Topic on Project:Support desk/Flow

How to remove abandoned jobs from job queue?

Summary by Kghbln
PeterBodifee (talkcontribs)

We have 3 jobs sitting abandoned in a low traffic wiki running 1.27.1:

php maintenance/showJobs.php --group

refreshLinks: 0 queued; 2 claimed (0 active, 2 abandoned); 0 delayed

refreshLinksPrioritized: 0 queued; 1 claimed (0 active, 1 abandoned); 0 delayed

We believe these jobs are preventing updates to a category (pages were taken out of the category) from becoming effective.

All 3 abandoned jobs refer to a page which was used to test a DPL call and we found that DPL call to be not working properly due to a bug in DPL. In the mean time we have put all the DPL code on that page as comment, but that didn't solve the problem either.

How can I clear these abandoned jobs?

Osnard (talkcontribs)

You can simply remove them from the job table using SQL. More interesting would be why those jobs are failing. Did you disable DPL in the meantime?

PeterBodifee (talkcontribs)

Thanks @Osnard, I was thinking along that line as well, however the sys admin is still a bit hesitant to delete the entries from the job table.

We didn't disable DPL as we need it. I was trying to use DPL's updaterules and they don't work as advertised, see issue report here I guess the test runs created the abandoned jobs.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

About clearing abandoned jobs, either by repushing or deleting them. There is a core script allowing to do both: See ManageJobs.php.