MediaWiki 1.22/wmf6
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ウィキメディアのウェブサイト群への MediaWiki 1.22wmf6 の展開 | MediaWiki 1.22/wmf7![]() |
ウィキペディアとその姉妹サイトを支える MediaWiki の最新版 (名前は「1.22wmf6」) が、2013年6月6日(木)以降、全ウィキメディアサイトに段階的に展開されていきます (ロードマップを参照してください)。
Core changes
- git #600734e5 - Add 'CoreEvents' extension
- git #5ff25a2e - Update VisualEditor for i18n change
- git #b63430cd - Add 'Campaigns' extension
- git #7f091934 - support setting Memcached::OPT_SERVER_FAILURE_LIMIT, Memcached::OPT_RETRY_TIMEOUT
- git #e1fa4503 - Updated Zero extension to latest
- git #534223bd - Add new hook AbortTalkPageEmailNotification
- git #b8be55af - Update DataValues and Wikibase with improvements to geo data type
- git #2e62b818 - [Database] Tweaked LoadMonitor::getLagTimes() to further reduce stampedes
- git #07f28a86 - Update Wikibase
- git #f3d6b507 - Revert "Introducing ContentGetParserOutput hook." (バグ 49398)
- git #b16555d2 - updated to latest zero extension
- git #a6de2446 - Update WikiData related extensions for 1.22wmf6
- git #84b1c52f - Commit of various wmf-branch live hacks
- git #ff85f8bf - Refactored WikiPage::updateCategoryCounts() to use upsert().
- git #3f5d41d4 - The language used to render SVGs should be definable (バグ 32987)
- git #5c39fe1f - Doc fix for MediaHandler::getThumbType
- git #c1d90033 - Follow up I6e64a missing global deceleration for $wgHTTPConnectTimeout (バグ 47027)
- git #db44d730 - Shorten our in-comment urls to the whatwg HTML spec.
- git #10d877df - RefreshLinks on imagelinks on new uploads to kill tracking cat. (バグ 46749)
- git #148cbece - jquery.client: Fix profile of some UAs and add exactMatchOnly param
- git #0ec0e192 - [LockManager] Made it easier to get both SH and EX locks at once.
- git #58f71c7e - Allow setting of connection timeouts for HTTP requests using cURL (バグ 47027)
- git #5e48bc1c - Remove unused global
- git #57daf1d6 - Follow-up 05077dc3740
- git #1965df8d - Remove the $wgHandheldForIPhone config variable entirely
- git #cdb2ff5a - More cleanup when removing accounts with removeUnusedAccounts.php
- git #070e11da - Added tests for new DatabaseBase::upsert
- git #fda090a7 - Introducing ContentGetParserOutput hook.
- git #3ac76433 - mediawiki.icon: Move arrow icons to a separate module
- git #1ec0f9cd - User: Clean up coding style and documentation
- git #c2ee52dd - [Database] Added an upsert() function to perform/emulate ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.
- git #ad4b3504 - Add a script to remove deleted files from storage (バグ 47990)
- git #eb1f4cbc - remove invalid comment from SkinVector::setupSkinUserCss
- git #52ecc8d9 - invalidparammix/missingparam get the module prefix twice
- git #35b6b63e - mediawiki.legacy.ajax: Wrap Sajax methods in mw.log.deprecate (バグ 40785)
- git #1da2dd79 - Make headers in FauxRequest case insensitive
- git #e932512e - Remove occurence of $wgOut in HTMLForm::displayForm()'s documentation
- git #88ad076c - Cologne Blue: add missing 'undeletethispage' message (バグ 48939)
- git #fd4c2c7d - Fix call in mediawiki.api.edit.js
- git #aa0308e3 - Fix edit patrolling in multi Diffs (バグ 49019)
- git #2a14ddb3 - mediawiki.legacy.ajax: Pass JSHint
- git #df3aa550 - doc: doxygen expands tabs to 4 spaces instead of 8
- git #866d6d76 - Update and rebuild MessagesEn.php.
- git #7a82d5b7 - test: inject autoloader in Maintenance class
- git #ca934127 - LinkCache singleton can now be altered
- git #e1247372 - Throw an exception in ScopedCallback for invalid callbacks.
- git #c9d5443d - Cleaned up some Article comments.
- git #eb27aa78 - remove leftover @embed directive
- git #011ee683 - Migrate Extension:PostEdit interface to core (バグ 48276)
- git #2fae2c3d - Do not show empty parenthesis on log entry with no block flags (バグ 47035)
- git #f8ba6474 - Fixed trailing slash removal code.
- git #ffe6e12a - Fixed EZConnect string regex in OracleInstaller class.
