the comment "To create a new user group that may edit interwiki data (bureaucrats can add users to this group)" speaks of 'bureaucrats' and the code example uses 'developers' which assignment form in the table is similar to upper case with 'sysop'. Then what are we speaking of ? the creation of new user group ? or the assignment with $wgGroupPermissions ? - please clarify. Thanks. --Christian 🇫🇷 FR 🚲 Paris 2024🗼 (talk) 11:24, 11 October 2024 (UTC)
Topic on Extension talk:Interwiki/Archive 2
I read that comment as showing how to create a new group ("developers") and assign interwiki editing permissions to it, ala Manual:User_rights#Creating_a_new_group_and_assigning_permissions_to_it. The comment is then parenthetically pointing out that bureaucrats can add individual users to your new group.
So the developer line with bureaucrats are meaningless here and can be removed since they bring no plus value to the previous sysop line. In fact any group could be used and sentence that bureaucrats can add users to a group - which remain true by itself - is out of scope here. Thus simplifying the presentation and going to the essential of $wgGroupPermissions. Any advice ? -- Christian 🇫🇷 FR 🚲 Paris 2024🗼 (talk) 12:49, 11 October 2024 (UTC)
Yes. Something like:
// To grant a group (e.g., the "sysop" group) permission to edit interwiki data $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['interwiki'] = true;
would perhaps be sufficient. Edit: change made.
pretty fine ! Thanks.