader: Alexandros Kosiaris

Facilitator: Jon Katz *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: Greg *confirmed*

2:30 - 3:30 Identifying our storage and search use cases

Session Leader: Marko Obrovac & Brandon Black

Facilitator: Birgit *confirmed*

Lead Note Takers: Michael

Back-up Note Taker: Nick

Improving frontend testing and logging

Session Leader: Brion Vibber

Facilitator: Josh Minor

Lead Note Taker: Irene

Back-up Note Taker: ???

4:00 - 5:00 Building our storage systems for flexibility and scale

Session Leader: Leszek Manicki, Adam Shorland

Facilitator: Birgit *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: Michael

Standardizing frontend development tooling

Session Leader: Christoph Jauera

Facilitator: Zack (Zakaria Oudrhiri) *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Irene

Back-up Note Taker: ???

5:00 - 5:30 notes / documentation (Everyone is encouraged to help out with 'end of day' tasks and get a goat sticker!)

Thursday 25 October 2018

This is just a role-signup subpage. Please see the main schedule at Wikimedia Technical Conference/2018/Schedule.
Unassigned people available to help Room 1 (B101 - 103) Room 2 (Classroom A108) Room 3 (Channing Room) Atrium
10:00 - 11:00 Architecting Core: layers/components/libraries

Session Leader: Daniel Kinzler

Facilitator: Joaquin Hernandez *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: ???

Architecting Core: concepts

Session Leader: Tim Starling

Facilitator: Greg

Lead Note Taker: Irene

Back-up Note Taker: Michael

11:30 - 12:30 Architecting Core: stand-alone services

Session Leader: Ian Marlier

Facilitator: *Birgit *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Michael

Back-up Note Taker: Nick

Architecting Core: extension interfaces

Session Leader: Timo Tijhof

Facilitator: Kate *confirmed

Lead Note Taker: Irene

Back-up Note Taker: TheDJ

1:30 - 3:30 Working together to develop our roadmap

Session Leaders: Josh Minor, Corey, Kate

Facilitators: Birgit *confirmed*, Greg *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: Michael

4:00 - 5:00 Report Outs and Closing

Session Leader: Josh Minor, Corey, Kate

Facilitator: Birgit *confirmed*, Greg *confirmed*

Lead Note Taker: Nick

Back-up Note Taker: Michael

5:00 - 5:30 notes / documentation (Everyone is encouraged to help out with 'end of day' tasks and get a goat sticker!)