- git #bcb5d766 - Update Parsoid-only tests to reflect shortened typeof
- git #0c51c5da - Delete RELEASE-NOTES-1.21
- git #8bd6922a - WebRequest::getIP() cleanups. (バグ 48919)
- git #f4cfdad6 - Tooltips for HTMLCheckMatrix (バグ 47094)
- git #780ec298 - Micro optimization when fetching a magic from cache
- git #67b935ed - tests: resources tests were not being run
- git #8325a97d - Add setting wgLogAutopatrol to toggle logging of autopatrol actions (バグ 47415)
- git #eb3e5e76 - Update linktrails for Hindi and Odia (バグ 36966)
- git #331cca07 - Darker labels in new login and create acct forms (バグ 47777)
- git #94e2d931 - Add new parameter $patrolFooterShown to hook ArticleViewFooter
- git #2269df8e - Fixed OracleUpdater::doPageRestrictionsPKUKFix prefix
- git #cd736291 - Oracle: DRCP and persistent connections support
- git #55a48577 - API: Fix chunk upload async mode (バグ 48294, バグ 48294)
- git #0555fa9f - Renaming files to follow name conventions
- git #e289bf79 - overhaul maintenance/mwdocgen.php (バグ 34436)
- git #8bfe2518 - wfIniGetBool: reduce strtolower() calls
- git #a3a34ebe - Allow patrolling page creations from Special:RecentChanges (バグ 48928)
- git #32c37195 - revert last 'ru' l10n update
- git #3305dc81 - Merge 'passwordreset-pretext' and 'passwordreset-text' messages
- git #24558b5a - benefits icon part of background, not float (バグ 48909)
- git #e3c3dfba - Check if API enabled before loading dependent JS modules (バグ 30213)
- git #1a6ecc8e - wikibits: Pass JSHint
- git #ec69391a - wikibits: Wrap jsMsg in mw.log.deprecate
- git #08a42651 - wikibits: Replace checkboxShiftClick globals with dummies
- git #68fae478 - wikibits: Wrap UA and accesskey globals in mw.log.deprecate
- git #fcf98dc4 - Allow setting the ID of the main table in HTMLForm
- git #aa015eba - Give skin more control of OutputPage modules
- git #2d9b7181 - ApiHelp: Avoid header for example, when there no examples
- git #b3db5c49 - Customise linktrail for Gujarati (gu) (バグ 48798)
- git #2b601cdc - mediawiki.searchSuggest: Use mw.Api instead of jQuery.ajax
- git #85652b90 - ResourceLoader: Prevent prefixless modules from overwriting others
- git #a1c444f7 - Add autocreate to addNewUserLogEntry docs.
- git #5755a74a - Newlines should be converted to spaces for IRC feed
- git #05077dc3 - RecentChange: deprecate newFromCurRow and loadFromCurRow
- git #7120504b - Add TitleQuickPermissions hook to Title::checkQuickPermissions
- git #ee5cd173 - De-duplicate refreshLinks2 base jobs on insert.
- git #5decaffd - Compress PNGs used in new forms
- git #7d8471ee - new Create account contributors icon
- git #eda4221c - Avoid changing the global on special pages
- git #ec8d6a90 - Update referenced PHP version in 'normal' README.
- git #f87320bd - tests: group structures tests in their own directory
- git #43ae2fb6 - doc: various updates
- git #6352be71 - Make 'subnet' feature of $wgRateLimits work with IPv6
- git #5845f39c - Don't find AFT results if tagfilter set (バグ 49714)
- git #d1a02dd1 - Make lottery-based default permission level check safer (バグ 49347)
- git #ce1fe670 - IE9: intermittent: AFTv5 not appearing in beta labs (バグ 49445, バグ 49445)
- git #1834db1c - Small cosmetic improvements
- git #36727d61 - ArticleFeedbackv5: Consider showing "reader feedback" less or not on top of the page (バグ 49286, バグ 49286)
- git #c8b67676 - 'articlefeedbackv5-disable-flyover-help-location' is poorly placed and not needed (バグ 35288)
- ** Newly deployed extension
- git #ba36cdb8 - Normalized token TTLs and memcached calls.
- git #880696ae - Add "centralauthtoken" to API (バグ 46905, バグ 46905)
- ** Newly deployed extension
- git #fd5ad877 - Add support for ′ and ″ to the globeCoordinate parser (バグ 49386)
- git #5ceadd43 - Fix precision detection in globe coordinate parser (バグ 49415)
- git #1315581d - Fix for globeCoordinate's toDegree()
- git #3ed26e02 - trim incoming string values
- git #177614c0 - Stopgap to avoid excessively long string values (backport)
- git #85621634 - [coordinate.js] Removed GlobeCoordinate's "isValid" function
- git #7d7c376e - Implemented time.js parser constructor
- git #8ffabd29 - Removed globeCoordinate's unused increase/decreasePrecision methods
- git #8731e2e9 - Removed time.Time's isValid() function
- git #61f9224e - Revert "Revert "Revert "Temporary break the phpunit bootstrap file to see if travis reacts correctly to this"""
- git #121b2e3b - Revert "Revert "Temporary break the phpunit bootstrap file to see if travis reacts correctly to this""
- git #8dd95484 - Revert "Temporary break the phpunit bootstrap file to see if travis reacts correctly to this"
- git #ec9ff527 - Temporary break the phpunit bootstrap file to see if travis reacts correctly to this
- git #413b00eb - Added build failure notifications for #wikimedia-wikidata IRC and my email account
- git #7a401211 - [coordinate.js] Optimized precision handling
- git #ed7de360 - Made DataValue::getType static, added tests for both static/instance usage
- git #3f776a5e - Revert "Moves wgValueFormatters global definition in MW specific initialization file"
- git #0f0391b2 - Updated GeoCoordinate's serialize/unserialize methods
- git #16bdb931 - Changed globe coordinate type label to "Geographic coordinate"
- git #2a75dd32 - Renamed "geo coordinate" to "globe coordinate"
- git #c76b1784 - Coordinate values of backend and frontend can now exchange precision
