Topic on Project:Support desk

Cannot Import Infobox Templates

Summary by AhmadF.Cheema

Missing composer dependencies.

Mitchell316 (talkcontribs)


So I am trying to import infobox templates into my own wiki but I keep getting this error: Error from line 76 of /home/mitchel8/public_html/extensions/TemplateStyles/includes/TemplateStylesContent.php: Class 'Wikimedia\CSS\Parser\Parser' not found

I have reread the installation instructions over and over and I cannot seem to find what I did wrong. I am also very new to MediaWiki so I would not be surprised if it is something very obvious that I missed. An older thread was made with this exact problem but there wasn't a working solution.

TheDJ (talkcontribs)

Sounds like missing composer dependencies or mismatched versions of extensions and core. How did you install ?

Mitchell316 (talkcontribs)
Mitchell316 (talkcontribs)


I ran "composer update --no-dev" in SSH and I am still having the same issue. It updated 3 dependencies and installed 0. I'm still not sure what the problem could be.

Mitchell316 (talkcontribs)

Another Update:

There actually were missing dependencies and they were updated. No longer getting the error anymore. Instead, I am now getting:

Warning: proc_open(): fork failed - Cannot allocate memory in /home/mitchel8/public_html/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaStandalone/LuaStandaloneEngine.php on line 269

The Infoboxes are showing up now, but the text is littered with conditional expressions. For example the honorific and name section are listed as

{{#if:| {{{honorific-prefix}}} }}

{{#if:||Page Name}}

AhmadF.Cheema (talkcontribs)
Mitchell316 (talkcontribs)

As of Mediawiki 1.32, ParserFunctions is installed by default into your extensions folder, but the the "wfLoadExtension( 'ParserFunctions' );" is not added to your LocalSettings.php by default. After adding the line, Everything appears to be fixed. Thank you everyone for all the help.