Hello, I'm writing on behalf of Product Analytics. From our discussion:
- THE biggest differentiator from Gerrit for us is GitHub's ability to render Jupyter notebooks (example); GitLab can do this and we just want to make sure that this feature is enabled (and maybe coupled with an internally-hosted nbviewer service for the actual rendering).
- We frequently need to read and search code, and Gerrit has extremely poor support for this. Many of us use GitHub to search the mirrored repositories.
- We have generally chosen to use GitHub for our code/analysis repositories since we find it much easier to use, and creating repositories is much easier (since we can do it ourselves without requesting).
- Conversations on Gerrit can be difficult to navigate since comments are tied to specific patchsets, so there may be an active discussing happening about something in patchset 3 meanwhile the patch is already on patchset 9. If CR in GitLab is similar to GitHub (in terms of how comments/conversations happen & are displayed) that is nice.
- In the past we've used GitHub Pages for sharing reports. For example, if generating an HTML document from the R Markdown source document where the analysis is done it's easy to enable GH Pages to have the "rendered" version of the report available via URL (example); GitLab appears to also have this feature and we'd like it available if possible.
From my own perspective, as author & maintainer of several R packages the team uses in our workflows, GitLab's support for CI for R packages (more info) is very appealing. There have been efforts made in the past (T153856), but modern CI tools (especially with availability of r-base Docker image) will make it possible for us to have proper CI (which I have on my personal R packages on GitHub).