EMWCon presentations and activities

  • related comments and activities
  • It would be good to have a page here with a little guidance about Section 508 and/or a VPAT. I can't find anything about how to address these formal questions U.S. government procurement questions about accessibility of MediaWiki, and would be willing and able to help a little. I'm not expert on this but I am writing the English Wikipedia article about VPAT. The software is flexible so the main thing might be to say what relevant customizations are ready to go for people who have difficulty distinguishing red and green, etc. It can refer to this page on accessibility.
  • launching: Differences with SharePoint wiki
  • /EMWCon 2019 Report to Federal Enterprise MediaWiki Community
  • PDF book creator that works without problems
  • is any further development planned on hitcounters? We run 1.24.4 and use https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:HitCounters, and don’t want to lose our hitcounter numbers when upgrading.
  • It would also be awesome to find a way to fix the incompatible issue with the Dynamic Page List extension.
  • also must try to develop/launch Cargo-ized copies of WikiPapers for (a) airplane research ; (b) medical lit wiki ; (c) occs 1880 wiki
  • Add Mako's research to WikiPapers.
  • Does MediaWiki Stakeholders Group want a fiduciary chapter temporarily? Wikimedia DC could probably do that.


  • Experimental display of WCNA logo:

For report back to Federal MediaWiki Demo Group