- git #96a73945 - Properly implemented JS GlobeCoordinateValue::toJSON and newFromJSON
- git #0d7060da - Added some TODOs and cleanup to globeCoordinate.parser
- git #03207c87 - Moves wgValueFormatters global definition in MW specific initialization file
- git #97a56383 - Properly set globeCoordinate.GlobeCoordinate.prototype.constructor
- git #d87705ba - Minor improvements to DataTypeFactory
- git #73948ddc - [coordinate.js] Renamed coordinate to globeCoordinate
- git #afa89211 - [coordinate.js] Implemented list rotator to set precision
- git #492f92eb - [coordinate.js] Refactored precision handling
- git #2f673d7f - [coordinate.js] Correctly assigning coordinate variable
- git #c1be6d75 - [coordinate.js] Implemented coordinate expert widgets
- git #acf12ca2 - [coordinate.js] Implemented "coordinateinput" widget
- git #e7a87c31 - Removed unnecessary usage of QUnit.newMwEnvironment in QUnit tests
- git #8e5fa258 - proper usage of global "time" in timeexperts.TimeInput.tests.js
- git #5547ee86 - [coordinate.js] Implemented coordinate value parser
- git #bfa71dc9 - [coordinate.js] Implemented coordinate data value
- git #e1246315 - [coordinate.js] Implemented equals() function in Coordinate prototype
- git #1497cebf - [coordinate.js] Implemented iso6709 function in Coordinate prototype
- git #ac6899fe - [coordinate.js] Implemented isValid() function in Coordinate prototype
- git #306ff81a - [coordinate.js] Basic Coordinate object QUnit tests
- git #8e63951f - [coordinate.js] Basic parser QUnit tests
- git #efb46bfd - [coordinate.js] Added QUnit tests for basic coordinate.js methods
- git #0583488b - [coordinate.js] Refactored precision texts handling and added tests
- git #dbe458e3 - [coordinate.js] Added documentation
- git #8c88b0c0 - [coordinate.js] Formatted files according to coding style guidelines
- git #af5825c3 - [coordinate.js] Import of coordinate.js
- git #09159eb2 - Refactored valueview preview into its own widget
- git #0f3493b0 - Minor cleanup of time.js
- git #4a6acb39 - Fixed paths in test suite config
- git #2928a6a9 - Added README in the repo root
- git #2ff131d7 - Updated travis config file to run the tests of all components in this git repo
- git #7b019600 - Added phpunit.xml file for all projects in the repo
- git #b4119731 - Added missing dependency of TimeInput expert
- git #1a386809 - Added Travis CI config file
- git #f28261c2 - Basic toggler widget tests
- git #300ff9a3 - Input extender: Listening to "animationstep" event
- git #5aba75cd - Always resize StringValue expert input element
- git #81062f83 - List rotator widget: Assigning position absolute to menu
- git #73a14f2b - Input extender widget: Removed obsolete stopPropagation()
- git #ef749a32 - Added build failure notifications for #wikimedia-wikidata IRC and my email account
- git #bd3d56b3 - Added @throws docs
- git #eb3a7a32 - Added ArrayComparer interface
- git #87883a0f - Added testErrorOnUnknownDiffOpType to MapPatcherTest
- git #96c77db1 - Removed impossible to test else case, only there for legacy reasons, from Diff
- git #e3af3a16 - Remove ListDiff::newEmpty
- git #7267cfc1 - Added FIXME to broken code
- git #ecd33cc5 - Added ThrowingPatcherTest to test throwErrors and ignoreErrors
- git #405ba14e - Added testPatchMapRaisesError to ListPatcherTest
- git #3498dbcb - Added test for line 135 of MapPatcher
- git #08a8d613 - Updated build status to point to auto updated travis project
- git #86ffcc07 - Ignore class autoloading in entry point in unit test coverage report
- git #72c2ac65 - Added and fixed patcher tests and two uncovered bugs
- git #eb300bd8 - Added @covers tags for AtomicDiffOp
- git #5aaaff08 - Added @covers tags for ThrowingPatcher
- git #8e22e6a1 - Got rid of DiffOpTestDummy
- git #ebdb3463 - Added tests for Diff getAddedValues and getRemovedValues
- git #1e80984c - Allowing the OrderID for Adyen to be Resurrected
- git #96be2ee0 - Changes for SmashPig/Adyen!
- git #1dc565c6 - Fixing minor issues with testing code
- git #e45c076d - Fixing RTBT Methods that were two step
- git #34fbeaf8 - Respect revision suppression within Echo (バグ 48059)
- git #801bde9e - Remove unused global variable and update function return type
- git #052a4818 - Rename index for sqlite support
- git #ecf7f1f2 - Add overlay hook for user scripts. (バグ 48502)
- git #68a45874 - Repairs necessary for echo to support Sqlite (バグ 41987)
- git #12fa60fa - Some more adjustment to timestamp in user timezone
- git #09c531a1 - All system messages should have sender = -1 (バグ 47666)
- git #0fd79158 - Switching to short date headers based on user prefs (and timezone) (バグ 47211)
- git #1bfe1477 - Preventing FOUC on Special:Notifications page (バグ 49496)
- git #0947cfda - Update mention notification threshold from 300 to 100
- git #01e244c8 - Remove quote around javascript object property name
- git #0558ab15 - Calling functions explicitly due to context
- git #902ce9cc - Don't run mw.echo.special.initialize until DOM is ready
- git #5631117c - Never underline the badge
- git #ba1ee98c - Tweaks to comment-block suggested by S
- git #2c3eb46c - 'encapsulate' => 'prepare'; computed properties
- git #50f2331c - Default schema location to Meta, matching revids in extensions.
- git #ba7306bc - Move PageContentSaveComplete out; intended to be in CoreEvents
- git #f8e9ea1f - Move AddNewAccount out. It is intended for Extension:Campaigns.
