Platform Engineering Team/SOPs/Intake Process

Platform Engineering Work Intake


The Platform teams primary work intake is via the Tech Steering Committee process. This group is comprised of both Product and Technology department leaders, they meet every two weeks to review inbound proposals and status of inflight work via the Foundational Technology Requests board.

To have work reviewed by this group the first step is to submit a request using the New Foundational Technology Request form.

Individual Value Stream Intake Processes


API Platform


The team meets throughout the week to review and triage incoming requests, bugs, or feature support on a rolling basis.

For questions or requests for consultations, you can create a task on the API Platform Consultation Phabricator board and tag it #api platform.

For work related to bugs, features or support on API Platform products and services, you can create a task on API Platform General Phabricator board, and assigned it to vpoundstone(Virginia Poundstone).

We also welcome questions and feedback on our talk page.

Data Platform

For work related to bugs, features or support on Data Platform areas of responsibility, you can contact Data Product Manager Luke Bowmaker directly or create a task on our Phabricator board, tagged with #generated_data_platform assigned to lbowmaker(Luke Bowmaker). The team meets throughout the week and triages on a rolling basis.

MW Expedition / RESTbase Sunsetting

For work related to bugs, features or support on MediaWiki core refactor, you can contact our Product Manager Luke Bowmaker directly or create a task on our Phabricator board, tagged with #pet-mw-expedition assigned to @lbowmaker. The team meets throughout the week and triages on a rolling basis.

Platform Operations and Dumps




You can open a phabricator task and add the Dumps-Generation tag to your report or request. Someone will respond to your task within one working day, barring leave or illness or ongoing site emergencies.

If the bug you are reporting is urgent, resulting in dumps being generally broken, you can report it in #wikimedia-tech in addition to creating a phabricator task. Someone will look at it as soon as they are available, as long as some other site emergency does not pre-empt it. That can again take up to one business day but a best effort will be made.

Platform Operations
