User:Monteirobrena/MediaWiki Homepage Redesign/Monthly Reports




  • Invited the participation of community to discuss about the project in mailing list wikitech-l and design.
  • Collected the problems and improvement suggested by community.
  • Documented what was discussed in Design Document.
  • Discussed solutions to implement the project.
  • Created some mockups draft.
  • Elaborated Design Document.
  • Learned how the FOSS communication environment works.
  • Installed MediaWiki to test and know it better.




  • Created mockups in SVG format.
  • Created mockups with graphics and colors.
  • Discussing and defining the color palette. 
  • Discussing and defining texts for use in the homepage. 
  • Discussing structure of homepage.
  • Looking for images and icons.
  • Improvement in Design Document.


  • Created preview of homepage. 
  • Imported template of Wikivoyage. 
  • Created CSS file of homepage preview. 
  • Created JS file of homepage preview. 
  • Created mockups in SVG format. 
  • Discussing and defining texts, images and icons for use in the homepage. 
  • Discussing structure of homepage. 
  • Looking and editing images and icons.


  • Edited preview of homepage. 
  • Edited CSS file of homepage preview. 
  • Discussing and defining texts, images and icons for use in the homepage. 
  • Apply style to icons of features.

Final report


The most of initial deliverables expected to MediaWiki Homepage Redesign project was achieved. The main problems at current homepage was identify, propose and discuss the solutions for this problems. The first step was created a Design Document for documenting our thoughts, ideas, wireframes and mockups. The link to our discuss was divulged in mailing list an we started to received some feedbacks. A lot of sites was using as inspirations to good lessons and pattern to avoid and to create the wireframes.

The wireframes was exported with SVG format to enable the edition by others users. Due the shortly, after some iterations we focused to make the realistic mockups to get more involvement of the community. The texts to be used began to be discussed together realistic mockups. The design team had meaningful collaboration with the project. They gave your opinions on document structure, palette colors, images and icons. Furthermore, we also had good participations of other users, too.

To finalize we started the preview using resources of the own MediaWiki. Were used the Banner Template of Wikivoyage, RSS to MediaWiki release and news, gallery, images of Wikimedia Commons and mediawiki.ui style.

Although, we have made the preview there is still much to discuss to gain the consent of community and this project doesn't finish with the end of OPW. I really thank everyone who contributed until now, especially Qgil and Heatherawalls who were my mentors always available to help me and show me the right way. And I hope continue contributing at least until the final version of the homepage.