Hi. My name is Aldrich. I'm a Bureaucrat at Wikicars and have been working on creating various different templates and information boxes for the site. Unfortunately, though, my knowledge of wiki code is amateur at best so I need help from anyone. Thanks in advance to whomever come to my rescue.

Article Counter: 64,146

Problem No. 1: the Infobox Template


I've been working on centralizing Wikicars' templates and infoboxes (like Wikipedia) to make updates and changes easier and less taxing but I have run into a few obstacles. To get this out of the way, we are still using MediaWiki: 1.6.5, so I don't have access to parser functions. Anyway, this is how they look right now (this template, btw, we only use on individual car model pages):

aka {{{aka}}}
Production {{{Production}}}
Class {{{Class}}}
Body Style {{{Body Style}}}
Length {{{Length}}}
Width {{{Width}}}
Height {{{Height}}}
Wheelbase {{{Wheelbase}}}
Weight {{{Weight}}}
Transmission {{{Transmission}}}
Engine {{{Engine}}}
Power {{{Power}}}
Similar {{{Similar}}}
Designer {{{Designer}}}

Then I use these list of codes on the pages themselves:

{{Infobox |
|Image = '''place image here in 300 pixels'''
|Marque = '''place marque here - not manufacturer'''
|aka = '''Type aka here, not up there'''
|Production = '''produced from when to when+total units made (optional)'''
|Class = '''denote market class'''
|Body Style = '''how many doors+how many seats+what type of body'''
|Length = '''length - type here'''
|Width = '''Width - type here'''
|Height = '''Height - type here'''
|Wheelbase = '''wheelbase - type here'''
|Weight = '''Weight - you get the point'''
|Transmission = '''transmission + drive'''
|Engine = '''engine'''
|Power = N/A hp @ N/A rpm<br>N/A lb-ft of [[torque]] @ N/A rpm
|Similar = '''similar (competition)'''
|Designer = '''Designer (lead designer if it was a team effort)'''

However, I've been working on a new upgrade that would create a single standarized infobox base that could be implemented to a wide and varied range of other topics (besides cars) like notable people in the auto industry and the racing world. This is my progress on it thus far:



This is the "base infobox template". This is what I'll be using as basis or the "jumping off" point for all other infoboxes. See that shiny black bar below "image"? That's actually just a jpeg picture that I attached to this template, {{Eyecandy}} and then attached to the infobox via this code (you might notice I'm aiming for a kind of ultra-techy smartphone OS look for Wikicars' next generation of infoboxes):

|- style="text-align:center; background:#f0f0f0;"
| colspan=2 style="padding:0; background:#996; color:#fff; border-bottom:1px solid #999;" | {{Eyecandy}}

Now that leads me to some problems straightaway. Firstly, that space should contain the name of the article, so, how do you write text over the jpeg picture? Secondly, how do you break the link between the image and the image's page so that when users accidentally click on it they won't be redirected to that image page?

Included below is an example template based off of the new infobox above. The end result is shown to the right. Notice how the "Data" section (in white) isn't showing up at all? Can anyone help me rewrite the code so the information fields show up? I'm aiming for the alternating light gray and white look for the infobox above.


{{Infobox Development page
|image = {{{Image|}}}
|Header1 = {{PAGENAME}}
|Colorcode =#CCCC99
|Header2 = {{{Marque|}}}
|Data =
{|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| aka
| {{{aka}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top; background:#f0f0f0;"
| Production
| {{{Production}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| Class
| {{{Class}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top; background:#f0f0f0;"
| Body Style
| {{{Body Style}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| Length
| {{{Length}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top; background:#f0f0f0;"
| Width
| {{{Width}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top;
| Height
| {{{Height}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top; background:#f0f0f0;"
| Wheelbase
| {{{Wheelbase}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| Weight
| {{{Weight}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top; background:#f0f0f0;"
| Transmission
| {{{Transmission}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| Engine
| {{{Engine}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top; background:#f0f0f0;"
| Power
| {{{Power}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| Similar
| {{{Similar}}}
|- style="vertical-align:top; background:#f0f0f0;"
| Designer
| {{{Designer}}}