Ƙungiyoyin Sha'awa na Musamman

This page is a translated version of the page Special Interest Groups and the translation is 100% complete.

Ƙungiyar Wikimedia ba ta da tsarin gudanar da mulki ga ƙananan ƙungiyoyin da suka mayar da hankali kan bincike da warware matsalolin fasaha da aka haɗa. In some communities outside of the Wikimedia movement a Special Interest Group (SIG) fills this role. Per the enwiki article:

Ƙungiya ta Musamman (SIG) wata al'umma ce a cikin babbar ƙungiya tare da sha'awar ci gaba da wani yanki na ilimi, koyo ko fasaha inda membobin ke ba da haɗin kai don tasiri ko samar da mafita a cikin takamaiman filin su, kuma suna iya sadarwa, saduwa, da kuma shirya taro.

Rashin tsarin tsara irin waɗannan ƙungiyoyi yana barin duk masu sha'awar ƙirƙirar nasu tsarin ad hoc. Few examples of such groups other than the Wikimedia Technical Committee and the closely related Front-end standards group can be found which have survived over the long term. Duk waɗannan ƙungiyoyin biyu suna samun goyon baya mai ƙarfi daga manajojin fasaha na Wikimedia Foundation waɗanda ƙila suna da ɗan ɗanɗanar alaƙa da nasararsu. Haka kuma an ba wa ƙungiyoyin biyu wani matakin mallaka da iko a wuraren da suke so. Wasu ƙungiyoyin tarihi ba su da bayyananniyar gani da ƙa'idodi na waje, watau mintuna na jama'a, saita lokutan taro, ayyana zama memba a bainar jama'a. Idan ba tare da tsarin mulki ba, ba a san yadda wata ƙungiyar da ke da sha'awar haɓakawa da haɓaka wani batu kamar takaddun fasaha ko ayyukan gwaji za a ba su irin wannan ikon.

After researching external communities usage of these and similar structures, we have created these basic recommendations for internal groups to organize themselves with. Note that the Wikimedia User Group model is instead recommended for groups of unlimited sizes, or wider-interests, or with other affiliate-status needs.

Special Interest Group Governance Guidance

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are here defined as:

  • Groups with publicly defined and focused scope.
  • Membership can include anyone who is a demonstrated stakeholder, and the groups should be between 5-15 people.
  • SIGs scope of activities generally include: discussing relevant issues, identifying problem areas, suggesting/proposing plans, creating related RfCs, overhauling specific documentation, reviewing specific areas of code, helping onboard newcomers to the area, and maintaining documentation hubs.
  • SIGs must meet at least once per quarter (monthly preferred), to identify blockers and get feedback on progress. Meeting times must be published. If meetings do not occur for 6 months or 6 meetings whichever is shortest a SIG will be considered inactive.
  • SIGs must publish minutes for every meeting. (e.g. Wikimedia Technical Committee/Minutes)
  • SIGs must have a dedicated lead or point of contact person.
  • SIGs should use relevant public communication methods such as existing IRC channels, mailing lists, and phabricator tasks, for all communication outside of the regular meetings.

Current SIGs

Any group is welcome to add themselves, if they have satisfied and agreed to follow the guidance given here.


Special Interest Group. An organization model for groups with a shared concern to meet and collaborate, ideally publicly.
A person with either the ability to effect the item of interest or one who is effected by it to a degree that their use case has risen to prominence allowing the contribution of specific insight. This is often a SIG specific norm established by the group and lead or point of contact.
Notes that are the written record of a meeting. They typically describe the events of the meeting and should include a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the participants, and related responses or decisions for the issues.
A regular gathering of Stakeholders who are members of a SIG that results in published minutes.