Moderator Tools/Development/MediaWiki-Docker Setup

Summary edit

This is a simple variation of that the Moderator Tools team found helpful to quickly get MediaWiki-Docker up and running with enough software and configuration to do our work. The existing guides provide useful information, but we repeatedly found that new developers didn't know which parts of the guide they needed to follow to get a useful local environment.

Specifically, Moderator Tools found it very helpful to always have:

  • mobileFrontend skin switching with vector and minerva
  • Event Logging

Install Requirements edit

Download Core edit

git clone --depth=1 mediawiki

Download Extensions edit

cd mediawiki/extensions
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://

Download Skins edit

cd ../skins
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://

Run the following command from the mediawiki directory to bookmark core, extensions, and skins:

gitup -a . extensions skins

Prepare .env file edit


Create or append docker-compose.override.yml edit

Event Logging needs an additional service to run See For more info if needed

version: "3.7"
# If you already have docker-compose.override.yml, just add the eventlogging service if it's missing
    build: "./extensions/EventLogging/devserver"
      - "8192:8192"

Create the environment edit


Modify the environment edit

This is a step that varies from

Append LocalSettings.php with the configuration below:

wfLoadExtensions( [
] );

// Enable Minerva skin
wfLoadSkin( 'MinervaNeue' );

// MobileFrontend Configuration
$wgDefaultMobileSkin = 'minerva';

// WikimediaEvents Configuration
$wgWMEMobileWebUIActionsTracking = 1;
$wgWMEReadingDepthSamplingRate = 1;

// EventBus Configuration
// ======================

// Send all events produced on the server to the event intake service, including
// events produced by \EventLogging::submit().
$wgEventServices = [
  '*' => [ 'url' => 'http://eventlogging:8192/v1/events' ],
$wgEventServiceDefault = '*';
$wgEnableEventBus = 'TYPE_EVENT';

// EventStreamConfig Configuration
// ===============================

// When $wgEventLoggingStreamNames is false (not falsy), the EventLogging
// JavaScript client will treat all streams as if they are configured and
// registered.
$wgEventLoggingStreamNames = false;

// EventLogging Configuration
// ==========================

$wgEventLoggingServiceUri = "http://localhost:8192/v1/events";

// The EventLogging JavaScript client maintains an queue of events to send to
// the event intake service (see $wgEventLoggingServiceUri above). The queue is
// flushed every $wgEventLoggingQueueLingerSeconds seconds.
// 1 second is just long enough for you to begin to doubt that your code is
// working...
$wgEventLoggingQueueLingerSeconds = 1;

Tips for Updating edit

gitup is a useful tool for keeping multiple git repositories up to date. You may install as directed here:

Now, you can update all of the repositories by running


from any working directory. Remember to update composer dependencies and the database by running

docker-compose exec mediawiki bash -c "composer install && php maintenance/update.php --quick"