- git #e2e622e6 - More informative warning for invalid enum value
- git #c0e69803 - Respect content model for viewing stable versions. (バグ 48638)
- git #03f97134 - Cleanup jsduck documentation and commenting:
- git #7d9ca826 - Remove gt.initGuider, allow one guider per tour at a time:
- git #31ff0b1c - Fixup mixed leading whitespace
- git #0bc8140a - Improve multiple tour support: (バグ 44924)
- git #1236af41 - Only load tours if user JS is allowed on the page. (バグ 49175)
- git #f420e067 - Set menuSettings.locale (バグ 35038)
- git #296bc665 - MathJax Localization: Remove language menu (バグ 35038)
- git #df9cfe84 - MathJax: Support localizations of MathJax (バグ 35038)
- git #443c7ef9 - Calculate HTTP POST data in separate method for debugging
- git #317aa9ea - Fix navigate to link in Android
- git #3dc9cf47 - Regression: hide button bar in editor when keyboard visible
- git #81d2dde2 - Regression: Make diff user info box position fixed again
- git #16195989 - Make editing work on pages other than main namespace
- git #75b543e3 - Fixed link to mobile homepage
- git #af45d6c8 - : Style upload button correctly in Opera and Firefox (バグ 49279, バグ 49279)
- git #94bd659b - Remove Zero banner cruft
- git #d8f89e29 - Make editor disappear after a successful save
- git #fabcb25e - Spike 820: Reduce API errors related to anonymous tokens (hopefully)
- git #8ebb0dc5 - Center left and right arrows on uploads first time user tutorial
- git #e797e87b - Uploads page: remove out the progress indicator
- git #bbc97437 - New assets for first time user upload tutorial
- git #e5d4c145 - Only add Uploads page in mobile mode
- git #c23212ae - Big photo reorganisation
- git #2fb4e17c - Remove scrollTo call
- git #b0106b21 - Ability to get partial result from the API
- git #c3e24c91 - : Fix talk topic add overlay (バグ 49557)
- git #bed0351a - Revert "New hook, MobileSkinCreated"
- git #e78e823d - Use 'agora' styling for button on settings page
- git #96f4871b - Uploads tutorial CSS fixes
- git #653a9493 - Story 774: Allow people to navigate to nearby places
- git #56ff2eec - Split MobileFormatter to separate classes for HTML and WML
- git #b5c3ef49 - : Disable accidental clicking of links in preview (バグ 49276)
- git #0a2687cb - Code cleanup: Merge mixins, use vertical-gradient
- git #80877436 - Story 692: Support for closing overlays with back button
- git #9a908cec - Enable page creation and editing in all namespaces (with proper perms)
- git #4b8068cd - : Position fixed cleanup (バグ 49462)
- git #45dd3d97 - : Make wgIsPageEditable more accurate (バグ 49277)
- git #84a145bf - EventEmitter tweaks
- git #e8dfbba2 - New hook, MobileSkinCreated
- git #5d3659b7 - : Hide errors in preview output (バグ 49218)
- git #a7fb44b3 - Fix spacing
- git #464f075f - Allow other projects to define their own mobile skin
- git #7408a173 - : Don't load stable modules on nearby page (バグ 49539)
- git #32ea19f6 - : CSS issue on watchlist feed view (バグ 48793)
- git #874f36f7 - Minor cleanup to use ->inNamespace()
- git #0e06353e - : Fix extracts" - breaks tests (バグ 48917)
- git #65b905f2 - Completely remove the $wgMFCustomLogos['logo'] stuff
- git #2e147b34 - Story 790: Standardise use of words
- git #c8020c90 - : Fix extracts (バグ 48917, バグ 48917)
- git #8325704e - Remove custom caching headers
- git #b4cbcc56 - : Remove br tags from diffs (バグ 48760)
- git #27ae7c14 - Move some code out of ExtMobileFrontend
- git #fbe782f8 - : Call to a member function saveXML() on a non-object (バグ 49534)
- git #70fcef24 - Warn about exlimit being adjusted down
- git #95b2068c - : Left align edits text for large numbers (バグ 48792)
- git #1c20997a - Remove unused css/ module
- git #0a16b37b - Add FIXME to barely used piece of CSS
- git #6942dd75 - Replace MakeGlobalVariablesScript hook with skin code
- git #7384f358 - Move language selector specific css to separate file
- git #acfa0fd7 - : "Mobile view" link should be protocol-relative (バグ 49463)
- git #17683fee - Beta: Make panels of uploads tutorial slide in and out
- git #cbd95d12 - Remove #mw-mf-sq css rules
- git #5404db2d - Story 789: First time user upload tutorial revamp
- git #9787091c - Move overlay css to overlays.less
- git #91464873 - Move talk add button to talk.less
- git #0ea8f691 - Standardise on 'plumbing'
- git #78c4c935 - Cleanup mf-common.less
- git #9990f24e - Add javascript specific stylesheet
- git #97c2e3b8 - Allow configuration of range in Special:Nearby
- git #d98a643b - Link history page for displayed article, not title from URL. (バグ 42660)
- git #fedcf16f - Remove unnecessary typography rule
- git #b5ac3415 - Remove version from extension credits
- git #accf46db - Nag overlay fixes
- git #a52df5c2 - Remove M.message()
- git #7968a359 - Fix QUnit.asyncTest() and remove unused test code
- git #c08777ae - Remove duplicate cores quota display
- git #28b30818 - Add Display Quotas action to Special:NovaProject
- git #26e97656 - Fix a bug with trimming 'local-' from the requested service group name.
