MediaWiki - 1.15.4...PHP - 5.3.10...MySQL - 5.1.34
When I click on the "Edit" tab I get this error
Detected bug in an extension! Hook FCKeditor_MediaWiki::onCustomEditor failed to return a value; should return true to continue hook processing or false to abort.
- 0 C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mediawiki\includes\Wiki.php(502): wfRunHooks('CustomEditor', Array)
- 1 C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mediawiki\includes\Wiki.php(63): MediaWiki->performAction(Object(OutputPage), Object(Article), Object(Title), Object(User), Object(WebRequest))
- 2 C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mediawiki\index.php(116): MediaWiki->initialize(Object(Title), Object(Article), Object(OutputPage), Object(User), Object(WebRequest))
- 3 {main}
I did a lot of research and it said it was because of PHP 5.3...I tried installing an older version and a newer version and the website would come up...I also tried a fix by editing the fckeditor.body.php file but that fix just broke the page...I also read how "FCKEditor" is old and "CKEditor" is the newer editor but I have no clue how to go from "FCKEditor" to "CKEditor"...I would appreciate any help...wheather it be a way to fix the "FCKEditor" or a step by step way to upgrade from "FCKEditor" to "CKEditor"...Thanks in advance