- git #43ff521a - Better solution to page curation / page patrolling conflict
- git #d68265d3 - Undoing temporary revert of new PageTriage code for deployment
- git #60ea1dd3 - Temporary revert of PageTriage for wmf deployment
- git #2df5ab22 - Correct the id for related sites sidebar (バグ 49101)
- git #cc6a86d0 - Pass length of ogg file to TimedMediaTransformOutput (バグ 47533)
- git #91c93f1f - Revert "Fix parameter list order when splitting a string"
- git #8321e457 - Update langlist to how things are for this year
- git #0a7616c5 - Update name email comes from
- git #50f30756 - Remove, it's deprecated to doSpam.php
- git #3107cb67 - Uppercase replacement parameters
- git #8c9b903e - Fix parameter list order when splitting a string
- git #41ce1903 - Fixup output path of buildSpamTranslations
- git #73f6f30a - Update path
- git #bcff5acb - More minor year specific updates
- git #3456c745 - /home/wikipedia -> /a/common
- git #7d14f679 - 2011 -> 2013
- git #f9b779b2 - Add updated scripts for bv2013
- git #5e2e5cdf - Cleanup bv2013/doSpam.php
- git #1f6c8e16 - Update inclusion of
- git #159af691 - More coding style fixes to elections-2011-spam imports
- git #9ad17cf5 - Copy doSpam.php from elections-2011-spam to bv2013
- git #6a734709 - Minimal updating of scripts
- git #5f5bd466 - Import scripts from hume ~andrew/election-2011-spam
- git #0eba4ae7 - ApiTemplateData: Expose root description property
- git #987c3940 - 'class' is a reserved word for Explorer, enclosing in quotes
- git #615ec96a - Quote 'class' in JS object literals
- git #68b19182 - Everyone hates Christmas so we're getting rid of it!
- git #f94696a1 - set last error if job fails
- git #625ee8d8 - Mark active transcodes running for to long as failed
- git #43ac6a7d - Pop up videos set the autoplay attribute to true
- git #e46bb225 - Fix format detection for for video only files
- git #e6084b34 - Allow registered users to reset transcodes
- git #0cf19419 - Do not commit upates to the index immediately (バグ 48164)
- git #280d2688 - Break long line
- git #f5b6827f - Get rid of some ugly globals (バグ 49066)
- git #b998f6f6 - Get rid of some ugly globals (バグ 49066)
- git #5eafd14a - Get rid of some ugly globals (バグ 49066)
- git #5284d6d2 - Filter group from Special:LanguageStats when group is not a priority language (バグ 47879)
- git #9778d433 - Update formatting
- git #977beaf8 - Remove list of message groups from api documentation
- git #1be1fdd1 - jquery.ime updates - keyboard mapping fixes
- git #10c1177c - Remove comma that shouldn't have been introduced
- git #7a95d133 - Use content language as default language for ime selector
- git #8dfc3976 - Update jquery.ime from upstream (バグ 49783)
- git #7ad76c6b - Coding style updates
- git #48b8f11c - Update version
- git #4a1035dc - Remove last bits of MediaWiki 1.19 compatibility
- git #9ac9163e - Simplify return statement
- git #1f9bf6f8 - Update indentation and newlines
- git #1aa4940d - Update docs and type hints
- git #d8434da2 - Initialise possibly undefined variables
- git #583ce45a - Remove unused variable
- git #5ca1b906 - Update jquery.uls from upstream
- git #2ca2f6d3 - Update jquery.ime from upstream (バグ 49317)
- git #3b3e2da3 - Disable Webfonts too for blacklisted browsers
- git #9d75ff9a - Disable IME too in blacklisted browsers
- git #34d4045c - Validate imeId before rendering (バグ 49584)
- git #b5dd51a1 - Make Display settings the default view for the cog Language settings
- git #3332062b - Cleanup ext.uls.languagesettings.js
- git #658d97de - Make the link to undo language change usable (バグ 49556)
- git #6a34b615 - Update Lohit Tamil fonts to 2.5.3 version
- git #e726f016 - Use system as default font for Tamil
- git #d11576b2 - Add Linux Libertine font
- git #d36f6c51 - Set the language for the settings panel for correct webfonts
- git #a8c9b923 - Add UnifrakturMaguntia font (バグ 49499)
- git #638ab5bb - Input settings - language selection cleanup (バグ 49380)
- git #d8a8542c - Use Tipsy on "Language settings" tooltip (バグ 47977)
- git #43be2f27 - Scroll to viewport after input methods list is rendered (バグ 49427)
- git #ddd425eb - Update jquery.uls from upstream (バグ 49447)
- git #7b928201 - Update version
- git #f0b3e652 - Cleanup
- git #c2488868 - Deal with failure to understand "this" in UWI (バグ 49550)
- git #f0fb66c6 - Fix UploadWizard's config variables (バグ 48091)
- git #f541ef31 - Remove <br /> as its not supported by jQueryMsg (バグ 47132)
- git #e4c6fb13 - Fix JSHint warnings:
- git #ece74379 - Transclusion editor template naming goodness
- git #bf268e82 - Make media insertion queries less horrible
- git #a8869525 - Support for editing captions of block images (バグ 38129)
- git #ce587e24 - Move transclusion editing from experimental to core
- git #4a7503ac - Add templates from toolbar
- git #2044a579 - Fix transclusion button message
- git #a8fcfb4a - Handle media select widget empty queries properly
- git #c027b43d - Improve template title normalization logic
- git #1ee10790 - Don't show Template: in the outline for template items
- git #23b2da91 - Template and content adding
- git #dfbd870e - Fix copyDomElement issues
- git #dc798bef - Copy DOM elements properly, into the correct document
- git #c4791cee - Make MWTransclusionModel#addTemplate take target object instead string
- git #0410b936 - MWTransclusionModel: Make #getPartById support a param model id
- git #7c171ae0 - Whitespace cleanup
- git #e8d8308d - dialog: Remove background color body
- git #00d5c41e - ve.ui.IconButtonWidget: Extend css transition from 100ms to 200ms
- git #db485134 - ve.ui.LookupInputWidget: Hide lookup input widget menu when empty
- git #01f9e560 - mw.ViewPageTarget: Use ES5 methods instead of strict mode as test
- git #f33d9864 - Move notification messages to correct module
- git #65038497 - Use the latest revision's timestamp for basetimestamp (バグ 49390)
- git #42f0321b - Element fixes
- git #48dd0420 - doc: Tag ve.ui.Window static properties as inheritable
- git #d5365d2b - Correctly distinguish between Deferred and Promise
- git #84fbd1db - Only undo on MWMetaDialog close if small stack is non-empty (バグ 49630)
- git #81bdb7cf - Store originalIndex instead of mwOriginal in Transclusions
- git #9c19bc38 - Actually normalize page titles correctly in MWLinkTargetInputWidget
- git #9b320f73 - Fix fatal error on user registration due to hook fail
- git #f11b9e8c - Address Krinkle's review comments from I51c441d61
- git #177159b3 - Test case for 95733390dc87894fe85b3479a9268fe2d797b26e
- git #95733390 - Use indexes in .children, not .childNodes, for attribute preservation
- git #b6fc9d92 - Added ve.ce.FocusableNode mixin to ve.ce.MWReferenceListNode
- git #ccfb14b9 - Split test: instrument edit events for standard editor interface
- git #d32abe90 - Fix selectNodes() bug with empty non-content branch nodes
- git #df97f759 - Refactor selectNodes tests
- git #4986576c - grunt: Also delete QUnit temp files when test fails (バグ 49431)
- git #393925a8 - Build the internalList linmod even if it's empty
- git #2ab3b9be - Fix grammatical error
- git #4ba540a4 - article -> page
- git #dcbea232 - Code style fix: @return -> @returns
- git #642a8448 - Fix logical conflicts from the transclusion merge.
- git #a1eb56c1 - splitClusters uses Grapheme Cluster Boundary rules
- git #704440eb - Remove handling of old 'editsection' class
- git #38189660 - Add ability to run a 50% split user test with VisualEditor as default (バグ 49604)
- git #ec926149 - Handle deletion programmatically always
- git #fc8c46dd - Reference name and group editing
- git #ac26f5fc - Outline controls
- git #fe54db51 - Log user ID; 'pageViewSessionId' to alphanum string (バグ 49585, バグ 49586)
- git #acea9726 - Add group field to reference dialog
- git #beaf7a58 - Pass selection to when pasting over text (バグ 49551)
- git #0c16066e - Kill attribute order preservation (バグ 48980)
- git #863c512d - Fix section edit preference language
- git #97f770e5 - Change wording of new preference per James
- git #3674c893 - Send section edit links to VE by default (バグ 49260)
- git #1780b4e3 - Update 'wgCurRevisionId' after successful save
- git #6fba13b4 - Improve category widget styling
- git #efba2cf8 - Add ability to log analytic events using EventLogging
- git #44f57135 - Fix problem by calling surfaceObserver.stop( true ) first - before calling handleEnter. (バグ 43082)
- git #e2b7504b - Category popup fixes
- git #d3a2fab2 - Transclusion editing (バグ 39598, バグ 49403)
- git #caa16737 - Make references dialog scroll
- git #91d615e6 - Make fieldset layout icons optional
- git #4e377629 - Use more generic approach to filter out non-character key presses. (バグ 48335)
- git #9d40239e - Media display and insertion no longer an experimental feature (バグ 37870)
- git #4b315cb4 - Sort out i18n strings
- git #8f9d2a60 - Cleanup unused dialogs
- git #da51566d - Store empty annotations as alienMeta nodes (バグ 48605)
- git #2d044518 - References dialog cleanup
- git #59bfc081 - Store alien meta items' dom nodes only
- git #18cde8a4 - 6 (バグ 4855, バグ 48556, バグ 48565)
- git #198caeb6 - Replace alpha notice with beta label hiding the feedback link (バグ 48428)
- git #0c935f69 - Improve langlinks styling in meta dialog
- git #9507b776 - Add missing documentation for category widgets
- git #1be42c8f - Set sort keys on click-out too (バグ 48555)
- git #514039b2 - Clean up incorrect use of regular expressions in CategoryInputWidget
- git #c32564f3 - Text input widget enter event
- git #6a3badfc - Improve input widget value sanitization
- git #252e9b3d - Paged dialog upgrades
- git #73c393e3 - Use the correct $$ in the meta dialog
- git #348d2355 - Fix conversion of byte to grapheme offsets/lengths (バグ 49246)
- git #b2fbe359 - Break words in the category dialog
- git #ad3a0ba1 - Don't offer to move the very last category to the end (バグ 48556)
- git #8e8ddd9c - Fix exception in InputWidget when config.value isn't set
- git #0b558e0d - Disable the 'cache' query parameter too
- git #4d880cb2 - Wrap inline images in spans with display: inline-block.
- git #6dacf615 - Match non-BMP characters in wordbreak regexes
- git #435b6130 - Fix selection and hover for MW inline images.
- git #e67b4030 - Remove Parsoid hack and fix new references.
- git #983d9287 - When editing meta items, modify them rather than rebuiding them
- git #8039b1c2 - Insert Reference
- git #1a86cb9c - Preserve location of reference body within key
- git #babaa411 - FocusedNode Selection
- git #e655c80b - Disable Parsoid URL cache busting with touched ts
- git #a0d764b8 - mw: Remove 'Report problem' feature
- git #2f15cb00 - Support for inline images
- git #d5868a0f - mw.ViewPageTarget: Make 'review' step optional in save flow (バグ 49258)
- git #b6b48554 - Use blacklist instead of whitelist for storeHtmlAttributes of MWBlockImageNode.
- git #10d415e6 - Render block templates as <div>s and inline ones as <span>s
- git #5aac2f75 - Block Image Resizing
- git #1fd7e858 - Image insertion
- git #c67c1f71 - For performance reasons use classes collection instead of jQuery.hasClass
- git #13c9b117 - HACK: Update template dialog for Parsoid's url -> href change
- git #778a74da - Hack around exceptions thrown when closing the reference dialog
- git #42d32286 - Let's not put slugs around lists because there is no such need.
- git #4ce69758 - Fix freaky disappearance of template nodes
- git #f1d481ff - Prevent scrolling in top-level window while dialog is open
- git #ce8133cc - Remove tests for OOJS methods
- git #5bde1df4 - Meta dialog messages were left in experimental mode
- git #c86ff752 - Fix vewhitelist override.
- git #8a8a337c - Pending input refactor
- git #eaba9833 - Fixing resize handle size
- git #2732e093 - mw.ViewPageTarget: Implement veaction=edit history state (バグ 43844)
- git #908d1a8c - oojs: Integrate with OOJS v1.0.0
- git #baba5b03 - mw.ViewPageTarget: Clean up transform/restore logic
- git #fc5ead92 - Code style fixes: 'function(' => 'function ('
- git #6e70953a - Fix API request for language links (バグ 48814)
- git #760470ab - Give users a read-only view of language links (バグ 48814)
- git #3aae3e80 - Fix protectedness of MWReferenceList
- git #4d65b661 - Fix deactivate
- git #c0cd2580 - Really fix notices sometimes not being an array
- git #9a4028c6 - Tolerate JSON stringify screwing up
- git #52025855 - mw.ViewPageTarget: Make tabLayout configurable server-side (バグ 46871)
- git #2f58dd3d - 'typeof' for templates changed in Parsoid, it is 'Transclusion' now and used to be 'Object/Template'
- git #22d1908b - Update reference lists and inline numberings automatically.
- git #96b007eb - Make the mwMeta dialog trigger a toolbar action, not a button
- git #d14b2c51 - Make toDomElements add more information to its output so round-tripping can work properly.
- git #5079bbae - Fix too-much-ascending bug in Converter.
- git #d2e64c59 - Consistency
- git #605fe147 - Rename character to (grapheme) cluster when dealing with unicode.
- git #0b14b0da - Fixes to permaturely merged browser compatibility checks (バグ 38128)
- git #1b94858c - Message documentation for visualeditor-browserwarning.
- git #7e94da8a - Fix double width border between toolbar and surface in dialog.
- git #3b62ffe7 - Unit tests for browser compatibility list
- git #aaa5ad25 - Implement new browser compatibility checks (バグ 38128)
- git #1cd93f11 - ve.ce.Document: Introduce getRelativeRange method
- git #1b963712 - makeStaticLoader: Incorporate hardcoded changes and re-sync
- git #bedbebd5 - Implement Grunt support (grunt jshint,csslint,qunit,watch)
- git #57960a73 - Add .csslintrc file and fix remaining warnings
- git #b463c5d3 - jshint: Fix trailing comma
- git #a9812ad4 - Proper support for frame images (do not display magnify icon).
- git #29259669 - Store DM nodes in InternalList
- git #15d553e1 - Make it clear in the labels that this is for sorting
- git #05600843 - ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog: Implement inferring of template data
- git #7a616429 - Unwrap excess <p>s in inline template rendering
- git #1c78d0a3 - Use grapheme clusters in unicodeJS.TextString (バグ 48975)
- git #701ac40e - ve.debug: Document why we use global Function#apply+Function#call instead of method.apply
- git #728d2442 - Now we've got PHPCS switched on, kill long lines
- git #68b29a88 - JS and PHP code style fixes
- git #33e7fdb6 - Fix demo to convert annotation indexes to actual annotations
- git #394a40f2 - Convert GeneratedContentNode into a mixing (instead of an abstract class).
- git #eec6b993 - Add icon option to ve.ui.TextInputWidget
- git #750ab24d - Add search icons
- git #da679b7a - Template dialog cleanup
- git #b0f464ef - Add support for editing multi-template nodes
- git #4c5c18c2 - Compare objects/arrays fix
- git #0b46b448 - Add class mw-figcaption to figcaption tag inside mwimage
- git #476d10b1 - Adjust coverter getDomSubtreeFromData method call inside to pass correct arguments (there was an API change).
- git #1365c4a5 - Fix internal node weirdness
- git #c1136ca8 - Add tests for
- git #6d8de308 - Use config object for ve.ui.PagedDialog.addPage optional args
- git #5e9c9b93 - A fix for arrow movements in RTL wikis. (バグ 38546)
- git #8eb0efab - Fix resizable nodes
- git #82ff7aa9 - Naming typo and mw content in demo
- git #aa6eca10 - Cleanup internalList method names and data stores
- git #f16eb56a - Make menus render on the very top of everything
- git #8511f8ab - Treat acronyms like words in camel case names
- git #3be13a7c - Consistent use of mw in HTML classes, and data element and annotation types
- git #3edae87d - Skip changes in client change handling that with unknown data type (バグ 49417)
- git #7f642e5e - Handle failure to deserialize entity in lua
- git #4e0852bf - Hotfix: Make Special:SetSiteLink not set already used Links
- git #e69256d0 - parse the copyright message in EntityView (バグ 49171)
- git #37bfceab - handle exception for unknown data type when formatting PropertyValueSnak (バグ 48938)
- git #5e91506d - Split EntityPerPage rebuilder code into separate class
- git #ed95b10a - Change EntityId::getType to be static
- git #d48c3c14 - Take globe coordinate data type support out of experimental mode
- git #326fc5d4 - Renamed "geo coordinate" to "globe coordinate"
- git #3bc67a85 - Make the intro and rights message consistent in special pages
- git #95b313d8 - Use correct plural form
- git #8fbdbc38 - Corrected string and text description
- git #760fe7fb - Correct message so it is using plural parser function
- git #3f17c0b1 - Remove query message
- git #f566bfc1 - Move code for injecting the edit/add links link into class and add tests
- git #95703c0d - add permission, block and read only checks for Special:ModifyEntity
- git #c2aca42c - Moving entity operations into separate ChangeOps (バグ 48137)
- git #e0f22cec - Add .jshintrc for Wikibase and make it pass
- git #4542b348 - do null check for invalid site, instead of false
- git #7d08d55d - Basic EntityView PHPUnit test
- git #4662c429 - show correct diff revision id in diff view (バグ 45244)
- git #cf4ba379 - new Special:SetSiteLink (バグ 43870)
- git #14a6242a - EntityView::getHtmlForClaims separation into getHtmlForClaim
- git #4963346c - Inject value formatters into EntityView instead of using global in EntityView
- git #586f32c3 - Proper formatting of values in EntityView (バグ 49014)
- git #59187e82 - Selenium tests for setSitelink special page (バグ 43870)
- git #c5166c21 - This API action is wbcreateclaim but examples were saying action=createclaim
- git #005f2eb8 - Trigger redirect based on content negot. (バグ 44576)
- git #43547e30 - Added exception that is thrown when getting an invalid property id
- git #36252faf - Added InternalEntityIdInterpreter
- git #43e96e96 - Fix test which is broken when running Wikibase without ULS
- git #cb5005bb - Remove some dead prototyping code
- git #d62cdf7a - Fix action=purge for Special:EntityData
- git #6879b2fa - Removed unused import
- git #4c5aa1af - remove hardcoded "ERROR: TODO: ..." output from TypedValueFormatter
- git #973ca0a1 - Allow wikipedia subdomains in Special:ItemByTitle. (バグ 45080)
- git #83b94d3c - Added EntityUpdater
- git #30f7dd96 - Hooked up EntityRemover to lower level components
- git #795357a3 - Fix incorrect code after merge
- git #4313d04f - Register ALL of the tests in the MW test runner hook
- git #f9b2c65d - Added EntityRemover
- git #c2fa6d37 - json decode value for addQualifier in SetQualifier api module (バグ 48864)
- git #0f759595 - Move Set and RemoveQualifier api modules out of experimental
- git #81e86257 - Implemented ValuelessSnakStore->removeSnaksOfSubject
- git #bbe36895 - Implemented ValueSnakStore->removeSnaksOfSubject
- git #acb3f590 - Fix fetching of a TableBuilder after it got moved about
- git #829f7d7a - Fixed callback usage in ClaimDiffer and added tests
- git #1d04e4d8 - Fixed testPatch in EntityTest
- git #8ffb84a9 - Added test config and bootstrap for the DataModel component
- git #69f2c498 - Remove reference to old config file from travis.yml
- git #293ed1b4 - Use phpunit config file to work around phpunit bug in the travis build
- git #5dfe66fa - Added Travis CI config file
- git #5c405f32 - getInternalIdForEntity now takes an EntityId rather than its components
- git #8a07f0c9 - Added SnakRemover
- git #3f6364a1 - Remove useless information from the client SiteModule
- git #931caa17 - Remove EntityTable from EntityInserter
- git #2f947c55 - Removed unused import in EntityInserterTest
- git #aa7219e8 - Fixed some docs in EntityInserter
- git #e04416bd - Removed unused import in EntityInserter
- git #129a2e1c - Remove not needed code from evil MW loader
- git #0d5e7c13 - Added @covers tags to unit tests of the QueryEngine component
- git #599fdabc - Checking for valid qualifiers in claimview
- git #982d2180 - Unset language specific aliases set when removing the last alias
- git #4fafed23 - Adds a link to corresponding Wikibase Item to action=info (バグ 47726, バグ 47726)
- git #a4e47574 - Triggering "animationstep" event in snakview value variation
- git #b26414a9 - Dismiss copyright warning in Selenium tests
- git #e32af7d9 - Added additional sleep on RC load in Selenium tests
- git #007b44fa - Fixed failure in Selenium test due to bubble animation
- git #b61b4fee - Use dbKey in query of Special:UnconnectedPage
- git #ecf781c3 - hide the view source tab for item and property pages (バグ 48679)
- git #b0fb9b09 - Added evilMediaWikiBootstrap.php so the WikibaseDatabase test runner can also run the MW dependent tests
- git #7f0b0de0 - Take care of TableBuilder TODO in QueryEngine component
- git #83da63b0 - Have insert in QueryInterface throw an exception rather then returning a boolean
- git #823b0e68 - Added InsertFailedException
- git #f2499fda - Deprecated and removed some getPrefixedId usage in the DataModel component
- git #11a42024 - update and delete methods in QueryInterface now throw exceptions rather then retruning a boolean
- git #fa81460e - Added DeleteFailedException
- git #34bc7fa9 - Added UpdateFailedException
- git #0fed91e3 - Change EditEntity status failure from session-failure to sessionfailure
- git #4f599f12 - Add @throws to QueryInterface interface
- git #118fad33 - Updated depenedencies in composer.json
- git #7bf3c9d6 - Allow debug params X-CS and X-SUBDOMAIN in URL
- git #4f650dac - Further decouple banners from MobileFrontend. Dependent on change 67546.
- git #43c53486 - API python framework
- git #e985c77e - Fixed two bugs in zero config editor
- git #055414c8 - Smaller banner close box - some whitespace around box tappable.
- git #fd810dad - Added "enableHttps" flag support to zero configuration
- git #b2020ca7 - Show default and fallback values in zero config page
- git #08a02eea - Added default text of the zero config page
- git #ff17395c - Parsing and using currency-related data in cldr that we hadn't previously touched.